






第二节 听句子,根据所听内容选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

  6.A.I will be a doctor.    B.We work near here.    C.I don't think so.

  7.A.No,they won't.      B.Maybe 20 years later.  C.Yes,they will.

  8.A.A space station.       B.A rocket.                         C.By plane.

  9.A.There will be.         B.There won’t.             C.Yes,there will.

  10.A.Soccer.                 B.The guitar.               C.Computers.

第三节 听对话,根据所听内容选择正确的答案。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)

  11.When did the dialogue take place(发生)?

    A.After the New Year.    B.Before the New Year.    C.In the future.

  12.What did Linda think about schools in the future?

A.There will be more schools.

B.There will be fewer schools.

    C.There will be no schools.

  13.Where will some of US live in the future?

    A.In office buildings.     B.On space stations.  C.In teaching buildings.

  14.Will there be a lot more people on the earth?

    A.We don’t know.        B.Yes,there will.    C.No.there won’t.

  15.What will the houses on space stations be like?

    A.Smaller.    B.Bigger and cleaner.    C.Cheaper.


第一节 单项选择翘。(15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从每题后面所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

  16.He will be back_______ few weeks.

    A.in                B.on                C.for                 D.at

  17.He always talks_______ but does_______.So everyone likes him.

    A.more;less    B.more;more  C.1ess;less       D.1ess;more

  18.Read the letter and_______ him.

    A.pass it for    B.pass on it to

    C.passed it on to D.pass it on

  19.If it_______ tomorrow,we’11 not have the meeting.

    A.rain              B.rains             C.will rain          D.would rain

  20.He asked his father_______?

A.where it happens        

B.where did it happen

C.how it happened           

D.how did it happen

  21.I lost my friend’s watch,and I really don’t know_______.

A.what should I do

B.what to do   

C.how shall I do

D.how to do

  22.My sister can’t cook,_______.

    A.either can my brother          B.nor my brother can

    C.neither can’t my brother               D.my brother can’t,either

  23.Every student in our class were out except_______,because we had something else to do.

    A.Li Ping and I                     B.Li Ping and me

    C.I and Li Ping                        D.me and Li Ping

  24._______a candle and could see well by candlelight.

    A.lights           B.light             C.lighted            D.lited

  25.It’s ten o'clock ! Are you still_______ TV?

    A.watch    B.watches        C.watching         D.watched

  26.Can you tell me__________ at that time?

A.what were they doing        

B.what they were doing

C.what are they doing                    

D.what they are doing

  27.The teacher said light__________ much faster than sound.

    A.traveled               B.travels          C.will travel              D.had traveled

  28.Traveled_______ the world for fl few years.

    A.in                       B.on                C.for                        D.around

  29.---I’ll have a meeting in Shanghai tomorrow.

        ---Would you mind______ the time for all the nights to shanghai for me?

      A.looking for            B.looking after    C.finding out          D.finding

  30.Did you find_______ very interesting to play yo―yo

    A.it                        B.it’s               C.that                       D.this



  It was winter,and Mrs. Hermann wanted to do a lot of shopping,so she waited  31  was Saturday.When her husband  32  ,she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry her bags.They went to a lot of shops,and Mrs. Hermann  33  lot of things.She often  34  and said,“Look,Joe ! Isn’t that beautiful!”

  He then answered,“All right,dear.How  35  is it?”And took his money  36  to pay for it.

  It was dark(黑暗)when they came out of the last  37  ,and Mr. Hermann was very  38  and thinking about other things,like a nice drink at home.Suddenly(突然) his wife looked up at the sky and said,“Look  39  that beautiful moon, Joe!”Without stopping,Mr. Hermann answered.“All right.How  40  is it?”

  31.A.until         B.after             C.when              D.because

  32.A.is free       B.was free        C.free                D.would be free

  33.A.sold          B.made            C.bought            D.borrowed

  34.A.stopped    B.stopping       C.stops               D.is stopping

  35.A.many        B.heavy                  C.much              D.big

  36.A.of             B.out               C.from               D.into

  37.A.house        B.shop             C.park                      D.factory

  38.A.happy       B.sad               C.busy               D.tired

  39.A.for                  B.after             C.at                   D.around

  40.A.many        B.much            C.big                 D.beautiful



Listen to Mary’s and Tommy’s ideas.

  1 want to be a doctor when I grow up.I think it will help many people and it’s very cool in a white uniform(制服).So I will read some books about medicine(医学)in my spare time.In the summer vacation,I will try to get a job as a helper in a hospital.

When I grow up,I want to be an Olympic champion. I’m a table tennis player in our school.I’m good at playing table tennis.I hope to take part in(参加)the 2008 Olympic Games and get the first place in table tennis.

    41.What’s the best title of this passage?

      A.Favorite animals.          B.Future jobs.       C.Favorite subjects.

    42.Mary and Tommy are both____________.

      A.students                         B.teachers               C.players

    43.Mary wants to work in a____________

      A.bank                              B.library                 C.hospital

      44.Tommy is interested in____________

    A.table tennis              B.medicine              C.soccer

     45.The word“champion”means____________ in Chinese.

