



(    )1.A.By learning to forget.              B.By memorizing grammar.

  C.By making some new friends.

(    )2.A.Really? Isn’t it too hot?           B.You’d better take some warm clothes.

  C.Why not travel alone?

(    )3.A.Wait until someone introduce himself to you.

  B.Just eat and drink, don’t mind others.

  C.Try talking with someone who looks friendly.

(    )4.A.Good idea.               B.I don’t want to.       C.Yes, I will go with you.

(    )5.A.Tell her to sleep with her bedroom light on.

  B.Tell her to sleep in the day.

  C.Tell her not to go home.



A.               B.              C.              D.

1.            2.            3.            4.             5.             


a. hair band

b. T-shirt

c. French-book

d. baseball

e. backpack

f. CD

g. keys

(    )2.Tony

(    )3.Gina

(    )4.Anna

(    )5.Mr Wu


(    )1.It’s a story about ____________.

                   A.a girl who had one arm.

                   B.a boy who had one eye

                   C.a boy who had one leg.

(    )2.After the operation(手术) __________.

                   A.he still had the some life

                   B.he had a different life.

                   C.he left his country.

(    )3.Sam traveled around England at the age of ___________.

                   A.10                             B.20                            C.12

(    )4.People raised money for ___________.

                   A.Sam himself               B.cancer research          C.Sam’s family

(    )5.From the article, we can know that Sam. _____________.

                   A.brave                         B.shy                          C.poor





1.bus                                            2.unfair                     

3.chase                                          4.teacher                     




1.Many people are _____________ of snakes.

2.On my way to school, I _______ my pen on the road.

3.He said that __________ the words of pop songs was also helpful.

4.With his dog’s help, the man found a village _____________.

5.Don’t look so ______________!


(    )1.__________ he doesn’t do the job for us?

                   A.When if                     B.What if                   C.Why

(    )2.-Why is there _________ noise outside?

 -Some workers are cutting down trees.

                   A.much too                   B.too much                C.so much

(    )3.Tom hopes to get _________ MP3 like that.

                   A.×                             B.a                            C.an

(    )4.Yao Ming is _________ as one of the most popular basketball players in the world.

                   A.regarded                    B.kept                       C.watched

(    )5.Everyone knows that Taiwan __________ China.

                   A.is belonged to             B.is belonging to        C.belongs to

(    )6.The person over there _________ be Mei. She has just gone to London.

                   A.must                          B.might                     C.can’t

(    )7.Here’s coffee and water, you may have ____________.

                   A.either                         B.each                       C.it

(    )8.Don’t leave the boy in the classroom by _____________.

                   A.itself                          B.himself                   C.herself

(    )9.-Why do you think the cat is running?

 -It could __________ for exercise.

                   A.run                            B.be running              C.is running

(    )10.I really don’t know __________.

                   A.how can I learn English grammar

                   B.what to say

                   C.why is he late




Alice: Hello, John. Did you remember to bring the video for tomorrow’s English club meeting to school? I want to watch the video at lunchtime today.

John: I’m sorry.   1  . I went swimming this morning before school so my bag was very full. Shall I try to phone my mum and ask her to bring it to school? I have my mobile phone in my bag.

Alice:    2  .

John. No, of course not. She usually goes to visit my grandmother at lunchtime. She lives quite near here. I need to phone my mum soon. She may go there later. (John phones his mum) Mum! Is that you?    3  . There’s a video on my bed. I planned to bring it to school but I forgot. Can you bring it to school for me?

John’s mother: OK. I’ll bring it now. In fact,   4   I shouted to you from the window. I thought you heard me because suddenly you stopped walking.

John: Sorry, mum    5   I keep falling over because of them.

John’s mother: Why don’t you try wearing shoes without shoelaces(鞋带)? They’re much more comfortable.

John: Thanks mum!

1.             2.             3.             4.             5.             


(W代表Woman  P代表Policeman)

W:Policeman! Policeman!

P:  1  ?

W:Somebody stole my handbag. My money my credit cards and everything was in it.

P:All right. Don’t worry. OK, now   2  .

W:He was tall and thin, about 1.8 meters.

P:And how heavy was he?

W:Oh,   3  . Maybe about 80 kilograms.

P:How old was he?

W:  4  , only 16 or 17, I think.

P:What color was his hair?

W:Black, and it was long and straight.

P:And his clothes?

W:A T-shirt.

P:Fine,   5  .

W:Well, it was small and dark brown. It was made of leather(皮革).


    One day Tim went to a barber’s shop and had his hair cut. But when he came out, he was not   1   with he hair. When his friend Bob see him, he laughed and said. “What had happened   2  your hair, Tim?” Tim said, “I only   3   a new barber’s shop today, because wasn’t quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even   4  .”Bob agreed with him. “Yes, I think you’re   5  . Now I would   6   to barker’s next time. Look at all the barber’s hair, then find out whose hair   7   the worst, and go to him.”“Why?   8   I go to him?” Tim asked. “But that would be foolish!” “Oh, no, it wouldn’t” answered Bob. “Who cut that man’s hair? Just   9   it. He couldn’t cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. So you know, he   10   be the worst barber.



