




1.What sport is Jim good at?   

2.How does Jack often go to school?

3.What are the woman’s children doing?

4.What does Ken often do after supper?

 5.What does the marl want to buy?


6.A.No, she isn’t.               B.No, she can’t.             C.Yes, she is.

7.A.He’s thirteen.               B.He’s thirty.                       C.He’s three.

8.A.Sally can speak English but she can’t speak Chinese.

   B.Sally can speak English and Chinese.

   C.Yes, she can。

9.A.They are playing basketball.

   B.They are from China.

   C.They are twelve years old.

10.A.My mother is a nurse and my father is a worker.

B.Yes, they can.

C.No, they can’t.


11.Who is a teacher?

A.Ann’s mother.            B.Ann’s father.              C.Mike’s father.

12.How many people are there in Dick’s family?

A.There are three            B.There are four.           C.There are five.

13.What is Betty’s uncle?

A.He’s manager.            B.He’s in a factory.        C.He’s a worker.

14.What can Jenny do?

A.She can drive a bus.     B.She can ride a horse.    C.She can ride a bike.

15.What languages can Mary speak?

A.Chinese and Arabic.     B.English and Chinese.    C.English and Japanese.


16.Jim is         boy, and his friend is a        

A.a Chinese;girl           B.an English;boy          C.an English;girl

17.Their        are not mentioned(提及) in this passage.

A.countries                     B.parents                       C.teachers

18.Meimei and Jim are in          

A.No.4 Middle School   B.Row 3                        C.Class 4

19.       is their Chinese teacher and           is their English teacher.

A.Mrs. Liu;Miss Li       B.Miss Li;Mr. Liu         C.Miss Li;Mrs. Liu

20.Which is NOT right?

A.Jim and Meimei are middle school students.

B.Jim’s number is 4, and Meimei’s number is 5.

C.Meimei and Jim aren’t good friends.


21.--What are these?

--        are cats.

A.They                          B.It                               C.He

22.--What’s your favourite sport?

    --             is my favoufite.

A.Run                           B.Running                     C.Runing

23.--Can you          English?

    --Sorry, I can’t.

A.say                             B.talk                            C.speak

24.--What          your father do?

    --He is a driver.

A.do                              B.is                               C.does

25.--I go to school on           every day.

    --I don’t like walking.I go to school by bus.

A.foot                           B.feet                            C.a foot

26.--What’s the weather       in Harbin?

    --It’s cold today.

A.love                           B.think                          C.like

27.It’s fine today.Here “fine” means        

A.good                          B.well                            C.sunny

28.--There         a cake and some bananas on the table.

    --Wow, they look delicious.

A.be                              B.is                               C.are

29.--Are there         computers in the room?

    --Yes, there are.There are four computers in it.

A.some                          B.any                            C.many

30.--What can you see in the picture?

    --I can see three pens and two          

A.dictionaries                 B.dictionary                   C.dictionarys

31.--Is computer your favourite subject?

    --Yes, it is.I like it           it is interesting.

A.but                             B.so                              C.because

32.--Can you talk       the World Cup in English?

    --Yes, I can.

A.with                           B.about                          C.to

33.--This room is very big

    --It is the         hall.We often have         here.

A.dining,dining            B.dinner,dining            C.dining,dinner

34.--      is my bike?

    --It’s behind the house, next to        

A.Where,mine             B.Where,my                C.Which,mine

35.--Has she got uncles and aunts?


A.Yes, she has           B.She has uncle              C.Yes, she got

36.--Is your father a policeman or a doctor?


A.Yes, he is                    B.Yes, he is a policeman     C.He is a policeman

37.--Would you like        milk?

    --No, thanks.I’m full.

A.any                            B.some                          C.many

38.Sara has got a big family.One of her aunts         got five children.

A.have                           B.has                             C.is

39.--What’s in the basket?

    --There are        oranges and       meat。

A.much,many              B.many,much              C.many,many

40.--I don’t want to watch TV.

    --What about         tennis with him?

A.play                           B.to play                        C.playing



Please look at the photo of my family.There are  41  people in my family.This is my facher.His name is Xia Donghai.42  is a director(导演).This is my mother, Liu Mei.She is a nurse  43  a hospital.I am the girl  44  my mother.My name is Xie Xue.

