Roller coasters are fast and exciting. But passing a painful kidney (肾) stones is not. The process is painful and can take a long time. But American researchers have found that a roller coaster ride just might help those suffering from a kidney stone. They say such rides help patients pass the stones with a 70 percent success rate.

David Wartinger led the study. He found that where the person sits on the roller coaster can make a big difference. He said, “In the pilot study, sitting in the last car of the roller coaster showed about a 64 percent passage rate. Sitting in the first few cars only had a 16 percent success rate.”

It also mattered where the stones were located in the kidney. The researchers found that stones located in the upper part of the kidney model were passed 100 percent.

When it comes to passing kidney stones, not all roller coasters are equal. The researchers used 174 kidney stones of differing shapes, sizes and weights to see if each model worked on the same ride and on two other roller coasters. They found that Big Thunder Mountain was the only one that worked. The other two roller coasters both failed the test. Wartinger said the other rides were too fast and too violent. The movement forced the stones against the side of the kidney. He said that the ideal roller coaster is rough and quick with some twists and turns.

Wartinger thinks roller coaster rides could also be used as a preventative measure. He said that a yearly ride on a roller coaster could even prevent stones from developing. “You need to heed the warnings before going on a roller coaster,” he said. “If you have a kidney stone, but are otherwise healthy and meet the requirements of the ride, patients should try it.”

He adds that it’s definitely a lower cost alternative to other treatments. And riding a roller coaster is definitely more fun!

1.According to the text, passing kidney stone is ______.

A. fast B. exciting C. interesting D. painful

2.Which of the following benefits people with a kidney stone most?

A. Sitting in the first car of a roller coaster.

B. Sitting in the middle car of a roller coaster.

C. Sitting in big roller coasters with doctors’ care.

D. Sitting in rough and fast roller coasters with twists and turns.

3. What’s Wartinger’s attitude to riding roller coasters for people having a kidney stone?

A. Worried. B. Negative. C. Supportive. D. Skeptical.

4. What would be the best title for the text?

A. Some treatments of kidney stones

B. Advantages of riding roller coasters

C. Roller coasters can help pass kidney stones

D. Kidney stones can be cured by riding roller coasters


Benjamin West, the father of American painting, showed his talent for art when he was only six years of age. But he did not know about brushes before a visitor told him he needed one. In those days, a brush was made from camel’s hair. There were no camels nearby. Benjamin decided that cat hair would work instead. He cut some fur from the family cat to make a brush.

The brush did not last long. Soon Benjamin needed more fur. Before long, the cat began to look ragged (蓬乱). His father said that the cat must be sick. Benjamin was forced to admit what he had been doing.

The cat’s lot was about to improve. That year, one of Benjamin’s cousins, Mr. Pennington, came to visit. He was impressed with Benjamin’s drawings. When he went home, he sent Benjamin a box of paint and some brushes. He also sent six engravings(版画) by an artist. These were the first pictures and first real paint and brushes Benjamin had ever seen. In 1747, when Benjamin was nine years old, Mr. Pennington returned for another visit. He was amazed at what Benjamin had done with his gift. He asked Benjamin’s parents if he might take the boy to Philadelphia for a visit.

In the city, Mr. Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings. The boy began a landscape(风景) painting. William Williams, a well-known painter, came to see him work. Williams was impressed with Benjamin and gave him two classic books on painting to take home. The books were long and dull. Benjamin could read only a little, having been a poor student. But he later said,"Those two books were my companions by day, and under my pillow at night."While it is likely that he understood very little of the books, they were his introduction to classical paintings. The nine-year-old boy decided then that he would be an artist.

1.What is the text mainly about?

A. Benjamin’s visit to Philadelphia.

B. Williams’ influence on Benjamin.

C. The beginning of Benjamin’s life as an artist.

D. The friendship between Benjamin and Pennington.

2. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 3 suggest?

A. The cat would be closely watched.

B. The cat would get some medical care.

C. Benjamin would leave his home shortly.

D. Benjamin would have real brushes soon.

3. What did Pennington do to help Benjamin develop his talent?

A. He took him to see painting exhibitions.

B. He provided him with painting materials.

C. He sent him to a school in Philadelphia.

D. He taught him how to make engravings.

4. Williams’ two books helped Benjamin to ________.

A. master the use of paints B. appreciate landscape paintings

C. get to know other painters D. make up his mind to be a painter


Among my peers, the most common reasons to sit in front are: poor vision, poor hearing, and harder to fall asleep (my main reason).

That’s about it. I’ve sat in the back and I’ve sat in the front, and I’ve seen no difference in how professors treat me. In fact, I sat in the front of my math class and still fell asleep a lot. I went to office hours for that class regularly and asked the professor if it bothered him and he said he understood completely. I put in the work outside the classroom and performed well on exams, and that’s what ends up on the transcript (成绩单).

