The popular TV program Readers has prompted more people in China to practice reading aloud in booths (亭) set up in big cities across the country.

As the latest TV show to help people's love for literature recover,CCTV program Readers invites people from all walks of life to read aloud their favorite poems,essays and books,or even personal letters they wrote to their loved ones.Just as the weekly show has been well-received,its reading booths,equipped with professional recording devices and cameras,have become instant hits.

A crowd of more than 200 people were pictured lining up outside the Shanghai Library at 11 am on March 4 – the first day of the booth's opening to the public in Shanghai.The deadline for registrations was brought forward to 2 pm instead of the scheduled 5:30 pm,as the number of waiting readers continued to grow.Some waited more than nine hours for a try-out in the booth,according to library management.

"There is an old photo in the late 1970s capturing people lining up outside the Shanghai Library before it opens. If that was a spring of reading in Shanghai,now I think another spring has arrived again," library manager Zhou Deming,told the Shanghai-based The Paper.

The reading booth is the only one of its kind in the city of economic center at the moment,but more are expected to be put into use in the coming months,according to the library's website.

The Readers program has also led to booths in other cities including Beijing,Hangzhou,Guangzhou and Xi'an to appeal to more people to read and share their life stories.

With the recent boom of culture-themed TV shows such as Readers and Chinese Poetry Competition,some are optimistic that this will help the country love literature and reading again in general.

1.CCTV program Readers aims to _________ .

A. teach people what to read

B. attract people’s attention to CCTV

C. invite people to read aloud in the booth

D. arouse people’s fresh enthusiasm for reading

2.We can learn from Paragraph 3 that _________ .

A. Some people waited for a long time to read in the booth

B. March 4 was the first day of the opening of Shanghai Library

C. On March 4,200 people read in the booth

D. The time for registrations was lengthened for three and a half hours

3.The passage mainly tells us that _________ .

A. Many people line up to read aloud in reading booths

B. More reading booths will be set up in the future

C. Readers has become popular all over China

D. Readers has inspired more people to read aloud in reading booths

Following the crowd may not always be in a person’s best interest.But new research suggests that teens who go along with their friends may end up healthier as adults.

Scientists have known that close friendships help boost health.That’s true for both teens and adults.The finding inspired Joseph Allen,a psychologist at the University of Virginia,and his team to study whether experiences during teen years would influence adult health.So they followed 171 teens,starting when the kids were just 13.They interviewed each one every year for five years,and also spoke to these teens’ closest friends,who provided additional information about the quality of their friendships.The same 171 people were interviewed again at ages 25,26 and 27. This time,the questions surveyed each person’s overall health.When the researchers analyzed the data they found a strong connection between a teen’s behavior and adult health.Teens who had close friends grew up to be the healthier adults.Whether teens held back their feelings or expressed them to a close friends also influenced later health.Those who held back were more likely to be sick as adults.The connection held up even after the scientists accounted for other possible influences on health.Weight,family income and drug use were all examined.So were mental health issues,such as anxiety and depression.And in these people,such other factors did not explain adult health as well as teen friendships did.

Going along with the crowd may have benefits,says Allen,but there are also drawbacks.Teens who are more independent tend to do better at school and work.And peer pressure may lead some kids to engage in risky behavior, such as smoking,drinking or using drugs.Dealing with it is an ongoing challenge,Allen acknowledges.“Finding the right balance is the key.Teens shouldn’t lose heart for not finding this easy.”And,he adds,“Parents need to be understanding about the pressures teens face.”

1.Where can you probably read this passage?

A. Science fiction B. Health column

C. Fashion magazine D. Entertainment newspaper

2.We can learn from Allen’s study that _________.

A. many other factors have a greater influence on adult health than teen friendships

B. mental health issues have nothing to do with adult health

C. the same 171 teens were interviewed each year from 13 to 27

D. the teens who couldn’t express themselves grew up to be unhealthier

3.According to what Allen said,we can know that _________.

A. in order to do better at school,teens should not follow the crowd

B. though it’s challenging for teens to deal with peer pressure,they should not give up

C. teens will engage in smoking,drinking or using drugs when facing peer pressure

D. parents should understand their teens and stop them going with friends

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. There is nothing bad for teens to follow the crowd.

