




(    ) 1.A.I heard he had a book.

         B.I heard he had a rest.

         C.I heard he had a bad cold.

(    )2.A.Illness can make us blue and nervous.

B.Illness sometimes brings us fear.

C.Illness brings us nervous.

(    ) 3.A.Noisy makes me angry.

B.I like light music.It makes me happy.

         C.Sad movies always make me cry.

(    )4.A.The light music makes me happier.

        B.Rock music makes me more excited and active.

        C.The loud music makes me tired.

(    )5.A.If we wear green, black or yellow, we may begin to feel better.

        B.If we wear red, green or white, we may begin to feel better.

        C.If we wear yellow, red and green, we may begin to feel better.


(    )1.How much does a room with a single bed cost?

           A.¥160.               B.¥140.               C.¥150.

(    )2.Where will they go for their spring field trip?

           A.Mount Tai.          B.Henghe Hotel.       C.Beijing.

(    )3.What will Kate do when she doesn't have a lot of money?

           A.She will ask the police for help.

           B.She will make fund raising.

           C.She will write to her parents.

(    )4.How will Jim get to Hongkong?

           A.By train,            B.By coach.     C.By airplane.

(    )5.What's Kate's group's task?

           A.To find out the cost by train.

           B, To find out the cost by plane.

           C.To find the cost by coach.


(    )1.What does Mary do?

           A.A student.           B.A writer.            C.A teacher.

(    )2.What job does she want?

           A.A magazine reporter.       

B.A newspaper reporter.

           C.A TV reporter.

(    )3.When does she want to work?

           A.During the winter holidays.

           B.During the summer holidays.

           C.During Spring Festival.

(    )4.Is she interested in reading?

               A.Yes, she is.          

B.No, she isn't.

               C.No, she' s interested in working.

(    )5.How can Mary get on with others?

           A.Badly.               B.Just so so.           C.Very well.



(    )1.I'm leaving for Beijing tomorrow.I’m going to say_______ to my teacher.

           A.hello           B.sorry           C.goodbye         D.yes

(    )2.---Thank you for giving me a ticket.


           A.That's OK.                       B.That's right.

           C.Don't thank me.                   D.I'm sorry.

(    )3.He ___________ a lot of time___________ his homework every day.

           A.spends; on      B.takes  to        C.spends; do        D.takes; doing

(    )4.My grandma lives__________ in the village, but she doesn't feel

           A.alone; lonely    B.lonely; alone    C.alone; alone      D.lonely; lonely

(    ) 5.The good news pleased him and made him________

           A.happily        B.happier         C.happiest         D.happy

(    )6.I was angry ________ he was late again.

           A.because        B.after            C.because of       D.for

(    )7.Our math teacher is very strict _______ us and he is also very strict _______ his work.

           A.with; with     B.about; with     C.with; in         D.about; in

(    )8.Their classroom is ________ clean________ ours.

           A.so ; as           B.as; as           C.as; than          D.so; than

(    )9.---Today is Sunday.Why ________ go to the zoo?

        ---Good idea!

           A.didn't          B.don't           C.aren't            D.not

(    )10.I________ you to be pleased with my work.

            A.think         B.accept          C.hope            D.wish

(    ) 11.---Jane, you have a nice house.


            A.Thank you.                     B.Sure.

            C.Of course.                      D.It's on the second floor.

(    )12.Michael is feeling________ today than yesterday.

            A.good         13.well           C.better           D.ill

(    )13.In the early time, cars were very expensive, so________ people had cars.

            A.a little       B.little          C.a few           D.few

(    )14.They will go on________ visit to Hong Kong.

            A.a-five-day     B.a three-days    C.a four-day       D.a two days

(    )15.--I want to see the film.Would you like to go with me?


            A.Certainly, I'd like to.           B.I don't like.

            C.No, I'd like to.                 D.I don't think so.


     Fire can help people in many ways.But it can also be very harmful有害的).Fire can keep your house  16  ,give light and cook food.But fire can burn things,  17  Big fire can burn trees, houses, animals or people.

     Nobody knows how people began to use fire.But there are  18  interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire.One is   19   a man.The man   20  a very long time ago.He went up to the sun and   21   fire down.

     Today people know how to make a fire with matches(火柴).Children sometimes  22   to play with them.But matches can be very dangerous.One match burns a piece of paper, and  23     it could burn a house.A small fire can burn a big fire very quickly.So you   24   be careful with matches.

     Be careful with fire, it will   25   you.But if you aren't careful with fire, it may

hurt you.