From my experience, going to office hours regularly, emailing questions that may be beyond the scope of class just out of your own curiosity, and reading ahead of time so you can ask good relevant questions are the best ways to give a professor a good impression. Where I’ve sat in the classroom hasn’t noticeably affected a professor’s opinion of me in the slightest.

Typically, sitting at the front indicates to me that you want to hear everything I say and want to have more one-on-one questioning with me. Sitting in the middle suggests that you want to fit in, and will be better at group work. Sitting in the back usually means that you want to play with your phone. The people in the front seats will often get the highest grades, dropping as the rows go back. Yes, of course, this is a tendency and not a law, and there are exceptions. But I must point out that for some older professors, they actually can’t see the people in the back well.

I have not noticed where to sit has any effect on attentiveness, participation and respectful behavior. I have noticed though, that students who sit in the back row are almost always disrespectful and inattentive. I have not observed any correlation between achievement and seat location, even though when I was a student myself, I usually preferred to sit in the front.

1.According to the author, the best ways to impress professors do NOT include _____.

A. preparing for the class in advance B. asking questions through emailing

C. going to office hours regularly D. sitting in the front in every class

2.What is the author’s opinion of students sitting in the front?

A. They may be better at group work.

B. They may want to stay awake in class.

C. They want to play with their phones.

D. Their grades are always the highest.

3.What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?

A. To persuade students to sit in the front.

B. To analyze the advantages of sitting in the back.

C. To show the effect of seating on study results.

D. To discuss different seat locations in the class.


Traditional Chinese Culture

Chinese culture is over 5000 years old. 16

The spirit of the tea ceremony

Xi Hu Long Jing (West Lake Dragon Well) and Yunnan Pu’er have long been world famous. 17 The spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony captures the Chinese attitude towards life and spirituality. These are the things that people all over the world can benefit from.

A handful of good tea leaves with some boiling water and a set of lovely tea ware is the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon and gain some insight into the wisdom of this ancient civilization.


During the 5,000 years of Chinese civilization, many different flavors, styles, and cuisines(烹饪)have developed based on traditional philosophy and culture. This ancient food culture has had a direct impact on the countries, such as Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Thailand, and Singapore. It has benefited billions of people around the world through such innovations as Chinese vegetarian culture, tea culture, vinegar, pasta medicated diets, ceramic tableware, and the use of soybeans in the diet.

Confucianism has flourished during the last 2,500 of China’s 5,000-year history. 19 This school of thought has had the most profound and long lasting influence in China’s history. Seventy-four Nobel Prize winners and many other highly respected scholars have stated that for the benefit of mankind’s livelihood and development into the next century, these teachings should be promoted and adopted worldwide. 20

A. Chinese cuisine

B. Traditional Chinese culture

C. It has been the mainstay of this ancient civilization.

D. They are pretty popular due to their superior color and flavor.

E. The following three items of traditional Chinese culture have had a worldwide impact.

F. This wonderfully rich food culture has also had an impact on Europe, America and Oceania.

G. This would provide long lasting benefits for man, helping to ensure a peaceful and happy life.



I was a shy kid. Nothing seemed harder than talking to people. I didn't even like to answer the phone for fear that I’d have to talk to somebody I didn’t know.

1 , at school I had to spend all day in the company of others. My 2 was studying. It was something I could do 3 and by myself. I spent a lot of time studying and was 4 with good grades.

Eventually I went to college. I came to realize that some people were rather fun to 5 with. Yet my childhood 6 carried over and I found myself tongue-tied and 7 whenever I found myself in a conversation.

One day while on campus, I 8 an advertisement for a position on the local classical music 9 station. I had grown up listening to classical music, and I loved it.

In order to get the job, applicants needed to be interviewed. I had absolutely no background in radio, and the idea of listeners 10 me. I didn’t really want the job. I just wanted to prove that I could talk to a(n) 11 .

Two weeks 12 , I was even more terrified to discover and I had actually landed the job.

It was a 13 job, but I grew to enjoy it. I announced music to thousands of 14 in the city, sometimes answering their calls and 15 to their requests. I began to feel comfortable talking to these people, these strangers who I couldn’t even 16 .

Although I now spend much time talking with people, I’m still basically a 17 person. My former shyness is a gift, as I can 18 people who feel discomfort when they talk to strangers. I still enjoy moments of being 19 . But I’m also glad I decided to make a 20 in my life that has opened many doors and opportunities that I never knew existed.

