







第I卷(三部分,共1 15分)





1. Who is coming for dinner?

    A.Tom.         B.Linda.       C.Kate.

2.Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A.In a library.    B.in a laboratory.    C,In a hotel.

3  Why did John fail to paint the house himself?.

    A.He disliked painting at all.

    B.His ladder was broken.

    C.He refused to climb the ladder.  

4.What does the woman think of the play?    

    A.It’s boring.      B.It's entertaining.    C.it's puzzling.

5.How many people were present at the conference?

A.30.    B.60.       C.90.

第二节 (共15小题;莓小题1.5分.满分22.5分)



6.What’s the trouble with the man?

    A、He has a headache.   

    B.He has a stomachache.

    C.He can’t fall asleep.   

7.What food does the woman think may have problems?

    A.The pizza.    B.The salad.    C.The oil.

8.What will the man do next?

    A.Take some medicine.    

    B.See the doctor.

    C.Lied down for a while.   


9.Who will give the operation?

A.Tony.    B.Mary.    C.Johnson.. 

10.Why is Tony so worried?

  A。His father is ill      B。His mother is under operation。    C。His friend is ill


11。When does the conversation possibly take place?    ‘

    A.January lst of the lunar calendar~

    B.January 10th of the lunar calendar.

    C.January 18th of the lunar calendar.

12.How long will it tak ethe woman towalk to the train station?

    A.A quarter        B.Ten minutes or so   .C。Half an hour

13.Which of the following is NOT true?

    A.It’s the first time for the woman to come to the place。

    B.The woman wants to go to another city by train.

    C.The man is familiar with the place.


14.What is the purpose of putting on a show?

    A.To make some money.

    B.To attend a competition.

    C.To enjoy themselves.

15.What kind of show are the speakers discussing?

    A.A musical play.   B.A Chinese opera.   C.A concert.

16.What do we know about the man?

    A.He often appears on stage.

    B.He sings in church every Sunday.

    C.He can’t sing very well.


17.How did the speaker and his wife get around in London usually?

    A  On foot             B By taxi。        C By bus。

18.Where didn’t they visit?

    A.Buckingham Palace。

    B.The British Museum.

    C.The National Gallery

19.What does the speaker like most in London?

    A。Having good meals。       B。Going shopping。      C。Seeing plays-

20.Which season does the speaker think is the best to visit London?

    A.Summer.      B  Winter.       C.Autumn.





21.一Waiter,         ?

    一Wait a minute ,sir.That’s &80 altogether.

    A.would you charge me             B.how much did we eat

    C.may I have the bill,please        D.would you take the money

22.Babrack Obama was elected the 44m president of the United States,          a new chapter in the country’shistory.   

    A.opened            B.opens           C.opening        D to open

23.-More people in Beijing are now using public transport rather than their own cars after the Olympic Games.

    ―         .The roads arc too crowded as it is.

    A.Exactly           B.Eventually        C.Honestly      D.Especially

24.Where did you meet him while in Beijing?

    --It was in the hotel         I stayed.

    A.that              B.which           C.when          D.where

25.一Will a pencil            ?

    一I’m afraid not.Only a pen can be used in the exam.

    A.count            B.fit               C.do            D.satisfy

26.Everybody said it was a perfect marriage;no one had ever known          couple.

    A.the happier       B.a happier          C.a happiest      D.the happiest

27.You’re telling me a lie.Your facial expression has        

    A.given you away               B  given you out

C.given you off                 D.given you up

28.He was a much older player but he had the great          of experience.

    A.interest         B.success         C.advantage          D.honor

29.一Ring me at 5 am? No.better not so early! I           

    一I got it.   

    A.will sleep         B.sleep        C.am sleeping       D.wiJl be sleeping

30.Much           he states he has a good taste of his own,he can’t avoid being influenced by advertisement.

A.that              B.which        C.as              D./   

31.It is usually warm in spring in Anhui,but it         be rather cold sometimes.

