

(考试时间:90分钟  满分:120分)






    1.A.I like the music that’s not too loud.

       B.I think you like comedies.

       C:I like thrillers.What about you?

   2. A.No.I don’t.I like to wear red clothes.

       B.Yes,he likes it very much.

       C.No,she doesn’t.She likes to wear cool clothes.

   3. A.This music is great because I can dance to it。   

       B.This song is very nice.    C.Because smoking is bad for you.

   4. A.Either music or math.    B.Neither music nor art     C.Music.

   5. A.Yes.I know.    B.I don’t know.    C.You are right.

  Ⅱ .听下面5段对话,每段对话后面有一个问题,从所给选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话和问题读两遍。你将有lO秒钟的时间完成有关小题和阅读下一个小题。  (5分)

   6.A.Tonight.           B.This afternoon.    C.Tomorrow.

   7.A.No,he doesn’t.    B.I think he does.    C.Yes,he does.

   8.A.Because they want two dogs.    B.Because their dog died.

      C.Because their dog is i11.

   9.A.Mary.          B.Jack.            C.Lucy.

  10.A.A song.        B.A  film.         C.ATV play

  Ⅲ.听对话,回答问题。对话读两遍。你将有10秒钟的时间完成有关小题和阅读下一个小题。听第一段对话,回答11--12小题。(3分)    .

   11.Where does tiffs dialogue probably take place?

     A.In a  park.    B.In a  library.    C.In a cinema.

   12.How often does Jane have a run?

     A.About sixteen times a month.    B.Four times a month.

     C.Once a  week.



13.What is Tom going to be when he grows up?

  A.An animal doctor.  B.A teacher.    C.A policeman.

14.What does Miss Wang think about her job?

  A.Very interesting and helpful.    B.Very rewarding.

  C. Very popular and famous.

15.How many people are mentioned(提到)in the dialogue?

  A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.

IV.听短文,完成下列任务。  f共10分)



A:This morning his mother had to wake him up.

B:He had to stay up until two o'clock this morning。

C:He ran fast all the way to the bus stop.

D:He had to go back to get it.  

E:He suddenly remembered that he had left his schoolbag at home.

16.         17.            18.             19.            20.      







 the thing he did last night





the name of the film




 the reason he went back home




 the way he went to school




 the first class they had




第二部分:笔试部分 (95分)


26.Tom has            a few friends and feels happy.

  A. very        B.quite       C.too      D.much

 27.This kind of pot is              keeping tea hot.

  A.used in    B.used for    C. used as   D.used to

 28.Jill′s car         on the halfway to work this morning.

    A.broke down    B.broke up    C.broke out    D.broken

  29.Our neighbor′s car alarm is always       in the middle of the night.

      A. going off   B.going out    C.going away   D.going down

  30.           to leave at once,or I’l1 be late for the meeting.

     A.tell         B.told         C.am told    D.told

  31.--- Why don′t you have a notebook with you?

     ---I′ve      it at home.

    A. lost           B.forgotten    C.1eft       D.found

  32.You′d better get up        possible        you can catch the early bus.

    A. as soon as,so that     B.so early as, so that

    C. as soon as,in order    D.as early as, so that

  33.If I     you,I        give it to Tom .

    A.was;would    B.were;would    C.am;will  D.am ,would

  34.I didn′t know        

    A.where does he live     B.where he lives

    C.where did he live      D.where he lived

  35._      do you think has stolen your pen?

    A.Who           B.Whom            C.Whose     D.What

  36.We can’t put off        a plan for the party.

    A. make          B.to make         C.making    D.makes

37.This hotel reminds me       the one we stayed in last year.

  A. to             B.at             C.for       D.of

  38.The number of the people      lost their lives in the accident reached 50.

    A. who            B.whom           C.which      D./

  39.         play the piano when I was young.

    A.didn′t used to      B.wasn′t rise to

    C.didn′t use to       D.wasn′t used to

  40.His parents provide him       food and clothes.

    A.for            B.at             C.with        D.use

  41.The TV play      for ten minutes when I turned on the TV.

    A.has been on    B.had started    C.had begun   D.had been on

  42.He is supposed      there on time.

    A.to be          B.being          C.is          D.was

  43.No children        to watch this kind of  films.They are so scary.

    A.should allow            B.shouldn’t be allowed

    C.should be allowed       D.aren’t   allowed

  44.Maria thinks that      English movies isn’t a good way to learn English.

