  • I.关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题]分?满分5分)


       1.A.from       B.form     C.fork

       2.A.January      B.June     C.Iu[v

       3.A.hardly      B.happily    C.heavily

       4.A.role       B.rain      C.ring

       5.A.Without doubt   B.loud sound   C.no doubt



    6.What did Jane use to eat?

    7.What is the girl looking for?

    8.What does Bob like?

    9.What is Mary doing?

    10.Why is Miss Smith angry?

    11.Who is absent today?

       A.Rick.   B.Tom.   C.Cindy.

    12.What is the box made of?

       A.Glass.   B.Wood.   C.Bamboo.

    13.When does the girl think the telephone was invented?

       A.In 1875.   B.In 1876.   C.In 1878.

    14.When will the man go to America?

       A.In January.   B.In April.   C.In September.

    15.What does 1he woman want to know?

       A.How to turn on the computer.  B.How to find the website. C.How to connect to the Internet.




    16.What will Maria buy for her father?

       A.A shirt.   B.A watch.   C.A coat.

    17.Where will the two speakers go?

       A.To the supermarket.   B.To the restaurant.   C.To the bank.


    18.How old is Helen’s sister?

       A.Six.   B.Seven.   C.Eight.

    19.What does Helen’s uncle look like?

    A.He has a round race.   B.He has short curly hair.   C.He is very tall.

    20.What is Helen’s uncle?

       A.An artist.   B.A teacher.   C.An actor.



    21.When did Zhang Ming’s life begin to change?

    A.When he went to primary schoo1.  B.When he went to junior high schoo1.

    C.When he went to university.

    22.Whom did Zhang Ming use to play chess with?

      A.His father.   B.his teacher.   C.His grandfather.

    23.What did Zlrang Ming use to do on weekends in the bark?

       A.Draw pictures.   B.Play basketball.   C.Play chess.

    24.Why does Zhang Ming have no time to relax now?

      A.Because he gets a part—time job.  B.Because he is busy with his study.

      C.Because he has to take care of the family.

    25.What is Zhang Ming’s favorite subject now?

       A.English.   B.Art.   C.Geography.



    She is in the  26  grade. She is   27  feet tall
    Rosa's worry
    She is afraid her classmates make fun of her because of her  28 .
    His P.E.teacher asked her play center on the school  29  team.
    She is really  30  to be tall.
  • Ⅵ.单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分。满分15分)


    31.---Can you help me clean the room,Tina?

       ---__________ . I’ll do it at once.

       A.I’m afraid not   B.You’re kidding   C.It’s a shame   D.My pleasure

  • 32.---The______ made In the factory are very popular.

       ---Yeah.Many people like its computers,mobile phones and so on.

       A.too1s   B.products   C.materials   D.instruments

  • 33.---What’s your_________to look so young?

       ---Have healthy food,exercise often and gel enough sleep.

       A.place   B.age   C.time   D.secret

  • 34.---It was Jack who saved the girl from the burning house.

       ---_________brave boy he is!

       A.How   B.How a   C.What   D.What a

  • 35.---Do you like Miss Lee?

       ---Of course.  She is___________and always explains difficult problems over and over again.

       A.serious   B.patient   C.clever   D.creative

  • 36.Switzerland__________as the capital of watches.Tourists like shopping for watches there.

       A.knows   B.is  known   C.was  known   D.will be known

  • 37.It’s enough to make you wet yourself.if you’ll____________the expression.

       A.request   B.guard   C.doubt   D.pardon

  • 38.I think it is a good way to keep one’s cool___________ taking deep breath.

       A.by   B.with   C.of   D.in

  • 39.Tina will never forget the pond in which there_________clean water and a lot of fish.

       A.used to be   B.used to have  C.was used to being   D.was used to having

  • 40.Helping his classmates deal with some difficult problems makes Jim very _______________ .

       A.lonely   B.proud   C.lazy   D.harmful

  • 41.The teacher warns us_________loudly in the classroom.or we’ll be punished.

       A.to talk   B.not to talk   C.talking   D.don’t talk

  • 42.---Excuse me.Could you please tell me_________________?

       ---Sure.Go along this street and turn left.It’s on your right.

       A.when I can get to the bookstore   B.when can I get to the bookstore

       C.how I can get to the bookstore   D.how can I get to the bookstore

  • 43.If you write something and send it immediately by email,which you___________later regret there is no chance for sencond thoughts.

       A.should   B.would   C.might   D.have to

  • 44.The birthday cake is ____________pieces by Amy.

