

I.  选出与句子画线部分意思相同或相近的选项,使句意不变.(5分)

 (     ) 1.Loud music makes me energetic.

          A. interesting    B. important    C. exciting   D. difficult

 (     ) 2. The parents take their child to see animals at times.

          A. all the time   B. sometimes  C. some time  D. often

 (     ) 3. For example , they can help you to compare two different products.

          A. instance    B. myself    C. truth   D. distance

 (      ) 4. If you give flowers, it’s a good idea to send flowers ahead of time.

          A. thought   B. way      C. path  D. road

 (      ) 5. I’m afraid your body is going down now.

A.     makes progress  B. keeps slipping

C. lives hard      D. spends time


II.  单项选择:(25分)

(     )1. _________ should not be allowed to go out at night.

A. Twelve-years-old              B. Twelve-year-olds

C. Twelve year old                D. Twelve years olds

  (     )2. I ___________ yesterday. It was broken.

A. had my bike repair             B. had my bike repairs

C. had my bike repaired            D. has my bike repaired

  (     )3. I need time _________ my computer.

A. to mend    B. mending      C. mend      D. mended

  (     )4. --- He went to see the man who was in hospital yesterday.

--- ____________.

A. So did we  B. So we did    C. We did so   D. Did so we

  (     )5. You mustn’t go out ________ school nights.

A. to         B. with       C. of          D. on

(     )6. If a friend said something bad ______ you, what would you do?

      A. about      B. on       C. for        D. to

(     )7. I don’t know _________.

    A. what to do it  B. how to do it   C. what to do   D. to do what

(     )8. He is too tired ________ any longer.

    A. not to walk  B. to walk   C. walking    D. not walking

(     )9. He went to school without ______ to school.

    A. go         B. goes      C. going     D. to go

(     )10. He is afraid to speak in _______ public.

     A. the        B a         C. an        D. /

(     )11. Mr Wang is leaving ________ Guangzhou next week.

A. to B. with C. in D. for

(      )12. -________ is it from your home to school?   -Three miles.

A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How long

(      )13. It will take the men half a year ________ the work.

A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes

(      )14. I often go to work ________.

A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. on bike

(       )15. Good health depends ________ good food.

A. on B. for C. at D. from

(      )16.__________he is ill,__________he goes to school.

A. Although, but B. /, /

C. Although, / D. But, although

(      )17. They watch TV__________.

A. one a week B. once a week

C. one the week D. once week

(      )18. The old man is well because he often__________.

A. exercises B. drinks

C. sleeps D. play

(      )19. -__________do you read English books? -Twice a day.

A. How many B. How much

C. How long D. How often

(      )20. Lily usually starts the day__________breakfast.

(      )21. The foreign visitors have been in Nartony for _________ three weeks.

          A. more than             B. than          

C. more             D. more and more

  (      )22. I can _________ swim _______ skate. Will you please teach me?

          A. either …or            B. not only…but also

          C. both …and            D. neither …nor

  (     )23. -Can I try it on?     -I’m ____________ you can.

          A. sure              B. be sure              C. make sure          D. surely

  (     )24. -We are free this afternoon. Let’s go to play computer games.

          -Well, I think I’d better watch an English program ________.

         A. too          B. either         C. then           D. instead

  (      )25. -How are you getting on with your work?

           -I can’t do it _________ any longer, I’ll have to get help.

         A. singly             B. quietly              C. alone         D. hard


III.  完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Winter Break. Two whole weeks without homework. Two weeks to   1  . I imagined myself getting   2   sleep.

But soon I   3   something: I couldn't sleep. It would be 12:30 am and I would be trying to   . I would begin thinking that I haven't done anything today! I was eating when I wasn't   . I was playing a computer game   6   it was boring.

The truth, I concluded, is that relaxation doesn't mean doing   7 . Relaxation means doing something enjoyable. I   8   to swim at the local high school. I    a practice schedule of an hour and a half per day. I decided to read two books and do a little community service work. After that, I'll write emails to my friends, watch DVDs and sleep 12 hours a day. And I'm truly having fun relaxing.

After each past winter break , I haven't been able to say what I did, how I used my time. This winter break will be   10  . I am relaxing by working.


1. A. work              B. relax          C. travel      D. sleep

2. A. plenty of    B. very little    C. a few      D. much too

3. A. remembered   B. advised      C. noticed       D. watched

4. A. play games     B. work out    C. fall asleep   D. lie awake

5. A. hungry           B. tired          C. thirsty     D. worried

6. A. unless            B. even though       C. no matter   D. while

7. A. something      B. anything     C. nothing      D. everything

8. A. expected      B. dreamed     C. planned      D. meant

9. A. put up            B. set up      C. gave up      D. took up

10. A. difficult        B. strong     C. different     D. funny





Read the following six advertisements and answer the questions for each of them.



Comfortable family home with large garden on north side of town.

Three bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bathroom.

Offer over $ 35,000



for busy restaurant. Some evening and weekend work.

All meals free.  Ring 3320178



Boys and girls wanted to play in local football team. Aged 9--13

Meet in Green Park on Fridays at 3 p.m.




Small room to rent in city center flat above restaurant.

Newly painted with modern furniture. Near main railway station.

