4.Never before had I imagined I should have the opportunity to live with so many girls.Would  they(36)B such a single"Hi"from me?I was about to greet my new roommates,(37)Athey did  not seem to have the same (38)Battention that I had.They just dealt with their own (39)C,sorting out their clothes,and making arrangements for their university life.Thus tranquility(宁静) became the (40)Datmosphere in the dormitory.
To my surprise,(41)Csuch a situation,I did not feel a sense of(42)B.With time going on,we got to know each other deeper.I was(43)Ato find that in deep soul we all had great dreams and belonged to the same(44)C.
However,not long before the (45)Awas disturbed by my own upset of mind for study pressure.What I was(46)Cabout seemed to have (47)Cto do with them and what they were doing and talking about seemed so far away from me.However,one incident changed my (48)Dand made me treasure this kind of (49)Abetter and more confident in our friendship.
One day,when I was leaving the teachers'office,it was in complete silence and frightening(50)B.At my dormitory gate,I was startled (使惊奇)to find there still (51)Ca little light glimmering in the darkness,so faint but yet so clear.Just under the (52)Aof the light,I went to the room without any difficulty.They were in sound sleep,leaving the (53)Blight on in the calm world.Tears rolled down my cheeks.
I know (54)Athat we all like tranquility,both in environment and in our mind.It is the care that (55)Ball the misunderstandings and unpleasantness.

54.A.at lastB.on purposeC.at firstD.once again
3.I arrived at the airport about (30)30.minutes before the check-in.It had been a very busy three days for me with lots of meetings.So I was (21)Bto have the extra time to make my notes on what I needed to do the (22)Aday.But then (23)Dthe announcement that my flight had to be delayed(24)Cthere was a problem with the plane.
As I sat waiting for.my flight (25)A,I reflected on my last meeting of the day.It was not a business meeting (26)Drather a very enjoyable lunch with an old business friend I had not seen for over 12 years.Our lunch was spent recalling times (27)Bas well as filling each other in on what(28)Bin our lives over the last 12 years.We both laughed and smiled as we recalled the good times and the great(29)Awe had shared together,At the end of our time together,we both said (30)Cwe had enjoyed it(31)Dwe must do it again.
It was great to have this additional time to(32)Bin my mind all that we had talked about.I realized just how important it is to have(33)Areminders of the good times in your life.I was lucky enough to (34)Bthe chance to take a short break and reflect on the good things that had happened in my life over the last 12 years.
It was (35)Clike looking at an old photo album stored away in a cupboard in your house.There before your eyes are lots of wonderful memories that(36)Bto times and places,and most importantly (37)Athose people who are in the photos.
My flight (38)Bwas finally called three hours later.I smiled as I boarded the plane and realized that I was (39)Dupset about the delay in the flight,as I had been able to spend the time (40)Con the good times from days gone by.
25.A.to be calledB.being calledC.calledD.be called
27.A.went byB.gone byC go byD.to go
28.A.had sufferedB.had happenedC.had spentD.had expected
30.A.how manyB.how niceC.how muchD.how exciting
31.A.and itB.and thisC.and whatD.and that
34.A.havingB.have hadC.had hadD.had
36.A.catch you backB.take you backC.fetch you backD.pay you back
39.A.not a littleB.very muchC.much tooD.not at all
2.A policeman was questioning 3 blondes who were training to become detectives.To test their skills in recognizing a suspect,he shows the first blonde a picture for 5 seconds and then hides it.
"This is your suspect,how would you recognize him?"
The first blonde answers,"That's easy.We'll catch him fast because he only has one eye!"
The policean says,"Well…Uh…that's because the picture shows his profile."Slightly  confused  by  this  ridiculous response,he flashes the picture for 5 seconds at the
second blonde and asks her,"This is your suspect,how would you recognize him?"
The second blonde giggles,flips her hair and says,"Ha!He'd be too easy to catch because heonly has one ear!"
The policeman angrily responds,"What's the matter with you two?Of course only one eye and one ear are showing because it's a picture of his profile!!Is that the best answer you can come up with?"
Extremel frustrated at this point,he shows the picture to the third blonde and in a very testy voice asks"This is your suspect,how would you recognize him?"He quickly adds,"Think hard
before giving me a stupid answer."
The blonde looks at the picture intently for a moment and says,"Hmmmm…the suspect wears contact lenses(隐形眼镜)."
The policeman is surprised and speechless because he really doesn't know himself if the
suspect  wears contacts or not."Well,that's an interesting answer…wait here for a few minutes
while I check his file and I'll get back to you on that."He  leaves the room and goes to his office,checks the suspect's file in his computer,and comes back with a beaming smile on his face.
"Wow!I can't believe it…it's TRUE!The suspect does in fact wear contact lenses.Good
work!How were you able to make such an acute observation?"
"That's easy,"the blonde replied."He can't wear regular glasses because he only has one eye and one ear."

