

第Ⅰ卷 (85分)



(   ) 1.A.$9.                           B.$19.               C.$90.

(   ) 2.A.Austria.                       B.Australia.             C.Saturday afternoon.

(   ) 3.A.This afternoon.                        B.Sunday afternoon.      C.Saturday afternoon.

(   ) 4.A.White shirt.                    B.Bright shirt.           C.White sheet.

(   ) 5.A.You will fail the exam.

        B.Prepare for the exam or you’ll fail it.

        C.The exam is too difficult.


(   ) 6.A.Take an umbrella to your son.

        B.Take an umbrella because of the sun.

        C.Take an umbrella with you for it’s going to rain.

(   ) 7.A.Daisy is very busy every day except weekend.

        B.Daisy is completely free besides weekend.

        C.Daisy is almost always very busy except weekend.

(   ) 8.A.Can I leave a message for your manager?

        B.Can you give my message to my manager?

        C.Can I have your message for my manager?

(   ) 9.A.Don’t make the radio so noisy, please.

        B.Please turn off the radio.It’s too noisy.

        C.Turn on the radio for the minute, please.

(   )10.A.Some people go to the beautiful beach to see the sea.

           B.Some people travel for pleasure.

           C.Some people go to interesting places.


(   )11.How will the girl go to school?

    A.By bike.                          B.By car.                     C.On foot.   

(   )12.What time does the plane arrive in London?

    A.At 3:15pm.                   B.At 3:15am.            C.At 3:45pm.

(   )13.Who is going to get some pictures?

    A. Miss Brown.                B. Tom.               C.Mr. White.

 (   )14.What is Billy probably doing now?

    A.Doing his homework.

    B.Turning on the TV

    C.Watching TV.

(   )15.Which bill has just arrived?


(   )16.What are they talking about?

      A.Their weekends.

B.Their relatives.

C.Their plans.

(   ) 17.What did Frank do on Saturday?

A.He did his homework.

B. he played tennis.

C. He visited his relatives.

(   )18.Whom did Frank go to the beach and play soccer with?

A.His brother.                B.His family.         C.His friends.

(   )19.When did Date study for a maths test?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

(   )20.Why did Date have more fun in the evening?

A.She cleaned her room herself.

B.She went to movies with her friends.

C.She had a parity.


(   )21.What had the husband and wife planned to buy?

A.Some clothes

B.A television set.

C.Some clothes and a TV set.

(   )22.Where did this story take place?

A.London.                       B.Oxford University.     C.A railway station.

(   )23.Why didn’t the speaker buy any clothes?

A.Because they were too expensive.

B.Because they were not good enough.

C.Because they were too large.

(   )24.Why did the husband and wife go on his or her own way when shopping?

A.Because they had to go to different shops.

B.Because they were so many people in the street.

C.Because they had quarreled.

(  )25.What did they buy at last?

      A.Two TV sets.               B.Some clothes.        C.Two large boxes.




26.Tracy knows very well how to play            piano.

    A./                  B.a                   C.an              D.the

27.To our             , the old man climbed up to the top of the mountain.

     A.surprised           B.surprises            C.surprise            D.surprising

28.Music is as             sports among young people.

    A.more popular        B.Most popular        C.popular             D.so popular

29.I’m thirsty.I think I’ll buy some             

     A.water              B.bread               C.cakes              D.eggs

30.It’s over             from Shijiazhuang to Beijing.

     A.three hours’ drive                           B.three hour’s drive

      C.three hours’s drive                           D.three hours drive

31.――Which classmate is the best friend of             ?

    ――I think Helen is.

    A.you                B.your               C.yours               D.yourself

32.There is         salt in the kitchen.Would you like to go to the shop and get        ?

    A.little; some          B.little; any                   C.a little; some        D.a little; any

33.――Your tea, please.

    ――There must be             in the tea.It testes good.

    A.anything sweet                              B.something sweet

    C.sweet something                            D.everything sweet

34.――A latest English newspaper, please!

    ――Only one copy left.Would you like to have            , sir?

