



1.                2.                3.                4.                5.               


6.A.Yes.I'd love to.    

B.Thank you very much.   

C.Of course not.

7.A.No.please don't.   

B.You are welcome.   

C.No hurry.

8.A.No.thanks.        B.No,never.       C.No,not at all.

9.A.It's,windy.        B.It's June 26.       C.It's Tuesday.

10.A.That's a good idea.

B.That's a good place.   

C.You are right.



11.Where did this conversation happen?

A.At a doctor's.    B.In a shop.          C.In tile teacher's office.

12.What's the matter with the man?

A.He's got a headache

B.He's got a cold.

C.He smokes too much.


13.Who was calling on the phone?

A.Mr. Smith.        B. Sally.               C.Mr. Green.

14.What was Mr. Smith doing at that time?

A.Answering the phone.

B.Having lunch outside the office.

C.Talking about the new building.

15.The telephone number you hear is                     

A.7084298              B.7042898              C.7029848




21.―What color is it?

―It's                     orange.

A.an                       B.a                         C./

22.―Hello, may I speak to Miss Jones?

    ―Sorry。she                      to Beijing. She went there this morning.

A.went                   B.has gone              C.has been

23.Our teacher always tells us not                   in the sun.

A.read                    B.to read                 C.reading

24.―I hope to visit the Summer Palace.


A.So do I                B.So I do             C.Yes.I do

25.She never comes late,                she?

A.doesn't                 B.does                    C.is

26.―How often do you go to see your grandparents?


A.For three months    B.In two days          C.Once a week

27.Don't                    .We can send the old clothes to those poor children.

A.throw it away       B.throw them away    C.throw away them

28.―Do you need any milk?

―No.I've got                 bottles in the refrigerator.

A.a little                     B.a few                   C.few

29.When you're learning English use it                   you won't make great progress.

A.or                       B.then                    C.and

30.―Will you go to the dinner Party?

―I won't go unless Tom              

A.is invited             B.will be invited      C.has invited

31.He has tried on two more blue T-shins.but he still thinks the green one fits him           

A.well                    B.better                         C.best

32.―Can you follow me?

    ―Sorry,I can                    follow you.You speak too fast.

A.hardly                 B.nearly                  C.clearly

33.Most of my classmates don't like to talk to their parents,but I am                  them.

    A.different from    B.surprised at            C.the same as

34.―I don't know                    next.

    ―You'd better finish your homework first.

A.what to do                  B.where to go             C.when to leave

35.Safe glasses are used                    protecting our eyes.

A.by                       B.for                      C.to

36.―Would yon like a cup of coffee?

                  .By the way,could you put seine milk in it?

A.Yes,please         B.No,thanks          C.Yes,I'd love to

37.There is                 for you if you put your heart into it.

A.difficult nothing     B.nothing easy         C.nothing difficult

38.―Do you know                   ?

    ―Yes.I do.He came here yesterday evening.

A.when did Yao Ming come here

B.when Yao Ming came here

C.when did Yao Ming came here

39.The parents always leave their son alone at home.They think that he is old enough to look after                

A.him                     B.himself                C.themselves

40.―Would you mind closing the window?

   ―                   .It would be nice.

A.Yes,1 would      B.Sure,go ahead      C.Of course not



    Not all heavy children have weight problems like adults.However,as children get older,their chance for staying fat   41  .The chance is even   42  if one or both parent are also overweight.It's important to work on weight problems early.

    Why is the healthy weight important? If you are too heavy and fat.You have a better chance of developing a serious  43  such as hear disease.Maybe you also suffer from other problems.For example,you often feel tired,but you can't   44  well.

The best   45   to lose weight is to eat healthier food and to exercise often.Be patient.It may   46   a long time.Don't stop yourself from eating,but eat healthier food. Get your whole family to eat   47  ,and it will be good for everyone.When you go to supermarket,try to buy food   48    is low in fat.

Do exercises! The Internet,computer games,and TV stop kids from  49  like dancing, running and so on.The whole family can go for a walk or a bike ride.It is good for their health and,  50   ,they can enjoy themselves together.

41.A.brings down         B.disappears            C.appears                  D.goes up

42.A.quicker                B.higher                 C.lower                     D.worse

43.A.trouble                B.loneliness             C.illness                   D.accident

44.A.work                   B.sleep                   C.walk                      D.exercise

45.A.thing                   B.task                     C.idea                     D.way

46.A.take                    B.cost                     C.spend                     D.pay

47.A.quietly                B.happily                C.healthily                D.comfortably

48.A.which                  B.where                  C.what                      D.who

49.A.doing activities    B.having classes

    C.eating healthily       D.going climbing

50.A.at first                 B.all the time

    C.at the same time      D.at last


difficulty,  tall,  life,  recover, reach

    Bao Xishun.a 2.36-meter-tall man who is listed by Guinness World Records as the  51 living man in the world,has saved the   52   of two dying dolphins by reaching deep into their stomachs to pull out pieces of plastic.

