
英 语

(时间:120分钟 满分:120分)

听 力 部 分(25分)

一、听力测试 (25分)

(   ) 1. A.       B.        C.


(   ) 2. A.           B.            C.


(   ) 3. A.          B.            C.   


(   ) 4. A.        B.        C.


(   ) 5. A.         B.           C.



(   ) 6. A. Yes, please.            B. You can do it.             C. No, not at all.


(   ) 7. A. No, I'm not.            B. Yes, please.               C. Yes, speaking.


(   ) 8. A. You're welcome.        B. That's nothing.            C. All right.


(   ) 9. A. No, it won't.            B. I agree with you.          C. Yes, it will.


(   ) 10. A. English.              B. Chinese.                 C. French.

(二) 对话理解 (10分)



(    ) 11. A. America.             B. France.                 C. England.


(    ) 12. A. Friday.              B. Saturday.                C. Sunday.


(    ) 13. A. His sister.            B. His wife.                C. A shopkeeper.


(    ) 14. A. September.           B. December.               C. February.


(    ) 15. A. Because he can't understand her.   

         B. Because he is speaking too fast.

         C. Because he doesn't know what to say.



(   ) 16. How will the man go to the train station?

        A. By bus.                B. By taxi.                   C. By car.


(   ) 17. When will the train leave?


        A. At 4:00.                B. At 3:00.                   C. At 3:30.


(   ) 18. How long will it take the man to get to the station by taxi?

        A. 40 minutes.              B. 33 minutes.               C. 30 minutes.


(   ) 19. What does the man want the driver to do?

        A. To carry bags for him.     B. To get him a ticket.         C. To tell him the way.


(   ) 20. What's the man's phone number?


        A. 44249857.                 B. 44269856.             C. 44269857.

(三) 语篇理解  听短文,根据短文内容,选择最佳选项,并将所选选项的字母代号填入题前括号内。短文听两遍。(5分)


(   ) 21. Where did Mike go last summer?

        A. England.                  B. America.                 C. Japan.


(   ) 22. How long did Mike stay there?

        A. Two months.               B. The whole summer.        C. Two days.


(   ) 23. What did Mike do when he stayed there?

        A. He learnt English.        B. He taught English.       C. He learnt Japanese.


(   ) 24. Why did the owner of the shop have to learn English?

        A. Because he wanted to go to America.

        B. Because he had many American customers.

        C. Because he had an American friend.


(   ) 25. How many hours did Mike spend working a day?

        A. Eight hours.             B. Five hours.                  C. Three hours.

笔 试 部 分(95分)


二、单项选择  请将所选最佳答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。(20分)

(   ) 26. -Excuse me. _________?

        -You're right. You'd better take a bus.

        A. Where is the hospital                        B. Is there a hospital nearby    

        C. How can I get to the hospital                  D. Is the hospital very far


(   ) 27. -Shall I help you move the desk to the corner?

        -_________. I can do it myself.

        A. No, thanks       B. Not at all      C. Of course       D. Never mind


(   ) 28. Your MP4 is quite cheap. Where did you buy _________? I want to buy _________, too.

        A. one; one         B. it; it          C. it; one           D. one; it


(   ) 29. -How old is your daughter?

        -_________. We had a special party for her _________ birthday last week.

        A. Ninth; ninth      B. Nine; nine     C. Ninth; nine     D. Nine; ninth


(   ) 30. -What did you buy for your daughter at the supermarket?

        -I bought _________, because I couldn't find _________ she likes.

        A. something; anything                       B. anything; something

        C. nothing; anything                         D. something; nothing


(   ) 31. They are from _________. They’re _________.

        A. Germany; Germans                                  B. Germans; Germany  

        C. German; Germany                                 D. Germany; Germen


(   ) 32. -Do you know Huang Ting well?

        -Yes. She and I _________ friends since we met in Wuhan last summer.

        A. have made     B. were        C. have been       D. become


(   ) 33. Most of my classmates don't like to talk with their parents, but I am ________ them. I 

        love to talk with my parents.

        A. the same as      B. different from      C. interested in      D. angry with


(   ) 34. I feel it hard to keep up with my classmates. But whenever I want to ________, my

        teacher always encourages me to work harder.

        A. go on          B. give up           C. run away         D. give back


(   ) 35. -Could you please tell me _________? -I live in Enshi, Hubei.

        A. where do you live                        B. if you live in Enshi

        C. where you live                          D. where you were born


(   ) 36. -Let's go to the concert tonight, Michael!

