



(    ) 1.A.Good idea.       B.I see.                   C.What's up?

(    ) 2.A.Thank you.       B.That's a good idea.     C.Why not?

(    ) 3.A.Me too.          B.Really?               C.Thanks a lot.

(    ) 4.A.Yeah, I'm afraid.   B.Come on.              C.I agree.

(    ) 5.A.I am.            B.Hold on, please.          C.Who are you?


(     ) 6.A.Spring lasts for two months.

          B.Spring is the best season of the year.

          C.Spring starts from March and ends in May.

(     ) 7.A.I rang you up a few minutes ago, and someone gave me a reply.

          B.1 went to your home just now, but no one was there.

          C.I phoned you a few minutes ago, but there was no reply.

(     ) 8.A.Tom, Jack and their parents took a train to Tibet(西藏).

          B.Tom, Jack and their parents flew to Tibet.

          C.Tom and Jack took their parents to Tibet.

(     ) 9.A.Do you like roller-skating?

          B.Let's go roller-skating together, shall we?

          C.It's better for us to go roller-skating.

(     ) 10.A.Betty is taller than all her friends.

           B.Betty is taller than all her sisters.

           C.Betty is taller than most of her friends.


(    ) 11.A.About yesterday's birthday party.

          B.About tomorrow's birthday party.

          C.About asking the man to go to a birthday party.

(     ) 12.A.She was at school.

B.She was ill.

           C.She didn't like school.

(     ) 13.A.Windy.            B.Cloudy.              C.Sunny.

(     ) 14.A.At the bus stop.      B.At the railway station. C.At the airport.

(     ) 15.A.Basketball.             B.Soccer.       C.Basketball and soccer.


The bus driver works very hard.He is out from early morning______(16) late at night.

Sometimes he works in beautiful_______(17) when the sky is blue and the sun is shining, the trees look______(18)and people are glad to be________(19) on the bus.At times, it's cold and _______ (20)there is much________(21) rain, so he can't see very well when he is_______(22).

The conductor (售票员) is on the bus, too.He has a very_______(23) day going on the bus and down over one_______(24) times a day to help passengers (乘客) , getting the money and giving them their_______ (25).



(    )26.If you don't feel well, you may just stop______.

          A.stopped reading    B.stop read    C.stop reading    D.stop to reading

(    )27.Ted asked me ______I could help him with his Chinese.

          A.what         B.who           C .if            D.that

(    )28.This watch is Nick's.Please________ him.

          A.pass on it to    B.pass it on to     C.pass on it at     D.pass it on at

(    )29.The teacher said we would have a class meeting________.

          A.the next day        B.now     C.yesterday    D .last week

(    )30.His daughter Ann is ________ college student.

          A.an 18-year-old      B.an 18 years old  C.a 18-years -old    D.a 18 year old

(    )31.If you meet troubles in your life, you must try to_______ the troubles.

          A.get on            B.get over       C.get out         D.take off

(    )32.They will stay at home if it_________ tomorrow.

          A.will snow          B.snowed        C.snows         D.snow

(    )33.--- When is the good time_________ the party?

          --- This afternoon, I think.

          A.to have           B.baying         C.have          D.has

(    )34.Sally looks very sad.What should I do to make her_________ ?

          A.happy            B.to be happy     C.happily        D to be happily

(    )35.Our headmaster told us that we___________ trees on the hill this Sunday

          A.will plant        B.planted         C.would plant    D.plant

(    )36.She was surprised_________ the bad news.

          A.hear             B.heard          C.hearing         D.to hear

(    )37.I was mad_________ my best friend because he didn't invite me to his party.

          A.to      B.on      C.for         D.at

(    )38.Mr. Smith gave us_________ on how to learn English well.

          A.an advice        B.some advice     C.many advices   D.any advice

(    )39.If you don't go there,___________

         A.so do I          B.so will I         C.neither will I    D.nor I do

(    )40.I really don't know____________

         A.where is the post office      

B.when the party will start

         C.how much was the sweater  

D.how often did he take exercise


    We live in the“computer age”.People like scientists,writers,teachers and even students use computers to do  41  work.But more than 30 years ago,  42  couldn’t do much.They were very big and expensive.Very  43  people were interested in them and knew how to use them.Today computers are smaller and  44    45  they Can do a lot of work,many people like to use them.Some people even have them at home.