Mr. Young worked in a factory. He was an able worker and could get more money than his workmates. His wife was able, too. She did all housework and took good care of her children. They were never worried about food or clothes. But they were both miserly(吝啬的) and tried to save everything. Their family wore old and broken clothes. He always went to work and their children went to school on foot.

One afternoon, while Mrs. Young was cooking supper, she heard the bell. A man said on the telephone, “I’m sorry to tell you something. Your husband died in an accident.”

The woman hardly believed her ears. “When did it happen?” she shouted sadly.” At four, Mrs. Young.”

“It’s half past five!” the woman said angrily. “Why didn’t you tell me about it an hour ago? I’ve cooked supper for him!”

“Everything was confused(混乱的) here at that time and all of us forgot it.”

“What were his last words?”

“He asked us to tell you he couldn’t go home for supper today!”


(    )1.Mr. Young was able, so ___________.

                   A.he wore old clothes                     B.he went work on foot

                   C.he lived a happy life                    D.he was paid more

(    )2.Mr. Young’s children went to school on foot because ___________.

                   A.they were poor                           B.his parents tried to save money

                   C.there were no buses in the town    D.they hoped to do morning exercises

(    )3.Mrs. Young began to cook supper at ___________.

                   A.four                B.half past four  C.five             D.half past five

(    )4.The phrase “last words” in the story means ___________.

                   A.最后一些词典 B.最后一些话   C.遗言            D.嘱托

(    )5.Mrs. Young became angry because _________.

                   A.She wasn’t told about the bad news before she cooked supper.

                   B.the factory didn’t retell her husband’s last words in time.

                   C.she couldn’t see her husband before he died.

                   D.she didn’t know if her husband’s last words were real.


Mr. White is reading an ad of the United Bank. Here is the bank hours.


(    )1.What day can he get money from the bank after 18:30?

                   A.Monday.          B.Tuesday.        C.Friday.         D.Saturday.


(    )2.What is “S.O.S.” here?

                   A.sign for “HELP”                         B.A book on traveling.

                   C.Christmas card.                                                   D.ship on the Internet.

(    )3.If you do some shopping at S.O.S., how can you pay for it?

                   A.By writing your name down        B.By entering your credit card number.

                   C.By posting your money.               D.By giving your ID number.


(    )4.Why doesn’t Ann want to go to the Odeon?

                   A.The film is too long                    B.There’s nowhere to eat.

                   C.He doesn’t like war films.            D.The cinema is too far away


(    )5.Which cinema are they going to?

                   A.The Odeon.                                B.The Wild West.

                   C.The ABC.                                   D.London Sing.


A rich man was once riding along the road and saw an old man digging in his garden. On the ground lay a young tree, ready to be planted. The rich man called out to the old man, “What kind of tree are you planting there, my good man?”

“This is a fig(无花果) tree, sir,” he said.

“A fig tree?” the rich man was very surprised. “Why, how old are you, may I ask?”

“What!” cried the rich man. “You’re ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it’ll take years to give fruit. You certainly don’t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree.” The old man looked around the garden. Then he said with a smile, “Tell me, sir. Did you eat figs when you were a boy?” “Sure.” The rich man did not know why he asked this question. “Then tell me,” he said, “Who planted the fig trees?” “Why? I don’t know.” “You see, sir,” went on the old man, “our forefathers(祖先) planted trees for us to enjoy and I am doing the same for the people after me.”

The rich man was quiet and said, “You are right, my good man. We should do some good thing for the people after us. Thank you very much.” Then he rode away.

(    )1.The rich man in the story was helping the old man plant a fig tree.

(    )2.The rich man was surprised because the old man was ninety years old.

(    )3.The rich man’s father planted the fig trees, so he could eat figs when he was a boy.

(    )4.The old man planted a fig tree because he wanted the people after him to eat the fruit.

(    )5.This story tells us the rich man and the old man are clever.


There was a traveler who was wet and cold because he had ridden in the rain. At last, reached a country inn. The inn was so crowded with people that he couldn’t get near the fire. So he called to the inn keeper. “Take some fish to my horse!” The inn keeper answered, “But the horse doesn’t eat fish.” The traveler then said, “Never mind, do it as I tell you.” The crowd of people, hearing this strange order, ran out to see the horse eat fish. The traveler now having the whole room, sat down beside the fire and got himself warm.

When the innkeeper came back with the crowd of people, he said, “Your horse would not eat fish.” The traveler answered, “Never mind, put it on the table, and when I have dried my clothes, I’ll have it myself.”

1.Why was the traveler wet and cold?


2.Were there many people in the inn?


3.What did the traveler ask the inn keeper to do?


4.Who went out?


5.What do you think of the traveler?




We can learn English by:








What kind of music



dance music

enjoying dancing


jazz music



rock music and dance music



country music



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