
One night in March 1999, a man was driving from California to Oregon, US, to visit some friends. He had stopped his car to have some food when he started to hear strange noises. Turning on the headlights, he saw an 8-foot-tall creature covered in thick, dark hair. The creature stared at him for a minute, turned in the road and walked off slowly into the woods.
In the past 50 years alone, there have been thousands of reported sightings of similar creatures in the US, Canada, the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山地区)and even Hubei Province in China. The creature is known as bigfoot.
Bigfoot is said to be a very tall(between 2 and 4. 5 metres), ape-like(类人猿似的)creature that is covered in hair and walks upright on two legs. It is very wary(警惕的)of human beings.
Believers think bigfoot is a direct descendent(后代)of ancient gigantopithecus(巨猿). But it remains one of the planet's undiscovered secrets. There is a little evidence(证据)to support the believers' theory: traces of hair, footprints and body prints as well as the reported sightings. Some people have even showed what they say with photos or films of bigfoot.
But so far, no one has found bones or any other definite proof that the giant creature exists.
As a result many people believe the evidence is just part of a big trick.
The footprints are easy to make and they say: all you need to do is to make two large feet out of plaster(石膏), attach them to the bottom of your shoes and walk with big steps. As for the photos and films, they are just people dressed in ape suits.
They also say the sightings are not real, just people making mistakes. For example, bigfoot could be a bear living in the wild that sometimes stands up on its back legs.
(1)So far what we can be sure about is that_______.
A.there exist savages(野人)in several places in the world
B.there are some traces of hair, footprints and body prints of the “bigfoot”
C.bigfoot is a direct descendent of ancient gigantopithecus
D.all the big foot discovered have the same look
(2)It was in______ that man first found the ape-like creature.
B.the 1960's
C.the 1950's
D.the 1940's
(3)We can infer from the article that some people _______bigfoot's existence.
A.may fool the world into believing
B.have definite evidences to prove
C.refuse to believe
D.will soon offer proofs of
(4)If bigfoot is just a misunderstanding, what they saw might NOT be________.
D.people dressed in animal skins

【题目】Environment Awareness Week

Regal Convention Centre,Halls 1-4

24-30 March 2015 10:00 am—9:00 pm

Free admission for all!

Save the environment,Save our future

Our environment needs help with the participation of more than 50 organizations.Environment Awareness Week is the biggest public education event dedicated to environmental protection and conservation.Don’t miss it! Come and know more about:

The Threats to Earth(Hall 1)—What is global warming? How serious is pollution? Learn about different environmental problems from our university students.Protect our environment!

The Search for Renewable Energy(Hall 2)—can we get electricity from wind,solar energy waves,rivers and underground heat? Get the answers from Solar Ace,Teflon,Touch Wind Resources and other participants.

The Quest for Freshwater(Hall 3)—Is the shortage of freshwater worsening? What are Singapore’s solutions for treating waste water? Hear from.Flow Technologies,Hydro Max Solutians and other participants.

The 3 Rs to Save Earth(Hall 4)—How can we REDUCE,REUSE and RECYCLE to cut down household wastes? Find out from the Global Gaia Network,Green Earth Foundation and other participants.

【1】The organizer of the event is_____________.

A.Global Gaia Network

B.Clean Energy Agency

C.Green Earth Foundation

D.International Environment Fund

2What’s the purpose of“Environment Awareness Week”?

A.To support environment protection.

B.To advertise for environmental friendly products.

C.To make money by attracting visitors.

D.To educate people about environment protection.

3The“3 RS”stand for_____________.

A.Read,Realize and Remember

B.Global Gala Network

C.Reduce,Reuse and Recycle

D.Green Earth Foundation

How Room Designs Affect Our Work and Feelings
Architects have long had the feeling that the places we live in can affect our thoughts, feelings and behaviors. But now scientists are giving this feeling an empirical(经验的,实证的) basis. They are discovering how to design spaces that promote creativity, keep people focused and lead to relaxation.
Researches show that aspects of the physical environment can influence creativity. In 2007, Joan Meyers-Levy at the University of Minnesota, reported that the height of a room's ceiling affects how people think. Her research indicates that higher ceilings encourage people to think more freely, which may lead them to make more abstract connections. Low ceilings, on the other hand, may inspire a more detailed outlook.
In additions to ceiling height, the view afforded by a building may influence an occupant's ability to concentrate. Nancy Wells and her colleagues at Cornell University found in their study that kids who experienced the greatest increase in greenness as a result of a family move made the most gains on a standard test of attention.
Using nature to improve focus of attention ought to pay off academically, and it seems to, according to a study led by C. Kenneth Tanner, head of the School Design & Planning Laboratory at the University of Georgia. Tanner and his team found that students in classrooms with unblocked views of at least 50 feet outside the window had higher scores on tests of vocabulary, language arts and maths than did students whose classrooms primarily overlooked roads and parking lots.
Recent study on room lighting design suggests than dim(暗淡的) light helps people to loosen up. If that is true generally, keeping the light low during dinner or at parties could increase relaxation. Researchers of Harvard Medical School also discovered that furniture with rounded edges could help visitors relax.
So far scientists have focused mainly on public buildings. "We have a very limited number of studies, so we're almost looking at the problem through a straw(吸管)," architect David Allison says. "How do you take answers to very specific questions and make broad, generalized use of them? That's what we're all struggling with."
(1)What does Joan Meyers-Levy focus on in her research?
(2)The passage tells us that ______.
A.the shape of furniture may affect people's feelings
B.lower ceilings may help improve students' creativity
C.children in a dim classroom may improve their grades
D.students in rooms with unblocked views may feel relaxed
(3)The underlined sentence in the last paragraph probably means that ______.
A.the problem is not approached step by step
B.the researches so far have faults in themselves
C.the problem is too difficult for researchers to detect
D.research in this area is not enough to make generalized patterns
(4)Which of the following shows the organization of the passage?
CP: Central Point P: Point SP: Sub-point C: Conclusion

