One of the greatest soccer players of all time is Pelé. He was born in 1940 in Tres Coracoes, Brazil. His first soccer ball was a grapefruit. He also used an old sock and filled it with newspaper. Pelé left school at a young age to play soccer and work to help his family. Later in life, he finished high school and college.

Pelé scored 1,281 goals—more goals than any other player in the world. He helped Brazil win three World Cup titles.

Pelé retired from soccer in 1971. People all over the world admired Pelé. Presidents and world leaders invited him to their countries. Nigeria once stopped its war for three days to let Pelé play. His talent is very unusual. Doctors once tested Pelé to find out why he played soccer so well. They found that he had excellent eyesight. He is also very intelligent. Pelé liked to do math problems and play chess. He said these activities helped him play better.

Pelé is married and has three children. He likes to be with his family. He also plays the guitar and writes songs. Pelé cares about people, especially children. He gives money to help poor children. He never advertises for tobacco or liquor companies. He knows that he has a great influence on young people. Pelé once said that he wants to “unite people, never to separate them.” He is loved and admired all over the world.

1.The text is mainly talking about Pelé’s __________.

A. family B. life

C. hobby D. work

2.How old was Pelé when he stopped playing soccer?

A. 49 B. 39

C. 31 D. 22

3.Which words can best describe Pelé ?

A. Caring and responsible. B. Intelligent and aggressive.

C. Helpful and outgoing. D. Generous and modest .

Urban swans might be born with a daredevil gene that makes them less fearful of humans, compared with their rural colleagues.

A study has found swans living in cities tend to be bolder and it is at least partly determined by a gene called DRD4. Birds with this gene could therefore be better adapted to settling in more populated areas, while more timid(胆怯的)swans would escape to less inhabited regions.

It could help to explain why swans in public parks and on urban rivers have a reputation for being so aggressive towards humans - they are simply not afraid of us.

Biologists from some universities in Australia, tracked and collected blood samples from black swans living in two wetlands near cities. One group of swans lived in a recreational urban park, while the other occupied a waste-water processing site out of town. The two areas were less than 20 miles apart. Later, from 2011 through 2013, the researchers started systematically scaring the swans at both sites. The researchers approached the birds and calculated how close they could get before they flew away. As expected, they noticed that while rural swans started flying away if a human was closer than 119 meters, the scientists could come as close to urban swans as 39 meters before taking off.

Analyses of the blood samples, in fact, showed that 83 per cent of the less cautious swans presented the same genetic DRD4 variation(变异)while rural swans have different genetic makeups resulting in more wariness(谨慎,小心).

The researchers conclude that swans with the bold variation of the gene might choose to live in urban environments, as they tend to be less bothered by human presence.

1.The underlined word in paragraph 1 means__________.

A. timid B. cautious

C. bold D. stubborn

2.What’s the difference between rural swans and urban ones?

A. The rural swans carry more DRD4.

B. The urban swans are more friendly.

C. The urban swans are less scared of people.

D. The rural swans are aggressive towards humans.

3.What does DRD4 refer to ?

A. a kind of blood. B. a kind of food.

C. a kind of genetic variation. D. a kind of swan.

4.What does the 4th paragraph mainly talk about?

A. The living habit of swans.

B. The living environment of swans.

C. The contribution of the biologists.

D. The process and result of the research.

The American literature is from the Romanticism to the Realism.

The American Romanticism began from the end of 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War, which is also called the American Renaissance. The period is as well as the time of American Westward Expansion. During the period, there were lots of workforces crowding to the cities, which promoted the industry. The people found that they need their-own literature to record their experiences. So the Romanticism flourished(繁荣).

The Romanticism in American literature focuses on imagination and emotional factors. The American writers paid more attentions to the free expression of feelings and the characters’ inner world. During the romantic period, there were many writers: Philip Freneau, William Cullen Bryant and so on.

The Realism in American literature was from 1865 to 1914, and it takes on the American spirit, especially in American stories. The Realism against the Romanticism, advocates the people to come down to the earth and get rid of daydreams.

During the 50 years from the Civil War to the WWI, the America had experienced a great change on many aspects, such as the politics, economy, culture and religion. It had changed the nature and the idea of the American society. The writers of new age didn’t agree with the Romanticism of the old age.They were interested in real life and wanted to explain everything relating to the real life, which is to claim the objective reality, to get rid of idealism and Romanticism.