A.watching      B.watch           C.watched      D.watched

  45.If you can’t get to sleep,get up and try to do something    lying in bed.

    A.because of    B.instead of      C.and          D.or



    Everyone has his own birthday.People celebrate(庆祝)their birthdays in different countries in  different ways. Now here are four people from different countries. They will let us how to celebrate their birthdays in their countries.

    Sandy Morison comes from Madrid(马德里).He says happily, “My twenty-first birthday is on Saturday,  and I'm going to go out with some friends.To wish me a happy birthday, they’re going to pull on my ear 21 times,once for each year.It′s an old custom.Some people pull on the ear just once,but my friends are very traditional.”

    Mr and Mrs Sato are from Tokyo.Mr Sato is going to be 60 tomorrow in Japan,the sixtieth birthday is called Kanreki--it′s the beginning of a new  life.The color red is for a new life, so we always give something red for a sixtieth birthday.Mrs Sato says,”What am I going to give my  husband? I can’t say.It’s a surprise.

    Li Xiaomei from Beijing feels very excited and tells us, “Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday. It’s a special birthday, so we are going to have a family party.I’m probably going to get some money in ”lucky" envelopes from my relatives.My mother is going to cook noodles---noodles are for along life.”

    Phillip Evans,from Paris,smiles to us,”I’m going to be 30 next week,so I’m going to invite  three very good friends out to dinner.In France,when you have a birthday, you often invite people out. In some countries,I know it’s the opposite---people take you out.”


    46. People in different countries celebrate their birthdays in the same way.

    47. To celebrate her birthday, Sandy is going to pull on her friends,ears.

    48.On his birthday, Mr Sato is going to receive something red.

    49. Li Xiaomei is going to cook some noodles on her birthday.

  50. Phillip is going to take his friends out to dinner on his birthday.


Question items








 1.Make their lessons interesting








 2.Explain clearly








 3.Have relaxed manner   








 4.Write neatly on the blackboard








 5.Let students ask questions in class








 6.Look through students’ notebooks








 7.Speak loudly








 8.Treat students equally








 9.Care about students’ opinions








 1 0.Spend time with students between classes









   The following table shows some results of a survey.Eight hundred Japanese students were asked to give their impressions of their teachers.The students’ impressions were found to be different depending on how long the teachers had taught.There are three kinds of teachers:the new ones(those who had taught for less than three years),the middle aged ones(ten to twenty years),and the old ones(twenty to thirty years).The number in the table shows the percentage (百分率)of the students who answered ” very satisfied(满意)” for each question.

51.Old teachers are loved by students for their ability(能力)to        

     A.be fair to all students    B.1isten to what students say

     C.explain texts clearly      D.understand and play with students

  52.Students seem to think new and middle―aged teachers are more than the old ones.

    A.relaxed in class            B.interested in students′opinions

    C.kind                        D.clever

  53.What kind of teachers are good at making their lessons interesting?

    A.New teachers.              B.Middle-aged teachers.

    C.Old teachers.              D.We don′t know.

54.The word″impressions″means         

    A.feeling     B.words     C.hope     D.information

  55.According to the table,which of the following is true?

    A.In the new teachers′classes,students seem to ask questions more freely.

    B.Students seem to be quite satisfied with the new teachers′hand-writing.

    C.The middle―aged teachers′ spend most time with students after class.

    D.Though old teachers don′t play games with students during breaks,their teaching is rated(被评价)highly.


    Teeth are important.Strong and healthy teeth help you chew foods that help you grow.They help you speak clearly.And they help you look best.Here are some tips or you to take care of your teeth.

  1.Brush your teeth the right way.   

     Brash your teeth at least twice a day―一after breakfast and before bedtime.If you can,brush after lunch or after sweet snacks,too.

     Brush all of your teeth,not just the front ones.Spend time brushing teeth along the sides and back of your mouth.Brush away from your gums,too.

    Spend at least three minutes each time you brush.Play a song you like to help pass the time.Get a new toothbrush every three months.When you buy your toothbrush,be sure it has soft bristles (毛).

 2.Learn how to floss(用牙线清洁)your teeth.

    Flossing is a very important way to keep your teeth healthy.Food may hide in places where a toothbrush can’t get to.Flossing can help get rid of(清除)it.Carefully move the floss between two teeth,up and down.You’ll need to floss your teeth at least once a day.

   3.Have good eating habits.

