

I. 选出与句子画线部分意思相同或相近的选项,使句意不变.(5分)

 (     ) 1. They have gone to England and they haven’t returned yet.

         A. come back    B. turned back  C. get back    D. be back

 (     ) 2. How time flies!

         A. past     B. passes    C. cross   D. by

 (     ) 3. Please tell me if we will go on a trip tomorrow.

         A. weather    B. wealth    C. whether   D. whoever

 (     ) 4. I want to go somewhere warm.

         A. to warm somewhere     B. a warm somewhere

         C. a warm place           D. to a warm place

 (     ) 5. Since water covers most of the earth, I think we should keep lakes, rivers and seas clean.

         A. Although    B. Because     C. If     D. As


II. 单项选择:(25分)

(   ) 1. --When shall we go to the park, this morning or this afternoon?

       --_________is OK. I’m free today.

      A. Both     B. Neither    C. None     D. Either

(   ) 2. --Would you please go to the movie with me? 

--If Lucy goes, __________.

      A. so do I     B. so would I     C. so am I     D. so will I

(   ) 3.Yesterday I got my hair _________.

      A. cut       B. to cut        C. cutted    D. cutting

(   ) 4. This boy should stop _______that silly earring.

      A. wear        B. to wear      C. wearing    D. to put on

(   ) 5.Anna is ________to go to school.

      A. enough old     B. old enough    C. so old    D. too old that  

(   ) 6.―I think students should be allowed to use an e-dictionary.

--______. I think it’s useless.

A. I agree      B. I disagree     C. I’m afraid     D. I guess

(   ) 7. How long did they _______doing the washing?

A. spend         B. cost              C. take        D. pay

(   ) 8. The teachers should be strict _______the students.

A. with   B. in   C. to  D. on

(   ) 9. My mother loves me very much. She also _______my study.

      A. worries about   B. cares about   C. loves   D. talks about

(   ) 10. It’s raining heavily _____the farmers keep on working in the field.

A. but   B. although    C. till     D. because              

(   ) 11. I was told _____  Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers.

      A. that how   B. how that   C. when that   D. that when

(   ) 12. He wants to travel next week. I agree _______his plan.

A. to     B. with     C. from     D. on

(   ) 13. Aren’t you allowed to go out _____nights_____?

       A. at, either     B. on, too    C. on either     D. at, too

(   ) 14. Excuse me. Can you tell me when ________?

A. will the ship leave     B. the ship will leave   

C. the ship had left       D. did the ship leave

(   ) 15. It’s our duty _______our classroom _______.

A. keep, clean up    B. keeping, cleaning   

C. to keep, clean up   D. to keep, clean

(   ) 16. ?What is your sister doing now?

?______ the onions.

A. Cut up                 B. Peel

C. Cutting on               D. Peeling

(   )17. - ______? -It's twenty yuan.

A. How many is it     B. What is it

C. How money is it     D. How much is it

(   ) 18. Please add a tomato ______ the sandwich.

A. on     B. in     C. to     D. at

(   ) 19. He wants to know______ lettuce I want.

A. How many       B. How much

C. how many       D. how much

(   ) 20. Mike says he needs ______.

A. to eat anything      B. to eat something

C. eats something      D. to eating something

(   ) 21. I have no money ___ me.

A. with    B. without   C. to        D. on

(   ) 22. I bought a present for her, ___ she didn’t like it.

A. and             B. but    C. so         D. for

(   ) 23. ___ can live without air.

A. Nobody      B. Anybody   C. Somebody          D. Everybody

(   ) 24. “___ do you fly to Japan to see your son?” “Once a year.”

A. How long            B. When   C. How many        D. How often

(   ) 25. You think foreign languages are more important than science. But I really  can’t agree ___ you.

A. to             B. at   C. with           D. for


III. 完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)

Have you ever seen a "tomboy"? I have a girl classmate, Rose,   1   acts like a boy. She is outgoing. She loves soccer, and likes to play   2   boys. She even looks like a boy! On the first day of school, I was   3   surprised to learn Rose was a girl that I nearly asked her: "Are you a boy or a girl?" But that doesn't matter any more. She is friendly to both girls and boys, and we've   4   seen her high-tempered.

Wherever she goes, she carries a smile along, and she   5   it with everyone she meets. When she plays soccer or other sports, she smiles with joy. If her team wins, her   6   shows joy and pride. If she loses, then her smile says "they're so good, it was great playing with them". When she meets a friend, her smile is a greeting, and when she meets a teacher, her smile is filled with   7  .

Every day, when I ask   8   about our math homework, she tells me every detail she knows. Before every math class, I see her   9  at the front leading the class, or carrying a stack of homework or math materials. I have never   10   her say a word of displeasure or boast about her job in the math office.

