8.Harbour Cruises LTD.
Dining,Sightseeing and Special Events
Get on board to experience Vancouver from a different perspective (视角).Join Harbour Cruises Ltd.For Vancouver's only guided tour of the inner harbour,the always popular dinner cruise(乘船巡游),or a luncheon cruise through a quiet coastal mountain bay(海湾).Special event cruises are available throughout the year including during the yearly fireworks competition and December's Christmas Carol Ships.Harbour Cruises Ltd.is located next to world-famous Stanley Park.Dates of Operation:April-October and December Seasonal Hours:8:00 am-7:00 pm,7 days a week Directions:Drive west on Georgia and turn right at the lights at Denman Street.Take the#135 Stanley Park bus or walk west along Georgia for 15 minutes towards Stanley Park from downtown.
#1,North Foot of Den-man Street,Vancouver,BC V6G 2w9
The Lookout at Harbour Centre Tower
Not sure where to start?The Lookout,which is high atop Harbor Center Tower,is your best
first choice in Vancouver.Majestic cruise ships,mountains sprinkled with fresh snow and a west coast sunset are but a few highlights of this grand 3600 view.Drink your cappuccino,join a free guided tour,learn something new about Vancouver and enjoy the view!
Dates of Operation:Open 365 days/year
Seasonal Hours:Winter 9:00 am-9:00 pm
Summer 8:30 am-10:30 pm
Directions:Located downtown at the SeaBus and SkyTrain station.
Just steps away from the Cruise Ship Terminal and historic Gastown.
Infonnation and Reservations:604.689.0421
555 West Hastings Street,Vancouver,BC V6B 4N4
Burnaby Village Museum And Carousel
Step back in time to 1925.The museum features a village,a farmhouse and the historic CW Parker Carousel.Costumed townspeople welcome you to exhibits that include a schoolhouse,a blacksmith,a Chinese medicine store and an ice-cream parlour.
Seasonal Hours:May 4-Sept 2 (11:00 am-4:30 pm )
Christmas Hours:Nov 23-Dec 13 & Dec31-Jan 4(12:00-5:30 pm) and Dec 14-30 (12:00-8:00 pm) Closed Dec 24& 25
Directions:Take exit 33 from Hwy 1 to Canada Way.Follow the signs along the sidewalk to Deer Lake Park.20 minutes from downtown Vancouver.
6501 Deer Lake Avenue,Burnaby,BC V5G 3T6
56.To get a bird's-eye view of Vancouver,you can go toB.
A.Harbour Cruises LTD         
B.Harbour Centre Tower
C.Burnaby Village Museum       
D.Stanley Park
57.If you want to visit one of the places from 8:30 am to 10:30 am on Christmas Day,you can get further information onD.
58.Where can you most probably find the passage above?C
A.In a health journal        
B.In a book review 
C.In a tourist guide         
D.In a science journal.
1.She examined him closely,and decided she liked him much better now,dressed up in a beautiful coat,with a fine feather on top of his hat.And,she named him Feathertop.
   She looked at Feathertop and laughed with happiness.He is a beauty,she thought."Now what?"she thought,feeling troubled again.She felt that Feathertop looked too good to be a scarecrow."He can do something better,"she thought,"than just stand near the corn all summer and scare the crows."And she decided on another plan for Feathertop.
   She took the pipe of tobacco she was smoking and put it into the mouth of Feathertop."Puff,darling,puff,"she said to Feathertop."Puff away,my fine fellow.It is your life."Smoke started to rise from Feathertop's mouth.At first,it was just a little smoke,but Feathertop worked hard,blowing and puffing.And,more and more smoke came out of him.
"Puff away,my pet,"Mother Rigby said,with happiness."Puff away,my pretty one.Puff for your life,I tell you."Mother Rigby then ordered Feathertop to walk."Go forward,"she said."You have a world before you."
   Feathertop put one hand out in front of him,trying to find something for support.At the same time he pushed one foot forward with great difficulty.But Mother Rigby shouted and ordered him on,and soon he began to go forward.Then she said,"You look like a man,and you walk like a man.Now I order you to talk like a man."
   Feathertop gasped(喘气),struggled,and at last said in a small whisper,"Mother,I want to speak,but I have no brain.What can I say?"
"Ah,you can speak,"Mother Rigby answered."What shall you say?Have no fear.When you go out into the world,you will say a thousand things,and say them a thousand times…and saying them a thousand times again and again,you still will be saying nothing.So just talk,babble like a bird.Certainly you have enough of a brain for that."
   Mother Rigby gave Feathertop much money and said"Now you are as good as any of them and can hold your head high with importance."
   But she told Feathertop that he must never lose his pipe and must never let it stop smoking.She warned him that if his pipe ever stopped smoking,he would fall down and become just a pile of sticks again.
"Have no fear,Mother,"Feathertop said in a big voice and blew a big cloud of smoke out of his mouth.
"On your way,"Mother Rigby said,pushing Feathertop out the door."The world is yours.And if anybody asks you for your name,just say Feathertop.For you have a feather in your hat and a handful of feathers in your empty head."
   Feathertop found the streets in town,and many people started to look at him.They looked at his beautiful purple coat and his white silk stockings,and at the pipe he carried in his left hand,which he put back into his mouth every five steps he walked.They thought he was a visitor of great importance.
   As Feathertop walked along one of the quieter streets near the edge of town,he saw a very pretty girl standing in front of a small red brick house.A little boy was standing next to her.The pretty girl smiled at Feathertop,and love entered her heart.It made her whole face bright with sunlight.
67.How do you understand Rigby's"another plan"in the second paragraph?B
A.To make Feathertop cleverer.
B.To make Feathertop somebody.
C.To make Feathertop fall in love.
D.To make him talk freely.
68.Who do you think Feathertop is after reading the passage?A
A.A created figure.
B.A noble person.
C.Mother Rigby's pet.
D.A boy of empty head.
69.What does"…you are as good as any of them"in paragraph 8 mean?C
A.you are as perfect as others            
B.you have as much money as others
C.you behave nearly the same as others  
D.you look as if you are the most important
70.In the last but one paragraph people in the streets tended to thinkD.
A.a man of importance must be a heavy smoker
B.a man of importance must communicate with others properly
C.a man of importance must be wonderfully dressed
D.a man of importance must behave differently from others.
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