    You need to be careful about what you eat and drink.Eating sugar before you go to bed can make things worse.Eat lots of fruit and vegetables and drink water instead of cola.   

  56.The passage is mainly about          

    A.how to take care of your teeth    B.how to brush your teeth

    C.how to floss your teeth           D.how to form good eating habits

  57.The word“tip”means         

    A.money given to the waiter for personal services

    B.piece of advice on how to do something

    C.1ight blow              D.thin end of something

  58.When you brush your teeth,at least         minute(s)is necessary.

    A.1          B.2       C.3        D.4

  59.Which is NOT mentioned in this passage ?

    A.Flossing your teeth.        B.Having good eating habits.

    C.Brushing your teeth.        D.Going to see the dentist.

  60.Which of the following is NOT true?

    A.We should brush our teeth at least twice a day.

    B.Flossing can help get rid of the food between two teeth.

    C.Eating sugar is bad for your teeth.  

    D.We don’t have to brush our teeth if we eat a lot of fruit and vegetables.




  be;      prefer;   try;   suit;  visit;  go;  learn

  Dear Pen Pal,

      I’m having a great time in Hong Kong,although I have to be honest and say that I prefer Shanghai.Still it′s a great place  l  and I'm lucky to be here for my six-month English course.Some other students  2  French.I might like to learn it too.What languages would you like to learn?

     There  3  just so much to see and do here.Last night I  4  to a Chinese music concert.Most of my friends like loud music that they can dance to.I  5  quiet,traditional music so the concert  6  me just fine.What kinds of music do you like?

     Before the concert we went for Italian food.Do you like it? There are lots of different kinds of food here.I don′t know what  7   next.What kinds of food do you prefer?


P:Paula    B:Bob

P:Hi,Bob.You look   8    !

B:I don′t feel great,Paula.

P:Is there something   9    ? Have you been to the doctor′t s?

B:No,I′m not i11.I’m just a bit tired.I′m probably not sleeping enough.

P:You shouldn′t go out so late then.

B:I'm not going out at all actually.I′m too busy  10  .I   11   last night.

P:Staying up? But the exams are two months away.

B:I know.but I've got a lot to do.I didn′t do much last term.1 wish I had been more like you!

P:Well,yeah,1 went to every class and I took lots of  12  .After class I spent time looking through all the key points I made during class.

B:Have you started preparing for the exams?

P:Not yet.I'll start next week,but I'm not going to stay up all night doing it.If you don′t sleep enough.you can′t  1 3  and you don′t learn anything.Anyway you   should have a  weekend off.

B:I don′t think so.I can′t  14  the time.

P:Of course you can.Why don′t you go to do some  15  work with me? You used to be a  member of our Helping Team.

P:I know, I do need some time to relax.


  I have two cats named Mars and Venus.Get it? My niece,Beth,thought of the names. They are so cute.Mars is bigger and Venus has long curly, fur.

They are such great company! They are curious(好奇)about everything except for the cat window seat.My two furry friends have visited almost every place in the house.

Until I got Mars and Venus 1 was having terrible problems with insomnia.1 would go to bed at midnight and lie there until 4 or sometimes even 5 in the morning.I was walking around during the nighttime,and couldn′t seem to find a way to get to sleep.After one night of galloping from one end often house to the other, Mars and Venus moved in and when I go to bed,they do,too.

At midnight.I lie down in my warm bed, Mars finds his place on the pillow next to me and  then Venus curls up so that she is touching Mars.They sleep all through the night…and guess what.SO do I!I fall asleep almost immediately.

    Now with two little balls of fur next to me,I sleep beautifully.


1.Company        2.Furry         3.Insomnia        4.pillow           

  A.covered with fur            B.something you put your head on when sleeping

  C.friend you spend time with  D.inability to sleep


5.Where don′t the cats like to go?

6.Why is the writer able to sleep well at night?


7.Until I got Mars and Venus 1 was having terrible problems with insomnia.






    Can    .






 help the young children read




 green plants


 plant trees






 paint for the school newspaper








   Students in Class 9 want to be volunteers to help others.Tim enjoys     ,so he can help  2  .Gina loves green plants,she can  3   .Ben likes  4   ,so he can paint   5  .They are happy because they can help other people.

B.初中的学习生活即将结束,在装载您收获的行囊――成长记录袋中还应该增添一份您自己满意的答卷。请参考下列所提供的信息,以“My Middle School Life”为题写一份自我评价。(80-100字)(15分)






