赞成观点 | 反对观点 |
1.能够解决交通问题,方便人民生活; 2.有助于发展经济,提高人民生活水平; 3.有助于美化城市。 | 1.会造成环境污染; 2.会产生噪音,打扰居民平静的生活; 3.时常造成交通堵塞。 |
参考词汇:快速公交系统BRT 高架桥overpass 建设construction
I’m writing to tell you about the road construction which is going to take place in our city.
Yours truly,
Zhang Yu
61. The debate has been raging for years over the safety of, and necessity for, childhood vaccinations, which has been so much so that it is termed “The Vaccine War”. The debate has only a few moments that might be inspiring to those who have been following this now familiar issue.
62. There are certainly benefits of using a star in a film. It makes the film easier to market. Stars also help sell more tickets and drive DVD sales, which are a big part of studio revenue, however, a star does not guarantee success. The simple fact is that if youpay a stay a great deal of money for a film that people don’t want to see, then it won’t work.
63. They are barely in their twenties and are already multimillionaires. At the age when many people are looking for their first job, the youngsters of The Sunday Times Rich List are buying country estates or jetting off to their overseas homes. Daniel Radcliffe, for example, who plays Harry Potter, has a fortune of $42 million, at 20.
64. Millions of jobless Americans, who might be suffering in anxiety and lacking a sense of security, are showing up at emergency rooms of state-owned hospitals, contributing to longer waiting time and a higher risk of cursory treatment by overworked doctors andnurses.
65. Alice Miller, a psychology experts, who died at 87 at home in Provece, filce, on April 14, repositioned the family as a central place of abnormal psychological function with her theory that parental power and punishment lay at the root of nearly all human problems.