1. moment用法:at the last moment, for the moment, for a moment , not for a moment, this moment

特殊注意:the moment (that)…引导的是时间状高考资源网语从句 = as soon as


2. more 用法:more or less; the more…, the more…; more than,no more than, not more.. than

特殊注意:数词要放在more之前,如:one more.


3. most用法: most of all, at the most, make the most of, 可作主语宾语;加the 是最高级;a表示非常;

特殊注意:mostly 副词,大部分,大多数,常置于表语中。


4. move 用法:move over to; be moved to tears



5. music 用法:dance/listen to music; a piece of music



6. must 用法:must be; must be doing; must have done; mustn’t do



7. name用法:by name, by the name of, call one’s names, in the name of, make one’s name, of the name of

特殊注意:用作动词,意为“命名,取名”,常用于句型7。name after, name sb. as / to be


8. nationality 用法:What’s your nationality?

特殊注意:回答这样的问句时要说I am Chinese.


9. necessary 用法:if necessary; it is necessary to do/that

特殊注意:在necessary后面的从句要用虚拟语气,即it is necessary that sb. should do的形式。


10. need 用法:need to do; needn’t do; need doing = need to be done



11. next 用法:next to the room; next one; the next day; next door neighbor

特殊注意:next to可以表示仅次于,如:Next to swimming I like running best. 还可以表示“几乎”。


12. no more 用法:no more books; no more than

特殊注意:no more than表示仅仅;not more than表示不超过。


13. none 用法:none of; none is there



14. nor 用法:neither…nor…; nor do I.



15. notice 用法:notice sb. do/doing; notice that; take notice of

特殊注意:作名词时可以表示提前通知,如:They wanted two weeks’ notice before I left.


16. number 用法:a number of; the number of; large/small number



17. object 用法:作名词时表示物体、宾语、目标;作动词表示反对。



18. occur 用法:表示发生,不及物动词,没有宾语,没有被动语态。

特殊注意:句型It occurred to sb. that…表示某人突然想起某事。


19. offer 用法:offer to do; offer sb. Sth , offer sth. for $ , offer $ for sth.

特殊注意:作名词时offer可以表示开出的价钱,如:a special offer.


20. old 用法:ten years old; how old; older; oldest



21. once 用法:once upon a time; once in a while; once every two weeks



22. open 用法:keep the door open; be open to; an open window

特殊注意:be open表示开放;be opened表示开张。


23. operate用法:operate sth. 及物,开动,操作。不及物时,“起作用”Is this drug operating yet?

特殊注意:动手术,只能是不及物。常和介词on连用。You can get a private doctor to operate on him.


24. or 用法:either…or.. , one or two… , or else, or rather, or so, Hurry or you won’t make the train.

特殊注意:or other和something , sometime 等词连用表强调。I’ll think of something or other for the plan.


25. order 用法:order sb. to do; order that…; in order to; out of order

特殊注意:order后面的从句要使用虚拟语气,即order that sb. should do的形式。


26. other 用法:would rather, some…or other , others, the others ,the other day 不久前有一天

特殊注意:tthe other 指两个中的另一个。others , the others 可以做主语宾语等。


27. outdoor 用法:outdoor activities

特殊注意:outdoor是形容词,作定语或表语;outdoors是副词,作状语,如:Let’s play outdoors.


28. over 用法:over there; over 40; go over; come over to my house

特殊注意:表示在……之上时,over往往表示运动。如:The plane flew over the city.


29. owe用法:owe $ to sb. = owe sb. $ owe… to … …应归功于… 或者…用归咎于…。

特殊注意:owing to 由于,后跟名词。 His death was owing to an accident.


30. paper 用法:a piece of paper; paper work



31. part 用法:(a) part of; part with; spare part

特殊注意:a part of表示一小部分;part of不强调大小。


32. past 用法:go past sb.; in the past; in the past 10 years

特殊注意:in the past与过去时搭配;in the past 10 years用完成时。


33. pay用法:pay a visit to, pay attention to , pay back, pay for, pay off, pay one’s respect to , pay out, pay up



34. percent 用法:percent of



35. permit 用法:permit sb. to do; permit doing

特殊注意:与allow用法一样,但还可作不及物动词,如:If weather permits, we will go for an outing.


36. persist 用法:persist in (doing) sth. 坚持干。。。

特殊注意:persist that… 坚持说。。。


37. persuade 用法:persuade sb. to do; persuade sb. into doing

特殊注意:只有表示劝说成功的时候才可以用persuade, 否则可以用try to persuade.