There were 3 main writers at that time: William Peanoweils, Henry James and Mark Twain. Their writings represented the American native customs with their deep rural styles, which uncovered the people’s inner life.

1.What does the passage talk about?

A. The American Romanticism.

B. The History of America

C. The Civil War of America

D. The American literature

2.What does “it” in para4 refers to?

A. The Realism in American literature

B. The American literature

C. The period from 1865-1914

D. The American spirit

3.The representatives of Realism are the following except__________.

A. William Cullen Bryant B. William Peanoweils

C. Henry James D. Mark Twain

4.From the text, we can learn that ________.

A. The two styles of American literature have the same theme.

B. The Romanticism focuses more on peoples’ inner feelings.

C. The Realism encourages people to daydream.

D. The Realism flourished earlier than the Romanticism.

Certain things confident people simply don’t do.

They don’t make excuses.

1.That’s why you won’t hear them blaming traffic for making them late. They don’t make excuses, because they believe they’re in control of their own lives.


Confident people don’t give up the first time something goes wrong. They will figure out why it went wrong and how they can prevent it the next time.

They won’t wait for permission to act.

Confident people don’t need somebody to tell them what to do or when to do it. Whether it’s running a meeting or going the extra mile to solve a customer’s problem, it doesn’t even occur to them to wait for somebody else to take care of it. 3. .

They don’t need constant praise.

Have you ever been around somebody who constantly needs to hear how great he or she is? 4. . They don’t think that their success is dependent on other people’s approval, and they understand that no matter how well they perform, there’s always criticism.

They won’t put things off.

Why do people postpone(拖延)? Sometimes it’s simply because they’re lazy. A lot of times, though, it’s because they’re afraid of change, failure, or maybe even success. Confident people don’t sit around waiting for the right time. 5.. If they think it’s not the right time, they make it the right time.

A. They don't quit.

B. They won't lose heart

C. Confident people don’t do that.

D. They are not afraid of failure at all.

E. They see what needs to be done, and they do it.

F. They know that today is the only time that matters.

G. Confident people believe that they can make things happen.

Good afternoon, everyone,

I’d like to introduce my friend Christy to you all. Christy is a great example of how one person with___can make her dream a reality, so she should win the Student of the Year Award. Christy loves to ride bikes. She does not just ride along city streets,___. She is interested in____ trail (小路) rides. __ Christy knew that people who love riding had to travel____the city to find good bike trails, so she___ to do something.

Christy knew that Roosevelt Park had a clean, lively creek(小溪)__ through it. 12 miles of land around the creek was____used. Christy decided to get together with other trail___ to ask the city council to__ a bike path along the unused land. Christy ___a petition (请愿书). She and other riders asked all of their biking friends if they would___ the list, and they gathered 300 signatures. The city council evaluated the___ and, more___, agreed to build the bike trail.

The____took two months of work, and now Roosevelt Park has a___bike trail. It has many ups and downs; it is a great ride. This trail is becoming one of the community’s important___ spots. I can’t __ with Christy when we ride together, but I am glad that she decided to work hard to begin the__ of the Roosevelt Park bike path. Christy____this award because she acted on her dream, causing a community to come together.

Thank you!

1.A. patience B. satisfaction C. determination D. permission

2.A. still B. instead C. either D. though

3.A. tough B. vacant C. convenient D. remote

4.A. However B. As C. But D. Since

5.A. around B. beyond C. along D. outside

6.A. expected B. decided C. offered D. walking[

7.A. running B. going C. coming D. walking

8.A. often B. ever C. seldom D. even

9.A. runners B. players C. passengers D. riders

10.A. approve B. create C. prove D. accuse

11.A. formed B. wrote C. drew D. described

12.A. glance B. view C. call D. sign

13.A. demand B. request C. invitation D. scheme

14.A. importantly B. naturally C. obviously D. necessarily

15.A. destruction B. organization C. construction D. protection

16.A. interesting B. competing C. parking D. satisfying

17.A. match B. exercise C. play D. game

18.A. put up B. keep up C. end up D. turn up

19.A. discovery B. invention C. creation D. collection

20.A. deserves B. preserves C. reserves D. serves

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