



2. 请将Ⅰ卷中每小题最佳答案代号或答案填入Ⅱ卷题前的表格中,1-4不须上交。





6._______ Study for their tests

7._______ too early

 __a______ help me organize it

8. ________make some food

9. ______ _play party games

10. ________ Saturday afternoon


11. A. Tina’s clothes are out of style.       

B. Tina’s clothes are too large.

C. Tina’s clothes aren’t comfortable.

12. A. Sally should borrow some money from her parents.

B. Sally should get a part-time job to save money.

C. Sally shouldn’t buy a gift for her family.

13. A. The boy should try to be outgoing.    

B. The boy should try to be friendly.

C. The boy should try to be funny.

14. A. The boy had a fight with Lily.        

B. The boy said sorry to his teacher.

C. The boy failed his test.

15. A. Peter plays his CDs loud.            

B. The girl plays her CDs loud.

C. Peter’s brother plays his CDs loud.




16. What was Tom doing when Kitty ran away?


17.Where was Kitty while Tom was looking for him?


18.Who told him where his dog was ?


19. Did the police come with the dog ?


20.What was Kitty doing when Tom finally saw him?


II.      语言知识(共20小题。每题1分,满分为20分。)

A. 请用所给动词的正确形式填空,每空一词,不可重复使用。

圆角矩形: get out, spend,  take away, argue, happen, work,  fly, shop, take off ,borrow

21.  I want to ______________ for myself when I′m older.

22.  The girl was ______________ in the street when she saw a car accident.

23.  I don′t want to _____________ with you . Let′s forget it.

24.  Their flight to London _________ from Shanghai International Airport yesterday afternoon .

25.  One day people will _____________ to the moon for vacation.

26. He didn′t know what was ________ outside.

27.The teacher ___________ my mobile phone because I used it in class.

28.He told me that he _________ time with his families this vacation.

29. May I ______________some money from you?

30. I was so tired this morning that I can′t ____________of bed.

B. 请从A、B、C三个选项中选出适当的选项,然后把代表该选项的字母写在下边表格内。

31.  ― Will there be ________ pollution on the earth in the future?

      ― Yes, there will. The sea will become more and more dirty.

      A. fewer                              B. more                            C. less

32.  ― My clothes are out of style.I need some money to buy some new ones .

What should I do?

      ― ________ getting  a part-time job?

      A. Why do you                    B. How about                   C. Why don′t you

33.  ― I′d like you to do the work as quickly as you can.

― _______________

A. Good idea !             B. I don′t think so.    C. No problem.

34.  ― An alien came to my room ________ I was sleeping last night.

      ― Really! Were you scared?

      A. while                              B. when                           C. until

35.  ― What did he say?

      ― He said he ________ my house this weekend.

      A. came to                           B. will come to                 C. would come to

36.  ― ________ if I have no time to play the computer games.

      ―  I don't know ,either.

      A. What should I do             B. What will happen          C. What about it

37.  I heard somebody________ outside last night when I was reading.

A. shouting               B. to shout            C. shouted

38.  ― I like to eat sweets  every day.

      ― If you ________ sweets every day, you ________ fat.

      A. eat; will get                     B. eat; get                         C. will eat; will get

39.  ―I called you this morning , but nobody answered.

― I___________ the flowers in my garden at that time.

A.  am watering             B. was watering       C .will  water

40.  ― Maybe you can take early train to that mountain . It′s faster.

      ― ________ .

      A. Thanks, I will                  B. Yes, please                    C. Good idea. Let′s hurry

III. 日常交谈(共10小题。每题1分,满分为10分。)











B. 根据对话内容,填写对话中所遗漏的部分,使对话内容完整、正确。

A: 46_________  You look unhappy.

B:  I want to buy a computer. 47_____________________

A: Well, you could borrow some from your brother.

B: 48______________ Because my brother doesn’t have money, either.

A: Maybe you should ask your parents for some money.

B: No, I don’t think so.   


B: Because they don’t want me to spend more time playing computer games.

A: Then I think you should get a part-time job.

B: 50_____________.

IV. 阅读理解(共20小题,46-55小题,每小题2分,56-65小题,每小题1分。满分30分)A

It is predicted that there will be five scientific achievements in the 21st century.

We’ll know where we came from.

We’ll know where humans came from. We can get more information about this by using new technologies(技术 ) . We will know better about ourselves.