  Computers become very important because they Can work  46  than men and make fewer  mistakes.Computers Can  47  people do a lot of work。Writers now use computers to write.Teachers use them to study and children use them to play games.Computers can also remember what you put  48  them.Computers are very  49  and helpful.They are our good friends.

  Do you want to  50  a computer?

(    )41.A.many of    B.all kinds of          C.a lot        D.very much

(    )42.A.scientists           B.teachers        C.students   D.computers

(    )43.A.few                  B.little             C.a few       D.a little

(    )44.A.cheap         B.cheaper                C.expensive        D.more expensive

(    )45.A.But            B.And             C.Since       D.If

(    )46.A.slow                 B.slower                 C.fast   D.faster

(    )47.A.help                  B.make            C.use   D.stop

(    )48.A.in              B.into              C.on           D.up

(    )49.A.beautiful           B.careful                 C.useful      D.heavy

(    )50.A.pay            B.sell               C.lend D.have



  Have you ever been ill? When you are ill, you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot, and there are pains all over your body.You don't want to work.Instead, you want to stay in bed,  feeling very sad.

  What makes us ill? It is germs (细菌).Germs are everywhere.They are very small and you can't find them with your eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜).They are very very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.

   Germs are always found in dirty water.When we look at dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it.So your father and mother won't let you drink dirty water.

    Germs aren't found only in water.They are found in air and dust.If you cut your finger and some of the dust (灰尘) from the floor goes into the cut, some of the germs would go into your finger.Your finger would become big and red, and you will have much pain in it.Sometimes germs would go into all of your body, and you would have pain everywhere.

   (    )51.Which of the following is true?

              A.If things are very very small, they are germs.

              B.If things can't be seen, they must be germs.

              C.Germs are only in dirty water.

D.Germs are everywhere around us.

   (    )52.What's a microscope used for?

              A.Making very very small things look much bigger.

              B.Making very big things look much smaller.

              C.Helping you read some newspapers.

              D.Helping you if you can't see things clearly.

   (    )53.Why don't your parents let you drink dirty water.

              A.You haven't looked at it carefully.  

B.Water can't be drunk in this way.

              B.There are lots of germs in it.      

C.Water will make you ill.

   (    )54.Which of the following is NOT true ?

              A.Germs can be found both in water and in the air.

              B.Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.

              C.If your temperature (体温) is not OK, there must be germs in your body.

              D.If your finger isn't cut, there aren't any germs on it.

    (   )55.What's the main idea of the passage?

              A.Germs can make us ill.  

B.Germs are in dirty water.

              C.Don't drink dirty water.  

D.Take care of your fingers.






Hi Jenny:

My sister Ann and I are going to have a party this Friday at my home.Some friends will be there.Mostly they are from office.My best friend Tom, will come, too.I want you to meet him.Do you want to come? We' 11 play games and talk.Then we'll have dinner.Everyone will bring food or drinks.It begins at 4:00 p.m.and ends at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m..

We'll have a great time ! Can you come? I hope so! Let me know soon.Call me or send me an e-mail.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (    )56.Who sent this e-mail?

           A.Jenny          B.Tom           C.Lisa            D.Ann

(    )57.The party begins at_____________

           A.4:00 a.m.     B.6:00 a.m.     C.4:00 p.m.      D.6:00 p.m.

(    )58.Tom is___________ best friend.

           A.Jenny's         B.Lisa's          C.Ann's          D.Jack's

(    )59.What's true about the party?

           A.It's on Saturday.                   B.All of Jenny's friends will come.

           C.People will not bring things.            D.It will last four or five hours.

(    )60.What will Jenny do first?

           A.Buy food for the party.              B.Call Tom.

           C.Send an e-mail to Lisa.              D.Drive to Lisa's house.


(1) Will sharks hurt man? Different people have different ideas.Some people think a shark will hurt a person only if he swims in the water near a shark.Others think that sharks never hurt man.The right answer is between these two ideas.

