1.Whether or not to go to university will probably be the biggest educational decision you ever make.After battling with student finance,deciding whether or not to take a year out can be as terrifying as deciding where to move to for the three years.
Some students will have planned their year out for months,but,for others,slipped grades may force a gap year(间隔年),either to retake exams or to apply to different universities.Others might just need time to think.Thankfully,for U.K.students,taking a gap year remains a good option and it can be one of the most productive and fulfilling years of their life.
Whether you've planned and budgeted for a year abroad,or have made a last-minute decision to delay your first year,the options are endless.Traveling,volunteering and so on are all there for the talking.With so many things on offer,it's important to remember that 12months won't be enough time to do all of them,so decide early and work towards making whatever you want to do a reality.
Researching a gap year is exciting,and often the place to start is at home.Family and friends can be a great source of inspiration.Your school or college might be fully equipped to advise you on what to do when further education is on hold.Don't underestimate(低估)the power of the Internet,either.Typing a"gap year"into a search engine might seem too obvious,but planning to travel around the world for months on your own is not appropriate.
To stay at home or go abroad is likely to be the first question you consider,but in this era of budget flights,doing both is practicable.A European inter-rail ticket(火车票)can be as little as£159.For those loving traveling,they must be on the special watchfulness for tricks in the process.Agencies can organize your year abroad for you,and often,it is more effective to make the bookings through the agencies.But flights and other forms of transport within Asia and America are much cheaper when bought in the countries rather than bought in advance.
12.According to Paragraph 2,why do some students have to take a gap year?C
A.Because they are faced with financial problems.
B.Because they dislike what they are learning.
C.Because they haven't got satisfying grades.
D.Because they intend to hang out for a year.
13.The underline words"on hold"in Paragraph 4mean"B".
A.taken in       B.put off       C.given up       D.turned out
14.What can we learn from the last paragraph?D
A.Few students can afford to go abroad.
B.Traveling around Europe costs nothing.
C.It's better to go to Asia and south America.
D.Travellers should make sure they aren't cheated.
15.The auther's attitude towards a gap year may best described asA
A.supportive     B.negative      C.defensive     D.sensitive.
20.Cigarette smoking kills.That we know.So,manufactures made electronic cigarettes as a safer smoking choice---safer than tobacco.
E-cigarettes contain the drug nicotine like cigarettes.But they do not use tobacco.And you do not light (33)them.They are powered by battery.
So,if e-cigarettes are so safe,why have poison control centers around the United States seen an increase(34)in telephone calls about e-cigarette poisonings?The answer is children.
Most of the calls are from people worried about children who have played with the devices.In the period of one month this year,the United States Centers for Disease Control say 215people called the Center with e-cigarette concerns.More than half of these calls were for children(35)aged(age) five and younger.The devices apparently had made them sick.
Tim McAfee is director of the CDC's Office on Smoking and Health.He says the problem is regulation,meaning the U.S.Federal government does not control e-cigarettes(36)even if/even though they contain liquid nicotine.
Mr.McAfee adds that liquid nicotine is a well-known danger.
"Nicotine historically has been used as a pesticide in the United States.And that's where we have really had for many,many decades significant poisonings when people got exposed to nicotine that was in liquid solutions."
Mr.McAfee explains that nicotine poisoning happens(37)when the substance gets into the skin,gets into the eyes or is swallowed.Even a small amount,he says,(38)canmake a person sick.Nicotine poisoning can cause stomach pain or a sense of imbalance.Headaches and seizures (突发疾病)are also common sighs of nicotine poisoning.And too much nicotine can kill.
Tim McAfee says e-cigarettes do not create the level of risk to people as tobacco products do.He notes that almost 500,000Americans die each year from cigarettes.
"So,cigarettes are the winner in that contest.And we don't really know what's going to happen with e-cigarettes."
