
Paying more for a ticket to see a film in 3D is the cause of annoyance of many a cinema-goer's life.But there may be a(n) (41)H to doing so,as a study has claimed that 3D films exercise the brain and improve short-term functioning in a similar way to brain-training tests.
The research was led by neuroscientist(神经科学家) Dr Patrick Fagan from Goldsmiths University in London.More than 100 people took part in the experiment,where participants watched Disney film Big Hero 6in either(42)A type or RealD 3D.They also carried out a brain-training-style test before and after seeing a part from the film.The test covered memory,reaction time and cognitive (认知的) function,and the results were later(43)I.
According to the research,participants(44)B a 23 percent increase in cognitive processing,as well as an 11percent increase in reaction time.
Dr Fagan said that the results showed enough of an improvement in brain function to suggest that 3D could play a part in improving brain (45)G in the future."These findings are more significant than you might think,"he said."It is a fact that people are living longer and there is a(n)(46)J decline in cognitive brain function in old age which can damage future quality of life.There has never been a better time to look at ways to improve brain function.The initial results of this study indicate that 3D films may(47)C play a role in slowing this decline."
A second part of the experiment involved those watching the film being fitted with headsets(耳机) that(48)K brain activity and this too showed heightened activity when watching 3D.According to the results,participants were seven percent more engaged with what they were watching,adding to the argument that 3D movies are more like watching real-life-something."A seven percent rise in emotional engagement is (49)E remarkable.Watching in 3D gives the viewer such an enriched and quality experience,as these results show,"he said."In evolutionary(50)F,the results of both parts of the test certainly make sense.3D films are more likely to heighten the senses and cause emotional arousal-this,in turn,makes the brain run at quicker speeds,"Dr Fagan added.
13.Slater and Emma are an American couple that have lived in China for four years.They are both English teachers.
Emma begun studying Chinese a year ago; however,she has made amazing progress.Aside from her excellent pronunciation,she has mastered nearly 1,000Chinese words.She says she finds the best way to improve her spoken Chinese is to communicate with strangers.She often goes to squares or parks and starts up conversations.
Although Slater speaks only a little Chinese,he is more knowledgeable about Chinese customs and culture.
Emma studied medicine in college,while Slater's major was graphic design.Due to the economic recession,he could not find a suitable job after graduation,so after graduating he worked as a cashier in a grocery store.This must have been pretty boring for a young,educated man.Thus,when one of his friends asked him if he was willing to take on a teaching position in China,Slater jumped at the chance.
Although,Slater and Emma were born and grew up in the United States,they are different from typical Americans.They are both vegetarian,they like Chinese vegetable dishes.
And unlike many Americans,they save money.Emma says that her generation emphasizes saving money.Their modes of consuming are different compared to their fathers.One of the reasons is the heavy burden of repaying a student loan.After the age of eighteen,most Americans start living independently.The majority of college students take out loans in order to pay their tuition and fees.On average,it takes graduates fifteen years to pay off debt.Emma proudly says that Slater has already paid back half of his loan in just four years.
5.Where does Emma usually go to practice her spoken Chinese?A
A.To parks.B.To her classroom.C.To other school.D.To stores.
6.The underlined word"recession"in the forth paragraph meansD.
A.expression       B.procession         C.impression      D.depression
7.Why does the American couple in this passage save money?C
A.To buy houses.
B.To study further.
C.To pay back their loans.
D.To travel all over the world.
8.Why does Slater come to China to work?D
A.Because he likes to work in China.
B.Because he wants to know more about Chinese culture and customs.
C.Because he wants to become a teacher.
D.Because he doesn't like his job in America.
12.Historians usually just study great things that happened in the past time,but Drew Faust has made  history!On  February  11,2007,Faust was  named  president of  Harvard  University.She is the first woman to hold the position in the school's 371year history.
"I am a historian,"she said.I've spent a lot of time thinking about the past,and about how it shapes the future.No university in thecountry,perhaps the world,had as remarkable a past as Harvard's."
"And ourcommon enterprise is to make Harvard's future even more remarkable than its past.That will mean recognizing and building on what we already do well.It will also mean recognizing what we don't do as well as we should,and not being satisfied until we find ways to do better."