1.A. However B. Therefore C. Otherwise D. Besides

2.A. advice B. practice C. task D. escape

3.A. obviously B. simply C. quietly D. poorly

4.A. filled B. rewarded C. decorated D. faced

5.A. help out B. catch up C. put up D. hang out

6.A. happiness B. shyness C. kindness D. goodness

7.A. excited B. astonished C. embarrassed D. interested

8.A. noticed B. posted C. realized D. believed

9.A. fire B. gas C. TV D. radio

10.A. terrified B. pleased C. satisfied D. amazed

11.A. child B. singer C. interviewer D. applicant

12.A. ago B. later C. before D. since

13.A. well-paid B. puzzling C. comfortable D. challenging

14.A. listeners B. followers C. viewers D. dancers

15.A. referring B. responding C. offering D. comparing

16.A. feel B. move C. hear D. see

17.A. busy B. warm C. quiet D. smart

18.A. look into B. relate to C. combine with D. worry with

19.A. alone B. alive C. active D. awake

20. A. plan B. mistake C. change D. dream

Lying in Victoria, Australia, Phillip Island Nature Parks is a beautiful seaside holiday destination with perks(好处) like no other in the world. If you're seeking a relaxing, adventurous and memorable coastal holiday, Phillip Island is perfect for you. Full of family attractions, friendly wildlife, sheltered swimming spots and beautiful beaches and bays, it is really hard to find a reason not to take a holiday.

Philip Island's most famous and popular family attractions are The Penguin Parade and The Koala Conservation Centre.

Operating Hour

OPENING TIME: 10 a. m.


Closed on Christmas Day, 25 December


1019 ventor Rd, Phillip Island, Victoria 3922

3 Parks Pass Ticket

The ticket gives you standard entry to the Penguin Parade at Phillip Island Nature Parks, as well as standard entry to the Koala Conservation Centre and Churchill Island Heritage Farm.

All tickets will have 12 months validity from the time of purchase. Tickets will be delivered to your inbox within 60 minutes of the purchase. Please print out all tickets and take along with you to the attraction.

How to Get There

CAR: Phillip Island is an easy 90-minute drive from Melbourne. Travel along the Monash Freeway(MI) away from Melbourne and turn off at the South Gippsland Highway exit. Continue travelling on the South Gippsland Highway(M420) and follow the signs for the Phillip Island onto the Bass Highway(A420). At the Anderson roundabout(环岛), turn right onto the Phillip Island Tourist Road(B420). At San Remo, cross the bridge onto the Phillip Island. Follow the signs to reach the Penguin Parade, Koala Conservation Centre, and Churchill sland Heritage Farm. The attractions are no more than a 15-minute drive from each other.

BUS: V/Line runs daily coach services between Southern Cross Station and Cowes on Phillip Island, via Grantville, Corinella, Bass, San Remo and Newhaven. For detailed information contact V/Line on 136 196 or visit www. vline. com. au.

Please note: The bus takes the main road into Cowes and does not stop at any of the Nature Parks' attractions.

1.What does the author think of a visit to the Phillip Island Nature Parks?

A. Cheap. B. Dangerous. C. Instructive. D. Worthwhile.

2.How can a visitor get the ticket he/she buys?

A. By fax. B. By e-mail. C. By letter. D. By express.

3.Which road is the nearest to the Penguin Parade?

A. The Monash Freeway. B. The South Gippsland Highway.

C. The Bass Highway. D. The Phillip Island Tourist Road.

There are some places in the world that one wants to return again and again. After my first visit to Boracay, Philippines, in March of last year, I knew that I would return soon. I was there again in April this year.

It was on the island that I first tried kite-surfing. The Bulabog Beach on the eastern side of Boracay has many wind-surfing and kite-surfing sports centers. I randomly chose a center, which happened to be an affiliation(附属机构) of International Kiteboarding Organization.

The organization has training centers around the world, and some of its courses are tailored for beginners like me.

The center on Boracay has different courses, from recreational to professional. In the recreational category, trainees have to do the "discovery" level before they go on to more advanced levels.

My instructor Brian, who was from the United States, strictly followed the center's rules about levels, and began the training by asking me to set up the kite on the sand, which was the very first step at the ground level of the "discovery" course.

I had a teammate, and we both couldn't wait to have the feeling of riding with the wind on the surface of the water. But we had to practice at length the various skills for assessing the direction of the wind and the move-ments of our bodies.

It was there in March, which was still the windy season on the island. Because of the winds, the Philippines were important on the ancient marine (海上的) trade route. They call the wind Amihan, or trade winds.

From May to October, the Amihan wind is channeled through the hills on the northern and southern ends of the island from the east onshore, and onto the Bulabog Beach on the eastern coast of the island.

1.Do you think why the author returned to Boracay?

A. Because it is a small island in the Philippines.

B. Because he intended to settle down there.

C. Because the place was very attractive.

D. Because the kite-surfing on this island was rather exciting.

2.What does the underlined word "tailored" in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. lost B. known C. cancelled D. designed

3.What kind of person is Brian?

A. Easy-going. B. Strict. C. Dull. D. Friendly.

4.Why did the Philippines call the wind "trade winds"?

A. Because the Philippines started to trade in the windy season.

B. Because the winds made the Philippines active in the ancient time.

C. Because the Philippines had been relying on the winds to trade.

D. Because the winds benefited the Philippines a lot in the ancient maritime trade.

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