
Self-driving Capabilities
Sensor and camera-equipped models from Audi and Volkswagen, among others, don't just automatically brake to prevent minor accidents; they can actually navigate(行驶)around highway traffic and into garages without a human at the wheel.

Attractive Dashboards
In addition to Ford's new Sync system, which better understands voice commands, Apple and Google have partnered with automakers to create interfaces(界面)as user-friendly as the ones on your smartphone.

Smarter Headlights
Audi's and BMW's ultra-bright laser headlights can detect oncoming cars and dim slightly to avoid disturbing their drivers. One problem: they're not yet legal in the U.S.

Self-parking Skills
The new model of BMW's all-electric can find its own spot in a parking lot, then send signals via a smart-watch app to contact its drivers.

(1)In terms of Self-driving Capabilities, what makes Audi and Volkswagen stand out?
A.Braking when sensing red lights.
B.Going into garages without a driver.
C.Stopping other cars on highway.
D.Taking photos with a camera.
(2)Which of the cars can adjust the headlights in order not to upset drivers in oncoming cars?
A.Ford and Volkswagen.
B.Audi and BMW.
C.Audi and Volkswagen.
D.BMW and Ford.
(3)In which section of a car magazine does the article most probably appear?
A.First Drive.
B.Cars For Rent.
C.Instrumental Tests.
D.Smart Tech.

【题目】Directions: Complete the following paragraphs by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once.

Note that there is one word more than you need.

A Bad Idea

Think you can walk, dive, take phone calls, e-mail and listen to music at the same time? Well, New York's new law says you can't. And you'll be 1 $S100 if you do it on a New York City street.

The law went into force last month, following research and a(n) 2number of accidents that involved people using electronic gadgets when crossing the street.

Who's to3 ? Scientists say that our multitasking abilities are limited.

"We are under the impression that our brain can do more than it often can," says Rene Marois, a neuroscientist in Tennessee. “But a major limitation is the inability to4on two things at once".

The young people are often considered the great multitaskers. However, an Oxford University research suggests this idea is open to question. A group of 18-to 21-year-olds and a group of 35-to 39-year-olds were given 90 seconds to translate5into numbers, using a simple code. The younger group did 10 percent better when not interrupted. But when both groups were interrupted by a phone call or a(n) 6message, the older group matched the younger group in speed and 7.

It is difficult to measure the productivity8by multitaskers. But it is probably a lot. Jonathan Spire, chief analyst at Basex. a business-research firm, estimates the cost of interruptions to the American economy at nearly $650 billion a year.

The9is based on surveys with office workers. The surveys conclude that 28 percent of the workers' time was spent on interruptions and10time before they returned to their main tasks.

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