Dear friends,
How time flies!
Dear friends,
How time flies!It is more than two months since our English Club was set up by several classmates and me.On behalf of my classmates,I'd like to talk a bout something about our club.(开头介绍自己,以及发言的缘由)
So far we have conducted a variety of activities on English learning,such as watching English films,reading classic English novels,holding a Christmas party and so on.Every member took an active part in the activities.(例举举办的活动) Many members said the activities benefited them a lot.Not only did they improve their English,but also they brought them much fun.Personally,I think it is really a good idea to set up the club.(活动的收获与感想)
It is hoped that our club is growing stronger and more mature.And welcome more classmates to the club.(对于俱乐部未来的展望)
That's all.
Thank you.
Weaving hammocks(吊床)is an art that takes a sharp eye,a skilled hand and lots of patience.But in Lenwood Haddock's case,being blind works to his advantage.His trained,sensitive hands are acutely aware of every step of the complex process.Since beginning his work in 1986,Lenwood has woven about 145,000 perfect hammocks.
Now 61,Lenwood lost his sight in 1973,at age 18,during a hunting accident."My whole working career has been blind,"he says.He first found a job as a woodworker,but when that organization closed,he was connected him with Hatteras Hammocks.
On his first day of work,"I did a total of one hammock,"Lenwood recalls,laughing."And then I came home and laid on the couch and went to sleep.I lift weights,but I wasn't as tough as I thought until I started weaving.It takes a lot of energy,and you're standing up all day."
In time,however,Lenwood got into a good working rhythm and found he had a knack for the job.At first he worked at the company,but after a year Lenwood moved his operation to the home workshop where he'd worked for 10 years during his woodworking days.
He creates dozons of hammocks each week in a variety of sizes.One day,he realized the step counter on his phone recorded him walking eight miles without ever leaving his shop.
The process of weaving a hammock involves making and catching hundreds of loops.A single missed stitch(针) creates a hole that can widen and make the hammock uncomfortable or even dangerous to use.Experienced weavers miss loops sometimes,but to his company's knowledge,Lenwood has never turned in a hammock with even one dropped stitch.
With every hammock,Lenwood devotes himself to producing perfection."I'm not sure how sighted people do it,"he admits.

56.What made Lenwood Haddock's weaving hammocks special?(No more than 2 words)Being blind.Or His blindness.
57.How did Lenwood Haddock feel after his first day of work?(No more than 10 words)He was very tired.Or He felt very tired.
58.What will happen if a single stitch is missed?(No more than 15 words)This will make the hammock uncomfortable or even dangerous to use.
59.What is the meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 4?(No more than 8 words)He got the trick of weaving hammocks.Or He had a way/skill of doing the job.
60.What qualities does Lenwood Haddock have?And how do they affect you?(No more than 25 words)Devotion,perfection,strictness and so on.These qualities are valuable to me.I will try my best to learn to be devoted,perfect and strict in everything with myself..
2.In spite of sex discrimination of keeping women down,new research finds another aspect of women's characters:girls are more likely to talk about school successes than boys.
    Researchers from Hanover College and the University of Louisville came to this conclusion.After all,girls are usually taught to be modest,instead of bragging.
    Basically,girls share more because they believe that success in school is good and that they'll be socially rewarded for it.Girls think that talking about their academic successes will build friendships.Boys seem to share less,because on average,they think it's uncool to be good at school,and would prefer to become the class clown or something even if they really are smart.Because the trend starts as early as mid-childhood,there's a long time for these differences to affect motivation and actual school performance.
This trend continues all the way through college.Girls tend to be better at self-regulation than boys,which allows them to set academic goals,and achieve them.Girls find academic environments easier to control while boys'higher energy levels and impulsiveness(易冲动)cause behavioral problems possibly contributing to the lower grades.
    Some aspects of the gender schooling gap are troubling.Especially as success depends more on educational attainment and qualifications and less on physical strength,boys who can't or won't do schoolwork put themselves at a disadvantage for life.On the other hand,there are new problems for adult females,though,and normal pride in girls turns into arrogance(傲慢)and bossy behavior in adult women.If women seem less proud of their accomplishments than they were as girls,it might just be a reasonable response to standards in the workplace.Women get worse performance reviews than men,like that you're"bossy"if you're over confident etc.
    I would suggest that you channel your inner schoolgirl.In the workplace you can't stop obvious sex discrimination on your own,but you can learn to be proud of your accomplishments in a mature way.Whether others respond properly to that or not,you'll feel better about yourself at the end of the day.

51.What does the underlined word"bragging"in the first paragraph refer to?A
A.Talking too proudly     
B.Speaking highly of
C.Paying more attention     
D.Expressing dishonestly
52.What can we know about girls?B
A.Girls don't like mentioning their academic success.
B.Girls consider their success beneficial to their friendship.
C.Girls would like to act like a clown in class to be really cool.
D.Girls find it much harder to control themselves than boys.
53.What can we learn from Paragraph 5?C
A.Male's success has no relation to their educational background.
B.Male's success relies on physical strength and less on education.
C.Females'normal pride maybe has a bad effect on themselves.
D.Females'pride easily makes them get better performance reviews.
54.What is the author's suggestion to adult females?B
A.Listen to what other schoolgirls around them are saying.
B.Keep a normal attitude to their achievements in work.
C.Be proud of their achievements as they were young.
D.Try to feel better about themselves at any place.
55.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.Sex discrimination is not good for women.
B.Educational attainment is not to boys'advantage.
C.Boys like to act as a class clown leading to bad grades.
D.Girls pay more attention to academic successes than boys.
1.Mom was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in November of 2012,and I(16)D the next Christmas would be her last.I wondered(17)C I could possibly give her as a gift to show her how much I loved her.Then it(18)B  me that I could give her a card shower.I put a (19)D in my Christmas cards asking friends to send Mom and Dad a card to lift their(20)A.
My little idea(21)Bquickly thanks to my daughter and social media.She posted the(22)C  for cards on her Facebook page.In turn,her friends picked up the idea and(23)D  it with their friends.
Near the end of November I asked Mom if she had been getting any Christmas cards.
She said she had gotten a few,(24)C  I could tell by her voice she was wondering why I had asked.Some days later,the mail carrier (25)A  a bag of cards to their front door because he could not fit them into Mom and Dad's(26)C.
We would sit at the kitchen table,and she'd read every card,often (27)D how pretty it was.Sometimes Mom had to rest (28)D  there were too many cards for her to take in at once.
Christmas cards arrived from almost every state in the union,along with cards from Germany,France,Australia etc.Mom was continually surprised that these total(29)Bwould take the time to send her a card along with their best(30)B  and prayers.
The response was shocking,(31)C anything I could have imagined.Mom received more than 1,200 Christmas cards.Whenever someone (32)A  for a visit,she would (33)A  show them.It was the best Christmas present ever for my parents and a welcome diversion from the reality of Mom's cancer.
(34)D,Mom passed away in early March 2013.I smile as I remember her opening her cards,and her(35)D  as she looked at every one.The cards remain a proof to the thoughtfulness of friends,relatives and many wonderful strangers.They're also a proof to the power of love.

27.A.careful withB.particular aboutC.aware ofD.amazed at
32.A.came byB.set offC.left behindD.went out
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