    A.shoutd           B.would         C.must           D.can

32.if 1 am admitted by a famous college this summer,my parents will take me to

    Hong Kong and Macao.If        ,they         

A.not;won’t      B.no;don’t    C.not;haven't     D.no;didn’t

33.一Do you have anything in mind          you’d iike for supper?

   一WelI.         Is OK with rne。

    A.that;something.               B.whitch;anything

    C.what:something                 D.that;anything

 34.One more week,         1 will gec everything ready.

    A.and             B.or            C.while          D.but

 35.一It’s been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much!


    A.My pleasure                  B.I’m glad to hear that

    C。No.thanks                   D.It’s OK    

第二节 完形填空(共20题:每小题l,5分,满分30分)


   We expected our first child to be perfect.”How many parents have said.or at least thought.those words? Most likely every single one.

    I know that’s what I  36  with our oldest son,Joe.He was always a  37  kid.He wasn’t the kind of boy who  38  snowballs at passing cars on a cold winter day or who  39  water balloons on the mail carrier from an upstairs window during hot August.  40  he wasn’t perfect.From the day Joe started kindergarten.he  41   -with maths.Always maths.While he passed each grade,it was never with flying colors,and he was  42  at the top of his class.How I  43   friends who had children with the。”maths gene”.I don’t know how many times I  44  while listening to another mom telling me that her daughter was doing high school algebra while in sixth grade.

    After hearing one of these stories―and there were so  45  of them over the years  46   hang up the telephone and iook over at Joe―who would be happily playing a video game,drawing a picture。or simply  47   a warm spring day- and  48  why we didn’t raise a maths genius。How is he ever going to get into college if he doesn’t get  49  at maths?

   Needless to say,my worries never really amounted to much。Moms 50   to worry and worry,while whatever they are worrying about usually disappears on its own or is quickly replaced by another  51 

    During high school,Joe slowly improved at maths.He  52  algebra  l, geometry and algebra lI’our state requirements for maths.One day he said to me:“I would be taking pre-calculus(学习微积分前必修课程)in my last year of high school。1 want to do really well in college.Morn,I know it will be hard but I  think it’a 53  that I try to do my best.”

    No,my oldest son wasn’t perfect.He qash’t a maths genius,either.But he knew what was important:he Was focusing on his future while I was worrying over his  54 .Joe was trying to do his best even when he knew how hard that was going to be.And that,to me。is even better than being  55

  36.A.expected          B.believed        C.asked          D.supposed

  37.A.clever            B.naughty         C.good          D.perfect

  38.A.played           B.grasped          C.threw         D.made

  39.A.fell             B.1aid             C.seized         D.dropped

  40.A.Even           B.But              C.Although       D.So

  4 1.A.dealt           B。managed         C.struggled        D.faced

  42.A。always          B.ever            C.often            D.never

  43,A.enjoyed         B.thanked          C.appreciated       D.envied

  44.A.1aughed        B.cried             C.angered          D.smiled

  45.A.much          B.few              C.many            D.1ittle

  46.A.might          B。could            C.would            D.should

  47。A。spending       B。enjoying           C。having          D taking  

  48.A.imagine        B.expect            C.puzzle           D.wonder

  49。A.good           B.well             C.better            D。best

  50.A.tend            B.refuse           C.intend            D。mean

  5I。A。idea           B.story             C.worry.          D.thought

  52。A.saw through     B.went through     C.got through        D.looked through

  53。A.easy            B。difficult          C.important         D.fine

  54.A.position         B。today            C.time             D。past

  55.A。nice            B.famous           C.perfect            D.fine



    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中。选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


    Starbucks coffee shops can be found all over America and in m.gre than thirty countries around the world。Many people think they are great places.to enjoy a cup of hot coffee or tea。But others dislike the company.