B. Close friendships are the most important for people’s health.

C. Teen friendships may turn out healthier adults.

D. Adult health is only influenced by teen friendships.

There is no sound worse than an alarm clock first thing in the morning.Some of us are the type to jolt out of bed with a smile.1. While I have a love-hate relationship with mornings,I have found that there are indeed ways to make mornings a little more bearable.

Mentally plan out your day.

One way to combat the morning blues is to mentally plan out your day right when you wake up to prepare yourself for the day.Give yourself at least one little thing to look forward to each day.2.


Meditation (冥想) will clear your mind and relax your body.Even just ten minutes of focused mental thought can completely clear your mind.3. Of all of them,I like Headspace best,which provides 10-minute sessions that leave you feeling relaxed,and ready to have a great day!4.

People say “look good,feel good.” If you have your outfit ready in advance,you are more likely to feel confident and mentally prepared for the day.Whether it’s a pair of jeans or a sweater,pick out clothes that you feel great in.

Go with a friend or classmate to breakfast,school,etc.

5. Sharing the first moments of the day with others will fuel your mind and let you ease into your day. Also,having a regimented (受管制的) morning routine with others will help ensure that you are on-time for school and that you have a reason to get up in the morning.

A.Put on your clothes for the night.

B.Lay out your clothes the night before.

C.Others love to exercise in the morning.

D.Mornings are best when you have good company.

E.However,for others,mornings are the worst enemy.

F.It can even be a cookie of your favorite taste on the lunch break.

G..It’s easy with the availability of apps and YouTube guided exercises out there.

It is 1971.Sally with Josh and Martin,her two brothers,discovers a massive whale stranded (搁浅) on the beach near their home.The three children________their sweaters into the cold sea water and rush back to wet the________ animal.Realizing the urgency,Josh runs for help and people gather to________.Though they do all they can,it becomes clear that their efforts are________Sitting by the whale,Sally tells him he’s ________ and beautiful, and that she will________him no matter what happens next.As Sally talks to him,the animal lets out “a deep_________like the wind off the ocean” and dies.

The Stranded Whale is a ________book for children carrying a(n)________life lesson about accepting the ________ of one's power.

Master storyteller Yolen and illustrator (插画家) Cataldo have________an honest picture of human weakness that is moving.Yolen________sets her story in 1971,when the lack of cell phones would delay the________of both helpers and broadcasters.This adds to the________because so much time is lost.Cataldo's paintings________ gentle and soft colors,providing vast________ views and conveying the children’s helplessness.

The ending is________.Sally expresses the irony to herself when________with a medal by the community. “So,the whale died and we were heroes.”________they have made great efforts to rescue the whale,Sally and her brothers learn that not all living creatures can be saved.This is an important truth for ________.

1.A. squeeze B. dip C. throw D. dive

2.A. dangerous B. deserted C. dying D. deadly

3.A. respond B. fight C. witness D. charge

4.A. worthwhile B. in vain C. at loss D. awarded

5.A. patient B. considerate C. strong D. cautious

6.A. save B. pity C. understand D. miss

7.A. sigh B. cough C. scream D. yawn

8.A. drawing B. picture C. reference D. writing

9.A. easy B. bitter C. strict D. strange

10.A. failures B. mistakes C. limits D. shortcomings

11.A. foresaw B. made up C. took up D. created

12.A. wisely B. especially C. randomly D. usually

13.A. message B. transfer C. arrival D. protection

14.A. sorrow B. fun C. excitement D. tension

15.A. avoid B. adjust C. compare D. employ

16.A. seashore B. island C. country D. outdoor

17.A. touched B. realistic C. abstract D. comforting

18.A. replied B. provided C. presented D. related

19.A. As long as B. As though C. If only D. Even though

20.A. children B. animals C. writers D. illustrators

Smoking is harmful. But as soon as you quit the habit, everything will be OK, right?


New research has found that even if you give up smoking, the damage it has done to your genes (基因) will stay there for a much longer time.In the research, a team of US scientists studied the blood of 16,000 people. Among them, some were smokers, some used to smoke, and the rest were non-smokers. Scientists compared their genes and found that more than 7,000 genes of smokers had changed--a number that is one-third of known human genes.

According to NBC News, both heart disease and cancer are caused by genetic changes. Some people may have had the changes when they were born, but most people get them in their day-to-day lives while doing things like smoking.

When you stop smoking, a lot of these genes will return to normal within five years.