Buses pass front door. Phone 3322108




FLATS                            SEAVIEW HOTEL

Set in lovely gardens                         Near sea and sands

   5 minutes’ walk from beach                        beautiful ground

     children’s playground                          children welcome

   Enjoy your own cooking                        THREE FIRST-CLASS

     MODERN KITCHEN IN                     RESTAURANT

        EVERY FLAT



1. The Browns are looking for a new house. Mr Brown wants to live in the north of town near his workplace. Mrs Brown wants a house with four bedrooms. The Browns’ children don’t care what the house is like as long as (只要)the garden is big enough.

Why didn’t the Browns buy the house in the advertisement?

A.     it was on the wrong side of the town.            

B. There weren’t enough bedrooms.

C.There was no dinning room.                     

D. The garden was too big.

2. Man: Why don’t we rent(租、借)one of the Seaview Holiday Flats for our holiday, Mary? They sound just as good as the Seaview Hotel, and it would be much cheaper.

Mary: There’s one big difference between the holiday flats and the hotel. The hotel would be much less work.

Why would Mary rather stay at the hotel?

A.     They wouldn’t have to cook.                        

B. It’s not so expensive.

C.She would enjoy the beautiful gardens.             

D. It’s near the sea.

3. Tom: There’s a new football team standing in the village, Mum. I’m old enough to play in it. We stop school at half past three, so I’d have plenty of time.

Mum: Well, I suppose you could do your homework later. But look, Tom, you haven’t read the advertisement carefully. You can’t possibly play for this team.

Why can’t Tom play for the new football team?

    A. He’s not old enough.                        B. Tom hasn’t read the advertisement carefully.

    C. School stops too late.                        D. He has to do his homework

4. Man: I’m looking for a room to rent. It doesn’t matter how big it is. I don’t care what colour the walls are or how old the furniture(家具)is. I’ve got to study for my exams, so the house must be quiet and near the school.

Girl: There are some advertisements for rooms in the paper. What about this one?

Man: Yes… Yes… that’s all right. Oh, dear, no, I don’t think it would do.

What’s wrong with the room in the advertisement about rooms?

A.     It’s too small.                                     

B. The walls are the wrong colour.

C.The man likes old furniture better.   

D. It’s too noisy.

5. Ann has always wanted to work in a restaurant. She thinks they’re exciting places. It’s hard work but she isn’t lazy. You have to work on Saturdays and Sundays but you get other days off. It’s not very well-paid, but who cares about money?

Why does Ann want to get the job in the restaurant?  

A.     It’s an easy job.                                

B. The pay is good and the food is free.

C. She thinks it would be fun.                 

D. You get long holidays.   



Take three basins (盆) . Fill the first basin with water which is as hot as you are able to bear(承受) with your hands. In the second basin mix hot water with cold water. Fill the third basin with cold water from the tap(自来水管).

Now place the basins on the table. Put your right hand in the hot water. Put your left hand in the cold water. You will find that your right hand feels hot and your left hand feels cold . After twenty seconds move both your hands into the lukewarm(微温的) water. What do you feel? Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold. But both hands are in the same basin of water.

(     ) 6. The writer is talking about          .

        A. hot water

        B. cold water

        C. basin

        D. an experiment(试验)

(     ) 7. How many basins are needed in the experiment ?

        A. One     B. Two      C. Three     D. Four

(     ) 8. Your left hand feels warm and your right hand feels cold because        .

        A. they are in different basins of water

        B. your right hand is stronger than your left hand

        C. your left hand is stronger than your right hand

        D. they were in different basins of water a short while ago

(     ) 9. After putting your hand in the cold water, you put it in the hot water . You will find         .

        A. the water is too hot for you to bear

        B. the hot water feels lukewarm

        C. the water feels cold

        D. your hand turns black

(     ) 10. This experiment shows that         .

        A. sometimes our senses (感觉) deceive(欺骗) us

        B. we can always get to know whether something is hot or cold by feeling it with our hands

        C. hot water and cold water do not mix

        D. one of our hands is stronger than the other




 “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is a popular saying in the US. It is true that all of us need recreation.    11   .

Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular way is to take part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and football. There are also individual sports, such as swimming and running .      12         .

          13        . Many people like watching TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people like some forms of indoor recreation ,such as watching TV ,singing and dancing.

It doesn’t matter if we like indoor recreation or take parting out door sports.        14      .

A. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be outdoor

B. Not everyone who enjoys sports events likes to take part in them

C. We can not work all the time if we are going to keep good health and enjoy life

D. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time ,and enjoy some forms of recreation

15. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” Here “dull” means


  A. good    B. happy    C. foolish     D. nice

V. 用所给汉语的适当形式填空:(5分)

1. Sorry, I can’t understand          (口语) English. 

2. I like playing football         (而不是) of basketball .

3. The man is wearing a suit . He might be        (跑步) to catch bus.

4. No parking is         (允许) in this street .

5. I’m trying to study .Please turn off the TV and don’t be         (吵闹).


VI. 书面表达;(15分)


你原来身体状况不好,经常感冒,经过一段时间的锻炼,你感到身体好了,学习效率也明显提高了。此时校报英语角正在征集“Sports and Health”的文章,你想就此机会写一写你参加体育活动后的感受。

提示词语:the Physical Trainning Centre体育健身中心  join in, energetic精力充沛