38. pick 用法:pick apples; pick pocket; pick up

特殊注意:pick表示采摘;pick up表示捡起,学会,接送,收听到等。


39. play用法:play a part/ role in , play fair, play a trick / joke on, play truant, play with



40. pleased 用法:be pleased with; be pleased to do



41. pleasure 用法:with pleasure; my pleasure; it’s a pleasure

特殊注意:with pleasure表示非常愿意;it’s a pleasure和my pleasure表示不用谢。


42. point 用法:5 points; point of view; point at/to/out

特殊注意:point at表示指着一个物体;point to表示指着一个方向。


43. population 用法:a large/small population; what’s the population? 5个考点。



44. praise 用法:praise sb. for; in praise of,sing the praises for



45. prefer 用法:prefer A to B; prefer sb. to do sth. prefer to do sth. …rather than do sth.



46. prepare 用法:prepare sth.; prepare for sth.; be prepared

特殊注意:prepare sth.表示准备某事;prepare for sth.表示为某事做准备。


47. present用法:present…with sth. , present oneself, be present , be present in 存在

特殊注意:作为名词意为“现在”,“礼物”,make a present of sth. to sb. 把...送给…at present, for the present,


48. pretend用法:pretend that…, pretend to do sth. , pretend to sth. 自称。 He pretends to great knowledge.

特殊注意:该词只有两种宾语。作为形容词,意为“假的,想象出的”That is my pretend friend.


49. prevent 用法:prevent sb. (from) doing

特殊注意:在被动语态中,from不能省略:He was prevented from going to school because of his illness.


50. price 用法:high/low price; what’s the price?



51. promise 用法:promise to do; make/keep/break a promise, promissing

特殊注意:作动词时可以表示显示出,如:The clouds promise rain.


52. prove 用法:prove to be; prove sth.; prove that…



53. provide 用法:provide sth. for sb.; provide sb. with sth.

特殊注意:分词经常作连词使用,表示如果……的话,如:She can go with us provided that she arrives in time.


54. put用法:put aside / away / back / down / forward / in / into power / off / on / on weight / out/put up with

特殊注意:put through 接通电话,经历,完成;put up 修建,张贴,举起手,住宿,捐赠,提出建议


55. quarrel用法:quarrel with sb. about sth. 就…而吵架;quarrel with sb. for sth. 因…而吵架

特殊注意:quarrel with 还有“找茬,挑毛病,和...过不去” A bad student quarrels with his pen.


56. question 用法:in question; beyond question; out of (the) question, question sb. on sth.

特殊注意:out of question表示没问题;out of the question表示不可能。


57. raise 用法:raise the price; raise a question; raise pigs



58. rather用法:had rather, or rather, rather…than…, rather than, would rather…than…,

特殊注意:I’d rather you did it. 宾语从句中使用虚拟语气。


59. reason 用法:the reason for/why, reason sb. into doing sth. 通过讲道理使某人做…,

特殊注意:说明reason的内容时不能用because, 如:The reason why he was late was that he was ill.


60. receive用法:receive sth. receive sb.

特殊注意:receipt 收到(不可数);收条(可数),be in receipt of, on receipt of。reception 接待。


61. recognize用法:recognize sth. / sb. / that…, recognize …as…

特殊注意:recognize 表示辨认出;而know表示知道,了解;realize 表示意识到。


62. recover 用法:recover from

特殊注意:过去分词表示痊愈了的,如:Are you completely recovered from your illness?


63. refer 用法:refer to; refer …to …

特殊注意:refer to表示谈到、查阅;refer …to …表示归功于……、归咎于……。


64. refuse用法:refuse sth. refuse to do sth.

Note: 有时候也有这个句式:They refused me permission. She can’t refuse him anything.


65. regard 用法:regard …as …; in/with regard to

特殊注意:复数表示敬意,如:give/send one’s regards to…


66. regret用法:regret sth. / that… / doing sth. /

特殊注意:如果跟不定式表示“遗憾”,常和say, tell, announce, inform等词连用。


67. remain 用法:remain clean; remain to be, remaining



68. remember 用法:remember to do; remember doing; remember me to …

特殊注意:remember to do表示记着要去做某事;remember doing表示记着做过某事。


69. remind 用法:remind sb. of sth. ; remind sb. that …

特殊注意:Please remind me to do sth. …表示请提醒我……。


70. repeat 用法:repeat the question; repeat oneself


71. wear 用法:wear a new shirt; wear out

特殊注意:wear除了表示穿着之外,还可以表示佩戴,如:wear new glasses; wear a necklace; wear a flower


72. weigh 用法:It weighs 15 pounds. It weighs light / heavy.

特殊注意:作及物动词意为“权衡,考虑”。weight 名词;weighty 形容词。


73. well 用法:well done; in the well; well worth; He is well. do well in



74. will用法:against one’s will, at will, good / ill will, be willing to do sth., Will you please do sth?



75. when用法:可引导时间状语从句,定语从句,条件状语从句 since when, when doing sth.



76. while 用法:a little while; for a while; once in a while w*w*w*k*s*5*u*c*o*m

特殊注意:可以表示对比关系,翻译成然而,如:He likes sports while I enjoy reading