There are two boys  45  us.They are my two brothers, Xia Yu and Liu Xing.Liu Xing is a student in a middle school.In my eyes, he is not a good student,  46  he can get on well with all his  47  and he has got  48  friends.

I have got a big and  49  family.Our parents love  50  very much.

41.A.four                       B.five                      C.six

42.A.He                        B.She                               C.His

43.A.with                      B.on                        C.in

44.A.next to                    B.in front                    C.behind

45.A.on                        B.in front of                 C.behind

46.A.and                        B.but                      C.or

47.A.workers                    B.doctors                   C.classmates

48.A.many                     B.much                    C.any

49.A.old                       B.happy                    C.small

50.A.we                       B.our                      C.us



If we want to be healthy, We must have enough food.We clean the food before we eat.We must(必'须)eat the right kind of food.

Bread is good for us.It helps us to work.It makes us warm when the day is cold.But if we do not eat other food, we can become ill.

Meat, fish, eggs and milk are all very good for us.They help us to grow.They make us healthy.We must have some of these kinds of food every day.

We also need fruit and vegetables.These also help us to grow and be healthy.They make our bones(骨骼) and skin healthy.

51.We must      the food before we eat.

A.cook                B.clean               C.cut                  D.hit

52.What is good for us?

A.Brea,meat,fish                           B.Bread,sugar,fish

C.Chocolate,meat,cookies                     D.Hamburger,candy,carrots

53.If we want to be healthy, we should(应该)eat      of food.

A.one kind              B.right               C.many kinds            D.lots

54.What makes our bones and skin healthy?

A.Fruit and vegetables                            B.Fruit and bread

C.Meat and vegetables                             C.Pork and pea

55.What’s the meaning of “enough”?

A.适当的,合适的     B.好的,美的            C.充足的,足够的  D.完美的


Michael Jordan used to be(曾经是)a great basketball player in NBA in America.He plays basketball very well.Many people in the world like watching him play basketball.

Li Lei is a sport fan(狂热者;迷).He loves Jordan very much.He watches him on TV, reads some books about him and he hones to see him.The children in China want Jordan to come to China.They would like to take photos with Jordan.


56.Michael Jordan’s given name is        

A.Michael Jordan                  B.Michael               C.Jordan

57.What was Michael Jordan’s job in the past?

A.A coach(教练)            B.A football player    C.A basketball player

58.Michael Jordan used to play basketball in        

A.America                     B.China                  C.the world

59.What would Chinese children like to do with Jordan when he comes to China?

A.have a meal         B.only see him          C.take photos             D.have a match

60.Who is a great basketball player in China?

A.Yao Ming            B.Liu Xiang            C.Liu Guoliang          D.Ding Junhui

第Ⅱ卷  非选择题(50分)



1.--What is your f           food?

--Beef and potatoes.

2.Jalkson’s mother is a doctor at the h        

3.He can’t do it.Let’s help h   

4.There are many tall h        around our school.

5.I have got a computer.I can send e       to my friends.


6.--Hi! Jim, can you          (play)computer games?

   --Sorry, I can’t.

7.Tony is from England, He is         (England).

8.Jay Zhou is a famous         (sing).He makes many beautiful songs.

9.Would you like          (go) to the party with me?

10.I don't like hamburgers, because they are          (healthy)food.


1.there,in your family,how many,are,people


2.any brothers,got,you,have,or sisters


3.Betty,my name,is,I’m,and,from China


4.my father,tomatoes,hasn’t got,any,onions,or


 5.Tommy’s mother,a secretary,is,CCTV,in




  A:I think I eat too much.


  A:Two hamburgers, some dumplings, egg and…

  B:What? (2)                 

  A:I know (3)                  


  A:Okay, (5)                   

A.but I like eating.

B.Would you like to have a walk with me now?

C.What do you have?

D.You can’t eat so much at one time.

 E.I would like to.


Mike:What kind of (6)        do you want?

Ann:Well, I like hamburger and ice cream.

Mike:Sorry, but I don’t (7)         hamburger.How (8)     ice cream and egg sandwich?

Ann:OK, I love it, too.

Mike:What about carrots? We should eat (9)        often.

Ann:That’s (10)            !


中央电视台的英语节目My family邀请你们全家去录制节目。首先要求你们做一个家庭介绍,然后再进行才艺表演。






Favourite Food

Favourite Sport

Li Meng