        -Sorry, I _________. I have to help my mother with the housework.

        A. mustn't          B. may not            C. needn't            D. can't


(   ) 37. -Your brother doesn't get up early, does he?

        -_________. But he gets up late on weekends.

        A. Yes, he does                          B. No, he doesn't     

        C. Yes, he doesn't                        D. No, he does


(   ) 38. -My parents always tell me _________ others late at night.

        -They're right. It's not polite.

        A. call           B. not call           C. to call        D. not to call  


(   ) 39. Don't worry. He is _________ to look after little Betty.

        A. carefully enough                           B. enough careful   

        C. careful enough                            D. enough carefully


(   ) 40. I can't still understand the passage _________ there are few new words in it.

        A. so             B. because        C. if        D. though


(   ) 41. He was _________ tired _________ he fell asleep as soon as he lay down.

        A. too; to         B. so; that       C. such; that     D. enough; that


(   ) 42. _________ Lucy _________ Lily may go dancing with you, because they are not   

        allowed to go out on school nights.

        A. Either; or      B. Neither; nor      C. Both; and       D. Not only; but also


(   ) 43. I don't know if my uncle _________. If he _________, I will be very happy.

        A. comes; will come                           B. will come; will come  

      C. comes; comes                              D. will come; comes


(   ) 44. Maria _________ at 6:30 every morning by her mother to get ready for school.

        A. was woken up     B. woke up        C. wakes up        D. is woken up


(   ) 45. We know Jackie Chan _________ movies are very popular with the young.

        A. whose            B. that            C. who            D. which

In some science fiction movies, the robots are just like humans. They help with the housework and do the most   46   jobs.

Some scientists believe that there will be such robots in the future.   47  , they agree it may                        

  48   hundreds of years. Scientists are now trying to make robots   49   people and do the same things as us.

But robot scientist James White   50  . He thinks that it will be   51   for a robot to do the same things as a person.   52  , it's easy for a child to wake up and know where they are. Mr. White thinks that robots won't be able to do this. But other scientists disagree. They think that robots will be able to talk to people   53   25 to 50 years.

Robot scientists are not just trying to make robots look like people. For example, there are already robots   54   in factories. They do simple jobs over and over again. People would not like to do such jobs and would get bored. But robots will   55   get bored.

In the future, there will be more robots everywhere, and humans will have   56   work to do. New robots will have many different   57  . Some will look like humans, and   58   might look like snakes. After an earthquake (地震), a snake robot could help look for people under buildings. That may not seem possible now, but computers, space rockets and even electric toothbrushes   59   impossible a hundred years ago. We never know   60   will happen in the future!


三、完形填空  请将所选最佳答案的字母代号填入题前括号内。(15分)

(   ) 46. A. interesting       B. unpleasant        C. pleasant         D. popular


(   ) 47. A. But             B. So               C. However        D. While


(   ) 48. A. use             B. spend            C. pay             D. take


(   ) 49. A. look like         B. look at            C. look for         D. look up


(   ) 50. A. agrees           B. disagrees          C. likes           D. dislikes


(   ) 51. A. easy            B. difficult           C. important        D. possible


(   ) 52. A. For example      B. Instead           C. Such as         D. Besides


(   ) 53. A. after            B. for                C. over           D. in 


(   ) 54. A. worked          B. work            C. working        D. to work


(   ) 55. A. always           B. easily           C. never           D. often


(   ) 56. A. more            B. less             C. fewer           D. little 


(   ) 57. A. shapes           B. colors           C. sizes           D. actions    


(   ) 58. A. the other          B. other           C. the others        D. others


(   ) 59. A. seem            B. seemed          C. got            D. look


(   ) 60. A. that             B. how             C. what            D. when  


Beijing's battle to correct English-language signs before the 2008 Olympics has started.

By the end of the year, all public “W.C.” in the city will be called “toilets”. In western countries people don't use “W.C”, because it is quite rude in English.

Road signs are also on the list. These signs will be changed into real English word. For example, “Dong Chang'an Jie” will become “East Chang'an Avenue”.

But there is still a question. What to do about menus? Thousands of tourists, athletes and reporters will visit the city, and most of them can't speak Chinese or understand Chinese characters.

Now linguists (语言学者) are trying hard to translate popular Chinese dishes like “ants climbing the tree ” into good English.


Chinese children will be able to get a taste of adult working life in the Kids City. It will allow children aged 5 to 10 to try out different jobs after it opens.


四、阅读理解 (30分)