It is her great desire for improvement and willingness to try out ideas that have given Drew success in a world controlled by men."This is a man's world,my girl,and the sooner you learn that,the better off you'11be."Drew Faust recalls her mother telling her this when she was young,but she didn't accept it.
Faust grew up in a well-off family in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley in the 1950s.Even then She was a trailblazer(先驱).A conversation with her family's black handyman and driver inspired Her to write a letter,on school notebook paper,to President Dwight Eisenhower.
She asked whether he could help bring US citizens together in the south,a much divided
part of the country at the time.
"Drew Faust is a historian with her eyes on the future,"said Susan Graham,a professor of Harvard.Many of the university's schools said that they believe Harvard will have a brighter future under the leadership of Drew Faust.

21.Why does the writer Drew Faust has made history?BecauseC
A.she was president Harvard University              
B.Harvard has a remarkable past
C.she was the first woman to be president of Harvard University   
D.She is a historian
22.What do we know about historians?TheyA
A.usually study history or write about it   B.are usually women
C.are usually born in well-off families     D.are usually presidents of universities
23.What did her mother mean by saying"This is a man's world,my girl…"?ToB
A.encourage her to do men's work          B.tell her to do things as a girl should do
C.ask her to be well-off                   D.expect her to be a historian
24.Which of the following is true according to the passage?C
A.Faust was born in the north of the US.
B.She wrote a letter to President Eisenhower when she became president of Harvard.
C.Faust's desire for improvement and willingness to try out new ideas has given her success.
D.Historians just care about great things that happened in the past.
11.Future stars will need English to shine
Hu Yuxin from East China's Jiangxi province danced at the Beijing Film Academy on Monday.It was the second time for the 17-year-old  (61)to seek   (seek) to enroll in the institution.A second round of examinations for admission to major art colleges began on Monday.
Will English be(62)a must-have skill for China's entertainment stars in the future?
The answer is(63)probably  (probable) yes,as evident from the change in some of the country's top art colleges'annual admission examinations on Monday.The exams are seen as somewhat of a shortcut for young people with dreams of becoming stars.
The Beijing Film Academy,the Central Academy of Drama and Communication University of China-regarded (64)asinfluential producers for future showbiz talent-began second-round tests on Monday.The examinations will run through early March.
(65)Although/Though/While China's national college entrance exam,or gaokao,reportedly will not include English in the future,the Beijing Film Academy still highlights its expectation for students'foreign language (66)scores(score).
"It's not against the policies,but a (67)solution (solve) to meet the changing demands for talent education and the movie markets-both domestically (68)and  internationally-in the next five to 10years,"(69)said  (say)Mu Deyuan,the academy's dean of studies.
Mu added that the college will require students to polish their English skills to be (70)qualified(qualify)for international cooperation projects.
10.Account Manager (Sales)
Company Name:Hiap Moh ( H.K.) Co.,Limited
The main business of Hiap Moh is paper merchanting.
We are now hiring a talented Account Manager (Sales)
●Minimum two years of sales experience.
●Proven sales records and achievements.
●Strong communication and interpersonal skills.
   To apply for this position,please email your detailed resume to hrrecruitment@yahoo.com.sg
Senior ELT Editor ( Pre-school )
    Company Name:Educational Publishing Hse Ltd
    We are a dynamic and innovative (创新的) educational publisher specializing in high-quality school textbooks,supplementary books,teaching resources and multi-media products.
●University degree in English,Linguistics or a related subject.
●6 years or above of editorial/teaching experience.
●Excellent written and spoken English
Please send your full resume by email to recruit@popularworld.com
School Nurse
Company Name:Hong Kong International School
Hong Kong International School (HKIS) offers a co-educational program for students from Pre-K to 12 (aged 4-18).
The school nurse is to manage the health office to ensure the health and safety of students by providing immediate medical care and accurate management of medication (药物治疗).
●Registered Nurse.
●CPR/First Aid certification and certified CPR/First Aid Trainer
●Experience as a school nurse.
   Interested parties should apply by sending your resume to recruitment@hkis.edu.hk
Professional Consultant ( Closing date:June 13,2016 )
Company Name:The Chinese University of Hong Kong
●An MBA degree or a higher degree in marketing or a related field.
●Professional experience in marketing.
●Relevant teaching/training experience in tertiary institutions (高等院校).
Applicants may fax to ( 852 ) 2696 1462 their full resume.