This means your body is trying to heal (治愈) itself of the harmful effects of smoking. But the changes in some of the genes stay for longer. They can stay for as long as 30 years, It’s almost like leaving a footprint on wet cement (水泥)----it will always be there, even when you’ve walked away and when the cement becomes dry.

Although the study results may make people unhappy, there is a bright side: the findings could help scientists invent medicine to treat genetic damage caused by smoking or find ways to tell which people have heart disease or cancer risks.

1.The function of Paragraph 1 is to_________ .

A. introduce the topic of the passage B. give an example

C. make an argument D. show the main idea of the passage

2.Most genetic changes happen because of___________ .

A. people’s condition at birth B. environmental pollution

C. people’s bad living habit D. heart disease and cancer

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 6 refers to__________ .

A. the footprint B. the cement

C. the harmful effect D. the genetic change

4.Which of the following statements is true?

A. The findings are the fruit of more than three years’ research.

B. The findings have prevented more people from starting smoking

C. The findings offer evidence that a damaged gene can heal itself.

D. The findings help to find cures for genetic damage caused by smoking.

Do you want to be productive(富有成效的)at work or at home? Here's what you should do.

Turn off television

I used to tell myself that I needed a break. So, when the kids slept I turned on the cable and watched whatever program that caught my fancy. Often, I found myself not watching, just channel-surfing. And I didn’t end up watching a full program. I decided one day to just give up on TV as it made me sleep late and woke up exhausted(疲惫的).

If you want to be productive, cut off TV. You are better off reading a book. Without TV, I have managed to finish many books which I have bought but never read.

Limit Internet Use

The other big distraction that can make you sleep late is the Internet. Probably because you will be checking your emails, updating your blog, watching YouTube, etc. Try limiting the use of it at home, or switch it to the morning session.

Nowadays, I check all my personal emails early in the morning. When I get into work, I find myself less tempted to check personal emails.

Know Your Priorities(优先考虑的事)

Really, it is all about the choices you make and the priorities you have. If you know it is competitive out there in the world, how can you be a better worker than the person who is also aiming for the position above you?

Rest Early, Rise Early

You want to be productive? Rise early, read more books, have more energy, be more focused and set standards for others to catch up. It’s as simple as that.

1.The passage aims to give advice on how to ________.

A. take better care of our kids at home.

B. balance our work and energy well.

C. divide time between work and family.

D. compete against others for a better position.

2.What does the author mainly use to support her theory?

A. Ancient wisdom B. Internet information

C. Popular beliefs D. Personal experience

3.The author used to be in the habit of _________.

A. changing channels frequently when watching TV.

B. checking all her personal emails in the morning.

C. watching her favorite TV programs with her kids.

D. reading the books immediately after she bought them.

When we talk about stars, especially women stars, it seems that they are always young, pretty and own charming body shapes. But recently a Britain's Got Talent(英国达人)star Susan Boyle has changed our views absolutely.

Simon Cowell, one of the judges of the talent show spoke of his shock over Ms Boyle's voice. "This lady came up, and I'm thinking, 'This will take five seconds and I can go to have a cup of tea'. That changed when she began to sing I Dreamed to Dream from Les Miserables. She knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her face through -it was one of my favorite moments," Cowell said.

The performance was posted on line and before long, the 47-year-old Scottish woman has been famous all over the world.

Speaking from her home in Scotland, Ms Boyle said that she hasn't thought of changing her appearance. She said that her friend helped her with make-up. "I mean, that's hardly a makeover(改头换面)," she added. Ms Boyle also spoke of the reason she first began to explore her vocal talents, "I was kind of slow at school, so getting like singing was a good way of hiding behind that and thus it built my confidence."

1.Susan Boyle is _________

A. a judge B. a Scottish woman

C. a beautiful woman D. a reporter

2.Susan Boyle had a look of satisfaction on her face when she was singing because______.

A. she was confident of her singing

B. she was satisfied with the judges

C. she was pretty and in good shape

D. she sang the song I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables

3.According to the passage, which is NOT true?

A. It was the vocal talents that built Susan's confidence

B. Susan Boyle was not good at her lesson when at school.

C. Susan Boyle became famous because of her appearance.

D. Simon Cowell didn't think Susan Boyle a good singer at the first sight.

4.What can we learn from Susan Boyle's success

A. It's never too old to learn.

B. It's easier to succeed at the age of 47.

C. If you are not able to study well, to be a singer instead.

D. If you have a dream, try to make it come true!

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