We’ll find the answer to the genetic code (遗传密码)

Scientists will learn more about the genetic code and how our bodies work. Many serious illnesses will be less dangerous because there will be a cure.(疗法).

We’ll live longer .

People will live longer because people won’t get serious illnesses. New medicine will keep us strong and healthy. Maybe we will live to be 120 years old, but what shall we do with such a long time.
We’ll “manage” the earth

In the next hundred years, We’ll stop talking about the weather but to do something to make the damage(破坏) less . We’ll know that human activities can bring to the earth , and with what knowledge we will make our planet better.

We’ll have a map of the brain.

We will try to make a map of the brain. We’ll be able to say which part is working when we read a word, say a word, or think about a word , and so on .


51.We can get more information about where we came from by ________.

A. new technologies    B. genetic code   C. Shenzhou IV    D. astronauts

52.What will be the five scientific achievement in the 21st century ?

a. Finding out where we came from        b. Taking a picture of the earth

c. Finding the answer to the genetic code.   d. Making our lives longer .

e. Living on the moon and Mars.           f. Making it clear how our brains work.

g. Making our planet better .

A. a,b,c,d,g     B. a,c,d,e,g     C. a,c,d,f,g      D. b,d,e,f,g

53.Many serious illnesses will become less dangerous because __________________.

A. every body will be very healthy    B. the genetic code will be known

C. there will no longer be illnesses    D. people will live longer

54.If a storm is coming, we may _______ in the future.

A. make it less serious    B. clear it away C. make it longer  D.  clear it away

55.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. We will know everything about the world. B. Five scientific achievements are predicted.

C. All five things must come true in the 21st century. D. We will never die in the next century.


My name is Jim White. I live in America. I have seen a UFO in the daytime. Early this spring, I went out side with my friend Bill who lived close to me . He was going home when I saw a large bright light dancing in the sky. I say “dancing” because it was moving around in a small area (区域  ) in the sky. I called Bill back and asked him to look up . He kept asking , “What is that?”

It was round and red in the  centre  . After I looked at it for a moment, I found it looked  like that it had wings, but it was still round. Bill would not believe me when I told him that it must be a UFO. We shouted to it and we wished that it would land. We wanted to know if there was an alien in it, but soon it disappeared in front of our eyes. I guessed we scared it off.

Do you believe me ?  It’s a true story that ever happened.


56. According to the passage, the story happened in ________.

A. Africa     B. America    C. Australia     D. Japan

57. What was the UFO doing when Jim saw it?

A. It was moving around in the sky.   B. It was landing

C. It was dancing to some music.      D. I t was flying away.

58. What did the UFO look like according to the passage?

A. It was a bright white light.        B. It was round and red in the centre.

C. It had wings and it was not round.   D. It had red wings.

59.In Jim′s opinion, the UFO disappeared because ________.

A. It landed somewhere         B. It moved to another place

C. the alien in it drove it away    D. it was scared off

60. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The UFO was seen in the daytime.  B. The writer believed that it was a UFO.

C. We don’t know if there was an alien in the UFO. D. The UFO landed just as Jim wished.


 Winter Camp

Please be quite, everyone! I have something important to tell you. The winter camp is coming. Tomorrow we are going for a camp. I want you  61  remember the rules for it. Last year we organized  a winter camp. You all did well. This time I hope you all are doing better , and you will be more athletic than before. Listen to the rules, please!

u                     Don’t wear jeans!  62 If you wear jeans, we won’t let  you go. You should wear warmer clothes. Remember to bring two quilts(被子) with you because the weather at this season are cold..

u                     Bring enough food and drinks to the camp. 63 If you will forget, you get hungry.

u                     Don’t invite friends to the camp. 64  If you will do, the teachers ask them to leave.

u                     Don’t run     65        66     the camp. 67 If you do, you will get lost and may be injured in a strange place.

u                     We’ll spend a whole night in the tents(帐篷). If you are   68     trouble or in      danger, you must ask the teachers for help.    

u                     Learn to care  69____ each other whenever someone needs help. 70 If you do, you will improve yourselves.







V.看图写句子。(每图用 when或 while 分别写句子。每图写2句,每句子1分,计8分)










VI. 王老师病了,她想让你告诉他的学生们今天要干的事情,请你转述一下(8分)