    A.it                  B.one                 C.this              D.that

35.Liu Xiang,21, is an Olympic winner in the             hurdles(跨栏赛), we’re proud of him.

   A.110 meter                                     B.110―meters

   C.110 meter                                    D.110―meters’

36.――This is             film I’ve told you about several times.

    ――It is great.I’ve never seen             more moving one.

    A.a; a                B.the; the              C.the; a            D.a; the

37.Hangzhou is famous             producing silk in China.

    A.from               B.at                   C.in               D.for

38.――When did you come back from Beijing?

    ――             the morning of April 18th

    A.For             B.On                  C.To                 D.At

39.――Mum, I’m hungry.

    ――What about going to Mc Donald’s             fried chicken?

    A.eat                B.to eat             C.eating           D.and eat

40.――I hear your father             to Japan once.

    ――Yes.He             there last year.

      A.went; has been                           B.has been; went

     C.goes; went                              D.has been; has been


     For me, Christmas always began in the middle of the cold, windy month of November.My sister Alice and I sat down in front of the fire and wrote a  41  to Father Christmas, telling him about all the presents we  42 .We carefully posted the letter to “Father Christmas, the North Pole”…

     Christmas Eve came.The whole family helped to  43  the house, put up the Christmas tree and blow up the balloons.Then, in the afternoon.When Aunt Kate and my two cousins arrived.44  was ready.Before we went to bed, we left some wine and meat for Father Christmas and then put our  45  at the end of our beds.We tried to keep  46  as long as possible to see Father Christmas, but the next thing we knew it was  47  ―Christmas morning!

     We couldn’t wait to  48  the stocking.It was now full of all kinds of small presents and sweets.Christmas morning was bright and sunny.After going to church, my cousin David and I went out into the garden to  49  our new presents.Lunch was always late, but what a lunch! Delicious turkey with all the vegetables followed by fruit and ice creams.

       50  lunch, Father, Mother and Aunt rested on the sofas in front of the Queen’s speech on TV.We took out the toys, put on the funny paper hats, laughed at the jokes and played 51 .Then came the afternoon tea and a large  52  cake covered with snowmen.It didn’t seem possible, 53  we still went on eating.By bedtime all of us children were very_54__.As soon as Mom  55  the light, we all tell into a deep sleep.

41.A.card               B.letter               C.diary               D.composition

42.A.wanted            B.carried              C.sold                D.borrowed

43.A.repair             B.build               C.choose              D.decorate

44.A.something          B.nothing             C.everything           D.anything

45.A.shoes              B.trousers             C.jackets              D.stockings

46.A.awake              B.asleep               C.alone               D.away

47.A.morning           B.afternoon           C.evening             D.night

48.A.wash               B.change              C.open                D.hang

49.A.hand in             B.play with            C.throw away          D.pass on

50.A.Before             B.After               C.During              D.At

51.A.happily             B.carefully            C.silently              D.slowly

52.A.birthday            B.New Year           C.Christmas            D.Thanksgiving

53.A.but                B.so                  C.or                  D.and

54.A.hungry             B.tired                       C.excited              D.surprised

55.A.turned on          B.turned back          C.turned up           D.turned off




     Zhao Rurui, at 1.97 meters was the tallest player in the Women’s Volleyball World Cup.Thanks to her baby face, she was also the most beautiful player.

     But, more importantly, she was also the Cup’s best player! She attacked quickly, scored lots of points, and was a great striker(扣球手).

     “She is young but she’s already an excellent attacker,” says Chen Zhonghe, the team’s head coach.

     Being tall sometimes makes Zhao’s life difficult.The 22―year―old girl finds it hard to buy trousers long enough.And sometimes people think she’s a boy.

     Still, she would never want to be short.“It’s a pity I can’t grow any taller,” she says, “I hope to be even taller, so I would be a better player.”

     Zhao works very hard to be good at volleyball.But when she’s not training, she likes to listen to pop songs and she likes drawing.

     She was very pleased to win the Cup.Now she wants to win the 2004 Athens Olympics.

