

第Ⅰ卷  选择题(85分)




(     ) 6.  A.  The computers can help us with study.

           B.  We can do lots of things with the help of computers.

           C.  We can' t. live without computers.

(     ) 7.  A.  My English is very good.

           B.  I can improve my speaking if I work hard.

           C.  I work hard at my reading.

(     ) 8.  A.  The boy will go to school in a week.

           B.  The boy isn' t young and he can go to school.

           C. The boy isn' t old enough to go to school.

(     ) 9.  A.  We are going to enjoy ourselves if we go to the party.

           B.  We won' t go to the party.

           C.  If we go to the party, we will have fun.

(    ) 10.  A.   I lost the movie ticket.

           B.  I bought the movie ticket but I give it to one of my friends.

           C.  I bought the movie ticket but I forgot to it with me.


(      ) 11.  Linds in unhappy because she doesn’t do well in her subjects.

(      ) 12.  Tom gave Linda some advice.

(      ) 13.  Linda never talks about her troubles with her parents.

(      ) 14.  After school, Linda has no free time.

(      ) 15.  Linda will talk about her troubles with her teacher.


What should you do?

What shouldn’t' t you do?

16.            the rules first

 19.    loudly

17.       your cards

 20.Eat,drink or             





21.  --We           an English exam. I' m not good at English.  What should I do?

     --You can ask your teacher for help.

      A. would have       B.  had         C. should have       D. will have

22.  Tom likes animals very much. He          wants to keep a pet nake.

A.  even           B.  still      C.  too         D.  never

23.  --What's the matter?

--            .

      A.  You should say sorry first         B.  My haircut is terrible

      C.  You are so kind                 D.  No, I can't snake

24.  All the students went to the museum        me. I had a stomachache that day.

      A. except       B. and      C. or       D. with

25.  My sister likes to wear the same hat          .

      A. as I do           B. likes me    C. like me           D. like myself

26.  --Can I talk to you for a minute?

     --Sure, I have           time.

      A. a few            B. little       C. few              D. a little

27.  --When do you feel          pressure?

     --Before the exam.

      A.  on         B.  under       C.  for               D. in

28.  The students were talking about the famous singer           the teacher came in.

      A. while            B.  that        C. which            D. when

29.  Most children like to sit          the classroom, so they can hear the teacher more clearly.

      A. in front of                      B. in the front of

C. at the back of                    D. in the back of

30.  --I was making a milk shake at that time.

     --          I saw you in the classroom then.

      A. What a pity !                     B. You' re kidding.

      C. That' s possible.                   D. It' s OK.

31.  --Hi, I looked for my lost dog          .But I didn't find it.

     --Sorry, I didn't see it          .Maybe you should call the police.

      A. somewhere; anywhere            B. everywhere; somewhere

      C. everywhere; anywhere            D. anywhere; everywhere

32.  Jerry said he was not mad at me          .

A. no more      B. no longer   C. anymore      D. any long

33.  In English, this boy is          writing than listening.

A. better at         B. better in    C. good at           D. well in

34.  Jenny wants to have her           car.

      A. hers              B. own        C.  herself            D. of own

35.  --What were you doing at this time yesterday?

     --I was reading while my sister           her homework.

      A. did        B.  was doing     C.  does       D.  is doing


You may have a washing machine in your home, but can it help you press (熨平) the clothes? Of course not, but now the Dressman robot can to it.

The main   36   for the Dressman robot is to dry and press shirts. When you  37   a wet shirt on its body, the robot will blow   38   air from inside and puff (使膨胀) the shirt up. Thus it will dry and   39   the clothes well.

The robot has a   40   inside with a number of different parts.  41   we are put- ring the shirt on it, this box begins to make heat. When we press the  42  button, the robot will use hot air to dry and press the shirt. The robot also has an air filter(过滤器). It keeps dirt   43   the machine.

The time for the pressing is   44   by the user. The cycle (循环) time is decided by the robot itself, and it lasts from 4 to 15 minutes,   45   on the type of cloth (a nor mal cotton shirt usually takes 7―8 minutes ).

36. A.  body             B.  job         C.  idea              D.  problem

37. A.  turn              B.  make       C.  get               D.  put

38. A.  hot               B.  cold        C.  cool              D.  thick

39. A.  clean             B.  press        C.  wet              D.  wash

40. A.  button            B.  box         C.  machine          D.  shirt

41. A.  But              B.  Though      C.  Because          D.  While

42. A.  start              B.  warn        C.  stop             D.  finish

43. A.  to               B.  on          C.  out of            D.  in

44. A.  decided          B.  paid         C.  took             D.  wasted

45. A.  getting           B.  depending    C.  coming          D.  turning

Ⅲ.阅读理解。按要求完成文后各题。(共30分)                                                                                              A

Dick was a college student. His parents were poor, so he had to work during his holidays to get enough money for his studies.

One summer he got a job in a butcher's shop (肉店) during the daytime, and another in a hospital at night. In the shop, he learned to cut and sell meat. He did very well and almost all people knew him. In the hospital, of course, Dick did the easiest jobs. He helped to lift people and carry them from one part of the hospital to another. Both in the butcher's shop and in the hospital, Dick had to wear white clothes.

One day a woman was ill and was sent to the hospital. The doctor said that she needed an operation (手术) at once. The woman was already frightened when she thought about the operation. When she saw the young man coming to get her, she was even more frightened.

"No! No!" she cried. "I won't let the butcher operate on me!" With these words, she fainted away (晕过去).


