  • 26. -Is _________ dictionary on the desk yours?

      -No, I don't have _________ English-Chinese dictionary.

       A. the; an     B. an; the     C. an; an     D. the; the

  • 27. -Do you know if he _________ to play football with us?

      -I think he will come if he _________ free tomorrow.

       A. comes; is   B. comes; will be   C. will come; is  D. will come; will be

  • 28.  He invited some classmates to come to his party, but _________ came.

       A. a little    B. little      C. a few      D. few

  • 29.----I will go to London for a holiday.

    -What a lucky boy! _________ And don't forget to send me a postcard.

       A. That sounds good.        B. Have a good time!

       C. Good luck!           D. Can I go with you?

  • 30. - Where is your grandpa, Sara?

         - Look! He is telling stories ______ a group of children over there.

       A. from   B. about     C. between      D. among

  • 31.- I will have a ______ holiday next month.

         - You mean you can have ______ off? Oh, that’s great!

       A. five-day; five days  B. five-day; five days’  C. five days’; five-day  D. five days; five days

  • 32. - Where is Hook, Juliet?

         - I’ve no idea. He ran out ______ he answered a phone call.

       A. since     B. until       C. before        D. as soon as

  • 33.Sometimes    wise    us to forget our problems.

       A. that’s; for    B. it’s; for  C. that’s; of     D. it’s; of

  • 34. We got lost in the street, so we stopped ____ at the map.

    A. reading  B. to read   C. looking  D. to look

  • 35.  She’ s been living___ her own for ten years.   A in  B. at  C. for   D. on

  • 36. Paper-making is ____of ancient China.

    A. one of greatest  B. one of the greatest inventors 

    C. one of greatest  D. one of the greatest inventions

  • 37. The woman made his son___ finally after she told him some jokes

    A laughed   B to laugh   C laugh   D laughing

  • 38. Lucy said she could___ herself

    A take good care of  B takes care of   C take well care of   D takes well care of

  • 39.  It is___ an important meeting ___I can’t miss it 6

    A .too, to  B .such, that  C. so ,that  D. so, too

  • 40.  His dog ___for two weeks His dog’s ____makes him very sorrowful

    A.  has been dying ,dead  B has died, death  C was dying ,die  D has been dead, death

  • 41.Our physics teacher told us that light________faster than sound.

    A.travel   B.travels   C.is travelling   D.has travelled

  • 42.They ________some books from the library for a week.

    A.lend   B.have kept   C.have bought    D.have borrowed

  • 43.It took us ________to water the flowers last week.

    A.sometime   B.some time   C.sometimes   D.some times

  • 44.It was late when I got to the cinema,so I didn’t see the_______of the film last night.

    A.beginning   B.ending    C.issue  D.knowledge

  • 45.We must hurry up_______catch up with the last train.

    A.that   B.so that to   C.in order that   D.in order to

  • 根据下面提供的对话情景,从下列7个选项中选择正确答案,使对话连贯、完整。请将答案代号写在题后的横线上,其中有两项是多余的。

    Nathan: There is a festival in June in our country, it’s Father’s Day.


    Li Fei: Yes, it’s on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(阴历)month. We call it Dragon Boat Festival


    Li Fei: We make and eat zongzi and hold dragon boat races.

    Nathan: 83 Why do you celebrate Dragon Boat Festival?

    Li Fei: Oh, it is a story about Qu Yuan. He lived about two thousand years ago. His job was to give advice to the emperor. But he wasn’t trusted and often got punishment. So he jumped into the Miluo River and died.

    Nathan: 84 Was the day that Qu Yuan died on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in that year?

    Li Fei:85 From then on , Chinese people began to eat zongzi and have dragon boat races on that day to memorize him.

     A. What happened to him?
     B. Is there a Chinese festival in June, too?
     C. Thank you for telling me.
     D. Yes, you are very smart.
     E. It sounds very interesting.
     F. What do you usually do on that day in China?
     G. What a pity!

    81  .82  .83  .84  .85   .

  • 假如你是班长李明,你将通知同学们在本周五去参观历史博物馆,根据下列提示写一份通知,词数不少于70词

    1. 8点在学校门口集合,坐公共汽车去;2. 必须带笔和笔记本;

    3. 不许带照相机,不能在博物馆里拍照;4. 不能在博物馆里吃东西

    5. 不能在博物馆李高声喧哗;6. 做好笔记,写一篇报道,星期一上交

    Every student,

    We decide to visit the History Museum this Friday.


                               Li Ming



21.vacation   22.air  pressure    23.super cool   24.friend and neighbour ing out

26---30ACDBD    31--35 ADDDD    36---40DCABD      41---45BBBAD

46---50ACBDB    51---55BADBC    56---60DBADC      61---65CBDBA 


71.shopping  72.easy   73.husband   74.with   75.fun   76.never   77.other   78.takes

79.best    80.cheaper


86.For five years/ Five years/  Five

87.Because after drinking, a driver can’t control himself or his car.



90.No Driving after Drinking /Don’t Drive After Drinking.

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