     “I want to be the bet volleyball player in the world,” she says.“I still have a long way to go.”

56.Zhao Ruirui is a              player,

    A.volleyball           B.basketball            C.football                    D.baseball

57.Sometimes             brings Zhao Ruirui some trouble in her daily life.

A.her baby face                              B.her being tall

C.her age                                   D.her being good at volleyball

58.Zhao Ruirui doesn’t wish to             

   A.be shorter                                  B.win the Athens Games this year

   C.be taller                                     D.be a girl

59.The last sentence “I still have a long way to go.”Means

   A.It is a long way from China to Athens.

   B.I have to go a long way to buy a pair of new trousers.

   C.I have to work harder to become the best player in the world.

   D.If I want to become the best player, I have to live longer.

60.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

   A.Zhao feels sorry for being tall.

   B.Zhao is the best volleyball player in the world.

   C.Zhao enjoys nothing but playing volleyball.

   D.Zhao was the best volleyball player in the Women’s Volleyball World Cup.



1889     Born in London.

Mother   Dancer

Father    Actor(演员), not much money.

1894     Started dancing and singing for money.

1904     Joined a traveling theatre company and went to America.

1910     Someone offered him a part(角色) in a film.Went to Hollywood(好莱坞).

1914     Became a film director(导演).

1914-1966 Made many funny films.

1977     Died in Switzerland.People were very sad.

61.Charlie Chaplin was born in          

     A.England           B.America             C.France                 D.Japan

62.Charlie Chaplin’s parents          

    A.made a lot of money by giving performance

    B.were not very rich

    C.had a traveling theatre company

    D.were born in London

63.Charlie began to make money when he was           years old.

    A.15                B.21                 C.5                     D.18

64.Charlie became a film actor in          

    A.1894               B.1904                C.1910                   D.1914

65.Which of the four is NOT TURE?

A.Charlie was only 15 when he came to the US.

B.Charlie worked as an actor and a film director for more than 50 years.

C.Charlie worked in Hollywood.

D.When Charlie died.Nobody was sad.


     I have never taken cooking classes.I learned cooking from my mother because she was rally interested in teaching me how to cook.The main reason for this was because when my mother got married, she didn’t know how to cook anything, not even an egg.My grandmother never allowed her to stay in the kitchen when she was cooking.

     My mother did not start to cook until she was 25 years old.In the beginning, it was very hard for her.Therefore, she had to take cooking classes to prepare our meals.After having that experience, she decided to teach me how to cook because she didn’t want me to have the same experience.

     I remember when I was seven years old, and my mother was cooking, I was with her in the kitchen enjoying cooking.I always helped her.Sometimes we prepared meals that my mother already knew how to make, and sometimes we prepared them from recipes.Nowadays, I am really thankful for that experience because I don’t need help to cook a meal.I can cook for me alone or for a group of people; it doesn’t matter.

     I will do the same with my children because I don’t want them to have the same experience as my mother.If one day I am not with them, I want to be sure that they can carry on their lives without me.

66.The writer’s mother learned cooking          

A.from the writer’s grandmother

      B.all by herself

      C.by taking cooking class

      D.from cooking books

67. The writer’s mother taught the writer how to cook because          

      A.she wanted the writer to be more independent(独立)

      B.the writer was interested in cooking

      C.she thought it a must for a woman to learn

      D.she needed more help when she was cooking

68.The underlined word “recipes” in this passage most probably means          

A.instructions on how to prepare food

B.experiences of cooking food

C.some well-known cooks

D.tools for cooking and heating food

69.We can learn from the passage that the writer’s children will          

A.hate cooking                                   B.learn cooking

C.teach cooking                                  D.forget cooking

70.The writer must think cooking is          to learn in life.

A.interesting                                            B.Difficult

C.enjoyable                                                  D.important

第Ⅱ卷 (65分)



71.Who act in TV shows in this passage?


72.How many teachers are there in Hollywood?


73.Besides resting and playing,what do children have to do each week?

They have to         twenty hours every week.

74.Are the pupils good in Hollywood?