46.  Dick had to work during his holidays because    .

     A.  his parents told him to make more friends

     B.  he couldn't go on with his studies without enough money

     C.  he wanted to become a rich man

     D.  he had nothing to do

47.  One summer Dick      .

     A.  wanted to become not only a butcher but also a doctor

     B.  worked only during the daytime

     C.  got two different jobs at two places

     D.  was free only at night

48.  The underlined word "frightened" in the story means        .

A.  scared      B.  happy       C.  worried       D.  angry

49.  When the woman saw Dick,     .

     A.  she was glad to meet him there

     B.  she knew he was a doctor

     C.  she asked for his help

D.       she thought he would operate on her

50.  Which of the following is TRUE?

     A.  Dick was a good doctor.

     B.  Dick was weak in his lessons.

     C.  The woman saw Dick in the butcher's shop before.

     D.  Dick worked in the hospital during the winter.


Can plants eat people? Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Some of them are big, and they can eat small animals. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap (捕蝇草).

The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Its leaves are like the pages of the book. They can open and close very quickly. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes very quickly. The fly cannot go out. In about half an hour, the leaf presses the fly until it is dead. Then, the plant covers the fly. Slowly, the plant eats the fly.

Why do plants do it? Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air, and the ground. In some places, the ground is very poor. It doesn't have all the important things, especially nitrogen (氮). Animal meat has a lot of nitrogen, so some plants eat meal to get what they need. Let's hope that some of the bigger plants don't get the same idea.


51.  The Venus flytrap is a kind of        .

A. plant      B. animal   C. food        D. meat

52.  The Venus flytrap grows in       .

      A. most parts of the world          B. some parts of Africa

      C. dry parts of the United States     D. wet parts of England

53.  From the passage, we learn that       .

      A. all plants can eat people           B. all plants can eat animals

C. some plants can eat people        D. some plants can eat animals

54.  The underlined word "presses" probably means           in Chinese.

A.挤压  B.关上  C.打   D.松开

55.  From the passage, we know          .

      A. plants are dangerous to animals

      B. animals are dangerous to plants

      C. some plants get what they need from animal meat

      D. plants want to protect (保护) them selves against animals


The world is becoming much smaller by using modern traffic and communication (沟通) means. Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest problems is pollution. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.

Air pollution is still the most serious. It's bad for all living things in the world. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from giving off dirty smoke into the air. Pollution by SO2 in now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It is caused by heavy traffic. If there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it.


56.       ,our world is becoming much smaller.

      A. Because of the rise in pollution

      B. Thanks to the development of science

      C. Because the earth is being polluted day and night

D. Because the earth is blown away by the wind every year

57.  Hundreds of years ago, life was           it is today.

     A. much easier than                  B. as easy as

     C. much harder than                  D. as hard as

58.  "Pollution comes in many ways. We... and even hear it " The last "it" means    .

     A. rubbish                          B. noise pollution

     C. air pollution                      D. water pollution

59.  Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because      .

A. it makes much noise

B. it makes us angry more easily

      C. it makes our rivers and lakes dirty

      D. it’s bad for all living things in the world

60.  Which of the following is NOT true?

     A. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.

     B. Noise pollution is also very dangerous for people.

     C. Water pollution isn't only bad for fish.

     D. All air pollution is caused by SO2.


A: Hello, Sonia. Why are you so upset?

B:    61

A: Ann? She is your best friend. Why did you argue with her?

B: Yesterday we had a math test.  62 

A: You are right. You can' t tell her in the exam.  63  

B: Yes. She argued with me after the exam.

A:   64

B: But she doesn't want to talk with me anymore.

A: Let me help you. I think you' II be good friends again.

B:   65 

A.  Was she angry?

B.  I argued with Ann yesterday.

C.  Thanks a lot.

D.  You should have a talk with her.

E.  She asked me some questions during the test, but I didn't tell her.

第Ⅱ卷  非选择题(40分)



1.  Most families have a computer in the         (现代的)world.

2.  Our classroom is big and           (明亮的)

3.  The teacher told us that the          (地球)is round.

4.  Ben and Scott saved the boy's life. They are        (英雄).

5.  Look! A lot children are playing football on the         (操场).


(     ) 1. The twins are in same school.        

             A    B  C  D

(     ) 2. I leave my keys at home yesterday morning.      

             A     B    C      D

(     ) 3. My mother didn't know what to do it.      

          A         B    C       D

(     ) 4. The girl is enough old to go to school.        

                A    B     C     D

(     ) 5. Your fiend Kate is many more popular than you.     

                      A   B     C       D


1.  I felt tired so I            (take) one day off to have a good rest.

2.  Please tell me the             (mean) of the picture.

3.  The bus station was             (crowd) with many people.

4.  The girl was             (shop) while she saw the alien get out.

5.  The alien visited the Museum of            (fly).

6.  --Where did you meet Joe?

        --I            (meet) him in the bank.

7.  The girl was             (scare) when she saw the dog.

8.  The boy was walking down the street when a UFO             (land).

9.  While it was looking at the souvenirs, the 'shop assistant         (call) the police.

10.  He             (lie) on the ground when I saw him.


1. The girl is going to do some shopping when the telephone rings.(对画线部分提问)

The girl                when the telephone rings?

    2. You’d better talk with her on the telephone. (改为同义句)

You’d better             her           .

3. It will be cloudy in Beijing tomorrow.  (改为否定句)

It                       cloudy in Bejing tomorrow.

4. He will come back in five minutes.(对画线部分提问)

                             he       back?

    5. John doesn’t want to go out eating. Jim doesn’t either.  (两句合为一句)

         John          Jim             to go out eating.