    If you are in any major city in America,the chances are great that you are not far from a Stalbucks.in fact,you might be very close to several ofthese coffee shops。The company started in the West Coast city of Seattle,Washington, in 1971.Starbucks was named after a character in the famous American novel Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.Today,there are more than 1 2.000 Stalbucks around,the world.Sales in 2008 were almost eight billion dollars。

    Starbucks sells more than just plain coffee.It started a whole coffee culture with its own special language and coffee workers called“baristas”.It sells many kinds of hot and cold coffee drinks;like White Chocolate Mocha and Frappuccino.It also sells music recorders,coffee makers,food,and even books.But most of all,it sells the idea of being a warm and friendly place for people to sit,read or talk.    

    Starbucks is a great success story.Buyers ate willing to pay as much as five dollars for coffee drink.Many people say they go to Starbucks because they can depend on it to have exactly what they want and it is nearby.Some say Starbucks has helped to educate people about coffee from many countries.

    However,some people do not like the company’s expansion.Owners of independent coffee stores cnnot compete with Starbucks.Some small coffee sellers even took the company to court,saying Starbucks controls the market and foxes out competition.   

56.Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?

    A.Starbucks,tile Coffee Giant(巨人)      B.The World’s Starbucks

    C.Starbucks,Selling Ideas              D.Starbucks,In or Out

57.People will go to Starbucks for coffee drink because of         

    A.the sense of satisfaction there

    B.the highly educated baristas

    C.the plain taste of the drink

    D.the low price there    

58.What do you think takes the most impoJlant role in Starbucks’success?

  A.Selling their ideas,            B.The coffee culture they have created。

    C.Their great econotnic power.    D.All kinds of their coffee drinks.

59.The writer,s at。titude towards Starbucks.is       in writing the passage.

  A.supportive    B.critical(批评的)    C,objective D.doubtful



    What do a l5-year-old high school student named Vogt and Thomas Paine have in common? The answer is that both inspired major changes in their societies by writing an essay.In October,a student at west Milford high school in New Jersey read an article in her local newspaper that disturbed her.The article reported that the board of education had decided to use polystyrene tray in the lunchroom because they were less expensive than paper oneS.

    Vogt knew from her science class that polystyrene can have harmful effects on the environment in the first place.It is not biodegradable,meaning that it can’t be broken down by natural biological processes.in addition,some polystyrene products give off gases called chloroflulrocarbons(CFCs)into the air.Scientific evidence indicates that these CFCs break down the protective ozone layer(臭氧层)of the atmosphere.

    Vogt decided to write a paper for her social studies class on the issue of polystyrene.Her teacher,Carl Stehle,read her paper to the class.After reminding students that Thomas Paine had had to persuade many hesitant colonists(殖比者) to support the American Revolution,Stehle challenged his class to do something about the polystyrene problem.

    Vogt and her classmates immediately conducted a survey in the high school and middle schoo..They discovered that a large majority of students said they wanted to switch back to paper goods in the cafeteria.When they presented their findings to the board of education,the boards business administrator did a survey of his own.He found that roughly 80 percent of the students in the two schools would be willing to pay extra 5 cents to eat their lunch from paper trays。As a result,the board voted in December to change to paper trays in all the townships schools.

60.Why does the author mention Thomas Paine in the passage?    

  A.Vogt and Thomas Paine live in the same period。

  B.BothVogt and Thomas Paine are concerned about environment.

  C.They both conducted a survey to find a solution。

  D.They both did something to make a change in society.

61.The word“polystyrene’’in the first paragraph most probably refers to         ?

  A.a kind of material friendly to environment      B.a kind of green food

  C.a kind of material harmful to environment      D.a kind of poisonous gas

62.All the following questions are answered in the article except         

  A.How did vogt get interested in the polystyrene problem?

  B.How is polystyrene harmful to the environment?

  C.Do most students in two schools want to use paper trays?

  D.How did Vogt react towards the board’s vote?