【题目】Have you ever felt like you are not given the kind of respect you deserve? In one way or another, all of us have felt this way. We’ve yearned(渴望) to be looked at as an authority, someone people look up to and trust. We’re not taught in school how to do this and our parents didn’t tell us the secret on how to establish our authority. It’s something we learn and gain by ourselves. And the answer is as simple as changing our mindset. What? No way! Oh but it is. People tend to underestimate the power of the mind. Change your game by changing your mind.

Take time to look back and think about people in your life who are an authority or a leader at work, who has more credibility(可信度) than you or who you look up to and inspires you. They are up there not for the reasons you think. If you really think about it, they aren't the smartest of the bunch, not the most educated, and neither are they the best. And in no way do they even call themselves an expert. Instead, they are up there because they are great teachers and advocates(支持者) for the success of their customers or employees.

Let’s take Richard Simmons for example. This famous fitness personality has been a household name ever since he started gaining popularity during the first few years of his career. Stop and think, though, do you really think he is the best person to really get people into shape? Is he the Einstein of fitness and nutrition? Or does he even call himself a master of his craft? Of course not. People look up to him and give him authority because he is a great educator. Instead of sharing information that’s far too complicated to understand, he figures out what your problems are and finds out a way to fix them. He even has social media that he updates on a regular basis with topics that are helpful and easy to understand for his fans and followers.

Depending on the field you’re in, you can share with people things you know and that you think they will want to know as well. If you’re a nurse, for example, you can make a blog post for common health problems and quick remedies(治疗方法) people can do at home. Remember, the simpler you can make it, the better. People will trust you completely if you give them easy solutions. Like Richard, you’ll soon be the expert you’ll want to listen to. You can be an advocate also by showing people that you have their best interests at heart. You can also start up conferences to take up people’s concerns and try to deal with them the best way that you can.

So, how will you be viewed as an authority? Make that mind shift. Find out what concerns and troubles your target. Give solutions. Show that you care. And help them climb up that ladder of success. Ladies and gentlemen, that’s how it’s done.

1What can we know about Richard Simmons?

A. He is as intelligent as Einstein.

B. He believed himself to be a master of fitness.

C. He became popular in the first few years of his career.

D. He shares complex information with his fans and followers.

2The example of a nurse in Paragraph 4 is used to tell us ________.

A. the importance of trust

B. the pleasure of being a nurse

C. the ways of becoming an authority

D. the benefits of learning first aid

3Which of the following would the author most probably agree with?

A. People always think highly of the power of the mind.

B. You can gain the knowledge of becoming an authority at school.

C. People considered as authorities are those with higher education.

D. Providing easy solutions for people can help increase your credibility.

4Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?(P=paragraph)

A. B.

C. D.


From gobbling(狼吞虎咽) down turkey to spending time with family to watching football, Thanksgiving is filled with traditions. But one of the most popular-pulling the wishbone—dates back centuries.

The upside-down VT shaped bone is actually called the furcula. It is a bone located between a turkeys neck and its breast Furcula means “little fork” in Latin. All birds have a wishbone.

At Thanksgiving, the tradition is for two people to hold one end of the bone, make a wish,and then tug(用力拉). The winner is the person who ends up with the bigger piece. If you believe the legend, the winner's wish will come true.

The practice of making a wish on a bird’s furcula dates back to the ancient Etruscans, a people who lived in what is today northern Italy. They believed birds were powerful and divine (非凡的) creatures. After killing a chicken, an Etruscan would leave the wishbone in the sun to dry. Passersby would pick it up, stroke it for good luck, and make a wish That is how the furcula got the name “wishbone.

The Etruscans passed the ritua (仪式)along to the Romans. Soon, the practice of making a wish on a chicken's furcula became popular in ancient Rome. According to legend,it was so widespread that there weren't enough chickens or wishbones to go around. So the Romans began breaking the wishbone in two. Now, twice as many people could make wishes.

Then the English picked up the tradition. In the 16th century, English settlers brought the practice to the New World there, they found an abundance of wild turkeys. So they started using a turkey furcula for their wishes. Today a wishbone tug-of-war is as much a part of Thanksgiving as is gobbling down turkey.

【1】What is the best title for the passage?

A. Turkey Tug-of-WarB. A Lucky Turkey

C. The New WorldD. The Stories of Thanksgiving

【2】What does the fourth paragraph focus on?

A. How to dry the wishbone.

B. The origin of this bone-pulling tradition.

C. The place where the ancient Etruscans lived.

D. The practice of the ancient Etruscans making a wish on a turkey's furcula.

【3】Why did the Romans break the wishbone in two?

A. To save money.

B. To protect chickens.

C. To create an I-shaped wishbone.

D. To give more people the chances to make wishes

【4】Where was a turkey tug-of-war probably served as a Thanksgiving tradition first?

A. In America.B. In the UK.

C. In ancient Rome.D. In northern Italy.

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