(2) Many people are afraid of sharks, and some people feel afraid when others talk about sharks.

(3) If such an attack (攻击) happens, it is done because the shark is excited by the smell of blood.A shark attacks a person in a very different way.Often it does that without thinking.But a lion or a tiger often thinks carefully before it attacks man.

(4) There are more than three hundred kinds of sharks, and only three are dangerous to man.These three are the hammerhead shark, the tiger shark, and the white shark.All sharks are easily frightened and are much more afraid of man and man is afraid of them.They can smell things far away from them, and the smell of blood will excite them, then they may hurt man.


   A.(1) (3) (2) (4)    B.(2) (1) (4) (3)    C.(1) (3) (4) (2)   D.(4) (1) (2) (3)

62.How many kinds of sharks are there in the world?


64.What can make the shark attack people?



Keep away from that dog, or it may____________ you.


one      ill       will       find       feel

  For the  66  19 months of her life, Helen was like other happy babies in every way.Then a sudden  67  injured损伤) her eyes and ears.From then on, she could neither see nor hear.She did not learn to talk when other children did.

 Think what that  68  be like! Such a world was full of darkness.You could not see kinds of flowers and animals.You could not hear songs or a friend's voice.You could not even know what your friend looked like.This was Helen's world--- still and dark.

  There seemed to be no way to teach Helen.For a long time her parents did not know what to do for her.And then, when she was six years old, they  69  for a teacher with the name Anne Sullivan, who was almost blind herself.She  70  she could help Helen to learn to live like other children.

66.___________ 67.___________ 68.___________ 69.___________ 70.___________


A generation gap(代沟) has become a serious problem.I read a r  (71)  about it in the newspaper.Some children have killed t  (72)  after quarrels(争吵) with parents.I think this is   b _(73)  they don't have a good talk with each other.Parents now s  (74)  more time in the office.S  (75)  they don't have much time to stay with their children.As time passes, they both feel t  (76)  they don't have the same topics(话题) to talk about.I want to tell p  (77)  to be more with your children, get to know them and understand them.As for children, show your feeling t  (78)  your parents.They are the people who l  (79)  you.So tell them your thoughts(想法).In this way, you can have a b  (80)   understanding of each other.

71._______ 72._______ 73._______ 74._______ 75._______

76._______ 77._______ 78._______ 79._______ 80._______


81.While the Reads_______ (have) supper, the bell rang.

82.There_______ (not be) an important talk on science next Monday.

83.You_______ (get) well if you take the medicine.

84.My mother told me the light_______ (travel) much faster than sound.

85.I_______ (meet) Mr. Wang while I_______ (play) outside.

86.I_______ to see you if I am free tomorrow.(come)

87.When I came in, he_______ on the telephone.(talk)

88.There_______ a party next Monday.(be)

89.They_______ TV at nine o'clock last night.(watch)

90.The teacher asked him_______ it on the desk.(put)


91.Miss Gao said, "I like living here".

    Miss Gao said _______ _______ living there.(间接引语)

92.Tom said he would take a bus to that park.

    Tom said," _______ _______ take a bus to this park." (直接引语)

93.She can't pass the exam, I think.(同义句)

   I _______ think she_______ pass the exam.

94.The visitors from the USA will stay here two hours.(划线部分提问)

   _______ _______ will the visitors from the USA stay here?

95.His father flew to Italy last Sunday.(划线部分提问)

    What _______ his father _______ last Sunday?

96.Study hard, and you'll pass the exam.(同义句)

     _______  _______  _______ study hard, you'll not pass the exam.



What _______ your life _______ _______ in ten years?


I think I will go to another city to_______ a_______


What_______ you _______ at nine o'clock last Sunday morning?


He _______ go to bed _______ ten o'clock last night.



(  )101.Will there be fewer trees in the future?

(  )102.What should she do?

(  )103.What were you doing when the UFO landed?

(  )104.What did she say?

(  ) 105.What will happen if they have the party today?

          A.She said she was good at speaking.

       B.You should say sorry to her.

       C.Yes, they will.

       D.I was cooking in the kitchen.

       E.Many of them won't come.

       E.She should buy a new dress

       G.No, there won’t