E-cigarettes do not contain hundreds of harmful chemicals(39)that/which are found in real cigarettes.So,the U.S.Surgeon General has suggested that e-cigarettes may be a useful tool for adults(40)trying(try) to end their tobacco use,or quit.
But McAfee worries that teenagers may think electronic cigarettes are harmless.They could become addicted,or hooked,on the nicotine and then start smoking real cigarettes.In other words,he fears that for young people fake (假装)e-cigarettes could be a"gateway"to the real thing.
19.Most people agree that honesty is a good thing.But does Mothe r Nature agree?Animals ca n't talk,but can they lie in other ways?Can they lie with their bodies and behavior?Animal experts may not call it lying,but they do agree that many animals,from birds to chimpanzees,behave dishonestly to fool other animals.Why?Dishonesty often helps them survive.
Many kinds of birds are very successful at fooling other animals.For example,a bird called the plover sometimes pretends to be hurt in order to protect its young.When a predator(猎食动物)gets close to its nest,the plover leads the predator away from the nest.How?It pretends to have a broken wing.The predator follows the"hurt"adult,leaving the baby birds safe in the nest.
Another kind of bird,the scrub jay,buries its food so it always has something to eat.Scrub jays are also thieves.They watch where others bury their food and steal it.But clever scrub jays seem to know when a thief is watching them.So they go back later,unbury the food,and bury it again somewhere else.
Birds called cuckoos have found a way to have babies without doing much work.How?They don't make nests.Instead,they get into other birds'nests secretly.Then they lay their eggs and fly away.When the baby birds come out,their adoptive parents feed them.
Chimpanzees,or chimps,can also be sneaky.After a fight,the losing chimp will give its hand to the other.When the winning chimp puts out its hand,too,the chimps are friendly again.But an animal expert once saw a losing chimp take the winner's hand and start fighting again.
Chimps are sneaky in other ways,too.When chimps find food that they love,such as bananas,it is natural for them to cry out.Then other chimps come running.But some clever chimps learn to cry very softly when they find food.That way,other chimps don't hear them,and they don't need to share their food.
As children,many of us learn the saying"You can't fool Mother Nature."But maybe you can't trust her,either.
29.A plover protects its young from a predator byD.
A.getting closer to its young         
B.driving away the adult predator
C.leaving its young in another nest    
D.pretending to be injured
30.By"Chimpanzees,or chimps,can also be sneaky"(paragraph 5),the author meansB.
A.chimps are ready to attack others  
B.chimps are sometimes dishonest
C.chimps are jealous of the winners  
D.chimps can be selfi sh too
31.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A
A.Some chimps lower their cry to keep food away from others.
B.The losing chimp won the fight by taking the winner's hand.
C.Cuckoos fool their adoptive parents by making no nests.
D.Some clever scrub jays often steal their food back.
32.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A
A.Do animals lie?
B.Does Mother Nature fool animals?
C.How do animals learn to lie?
D.How does honesty help animals survive?
18.At Dulles High school in Sugar Land,Texas,the roster(候选名单)for Advanced Chinese begins with Jason Chao and ends with Kathy Zhang.In between comes an unexpected name:Elizabeth Hoffman.Hoffman,now a 12th grader,began learning Chinese in the eighth grade,has spent a summer studying in Nanjing and plans to perfect her Mandarin next fall.When asked by her peers---why she is learning Chinese,she responds with a question:"why aren't you?"
    As China rushes toward superpower status,America's schools and government officials are responding to Hoffman's opinion.Earlier this year Rush Holt of New Jersey introduced legislation(立法)calling for increased money of programs for less commonly taught languages,"For reasons of economics,culture and security,we should have much better facilities(设备)with Chinese languages and dialects,"he said.The State Department has pointed out Chinese is becoming a"critical language",but the most recent data show that only 24,000 students in Grade 7 to Grade 12 study Chinese.