63.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

  A.The Advantage of Paper Trays     B.A Survey in a High School

  C.Making a Difference             D.The Disadvantage of polyztyrene Trays





    All over the world,libraries have begun the great task of making faithful digital copies of the books and records that protect the mental efforts of mankind?.For armchair schools,the work promises to bring such a wealth of information to desktop that the present Internet may not match.

    Librarians see three clear benefits to going digital.First,it helps them preserve rare and easily broken objects without refusing the demands of those who wish to study them.The British Library,for example,holds the only medieval(middle-aged)manuscript(手稿)of Beowuif in London。Only quatified scholars wereo allowed to seit and put the images up on the Internet for anyone to use.

    A second benefit is convenience.Once books arc changed to digital form, readers can find them in seconds rather than minutes.Several people can read the same book or view the same picture at the same time。Clerks are spared the chore (琐事)ofreshelving.And libraries could use the Internet to lend their collections to those who are unable to visit in person.

    The third advantage of electronic copies is that they occupy millimeters of space on a magnetic disk(磁盘)rather than meters on a shelf.The cost of library buildings is increasingly high。The University of California at Berkeley recently spent $46 million on all underground addition to house 1.5 million books at an average cost of $30 per set of them.The price of disk storage on the contrary,has fallen to about $2 per 300-page publication and continues to drop

  64.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

    A.Libraries are making efforts.   

    B.More people can read precious books.

    C.The Internet provides more information.

    D.Libraries are making digital copies of books.

  65.Which words in the second paragraph help you to identify the supporting points?

    A.Three,first,for example.    B.Benefim,manuscript,scholars

    C.Helps,holds,scanned        D。Clear qualified,different

  66.Which of the following is mentioned in the text as a benefit of going digital?

    A.Fewer staff will be required in libraries.

    B,Libraries will be able to move underground.

    C.Borrowers need not go to the library buildings.

    D.Old manuscripts can be moved more easily.

67.How does the author develop the text?

   A.First the author gives some messages and then explain them.

   B.First the author presents his opinions and then describes them.

   C.First the author informs us of main arguments and then compares them.

   D.First the author makes an introduction and then draws a conclusion.



    ‘‘A long time ago,in a galaxy(星系) far,faraway…”

    It’s been 31 years since the world first saw Star War.

    The film making industry was never the same after 25th May,1977,nor is the lively culture of the world.

    Luke Skywalker,a.day―dreaming young farmer on a distant planet,longed for adventure.He accidentally received a message from Princess Leia asking for help.Joining veteran Jedi(绝地武士) master Obi-Wan Kenobi,Luke stepped into a greater fate.It’s a simple story of good against evil.Yet it carries such a mythological(神秘的)power that it became a world hit.    。

    Star Wars has influenced many films and filmmakers since its opening to the public.It began a new generation of special effects and high.energy motion pictures.Lots of filmmakers got inspiration drawn from this epic Saga(经典的传奇)including James Cameron(director of Titanic),Peter Jackson(director of Lord of tbe Rings),Ridley Scott(director of Alien).It is widely believed that this“space opera”George Lucas created dramatically(戏剧性地)changed the film making industry

    Star Wars has an even greater influence on popular culture worldwide.The other characters from the saga(传说)such as Han Solo,Chewbaeea,and Darth Vader became household names.Former U.S.President Ronald Reagan used the name“Star Wars”for one of his national defense programs.And the composer John Williams’score(配乐)music for the film is widely used in sports events.

    This year’the saga is celebrating the 3 1st anniversary of its first appearance. It has been inspiring topeople worldwide for three decades and it will continue to inspire future generations..May”the Force”be with you!

 68.The main idea of the fourth paragraph may be described as“         

    A  Epic Saga                       B.Plot Outline

    C.Star Wars’Influence              D.Characters of Star Wars

 69.Which of the following is the director of the film Star Wars?

    A.Peter Jackson.            B.Ridley Scott.

    C。George Lucas.            D.James Cameron.

70 Which of the following doesn’t show the film’s influence?

    A.Most people are familiar with the names such as Luke Skywalker,Darth Vader

    B.The U.S.had one of its national defense programs called“Star Wars.’’

