11.On Monday,the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention predicted that 42% of Americans could be overweight by 2030.Our expanding waistlines lead to not only a medical problem,but according to a recent article in The New York Times,it could also endanger personal safety in some situations-in an airplane crash,for example.
The New York Times'Christine Negroni reports that engineers and scientists are questioning whether airplane seats are adequately constructed to protect overweight travelers.Government standards for airplane seat strength(强度)-first set more than 60 years ago---require that the seats be made for a passenger weighing 170 pounds(77kg).Today,the average American man weighs nearly 194 pounds(88kg) and the average woman 165 pounds(75kg).Negroni reports:
"If a heavier person completely fills a seat,the seat is not likely to behave as intended during a crash,"Robert Salzar,the leading scientist at the Center for Applied Biomechanics at the University of Virginia."The energy absorption(专注,合并) that is built into the aircraft seat is likely to be overpowered and the passengers will not be protected properly".
"Nor would the injury be limited to that passenger only,"Dr.Salzar said."If a seat or a seat belt fails,"he said,"those people who are seated nearby could be endangered from the uncontrolled movements of the passenger."
Most complaints about airplane seats focus on their lack of comfort and high ticket price,and whether overweight passengers should be made to buy two seats.But The New York Times'article bring up another reason to feel anxious about flying.Investigators of the issue got in touch with the airplane seat and seat belt makers,but they refused to comment on the problem.Experts agreed that crash testing should be done with overweight dummies(人体模型).Both airplane seats and seat belts should be tested,theysaid.
Fortunately,however,according to Nora Marshall,a senior adviser at the National Transportation Safety Board,the board's investigators have never seen an accident involving a commercial plane in which the weight of a passenger was a problem.
51.What is the article in The New York Times mainly conceerned with?B
A.The size of airplane seats and seat belts        
B.Safety of overweight airplane passengers
C.Airplane crashes involving commercial planes
D.A medical problem caused by being overweight
52.Robert Salzar would probably agree thatC.
A.overweight passengers should buy two seats
B.the government should help produce safer planes
C.standards for airplane seat strength should be raised
D.passengers should know how to protect themselves
53.What does the underlined word"they"in Paragraph 5 refer to?A
A.Experts  B.Passengers  C.Investigators of the issue   D.The airplane seat makers
54.We can learn from the text thatC
A.airplane seat makers have taken action now
B.there are few complaints about airplane seats
C.those seated near the overweight may suffer too
D.only a small number of airplane accidents involve the overweight
55.what is the best best title for the text?D
A.Why do passengers Feel Anxious about Flying?
B.Will 42% of Americans Be Overweight by 2030?
C.When Will the Overweight Enjoy Their Flight?
D.Are Airplane Seats Safe Enough for the Overweight?
3.The longest day of the month is the day after my younger brother T.J gets his new issue of Just Joking,a magazine filled with all kinds of jokes.When the new issue arrives,T.J tells me every riddle in it.But a constant stream of riddles can get annoying.
"Hey,Keith!What did he hamburger name his daughter?"
"T.J!"I shout."Enough riddles!"
He is suddenly quiet.
"Keith,be nice,"Mom says."T.J,honey,what did the hamburger name his daughter?"
"Patty,"he says.
During dinner,T.J doesn't say anything.Usually he brings Just Joking to the table with him and tells us some riddles in between bites of food.This evening,he does not.I'm relieved.At last---some peace and quiet.
After dinner,I go to my friend Brad's house to work on a project for science class.We're painting the planets when Brad's little sister,Nita,comes into the room.
"Brad,can I help you with the project?"Nita asks.
"Nita!"He shouts at her."Leave us alone!"
Nita walks out of the room looking sad.I feel bad for her.I can tell that she just wants to be around her big brother.The look on Nita's face reminds me of the look on T.J's face earlier in the evening.Now I don't feel so good about T.J's silence at the dinner table.
When Brad and I finish working on the project,I see Nita in the front of the room.She still looks sad.
"Hey,Nita!Do you know what the hamburger named his daughter?"I ask.
"I don't know.What?"Nita says.
Nita laughs and I laugh too."I heard that from my brother,T.J,"I say."He's very funny.
When I get home,T.J still looks unhappy.
"T.J,guess what?"I say."I used one of your riddles tonight.Brad's little sister thought it was really funny.So let's find more riddles for the next time I go over there.And maybe you can come along with me sometime."
"Really?"T.J's eyes light up."OK!"T.J runs upstairs,and then comes back,smiling and carrying Just Joking.
64.Keith shouts at T.J.becauseC.
A.he is a cruel boy                
B.he doesn't like T.J
C.He is tired of the riddles told by T.J 
D.He doesn't know the answer to the riddle
65.During dinner,Keith is relieved because T.JB.
A.looks Norman                
B.doesn't tell riddles
C.is not angry with him           
D.is usually quiet during dinner
66.Keith begins to feel ban for T.J whenD.
A.he has dinner               
B.he shouts at T.J
C.Nita come into the room     
D.Nita walks out of the room
67.Why does Keith tell Nita the riddle about the hamburger and patty?C
A.Because he wants to relax.
B.Because he wants to impress Nita
C.Because he wants her to be happy 
D.Because he wants to know if she is smart.
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