(    )16.A.warm         B.warmer        C.cool            D.cooler

(    )17.A.also          B.too            C.either           D.neither

(    )18.A.many         B.much          C.a little           D.no

(    )19.A.over          B.about          C.of              D.on

(    )20.A.worked       B.studied         C.learn            D.lived

(    )21.A.bring         B.take           C.brought          D.took

(    )22.A.enjoy         B.like           C.don't like         D.become

(    )23.A.after          B.late           C.yet              D.then

(    )24.A.can           B.may           C.will             D.must

(    )25.A.help          B.do             C.tell              D.hope



     A 50-year-old American officer came back to his school.The teachers asked him to give a talk to the small boys and girls there.The talk was about the love of their great country.All the little ones were sitting in a large meeting room.The old officer went up and began speaking.He said, "Boys and girls, I studied in this school forty years ago.When I was your age, we were not as happy as you are today.Think about it and answer me, why are you so happy now?"

     No sound came from the children.The old man waited for a long time.Then a short boy in the front put up his small dirty hand."Dear, please answer me."said the officer.

     With a big smile on his face, the boy stood up and said, "If you speak long enough, we won't have to have maths and biology lessons this morning."

(     )26.The old man came back to the school________

             A.to listen to a talk                 B.to have lessons

             C.to give a talk                    D.to see the children

(     )27.The officer studied in this school when he was________

             A.fifty          B.ten             C.twenty          D.old

(     )28.The old officer found that the children at that school were___ ever be  fore.

             A.as good as                        B.as well as

             C.as happy as                       D.much happier than

(     )29.The short boy in the front________

             A.didn't understand the question and answer it in a wrong way

             B.spoke the truth

             C.wanted to make others laugh

             D.wanted to make the officer angry

(     )30.From the passage, we know________

             A.that the short boy liked the talk very much

             B.that all the children liked the talk

             C.that the short boy didn't like studying his lessons

             D.that some children liked to listen to a funny talk


      The football is one of the most popular sports in the world.There are so many people who like playing and watching football.They even like watching football match as better than doing any other things.So we call them football fans.

     World Cup is the w0rld~s most popular and wonderful sport.It is held every four years and it stands for the highest level of football over the world.The men's World Cup began in 1930.The women's World Cup was first played in 1991.2002 World Cup is held in Korea and Japan.Our team took part in it.It was the first time for us to take part in the World Cup.

      Asian Cup(亚洲杯) is the main national football competition of the Asian nations.Since 1956,it has been held once every four years.Our country held 2004 Asian Cup in Beijing, in July.

(    )31.The women's World Cup was first played in________

             A.1930          B.1991           C.2002            D.1956

(    )32.Which of the following is true?

             A.The football is the most popular sport in the world.

             B.Our team took part in the World Cup in 2002.

             C.Asian Cup is held every three years.

             D.The men's World Cup began in 1991.

(     )33.What kind of people can we call football fans?

             A.People who like playing football.

             B.People who like football better than other things.

             C.People who like watching TV.

             D.People who don't like football.

(     )34.2004 Asian.Cup has held in________

             A.Korea         B.Japan           C.China            D.America

(     )35.Asian Cup was first held in________ in________

             A.Korea,2002   B.China,1956     C.Japan,1937       D.Japan,2002



36.Tom isn't pleased with his p________ results at school.

37.Stupid is another way of saying s________

38.The medicine tasted b________ and the boy spat it out(吐出).

39.Follow the doctor's a________ and you will get well soon.

40.Think it over before making important d________, especially when you are in a bad mood.


41.People here is not as________ (friend) as you.

42.The mother looks________ (worry) about her son.

43.Parking bikes needs________ (little) space than parking cars.

44.I say________ (thank) to your parents for their kindness.

45.The Sound of Music is one of my favorite________ (movie).


A: Jenny, do you have an interesting story about yourself?

B: Oh, yes.46          One day, I found a bottle of ink in the living room and I drank it.

A: You drank it? That’s terrible.47    

B: When my sister saw me, she was very surprised.She told our mother and I was

   taken to hospital at once.

A: How did you feel after you drank the ink?

B: 48          I stayed in hospital for two days.

A: 49          

B: What about you, Tina? Did you get into any trouble when you were young?

A: Yes, I did.One day when I was four years old.I ate a spoon of salt.50     

B: How did you like it?

A: It was terrible.

A.What happened then?

B.Oh, your poor thing.

C.It was delicious.

D.I felt so sick.

E.But I thought it was sugar.

F.It happened when I was three years old.


     This is an interesting movie.Its three hours l  51  ,but I was never bored.The story is q   52   difficult.Follow it carefully and you will e   53    every minute! Good-looking Michael Douglas plays a 19-year-old college student.We know Gloria is a great singer.In this m  54   her acting is great, too.But they don't talk much.There's lots of music i  55  .The music is very loud and e  56  .There is lots of blood―the whole of the college football t  57   falls into a big machine, and they come out as spaghetti.But there are lots of great jokes, t   58  .I was laughing and feeling s  59  ,when I came out of the movie t  60 

51._______ 52._______ 53._______ 54._______ 55._______

56._______ 57._______ 58._______ 59._______ 60._______



    提示词:fall off,carry,look over