24.Why did the policeman show a picture to the three blondes?D
A.to train them as qualified police officers.
B.to show the skills in recognizing a suspect.
C.to inquire about their relationship with the suspect.
D.to test their potential of being detectives.
25.What's the policeman's attitude towards the first blonde's answer?B
A.embarrassed. B.puzzled. C.angry. D.satisfied.
26.What did the second blonde think of the task?D
A.ridiculous. B.confusing. C.demanding. D.easy.
27.How did the third blonde know that the suspect wore contact lenses?C
A.by logical and reasonable analysis.B.by checking the file in the computer.
C.by coincidence.D.by random guess. D.by random guess.
1.A little boy became very ill and had to spend all day in bed.Because other children weren't(21)Dto come near him,he suffered greatly,and spent his days feeling (22)C.
There wasn't (23)Che could do except look out of the window.Tune passed,and his feeling of (24)Ajust grew.Until one day he saw a strange(25)Cin the window.It was a penguin (企鹅) eating a sausage sandwich.The penguin squeezed in (26)Dthe open window,said"good afternoon"to the boy,turned around,and left.
(27)Bthe boy was very surprised.He was still trying to work out what had happened(28)Coutside his window he saw a monkey in a dress,quite(29)Cblowing up a balloon.At first the boy asked himself what that could be,but after a while,as more and more characters (30)Boutside the window,he burst out laughing and found it hard to (31)D.
Anyone wanting to stop laughing would never be(32)Aby seeing a pig playing a drum,or a dog wearing glasses talking about politics.The boy didn't tell anyone about this because who(33)Bhave believed him?Anyway,those strange characters eventually (34)Dputting joy back in his heart,and in his body.Before long,his (35)Ahad improved so much that he was able to go back to school again.
There,he got to talk to his friends,and tell them all the(36)Bthings he had seen.While he was talking to his best friend Jack he saw something (37)Dout of Jack's school bag.The boy asked Jack what it was,and he was so(38)Cthat finally Jack had to show him what was in the bag:the fancy suits and disguises (道具) that he had been using to try to (39)Athe little boy up!
So when your friend is in trouble,don't (40)Ahim by asking if there is anything you can do.Just do something appropriate.A little act of kindness makes a big difference to him.

27.A.In factB.Of courseC.After allD.At last
34.A.stuck toB.joined inC.gave upD.ended up
20.Moths are very ugly creatures.At least that is what I always thought until a reliable source told me otherwise.My brother Joseph and I once stayed overnight at our Aunt Linda's house,our favorite relative.She spoke to us like adults,and she always had the best(21)C.Joseph was only four and still afraid of the dark.Just as I dozed off to sleep,he woke me up and asked,"Jennie,what are those ugly things near the light?"He was pointing to the moths fluttering around the hall light."They're just moths,go to sleep,"I told him.
He wasn't(22)Bwith that answer,so the next time my Aunt walked by the door he asked her to make the ugly moths go away.When she asked why,he said(23)C,"Because they're ugly and scary!"She laughed,rubbing his head,and asked,"Do you know why moths are brown?"Joe just shook his head.
"(24)D,moths were the most beautiful animals in the animal kingdom.They have always been helpful,kind,and(25)Acreatures.One day the angels up in heaven were crying.They were sad because it was cloudy and they couldn't(26)Dthe people on earth.Their tears fell down to the earth as(27)Araindrops.Now that the sweet little moths(28)Dto see everyone so sad,they decided to make a rainbow.The moths(29)Bthat if they asked their cousins,the butterflies,to help,they could all give up just a little bit of their colors and(30)B,make a beautiful rainbow.
One of the littlest moths flew to ask the queen of the butterflies for help.(31)Athe butterflies were too vain and selfish to give up any of their colors for neither the people nor the angels.So,the moths decided to make the rainbow themselves.They(32)Ctheir wings very hard and the powder on them formed little clouds.They kept giving a little more and more(33)Athe rainbow stretched all the way across the sky.They had given away all their colors except brown,which didn't(34)Dtheir beautiful rainbow.
Now the once colorful moths were(35)Cand brown.At the rainbow,the angels up in heaven became joyous.They smiled and the(36)Aof their smiles shone down on the earth as sunshine.It made the people on earth cheerful and they smiled,too.Now every time it rains the baby moths,who still have their colors,spread them(37)Dthe sky to make more rainbows."
My brother sank into deep(38)Cwith that story and hasn't feared moths(39)B.The story my aunt told us had been gathering(40)Cin the back corners of my brain for years.