    Still,the number is growing.In Chicago public schools,enrollment in Chinese classes has skyrocked from 5000 students in 2005 to nearly 35,000 students this year.In the Santa Clara County,California,enrollment has quadrupled during the same period.In 2007,when the College Board first introduces advanced-placement language exams in Chinese and Italian,2,400 high school plan to offer AP Chinese---10 times the number of students that plan to offer AP Italian.
    Much of the interest can be explained by China's increasing competitiveness."People are always trying to judge what languages are going to be useful for the future,"says Marty Abbot,the director of education at the National Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages,Stephanie Wong,a student At Monta Vista High School in Cupertino,California,chose Chinese so that she could speak with her grandfather.Wong also predicted that Chinese will be important if she becomes a doctor.80 percent of people in her hometown are Asians.
32.What does the first paragraph mainly discuss?D
A.Dulles High School offers a Chinese course                
B.Jason and Kathy are the top students at Dulles School
C.Elizabeth Hoffman suggests her school offer a Chinese course 
D.Elizabeth Hoffman takes the lead in learning Chinese
33.According to the text,Chinese is becoming a"critical language"becauseC.
A.American government has pointed it out     
B.Rush Holt introduced legislation calling for opening Chinese
C.China rushes toward superpower status      
D.many students in the world choose to learn Chinese
34.Barouses America's schools interest in Chinese.
A.The fact that Chinese is becoming a"critical language"
B.China's increasing competitiveness in the world
C.The beautiful Chinese traditional culture            
D.The population of people speaking Chinese
35.We can infer from the passage thatD
A.more money will be spent on facilities with Chinese languages
B.in America,more people speak Italian than Chinese
C.the number of enrollment in Chinese classes will be increasing forever
D.if a language is useful for the future it may become a critical language.
17.They tell us when to get up or when we're running late for work and whether we are in danger of missing our favourite TV programme.But while our daily routines rely on clocks that tell us the time,science is discovering that our well-being is influenced by a very different kind of timepiece.Circadian rhythms(生理节奏)-the human body's own internal clock-have a powerful influence on our health and behaviour. They are programmed from birth and control functions ranging from temperature and blood pressure to sleep patterns.
In recent years researchers have also discovered that this built-in mechanism(机能)can influence everything from the way we react to medicines to how well we learn music.
The latest example,from experts at Harvard University in the US,shows that the human body clock can even tell whether or not we are likely to tell the truth.Researchers found it was easier for people to lie in the afternoon because,as they were tired,the self control that would normally prevent them from lying started to break down.Tiredness made it harder to resist the temptation to tell lies-especially if it meant they got a financial reward at the end.
"The body clock has a great effect on us all,"says Professor Jim Horne from the Sleep Research Centre at Loughborough University."Most people tend to feel good around late morning and then decline in the early afternoon.But the time most of us will feel our sharpest is between 6pm and 8pm.That's because sleepiness tends to build up throughout the day.By early evening our body clock kicks in to wake us up.One reason may be to ensure we get home safely.When our ancestors were coming home after hunting all day their internal clocks kicked in to get them home in one piece."
So what effects do circadian rhythms have and what's the best time of day to take advantage of them?
66.The underlined word"They"in the first paragraph refers toD.
A.our clocks
B.scientists and experts
C.our daily routines
D.circadian rhythms
67.The research referred to in Paragraph 3found that people tend toA.
A.tell lies when they are tired
B.tell lies if they are rewarded
C.lose temper as they become tired
D.break down because they are tired
68.According to the passage,when are people most quick-thinking?D
A.In the morning.
B.Around midday.
C.In the late afternoon.
D.In the early evening.
69.What information will the writer probably present following the last paragraph?C
A.Some practical suggestions to prevent people from lying.
B.Examples of how the human body clocks control the body.
C.Examples of the most suitable time to do different activities.
D.An explanation of how the human body clock controls the body.
70.What is the best title for the passage?B
A.Rebuild Your Body Clock.
B.Timing Is Everything.
C.Sleep More,Lie Less.
D.Your Time Is Up.
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