1. A. who      B. which        C. what D. that

2. A. for        B. with       C. at       D. to

3. A. too        B. as          C. so      D. very

4. A. usually B. often           C. ever    D. never

5. A. laughs   B. agrees       C. ends   D. shares

6. A. smile     B. view     C. idea   D. record

7. A. pride     B. friend        C. joy     D. respect

8. A. him       B. her         C. she     D. he

9. A. either    B. neither           C. both   D. hardly

10. A. to hear        B. hearing      C. hear   D. heard




Scientist has told us so much about the moon that it's quite easy to tell what it would like to go there. It's certainly not a friendly  place. As there is no air or water, there can be no life of any kind. Mile after mile there are only plains (平原) of dust(土) with mountains around them above, the sun and the stars shine in a black sky. If you step out of the mountains shadows (阴影)it will mean moving from terrible (非常) cold into great heat(热).

    The moon is also a very silent (安静) world, for sound waves (波) can only travel through air. But from the moon , you can see a friendly sight (景象). Our earth is shining more brightly than the stars. It looks like a very large ball, coloured blue and green and brown.

    1. What kind of place is the moon?

      A. It is a friendly place.

      B. It is a lively place.

      C. It is a nice place for man to live

      D. It is a lifeless place.

    2. Temperature on the moon _______.

      A. are usually the same       B. are always very low

      C. can be very different     D. are usually very high

    3. The moon is a silent world because _______.

      A. there is no life there                  B. there is no air there

      C. there is no green tree there    D. there is no water there.

    4. When we look from the moon, the sky is _______.

       A. blue    B. black    C. green       D. brown

    5. “…there are only plains of dust with…”,the word “dust” means _______.

      A. ground    B. dry earth    C. land       D. field



Newspaper Advertisements(广告)

Business Services 
English, Math, Physics, Computer 
Call Miss Smith, 800-3594
Early hour wake-up service 
Tel. 800-0780
Wedding invitations(婚礼邀请)
Call 800-0942 anytime
Typing and editing(打字编辑)
Call Jean, 800-3535, 10a.m.-10p.m.
Guitar teacher 
Wants students. Folk/ jazz. Bob 800-7535
Help Wanted
My home: care for a school age child. Please call Gayle Moore days 800-1111, evenings and weekends 800-4964
Telephone receptionist(接线员)
No experience necessary. Good pay. Tel. 800-2817. After 9 a.m.
Wanted 10 a.m.-2 p.m. or 10:30a.m.-5 p.m. Apply in person.
Curtis Restaurant.
( ) 6. If you want to find someone to help your child with his math in his spare time, what will you do?
A. Call Gayle moor days 800-1111.
B. Call Miss Smith, 800-3594.
C. Call 800-2817
D. Call Jean, 800-3535, 10 a.m.
( ) 7. Which phone number can you call to have services about wedding invitations?
A. 800-0942 B. 800-7535
C. 800-3535 D. 800-0780
( ) 8. Who probably(可能)wants to teach students to play the guitar?
A. Steve B. Jean C. Bob D. Moore
( ) 9. Gayle Moore wants someone to ______ .
A. take care of his sick child in the hospital.
B. wake him up early in the morning
C. help his child with his lessons.
D. take care of his child at home.
( ) 10. What do the Curtis Restaurant say in its advertisement?
   A. A telephone receptionist is wanted.
   B. Help is wanted for housework .
   C. Waitresses are wanted.
   D. Math and English can be taught.



Australia is nearly as large as the United States, but most of it is too dry for people to live in. Around the edge of this dry part are large sheep farms.    11    . Often the nearest neighbors are many hundred kilometers away.

The two-way radio is very important to people who live on these great Australian farms.      12     . A person can listen to someone else’s talk and then give an answer.

When these radio first came into use, the Australian government (政府) set up a special two-way radio programme. Then, people on the large farms could talk to a doctor hundreds of kilometers away.      13  .

Since the large farms were so far from towns, the children could not go to school.     14     . At a certain (确定的)time each day, the boys and girls turn on their radios and listen to teachers in cities kilometers away.

Families on the large farm wanted to give news to their neighbors. The radio kept families in touch with each other. They could talk about who was going away or who was sick. The men could talk about their sheep and how much money the market would pay for them. In many ways the radio became a newspaper for the farm people of Australia.


A. It works much like a telephone

B. Radio schools were set up for them in some places

C. They could tell the doctor about someone who was ill and the doctor could let them know how to care for the sick person

D. A few of them are as large as the smallest states in America

15.From this passage , we can infer ( 推断) that        .

  A. people can live everywhere in Australia

  B. children don’t go to school in Australia

  C. doctors use the radio to cure (治疗) sick persons

  D. the two-way radio is very important to people on the large farm


V. 用所给词的适当形式填空:(5分)

1. Alice asked me          (礼貌) to put the things away. 

2. He         (成功) in winning the first place.

3. The dull book isn’t worth         (读) a third time. 

4. He said that my listening          (是) very good .

5. Do you mind         (闭上) your eyes?



今年你就要高中毕业了,但你的确不想学得太辛苦了。你打算先在一家时装店找一份工作,挣一些钱。但是父母坚决不同意。他们说你必须上大学,接受良好的教育。请你把自己的困惑告诉21 世纪生活报Heart to Heart 栏目的编辑,希望得到他们的帮助。