       A.divided in   B.cut down   C.cut off   D.divided into

  • 46.A.daughters   B.brothers   C.friends    D.sons

  • 47.A.both     B.neither    C.either     D.none

  • 48.A.polite    B.glad     C.worried    D.Kind-hearted

  • 49.A.money    B.drinks     C.presents    D.advice

  • 50.A.tea     B.cola      C.lemonade   D.beer

  • 51.A.prefer    B.want     C.like      D.get

  • 52.A.took     B.cleaned    C.poured    D.added

  • 53.A.angry     B.surprised   C.happy     D.polite

  • 54.A.ask      B.let      C.make     D.imagine

  • 55.A.turned    B.got      C.went      D.make


    Once my aunt invited me to her house for lunch.she gave me the address and told me to come to her house by myself.For I was  56  in the city.in trying to get to her house.I got lost.And I had to make a  57  for directions.

    After waiting for a long time on the uncrowded road,I save an old man on bicycle.As a shy girl,I

    didn’t want to stop  58  but I had no choice.So l asked him for the address  59  .as I thought no one would refuse a polite request.He thought for a while and told the way but l just didn’t understand.I was so tired of searching around for the place  60  at this point I was very hungry and thirsty too.

       Well.that old man was very  61  .Seeing the frustration and helplessness(迷惑与无助)on my face,he took me to my aunt’s house.When I arrived,I thanked that old man for guiding me  62  I got to the house.  He smiled and left.

       When I  63  my story with my aunt,she said that he was the“watchman ”for their community and that he was going home for his lunch break. 64  his lunch break is only 15 minutes.he spent it helping me today.

       That was the day I  65  the meaning of kindness.Kindness is trying t.help others as possible as you can.

  • 56.A.new     B.bored    C.excited    D.relaxed

  • 57.A.course    B.request   C.speech   D.promise

  • 58.A.those     B.them    C.him     D.t11at

  • 59.A.normally   B.suddenly   C.politely   D.loudly

  • 60.A.so      B.but     C.unless    D.and

  • 61.A.humorous   B.worried   C.Grateful   D.Helpful

  • 62.A.until     B.beside    C.behind    D.outside

  • 63.A.told      B.shared   C.put     D.agreed

  • 64.A.Since     B.Although   C.Once    D.Because

  • 65.A.received    B.realized   C.noticed    D.hid

  • X.单词拼写(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


    91.His home is two miles e    (向东)from our school.

  • 92.When we talk about our favorite teachers.Miss Lee is hardly avoided m    (提及).

  • 93.We can read lots of stories about folk h     (英雄)in the book.

  • 94.After becoming a movie start.the girl has got t    (许多)of attention.

  • 95.The boys were w     (警告)not to make so much noise in classroom.

  • Ⅺ.书面表达(共1小题;满分25分)

       上周,我们班就“what do you think is a good way to learn English?”作了一次调查。下面是几个同学的回答。请根据下而表格中的内容写一篇英语短义。





       提示词:lyric歌词.beautiful music美妙的音乐

       Last week,we asked some students about“What do you think is a good way to learn English?”.Here is what they said.___________________________________________________



第一部分  听力

I .1-5 BBCCA

II . 6-10 BACCB   11-15 BCACB

III . 16 - 20 BAABC

IV . 21- 25 BCABC

V . 26. sixth   27. five   28. height   29. basketball   30. proud

第二部分  英语知识应用

VI. 31- 35 DBDDB   36 -40 BDAAB   41-45 BCCDA

VII . 46-50 DBCDA   51-55 ACBAD   56-60 ABCCD   61-65 DABBB

第三部分  阅读理解

VIIl. 66 - 70 BEGAD

IX . 71-74 ACAD   75-78 AADB   79-82 BABC   83-87 CBBBA

88. She wanted to be a model.

89. By giving her some of his/ her most favorite clothes.

90. Helping others may bring us unexpected achievement.

X. 91. east   92. mentioning   93. heroes   94. tons   95. warned

XI . One possible version :

     Last week. we asked some students about "What do you think is a good way to learn English?". Here is what they said.

     Wang Lin said listening to music was a good way to Learn English well. "I listen to many English songs, and learn to sing some of them. As a result. I know the fine lyrics together with the beautiful music. "

     "I found watching foreign movies very helpful in learning English. Through movies I can pick up fine sentences without even realizing that. I also get to know a lot of things about foreign culture and ways of life. " said Li Hua.

     Lin Tao thought taking notes in class and reviewing after class was the best way. The method can help him understand much more than he did the first time he studied.

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