    C.This Film directly caused the movie Lord of the Rings trilogy to appear.

    D.The music composed for this film is often heard in sports games.

71.With the last sentence of this passage,the author       

    A.encourages us to build up Luke’s force

    B。means tcrshow humor to US

    C,tries to telI uS‘'the Force”comes from this film

    D wants to give wishes to US    



    Certain people make you feel comfortable when they are around.You spend all hour with them and feel as if you’ve known them half your life.These people have something in common.And once we know what it is,we can try to do it ourselves.

    How is it done?Here are several skills that good talkers have.If you follow the skills,they will help you put people at ease,and make friends with them quickly.

    First of all,good talkers ask questions.Almost anyone,no matter how shy they ale,will answer a question.One well-known businessman says,”At business lunches,I always ask people what they did this morning.It’S a common question.but it will get things going.”From there you can move on to other matters sometimes to really personal questions.And how they answer will let you know how far you can go.

    Second,once good talkers have asked questions they listen for the answer.This point seems clear but it isn’t.Your questions should have a point and help to tell what sort of person you are talkin'g to.And to find out,you really have to listen carefully.

    Real listening means certain things.First it means not to change the subject of conversation.If someone sticks to one topic,you can take it as a fact that he’ll be really interested in it.Real listening also means not just listening to words,but to tones(语调)of voice.If the voice sounds dull,then,it's time for you to change the subject.

    Finally,good talkers know well how to deal with the occasion of parting.if you’re saying good―bye,you may give him a firm handshake and say,“I’ve really enjoyed meeting you.”If you want to see that person again,don’t keep it secret.Let people know what you feel,and they may walk away feeling as if they’ve known you half their life.

  72.In the passage,the author mainly      

    A.introduces some skills of good talkers

    B.persuades us to become good talkers

    C.teaches us how to begin a conversation

    D.describes the kinds of good speakers

  73.Asking questions might be quite a good way          

    A.to make more and more new friends

    B.for you to begin your business talks

    C.to get the conversation going well

    D.to make a lasting impression on others

 74.It can be inferred from the passage that good talkers          

    A.always speak in a gentle way

    B.never talk too much or too little

    C.are good at making any topic interesting    

    D.know how and when to change the topic

 75.From the passage,the author implies you’II like to stay with certain people


    A.they know how to get along with others

    B.you can often get much help from them

    C.they are always glad to do anything for you  

D.they will never get you into trouble


第一节  任务型读写:(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)



    So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning,they will continue to teach what children can do for themselves.Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them.It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading.Douglas insists that"reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible.”

    Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes.They differ in kind and function.The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to plan the most efficient systemfor teaching themselyes to read.Teaching is also pubfic activity:It can be seen and observed.

    Learning to read involves what each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language.Almost all of it is private,for learning is an occupation of the mind,and the process is not open to public scrutiny.

    If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable,then what can be done through teaching(teaching helps the child in the searching for knowledge)? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions.“Make teaming to read easy,which means making reading a meaningful,enjoyable and frequent experience for chiIdren.”

When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are,and when both teacher and learner fulfill them appropriately,much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is removed.Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading.   

Main idea

Reading ability is something acquired rather than 76         


*Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes.

?Teaching has the function to build the 77       and the climate to the most efficient reading system

?Teaching can be seen and 78      

* Reading activity is 79         

?Learning to read is not open to public scrutiny


*Making the roles of teacher and learner 8l    

*Making reading a meaningful,enjoyable and frequent experience for students.

*Giving learners the opportunity to solve the problem of learning to read by reading to get rid ofthe sense of 82          

Opinions inferred

*Too much time is spent in 83        about reading.

*Teaching of reading will be successful if teachers enable students to

84        their own way ofreading.

*Learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when learners becomehighly 85       










        Good morning,dear teacher and students.I am lucky to stand here on behalf of all the graduates to make a speech at the graduation ceremony.
