6.How to Survive High School
High school can be a terrible phase if you get it all wrong.Find out how to survive high school with a few easy tips.
1.Be Yourself.
High school is a fun time to make new friends,meet new people,date and socialize.Make friends with all kinds of people and not just a group which you are comfortable with.Most peer pressure cases are because of the weak image created by freshmen.(33)CDon't give into anyone's wants.
2.(34)BChoose your friends carefully and make sure you won't get influenced by anyone.Socialize,but by judging who you can connect to.You will find friends,but stay away from the ones who don't want to be your friends as a bad company is tempting,but the good one is true.
3.Be Optimistic.
There is nothing better than having a smile on your face whenever you can.(35)D Don't be afraid to make friends,don't get aggressive or personal with anyone and treat others the way you want to be treated.Respect your teachers and classmates and try to be helpful if you want the.same in return.
4.Be Confident.
When you believe in yourself,others believe in you.Talk,walk and address people confidently and this will create a strong image about you.(36)EBe creative and unique and learn to set trends.Confidence is one quality you grow with,and people respect you for that.
5.Love High School.
(37)FMake the most out of it,and you will never get those moments back.Come up with prank ideas,get a detention,top your class,make the best friends,drink,go to a prom,party,but just make as many memories as you can!
With these tips to survive high school,you will surely be proud of graduating as an all-round approaching adult carrying the best roots.So,when you throw those hats in the air,feel the freedom and remember every moment you spent in"High School".

A.And always wear your smile.
B.Keep Good Company.
C.Just be yourself and create a strong self image.
D.Practice positive thinking.
E.Do your thing,and don t imitate others.
F.Fall in love with it.
G.Study as hard as you can in your spare time.
5.Students all over Canada know that there are awards that they can apply for,but many of them do not know how many are out there.We will learn a bit more about these awards and find out what to do in order to apply.
Many awards are focused on a particular type of study that a student is taking.There are a lot of awards of this kind and they are offered by a lot of Canadian organizations.
Making the decision of what award to look into is another issue that students are unsure about.The guidance counselors(顾问) that are employed by the school can also help you determine the things that will be necessary for you to do.
Using the Internet can be another great way to find out about what awards are available.Many resources offer applications that are able to be completed right from the website.This can make the process a great deal faster,which can mean a lot to those in need of assistance.
Preparing all of the information that you need for filling out the forms beforehand is a good idea.This can take a lot of stress off this situation and you will not be running around to look for things because you are not prepared ahead of time.The less interruptions there are,the easier the process will be.
Not all of the awards are based on sports or academics.Many are available to students who are at a disadvantage of some sort due to a particular disability that they may have.Others are based only on where a person is from.Taking time to find out about the choices is important if you want to be sure to apply for all that you qualify (具备合格条件) for.
Many students greatly appreciate the help that these things bring them.Education costs are very high,and any financial help can reduce the stress of finances that a great many people have.
29.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?A
A.Many students don't know which award to choose.
B.When filling out the forms,you should ask for help.
C.Many students don't know how many awards there are.
D.Students can pay the guidance counselors to fill in the forms.
30.The underlined word"beforehand"in Paragraph 5 means"D".
C.in particular        
D.in advance
31.What is the main idea of Paragraph 6?C
A.There are awards for overseas students.
B.Applying for awards takes a lot of time.
C.There are various awards for different students.
D.Students from particular places can apply for awards.
32.From the last paragraph,the author mainly wants to showB.
A.the high cost of education        
B.the importance of the awards
C.the financial stress on students     
D.the students'appreciation of the awards.
4.For Juan Manuel Pineda,it was a long way to succeed.
    His story began in El Salvador,where he was born with something wrong with his mouth.He had great difficulty in speaking.At age 2,his family's home burned down.Pineda was injured,and his legs needed to be cut.His mother died when he was 8,and he spent years on the streets before he was taken in by an orphanage(孤儿院).
Finally,at the orphanage,Pineda began to receive support and encouragement.He taught himself to play the guitar.He began to perform with other musicians.Then the group went to Chicago,where Pineda,then 18,caught the attention of many people,who wondered what they could do to help him.
Shriners Hospitals offered him free medical care.A group called the Mulliganeers agreed to pay for Pineda's flights to and from El Salvador.
    When he was in the hospital,Pineda began writing music,and wondered if he might be able to record his own album.Soon with the help of a musician,"The Sound of Gratitude(感激)",was born.On October 15th,Pineda went to a Chicago club to play his new songs to strangers,and to the friends who had helped him come so far.
Pineda was amazed that he had come into such a good luck,after having so many years of hardship."We have a saying in El Salvador,‘Suffer first,then enjoy.'I guess that's what's happening,"he said.
25.What happened to Pineda after the fire?C
A.He couldn't hear.
B.He couldn't see.
C.He couldn't walk.
D.He couldn't speak.
26.When did Pineda learn to play the guitar?D
A.When he was two years old.
B.When he was eight years old.
C.When he was ten years old.
D.When he was in the orphanage.
27.Why did Pineda go to a Chicago club to play his new songs?A
A.To express thanks.
B.To make some money.
C.To help poor people.
D.To learn singing skills.
28.What could be the best title of the passage?C
A.Good Beginning,Half Done     
B.Practice Makes Perfect
C.Suffer First,Then Enjoy         
D.Every Little Thing Helps.
