Text 1

W: I remember you taught in a school when in Shanghai.

M: Yes, that’s right. In No. 3 Middle School.

W: What do you do now?

M: The same.

Text 2

W: Will you come to my birthday party this weekend?

M: I’d love to, but I have to meet a friend from Beijing at the railway station.

Text 3

M: Have you bought your Christmas presents yet?

W: Almost. I got a watch for my husband. And I’m going to find a book or a record for my dad.

Text 4

M: I hear you’re playing at a concert tomorrow. How do you feel about it?

W: Oh, I’m really worried about it.

M: I’m not surprised. So would I be.

Text 5

W: Is that your dog? He’s been digging up my flowers and chasing my cat.

M: It is my dog but you must be mistaken. We keep it in the house all the time, except when we walk him in the park. There must be another dog that looks like him.

Text 6

W: I want to buy David a pet for his birthday.

M: Yes, I know.

W: What shall I give him?

M: Why don’t you buy him a dog? He likes dogs because they are friendly.

W: But he’s already got a dog.

M: You could buy him a rabbit.

W: A rabbit? What can he do with a rabbit?

M: Well, rabbits are very pretty. He can feed it and play with it.  He can build a house for it. He likes building things.

W: I don’t think that’s a good idea. Rabbits are not interesting.

What about a snake?

M: A snake?

W: Lots of people have snakes. They are very clean and easy to look after. And they are very unusual pets. David likes snakes.

M: I don’t. No, don’t buy a snake. I don’t want to open my bedroom door and find a snake!

W: What do you suggest then?

M: Oh, I really don’t know what else I can suggest.

W: I want to buy him something unusual.

Text 7

W: Hello, Jack. Congratulations. The score was 3 to 1. You won the game.

M: Thank you, Sally. You watched the match, didn’t you?

W: Of course, but when I got there,  the match had already begun.

M: That’s why I didn’t see you.

W: Your football team did so well, especially the third goal, that was so great.

M: Yes, but it wasn’t easy to win the game. The visiting team is really strong.

W: I think so, but your team is even stronger. I knew you would beat them. Your coach did a 

   good job., and the referees did a good job, too.

M: Thank you very much.

W: When is your next match?

M: On Friday, next week.

Text 8

M: Good morning. City Taxi.

W: Good morning. I’d like to book a taxi to the airport for Saturday morning, please.

M: Where from?

W: I’m at Garden Hotel in Union Street. There’ll be three of us sharing. How much will it be?

M: About 60.

W: 60! Each or between us?

M: Oh, that’s all together.  What time do you want to leave?

W: Seven in the morning.

M: Right. We’ll pick you up at seven, then.

W: Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Text 9

W: So what’s your schedule for tomorrow, Dave?

M: Well, first I have to do the accounts on the new computers. Then I’m meeting Tony.

W: I thought you had already finished that.

M: Yeah, but we have to check the final reports.

W:  So you won’t have any time left?

M: Not until in the evening. I am afraid. Do you have anything particular tomorrow evening?

W: Not really. I think I have a lot of time to kill.

M: Well, then, won’t you come over to my place to have dinner with me?

W: With pleasure.

M: Let me do the cooking this time.

W: In that case, I will do some shopping tomorrow.

Text 10

   Education plays an important role in the modernization of our country. Without a well-educated population, China will not be able to achieve its planned goals, to catch up with the more developed nations, or to greatly improve the living standard of its people. However,  according to recent statistics, there are over 2 million school-age children who have dropped out of school.

To help those poor kids go back to school, money seems to be the biggest problem. Our government simply does not have enough money to help all those poor kids go back to school. And most parents of the school dropouts are unable to raise the money needed to give their children and education.

 The Hope Project brings hope to the poor children. But we need more than a “Hope Project based on the love and generosity of ordinary citizens. Only by realizing the importance of learning and knowledge and establishing a better-funded public education system can we guarantee the good education of all the children in China.


第一卷 1-5 CACCA      6-10 ABCAC     11-15 CBBBB   16-20 BCAAB

21-25 DCCCB    26-30 ACDDB    31-35 BCCBB

36-40 ACABD    41-45 CBDCD    46-50 BDDCB     51-55 ADCBA

56-59CCBC      60-63 AACC      64-67BDBA       68-71 DBDC

72-75 DBCD


单词拼写 1. breakthroughs  2. analysing  3. greedy  4. budget  5. evolution

动词填空 1. to be typed 2. has struggled  3. being arrested  4. stretching  5. to have been abolished


  1. could →can  2. lonely →alone  3. being  4. if →that  5. It →There

  6. murdered →being murdered  7. clean →cleaning  8. Could →Should  9. did → didn’t 10. disappointing→disappointed


书面表达Possible version

Water Conservation

    Water is of great importance to human beings. It’s a precious gift from nature, without which there would be no life.

With industry developing, however, more waters are being polluted. And many people lack the sense of saving water. They often leave water running while brushing their teeth. It’s reported that the number of the countries suffering water shortage has increased to over 100 in the past 20 years. If this continues, wars may break out and the last drop of water on Earth would be our tears.

As a middle school student, we must save every drop of water in our daily life, setting an example to the people around us. In addition, we should make every effort to fight against any action of polluting and wasting water.