       A.运动会                        B.冠军                   C.金牌


  In England people can experience(经历)four seasons in one day.So they often talk about the weather.In the morning the weather is warm like in spring.After an hour clouds come and then it rains heavily.The weather gets a little cold.In the afternoon it will be sunny,the sun will begin to shine,and it will be summer at this time.

  In England,people can also have summer in winter,or have winter in summer, so in winter they can swim sometimes,and in summer sometimes they need to wear warm clothes.If you go to England,you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them in the sunny morning,but you should not laugh at them.If you don't take an umbrella or a raincoat,you will regret(后悔)later in the day.

    46.In England people often talk about the________ .

        A.seasons    B.weather    C.spring

      47.In England________ in winter.

        A.people can swim sometimes

        B.people can’t swim

        C.it is always very cold

    48.In England, which is true?

        A.People can’t have four seasons in a day.

        B.The weather is cold in the morning and soon it will be warmer.

        C.People take an umbrella in a sunny morning.

    49.We can experience one season in one day.But people in England can most experience_____ in one day.

         A.one season    B.two seasons  C.four seasons

    50.Choose me best title of the passage.

    A.Seasons in England.

         B.Weather in England.

    C.Sports in England.


    A lady has a problem with her daughter,Maria.My nine-year-old daughter is in Grade Four.

    Every evening we get into homework argument(争论).Three afternoons a week, she has activities(volleyball,singing)after school and when she gets home,homework is the last thing she feels like doing.The other two days,she gets home early and we argue about whether(是否)she should do her homework right after school, or if she should have some time to rest and play first,just like what she thinks.When Maria at 1ast sits down to do her homework,she seems to want me there all the time.I have other things I need to do.It seems that children these days have much more homework than we did,and some of it is really difficult for them.As you can see,I’m really worried  about homework and really don’t know what I should do.Any ideas?

    51.The woman’s daughter is

       A.four years old        B.nine years old       C.in Class Four

      52.Maria doesn’t have any activities after school,for______ afternoons a week except the weekend.

       A.two                       B.three                   C.five

      53.Maria wants to_________ first when she gets home early,

       A.do her homework    B.cook the dinner           C.have a rest and play

    54.The woman thinks that her daughter should do her homework_____________ .

       A.alone                    B.with the mother           C.with the father

    55.Can you guess where this passage is from?

    A.A diary.              B.A novel.            C.A newspaper.






第一节 认真阅读下面的文章然后回答下列问题(每题2分,共10分)

Do you know the Eskimos(爱斯基摩人)?Let me tell you something about them.

    The Eskimos live near the North Pole(北极).There are only two seasons:winter and summer.There is no spring or autumn there.

    The winter nights are long.You can’t see the sun for more than two months,even at noon.The summer days are long,for more than two months.The sun never goes down and there is no night.

      The Eskimos have warm clothes.They make their clothes from the skins(皮)of animals.From the skins they make coats,caps and shoes.

    Near the North Pole trees can’t grow because it is too cold there.When the Eskimos go out in a storm(暴风雨)and can’t get back home,they make houses of snow.They leave these snow houses when the storm is over.

  56.Where do the Eskimos live?

  57.How many seasons are there in a year there?

  58.How do they make their clothes?

  59.How long can’t they see the sun in winter?

  60.What do they do when they go out in a storm and can’t get back home?

  第二节       用所给动词的适当形式填空。请把答案的完整形式写在题后的横线上。(每题1分,共10分)

  61.Try_______(not come)home late.

  62.There is a girl_______(sing)in the classroom.

  63.Don’t make your parents_______(get)angry.

  64._______(watch)TV too much is bad for your eyes.

  65.There_______(be)a good play on TV tonight.

  66.I often go_______(boat)with my friend on Sundays.

67.It took him half an hour_______(walk)to the factory.

  68.Could you help me_______(carry)me the box?

  69.I_______(clean)my ear last Sunday.

  70.---Mr Brown likes children very much,doesn’t he?

             ---Yes,that’s true.He_______(write)a children’s book these days.

    61._______    62._______    63._______    64._______    65._______

    66._______    67._______    68._______    69._______    70._______

第三节 根据汉语提示及句意,写出单词。请把答案的完整形式写在题后的横线上。(每题1分共5分) 

  71.He bought two_______ (票)to the ball game.

  72.I met an alien at the TV station.Isn’t that_______ (令人惊异的)?

  73.We were having fun on the playground when the_______ (铃)rang.

  74.Children need more_______ (有组织的)activities.

  75.That is a great_______ (机会)that many people do not have.

    71._______     72._______     73._______     74._______     75._______

第四节   根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词。使句子意思完整、通顺与正确。并把单词的完整形式写在题后的横线上。(每题1分,共5分)

  76.Is it t_______ or false that you are going to Japan?

  77.Think you should be very h_______ if you want to get good grades.

  78.always feel n_______ when I meet strangers.

  79.His grandfather lives in the v_______ for over 70 years and he never goes to a city.

  80.---Why don’t you use your o_______ bike?

      ---Mine is broken

    76._______     77._______     78._______     79._______     80._______







Dear Tom,

I am in Grade 8 this year.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Could you help me?

    Best wishes.


                                                                                                                    Li Kang