2.Life can quickly change from great to disappointing at any given moment.These unexpected changes can surprise and frighten us.(31)BIt could be something as simple as hurting a toe(脚趾)when we get out of bed that influences our moods for the whole day.If we develop more awareness(意识)of trying to be positive,however,we have the power to change the way we feel.(32)FPositivity,on the other hand,is often wrongly seen a s puny(微不足道的).However,negative feelings without control can result in health damages over time,while positivity plays an important role in our well-being.
Here are some simple suggestions for increasing positivity:
    1.(33)AThey can be satisfying completion of a project,a kind gesture,a humorous email,or an unexpected compliment.
    2.Make a conscious transition(有意识的过渡)at the close of the workday.Decide what you want to bring home with you after work.(34)GSit in the car for a few minutes and breathe deeply.When y ou get home,take time to relax,like doing a five-minute gentle yoga exercise.
    3.Contact and connect with loved ones.Call,text,email,send a love letter or a shared photo of a happy memory.Laugh,dance,share a meal,hold hands or simply sit together.(35)E Developing positivity can change our bodies as well as our minds greatly,which will help us in creating better lives.

A.During the day,be mindful of wins.
B.As a result,we get feelings of negativity.
C.Negative emotions do harm to our health.
D.Do remember that you can expect the best in your life in return.
E.Developing positive attitudes can largely improve our lives.
F.Negativity is often mistakenly viewed as powerful.
G.Leave the stress and upsets of the day behind.
1.Car accidents are the No.l cause of death for kids in the United States,according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC).So at what age should kids ride in the front seat?Parents need to pay more attention to kids'safety when it comes to riding in the car.The perfect age,according to the CDC,is 12.Kids younger than that should be buckled(扣住)up in the backseat,either in car seats or with the car's safety harness (安全带).The reason is that air bags in the front seat can kill smaller children.
A new law in Massachusetts takes things one step further.If it passes,the government would make it illegal for kids younger than 13 to sit up front.The penalty for breaking the law would be a $25 fine-not much,but some people think it's enough to draw awareness to this.Some argue that the law is just another form of big government overstepping its boundaries(界限).They point out the reasons why it may not always be possible to have all kids under 13 in the backseat.For instance,what if you're driving a truck that doesn't have a backseat?Or if you have many teenagers and need one of them to sit up front?However,some passenger safety organizations.such as SafetyBeltSafe U.S.A.,even advocate (主张)a greater limit when it comes to sitting up front,suggesting that children should continue to ride in the backseat until they are ready to drive themselves.
So when should your child be allowed to ride in the front seat of the car?That depends on two things:the laws in your state and your comfort level.While most states require that children sit in the back at least until age 12,some like Massachusetts have the age set closer to 13; while others,like Georgia,allow kids to sit in the front seat by age 8.Know your state's law before you make your decision.But also keep in mind what works best for you and your family.The backseat is the safest place for kids to ride,so it makes sense to keep them back there as long as possible before you let them ride up front.
23.Why are kids not allowed to ride in the front seat of the car?C
A.There is no air bag in the front of the car.
B.They don't know how to use the safety harness.
C.They are easily hurt by air bags in the front seat.
D.Parents can't take care of them if they sit in the front seat.
24.Why don't some people support the law in Massachusetts?A
A.They think the rule is not practical sometimes.
B.They think not all the cars have backseats.
C.They think not all the kids like sitting in the back.
D.They think the punishment is too much.
25.Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?B
A.Not all the states demand that kids under 12 should sit in the backseat.
B.Children in Massachusetts can't sit in the front until they can drive alone.
C.The backseat is always the safe place for kids to ride in a car.
D.A l0-year-old boy can sit in the front seat in Georgia.
26.What is the best title for the text?D
A.Should kids sit in the front seat?
B.A new law will pass in Massachusetts.
C.Tips for kids on riding safely.
D.When can your kid sit in the front seat?
20.Shawn Johnson is one of the strongest girls I know to compete in gymnastics.She was just 15 years old when she competed in the Olympic trails (选拔赛).She went to the Olympics in 2008 and competed in all four events with famous American gymnast Nastia Luikin.She was the balance beam (平衡木) gold medalist and team,all-round and floor exercise silver medalist at the Games.After the Olympics she was featuring on the hit reality show"Dancing with the Stars"in 2009-2010.It was not until she broke her knee in a January 2010 ski (滑雪) accident did she realize that she still wanted to compete.She made a comeback,aiming at the 2012 0lympic Games.But because of the continuing problems with her knee,she decided to finish her season and then retire from gymnastics.She felt she was worn out and wasn't as good as she was the first time.
My favorite things about her are her confidence and how hard she works.She always has a smile on her face even when times are difficult.She also took time away from gymnastics to help kids around the world get cleaner water.She has influenced my life because I wouldn't have known to actually try hard to get great dreams realized and I hope one day I become somewhat close to how she is in every possible way.She has also taught me not to be afraid of failing at the first time and to learn from my mistakes instead of considering them as a downfall (堕落的原因).I think more people should look at her as a role model.
One cool thing is that I got to see her compete at the Olympic trials in Maryland on my birthday.
16.Why did Shawn Johnson retire?B
A.Because she was too old to compete in gymnastics.
B.Because she was in bad health conditions.
C.Because she wanted to take part in reality shows.
D.Because she broke her knee and couldn't do sports any more.
17.According to the passage,Shawn Johnson can be described asB.
a.confident         b.hard-working       
c.optimistic        d.independent      
A.abcd            B.abce        
C.bcde            D.acde
18.What did the author learn from Shawn Johnson?D
A.To make as many achievements as possible.
B.To work hard to earn a better living.
C.To get close to intelligent and successful persons.
D.To try bravely in life though there may be failures.
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