    Recently,at an aquarium(水族馆)in Fushtm,Liaoning Province,the tall man was asked for help when doctors failed to remove the plastic because the pieces of plastic were 53  to catch.The arms of ordinary people were too short  54   the stomachs.

    Some men held the dolphins down while Ban put his l.06-meter-long arm down their throats to take the plastic out.The dolphins are now  55  well.




56.Which place can serve you not only drinks but also food?

A.MICK'S CAFE                                        B.BARNEY'S

C.PUB SNACKS                                          D.Rainbow Restaurant

57.BARNEY'S.PUB SNACKS and Rainbow Restaurant all serve you                      

A.sandwiches          B.salads                  C.ice cream               D.French fries

58.If you want to try English food, which place is the best choice?

A.MICK'S CAFE                                        B.BARNEY'S

C.PUB SN ACKS                                         D.Rainbow Restaurant

59.If you want to have something to eat at 3:00 in the early morning,you can only go to              

A.MICK'S CAFE                                        B.B ARNEY'S

C.PUB SNACKS                                          D.Rainbow Restaurant



    Many scientists find that colors can change people's feelings,It’s very interesting.Some colors can make people feel relaxed,and some colors can make people feel nervous.Now,this kind of knowledge is being used in many places.For example,school walls are always painted green because green makes students feel relaxed.It is also good for the students' eyes.Some books are also green or light blue for the same reason.Restaurant owners not only have to know how to make food but also have to know how to make money.Here are some things they've learned from scientific studies.The color red makes people hungry.Many fast food restaurants have red furniture or walls.Soft colors like pink and light blue make people feel relaxed,So they spend more time eating.Land music may be nice at first.But it soon makes people want to leave.Hard seats also make customers want to eat quickly and leave.Many restaurants,especially fast food restaurants,use this knowledge to make customers eat faster.

60.How does the color green make the students feel?

A.Hungry.            B.Nervous.           C.Angry                    D.Relaxed.

61.How does the color red make most people feel?

A.Hungry.            B.Comfortable.    C.Excited.                D.Worried.

62,Which color isn't mentioned in this passage?

A.Green.              B.White.              C.Light blue.           D.Red.

63.What do many fast food restaurants do?

  ①Play loud music.②Play soft music.  ③Have hard seats.  ④Paint their walls red.

A.①②③                B.①③④                C.①②④                D.②③④

64.What's the best title for this passage?

A.Color and restaurant.                               B.Use color to make money.

C.Color and science.                                    D.Use color to change feelings.



    Many Children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information,and to relax in their free time.  65   Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.

    66    For example,when you can go online,for how long and what activities you can do online.

     ●Don't give you password to anyone else,and never give out the following information:your real name,home address,age,school,phone number or other personal information.

    ●Cheek with your parents before giving out a credit card number.

    ●Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it's OK.

    ●  67    Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people.You and your parents will want to make sure it's a right place for you.

    ●Never agree to meet anyone you meet on the Internet without your parents' permission.  68  Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are.Treat everyone online as if they were strangers.

    If something you see to read online makes you uncomfortable.Leave the site.Tell a parent or teacher right away.

    Remember---not everything you read on the Internet is true.



69.Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it's OK.


70.Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are.Treat everyone online as if they were strangers.(请将这两句话翻译成汉语)



    Good evening! It's 18:50.Carol is here.  71  .Thirty minutes ago,a bad accident happened here.Because of  72   ,some big stones fell from the mountain onto a bus.Most of the tourists only  73   themselves a little.Seven tourists were hurt badly.Unfortunately,a tourist   74  .The police and ambulances arrived in twenty minutes.Now,all of the wounded visitors have been taken to the local hospital.The police are still   75   the girl who disappeared(失踪).



john is shopping fo a sweater for his wife.A sales girl is talking with him.

John:Can you show me so me sweaters,please?

Salesgirl:Certainly,Sir.  76 

John:I'm sorry.1 want a ladies' sweater, not men's.

Salesgirl:Ah, I see.      77  Do you like any of these?

John:That one there is very nice.  78 

Salesgirl:It's one hundred and sixty-nine.

John:That's more than I want to spend.   79          

Salesgirl:Certainly,Sir.What price limit do you have in mind?

John:  80 

Salesgirl:In that case,I strongly suggest this one.It's just five dollars over your limit.

John:OK,I'll take it.


TOM:Susan,do you have any plans for this Saturday afternoon?

SUSAN:Oh.I'm very busy.W  8l  do you ask?

TOM:Oh.1 want Io know i  82   you'd like to go to see a movie with me.

SUSAN:I'd love to.But I'm r  83   going to be busy on Saturday afternoon.

TOM:What do you have to do?

SUSAN:I have to go to a piano lesson.

TOM:Well,are you f  84   after that?

SUSAN:After that,I need to h  85   Julia with her science.


2008北京奥组委正在招募志愿者(volunteer)。请以“Being a volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games”为题,写一篇80―100词左右的义章。文章开头已给出。


1.Build your self-confidence

2.Have an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills

3.Improve your English

4.Meet many famous athletes(运动员)

    It is a great thing to become a Volunteer for the 2008 Olympic Games