24.A.By all meansB.In any circumstanceC.To be honestD.At one time
26.A.hang out withB.show concern forC.take control ofD.look down upon
34.A.adapt toB.bring outC.make upD.fit into
19.Unemployment in the United States is still high at 6.7 percent.But for job seekers,especially those with college educations,researchers say finding a job carl be as easy as logging on to a computer.It used to be that looking for a job meant hurrying around,knocking on doors and turning to ads.But that's changing,thanks to the Interact.A new report says,for college graduates,looking for a job is getting easier.More than 80 percent of the jobs are available online.
    At the height of the depression(萧条),when U.S.unemployment peaked at 10 percent,just a little more than two million jobs were being posted each month.But as the recovery takes hold,the joh picture looks increasingly bright.
    That's great news for Hamilton.Only once has he ever applied in person for a job at a shopping mall.He said,"I think my generation-the idea of going door to door,out knocking and saying,hey are you hiring?-like that-doesn't exist anymore…those days are gone,Just go online.''
Kim Dancy recently graduated with a master's degree in Public Policy.She found her dream job as an education policy researcher.But she says finding the perfect job online takes a lot of perseverance.He said,"It can be really frustrating and it takes a long time,but if you applied for enough positions and really do your homework you will get somewhere.
    The report's findings suggest careers in Science,Technology,Engineering and Math provide the greatest opportunities,with salaries that range between  30 to 45 an hour.But for maximum income and satisfaction,workers must be prepared to move and change jobs at least every five years.

46.The highest unemployment rate in the depression in the U.S.wasA
A.10%    B.6.7%    C.6%       D.7%
47.In what way does Hamilton find his jobs in most cases?C
A.Applying in person.    B.Searching papers.
C.Turning to the Internet.D.Going door to door.
48.What can we learn from Dancy's expefience?B
A.Job applicants should do much housework.
B.Online job-hunting calls for perseverance.
C.Only online can an applicant find a job.
D.Finding a dream job is really exciting.
49.How can you get a high salary according to the text?D
A.By hurrying around.    B.By sticking to your work.
C.By surfing the Internet.  D.By switching jobs regularly.
50.The best title of this text probably isA
A.Searching for jobs online     
B.College education online
C.Unemployment in the US    
D.Economic recovery in the US.
18.We were moving to a new state after my husband had been out of work for many months and we had no money.(21)C,we had to borrow money to reach our destination town.Anyway,it was my husband,two boys(22)Afour and two,and myself seven months pregnant,in an old Volvo station wagon.
    We had been(23)Cfor two days in the middle of winter,and we had taken a route that was very(24)D.There was nothing around for miles-no cars,buildings or(25)Bof  civilization.Suddenly,our car started(26)Apower.
    We saw a light in the distance and managed to roll to a(27)Din front of this property that looked(28)Ca small simple house.Our cell phones had not gotten reception for many miles,and it was(29)Aoutside,so I didn't know if we were going to make(30)Bout of this situation alive.
    My husband got out of the car to see(31)Dthere was something he could do to get us(32)Aagain,but it was not looking good.A short while later,a man came out of the house and  spoke with my husband a bit before(33)Bus all into his home.He and his wife took us in,fed us,and made us(34)Cat home as we struggledtofind some(35)Bto get to our destination,which was still a few hours'drive(36)A.We were able to call a friend and get a ride,(37)Dour broken car behind,but not before the couple gave us food and water for our(38)C.
    One week later,this dear sweet couple(39)Bour car all the way to our place and refused to take(40)Din return,except for us to pay it forward…and we will continue to do it forever.

21.A.In timeB.As usualC.In factD.After all
17.For every woman who feels like she's had to scale back her personal ambitions since becoming a mother,gold medal cyclist Kristin Armstrong has a message:Don't give up on your dreams.
She retired after winning gold in Beijing to start a family; son Lucas arrived in 2010,but then she decided to compete again in the London Olympics.She won a gold medal at last.
The decision to start training again wasn't easy."I struggled with that a lot,"she told a newspaper."At the beginning I felt selfish,I felt like,‘Well,I'm not supposed to be thinking of myself anymore.It's all supposed to be for my kid.'"
She faced physical challenges of getting back into competition shape after giving birth,as well.When she started racing in the spring of 2011,she was still breast-feeding; she would nurse her son,then race,then breast-feed again after the race.Her days revolved around Lucas and training.
"I feel like I'm able to do what I love to do and still manage a family and have that balance,"Armstrong said."That you have a family or a child doesn't mean that you have to stop going after what you dream of individually."
Armstrong makes balance look easy,whether it's on her bike or as an athlete-mom.But she points out that you can't have it all without making some sacrifices.For example,don't expect a neat home-her husband,Joe Savola,who she describes as her support system and her"protector",says he's had to give up on trying to keep everything orderly at home and just accept that their living room has become Lucas's playroom.For Armstrong,she's sacrificed time with friends who had kids around the same age-there just wasn't time.
Now,she says,"That sounds like fun to me."As she heads home to Boise,Idaho,she's ready to do regular mom stuff.