32.To apply for the position of Senior ELT Editor,you need toA.
A.have a good master of English
B.have experience in tertiary institutions
C.know about the history of the company
D.have at least two years of teaching experience
33.Which of the following is commonly required by the four companies?C
B.University degree.
D.Interpersonal skills.
34.Which company has a different way of receiving resumes compared with the other three?D
A.Hiap Moh ( H.K.) Co.,Limited       
B.Educational Publishing Hse Ltd.
C.Hong Kong International School.
D.The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
35.If you have an MBA degree and some professional experience in marketing,which of the following jobs will you apply for?C
A.School Nurse.
B.Senior ELT Editor.
C.Professional Consultant.
D.Account Manager ( Sales )
8.Books are typically written first,then narrated (朗读) for audio (有声) books.Until now.Audible,the largest company of audio books,has begun asking well-known writers to create works specifically for audio,instead of inviting people to narrate already existing print books.It's a new chapter for the book industry.
    Audible now has about 30 totally new audio works in production.And it turns out that audio books,which have long been regarded as less important than e-books,have actually been doing quite well.They are a $1,000,000,000 industry,with more than 35,000 titles published in 2013alone.
    What promotes that progress is not only an evolution of technology,but more importantly,the rise of the celebrity (名人) narrator.Narrators are key to the success of an audio book and these days,producers are signing on more and more celebrities.Celebrities'narration is like a private performance to customers,who get a feeling of closeness in listening to their voices.Many of the customers buy audio books based on the narrator.They will listen to anything a specific actor or actress reads.
That is why Audible is taking the risk of not producing print books at all but starting totally new audio works.There's another reason why the company is expecting its risk-taking action to pay off:humans have been telling stories since the beginning of time.We are taking part in a little habit that goes back thousands and thousands of years-before the first mark was ever made on a stone.Long before writing,people were telling each other stories and the audio book goes all the way back to that tradition.As Peter Allen sang softly in the 1970s,everything old is new again.
32.The"new chapter"(Para.1)refers to a time ofA.
A.producing totally new audio works
B.starting audio companies
C.narrating print books for audio
D.creating electronic books
33.What does Paragraph 2 tell about audio books?D
A.Their difference from e-books.
B.Their previous production.
C.Their great importance.
D.Their bright future.
34.Customers like celebrities'narration becauseD.
A.celebrities help them understand the stories
B.celebrities have more attractive voices
C.celebrities have better narra ting skills
D.celebrities seem to be within their reach
35.Audible believes its risk-taking action will be rewarding becauseA.
A.the action agrees with the story-telling tradition
B.customers play an active role in the action
C.the company has spent a lot on the action
D.the action has lasted for a long time.
7.My dearest son and daughter,
    The story of New Jersey high school student Rachel Canning suing (起诉) her parents for child support and high school education inspired me to write you a little letter.Let me just put this out there:the only way I expect to see you in a court is as a lawyer or a judge.
    There are two things about this case that seem to be disaster.
    First,it's natural for parents and children to argue.I can guarantee that we will disagree.One or both of you will,at some point,scream at the top of your lungs the various ways you hate me.And I won't always li ke you,either.But I will always love you and do everything I can to keep your best interests as my focus,even when I'm so angry.We are family.That means we are as much a part of one another as the flesh,blood and bones in our body.And we all should think about it very deeply instead of breaking that bond.
Second,I'll be honest,no matter how far apart we are on your life choices,your father and I will most certainly pay everything we can for your higher education.But that doesn't mean you deserve it.To be clear,that is a privilege we happily extend (给予) to you-not a right you are born with.And you will have to work hard to earn that privilege.Growing up is hard work.
    If I do my job properly as your mother-and you do yours as my children-you would sooner get a job or two,and find a way to make your dreams come true than go to trial over what you think you have the right to.
 Love always,
21.The mother writes this letter because she wants her children toB.
A.be prepared for education
B.learn a lesson from the case
C.take up the legal profession
D.remember Rachel Canning
22.When in disagreement,the mother expects her children not toC.
A.guarantee anything
B.scream out their anger
C.break the family bond
D.forget their best interests
23.The mother thinks of parents'paying for their children's higher education asC.
A.a way in which children realize their dreams
B.a test of whether parents love their children
C.a privilege that children should earn
D.a right that parents are born with.
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