They are         pupils.

75.Where do children have classes in Hollywood besides in a Mississippi boat?

They have classes in        



76.We don’t have to be afraid of c          SARS.                            76.        

77.W          it is and wherever you are,please believe in yourself and smile at life.


78.We have met many d         in our study.                                    78.        

79.They are doing e         in the physics lab.                                   79.        

80.The traffic in Being has i         a lot.                                         80.        

81.Beijing will         (主办)the 2008 Olympics.                                 81.        

82.Different people have different         (爱好).                             82        

83.It’s too          (噪音、喧闹).Please close the windows.               83.        

84.It’s         (不礼貌)to speak loudly at the table?                                84.        

85.Today the Tang costume Can be         (设计)as formal or casual clothes.85.        


     Now it’s time for our weekly competition.Last week’s prize of two theatre tickets  86 (win) by Bill Margins.Congratulations, Bill! I hope you  87  (receive) your tickets by now.This week we are offering a classical(经典的)CD to the first listener who can name the piece of music and the person who wrote it.I  88  (play) the piece of music in a few minutes, but before I do, you need  89  (get) a pencil and a piece of paper, as I’m going to give you some help which should make your job a little easier.Listen carefully and you might be this week’s lucky winner.

First: Although the person who wrote the music was born is Italy, he  90  (spend) most of his life in Spain.

      Second: There is also a famous.It  91  (have) the same title as the music arid it is usually performed in the open air in the summer.When this piece of music was first performed, many audiences couldn’t keep  92  (listen).They got up and walked out.They thought the music was terrible and  93  (say) it was a waste of their money.

     The last point: Part of his music has been used for an ad which you  94  (see) on TV, in a lot of magazines.I’m sure when you hear the music you  95  (know) what the ad is for, I’m not going to tell you what product it is, because that would almost give you the answer!

     So, that’s four things to remember. If you can give us the answer, please ring 0018973266.

Don’t forge the telephone number.And the music is coming up now.Hope you, will enjoy it!

86.          87.          88.          89.          90.          

91.          92.          93.          94.          95.          



     Reading for pleasure is the easiest way to become a better reader in English.It is also the most important way.

     Some students say they don’t want to read for pleasure.They say they want to use their time to learn the rules of the language and new word.They say that pleasure reading is too easy.

     Many experts(专家) say pleasure reading is very important for learning English.Dr. Stephen Krashen, a famous expert on learning languages, says that pleasure reading helps you learn many important things about English.Students learn more grammar and more words when they read for pleasure.They also learn more about good writing.

     Dr. Krashen tells us that pleasure reading helps each student in different way.Each student needs to learn something different.Pleasure reading makes it possible for each student to learn what he or she needs.

     Reading for pleasure is not the same as studying.When you read for pleasure, you choose your own books, and you don’t have to remember everything.There are no tests on your pleasure reading books.Pleasure reading will help you:

    ●learn how English speakers use English

    ●read faster in English

    ●find examples of good writing in English

    ●learn new words

    ●learn about the cultures(文化) of English speakers

96.Is pleasure reading important for learning English?

97.Which is the easier way to become a better reader, pleasure reading or studying?

98.What do some students think of pleasure reading?

99.How can we become better readers?

100.What’s the greatest advantage(优点)of pleasure reading?


101.当你在词典里查一个词时,注意这个词的第一个字母。(1ook up)

102.二十世纪六十年代,大多数城墙被拆毁了。(pull down)

103.我们必须记住我们不仅应该吃最喜欢的食物而且也要吃其他健康食品。(not     only...but also)




    为了迎接父亲节的到来,《21世纪报》(21st century)正在开展有关“父子(女)亲情”的征文活动。假如你叫周泰(ZhouTai),下列几幅图片描述的是你和父亲之间发生的一件往事。请你根据图片及所给文字信息,展开合理想象,写一篇短文,并谈谈你现在对此事的感想。




提示词:net bar(网吧), think of(想起), feel sorry.

Father’s Day is coming.I’m going to tell a story between my father and me.One day,


