
Historian Tom Holland is the award-winning author of Rubicon, Persian Fire and Millennium. He appears regularly on radio, TV and in print. His latest book Dynasty is published in paperback by Abacus.

Moominsummer Madness

By Tove Jansoon

What I love about this book, as a child and still today, is its mix of the fantastical and normal. On the one hand, it’s about a family and their friends all enjoying themselves, quite happy not doing much. On the other hand, it’s about characters that can change into odd shapes, magicians coming down from the moon and peculiar creatures emerging from the roof. That mix of the familiar and the extraordinary informs all my writing.

The Histories

By HerodoTus

By the time I was 12, I was obsessed by Ancient Greece and Rome. At first, I found the early section of The Histories a real grind because it’s like a long shaggy dog story that never gets to the point.

In the second half I was rewarded with the stories I’d been waiting for, like the battles of Marathon, Salamis and Thermopylae. Over the years, I come to value the infectious curiosity of the first half and the portrait of the world in the fifth century BC seen through the eyes of this extraordinary Greek historian.

A Distant Mirror

By BarBara W TucHman

Tuchman’s book The Guns of August won the Pulitzer Prize, but it’s this slightly less well-known work that provided me with a role model for my own writing. Both scholarly and interesting, it’s a portrait of the 14th century in Western Europe and vividly evokes medieval civilization buffeted by cataclysms: the Black Death, the Peasants’ Revolt and the Great Papal Schism. I felt I knew what it was to die of the plague or to have a sword put through me— real stories told remarkably

1Tom Holland now finds the first half of The Histories ___________.

A. off the point B. culture-centered

C. really boring D. quite entertaining

2Which book does Tom Holland appreciate and try to copy its style?

A. The Histories B. A Distant Mirror

C. The Guns of August D. Moominsummer Madness

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