12.After Kristin Armstrong retired,sheC.
A.lived an easy life
B.moved to a new house
C.still had a great interest in cycling
D.spent much time with her kid
13.It was difficult for Armstrong to make the decision to participate in the London Olympics because sheB.
A.was too old to train racing
B.had to give her family much consideration
C.faced big physical challenges
D.could not get support from her family
14.In most days of 2011,Armstrong could be described asC.
A.a housewife and a new mom
B.an athlete and a career woman
C.a parent and a sportswoman
D.a wife and a good mother
15.We can know from the passage that itD for Armstrong to keep a balance between her family and dream.
A.was quite easy   B.made her feel tired   C.surprised herself   D.was a hard job.
16.Brothers Ishmael and Isadore were complete opposites.People who knew them both could hardly believe they were from the same planet,let alone the same family.The boys were not unkind toward one another,but their personalities(个性)were so different that it was difficult for them to reach a decision they both liked.Their mother frequently played the judge in their disagreement.
Ishmael,the older brother,was athletic.He played baseball,football,and basketball.Isadore,the younger brother,hated sports.He was quieter and less active than his brother.He preferred spending his time on the computer,making short videos and writing short articles.Ishmael loved classic rock.He listened to bands like the Beatles.Isadore didn't care much for those bands.He preferred music from Central Africa.Luckily for their parents,both boys enjoyed listening to music through headphones.
One other thing the brothers did agree on was that they wanted a pet.Mom had resisted getting one,but after both brothers had begged,she finally agreed."We can get a pet,as long as you two take care of it,"she said.That means you do the feeding,you do the training,and if it needs to be walked,you do the walking."No problem,Mom,"Ishmael and Isadore said together."Good,we all agree,"Mom said."Now,what kind of pet are we going to get?"

8.The two brothers'mother often had to be the judge when theyC.
A.played basketball                  B.had writing contests
C.couldn't come to an agreement     D.couldn't reach a decision on headphones
9.The underlined word"resisted"in the last paragraph probably means"A".
A.disagreed with       B.insisted on       C.regretted       D.suggested
10.What will probably happen next?B
A.The brothers will both want a pet to play sports with.
B.The brothers can't agree on what pet to get.
C.The brothers will both be unkind to the pet.
D.The brothers can't agree on the pet's name.
11.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?C
A.brothers and their pet                  B.brothers and their life
C.brothers of different personalities     D.brothers of different hobbies.
15.I wasn't interested in becoming a model at first.I worked as a receptionist in a beauty shop during high school.It was in South Dakota.A woman who had worked for Vogue-a famous fashion magazine said to me,"Why don't you go to New York and be a model?"
So I went to New York at eighteen.I went to the first model agency,they thought that I was too long-waisted.It was too bad since I came all the way from South Dakota.I did an information check on the internet and found that Hunting Hartford had just bought the agency.I looked up in the telephone book and dialed.Then I went there.About half an hour later,the man who had just taken over the agency-he had been a male model before-came in.I was just staring at this unfamiliar man when he said,"You!Come into my office!"
How do you feel as a fashion model?Quite OK,I should say.But you stop thinking when you are working.It takes a lot of nervous energy as well because the camera goes one,two,three very fast and you have to move very fast.I like my job because it gives me freedom.I can have half a day off to do things I like.I can't do that if I do a normal job.I never like becoming a secretary.They have to sit in the office for eight hours a day,facing the same people.
Most models,after one or two years,can't be still very interested in it.But I like being a model.Maybe I was a born one,as many people say.

4.Who inspired the author's desire to become a model?A
A.A woman customer in the beauty shop.
B.Hunting Hartford.
C.The author herself.
D.The author's father.
5.Why didn't the author return to South Dakota when she was first refused?D
A.Because she had a strong desire to become a model.
B.Because she liked to be a receptionist at a beauty shop.
C.Because Hunting Hartford asked her not to go back.
D.Because South Dakota is far away from New York.
6.Why did the author like being a model?B
A.Because she liked the woman customer.
B.Because she liked the freedom.
C.Because she liked to have a regular work schedule.
D.Because she liked Hunting Hartford.
7.What can we learn from the passage?C
A.Perseverance leads to your success.
B.Finding a job you like to do is important.
C.Both A and B.
D.Becoming a model is quite easy.
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