【题目】Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” But parents can’t handle it when teenagers put this 1 into practice. And now technology has become the new field for the age-old battle between adults and their freedom-craving kids.

Locked indoors, unable to get on their bicycles and hang out with their friends, teens have turned to social media and their mobile phones to 2 with their friends. What they do online often mirrors what they might otherwise do if their mobility wasn’t so 3 limited in the age of helicopter parenting. Social media and smart phones apps have become so popular in recent years. Teens want the freedom to explore their 4 and the world around them, so they jump online.

As teens have moved online, parents have projected their 5 onto the Internet, imagining all the potential dangers that youth might face--from violent strangers to cruel peers.

Rather than helping teens develop strategies for discussing public life and the potential risks of interacting with others, fearful parents have focused on tracking, monitoring and 6. These don’t help teens develop the skills they need to manage complex social situations, assess risks and get help when they’re in trouble. It gradually weakens the learning that teens need to do as they come of age in a technology-soaked world.

The key to helping youth handle 7 life isn’t more restrictions. It’s freedom-plus communication. Famed urban theorist Jane Jacobs used to argue that the safest neighborhoods were those where communities 8 took interest in and paid attention to what happened on the streets. Safety didn’t come from keeping everyone indoors but from a 9 to watch out for one another. The same is true online.

Teens need the freedom to wander the 10 street, but they also need to know that caring adults are behind them and supporting them wherever they go.


Joshua, Helmut, and Bethlehem
Michelle O. Donovan
ISBN 9781462058679
Life is not easy for nine-year-old Joshua during World War II.

More Things in Heaven
Bill Bosworth
ISBN 9780595433582
In hisMore Things in Heaven, Bill Bosworth presents

Creation or Evolution Michael Ebifegha
ISBN 9781450289023
Were humans created, or did they evolve?

Seeking the Edge
Dr. Joseph L. Rose
ISBN 9781462031795
Seeking the Edgeprovides the tools and techniques to find that edge in one’s life. ---driving readers to achieve

Joshua, Helmut, and Bethlehem
Michelle O. Donovan
ISBN 9781462058679
Life is not easy for nine-year-old Joshua during World War II.

Because of his family’s Jewish background, they are sent to live in the concentration camps (集中营). Scared and alone, Joshua one day makes friends with a little mouse he calls Bethlehem who becomes his closest friend.

Encourage Me!
Inspirational Poetry
Gloria Coykendall
ISBN 9781412027854
It is an easy to read collection of poems originally written to encourage

Encourage Me!
Inspirational Poetry
Gloria Coykendall
ISBN 9781412027854
It is an easy to read collection of poems originally written to encourage

in faith and to be a cure for chromic depression(长期抑郁) … cure to strengthen identity and purpose.

More Things in Heaven
Bill Bosworth
ISBN 9780595433582
In hisMore Things in Heaven, Bill Bosworth presents

presents the highlights of his 83 years of life, including his trips to India and the study of the writings of several great spiritual leaders.
More things in Heaven will appeal to anyone who insists on finding the deepest meaning for their existence based on their own experience.

Creation or Evolution Michael Ebifegha
ISBN 9781450289023
Were humans created, or did they evolve?

How old is the Earth? The debate between science and religion continues to be heated. In Creation or Evolution, Michael Ebifegha examines these two opposed world views within the structure of empirical(实证的) science.

Seeking the Edge
Dr. Joseph L. Rose
ISBN 9781462031795
Seeking the Edgeprovides the tools and techniques to find that edge in one’s life. ---driving readers to achieve

success whether in your current job, finding a new job, in education, family, or even hobbies.

1Who wrote the story about a little boy and a little mouse?

A. Bill Bosworth.B. Michelle O. Donovan.

C. Dr. Joseph L. Rose.D. Gloria Coykendall./span>

2The ISBN for the book of poems is _______.

A. 9781462031795B. 9781412027854

C. 9780595433582D. 9781462058679

3What kind of readers will probably like reading More Things in Heaven?

A. Those who are searching for the meaning of life

B. Those who are trying to be spiritual leaders.

C. Those who study the art of writing

D. Those who like traveling abroad.

4Which of the following books explores the origin of humans?

A. Seeking the Edge.B. Creation or Evolution.

C. Joshua, Helmut, and Bethlehem.D. More Things in Heaven.

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