

1. 他或者她最让你感动的一件事情

2. 你的感想

3. 对老师表示祝福


1. 不少于120词;

2. 不得透露与考生相关的姓名、学校名称以及地区名称等;

3. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯,表达顺畅。

Dear Mr./Ms. Wang,
















Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

The 4-year-old boy was mentally disabled, unable to speak in complete sentences and unable to play with other children because of his violent fits(发作) of hitting and biting.

The decision facing one Brooklyn jury(陪审团)was how much a landlord should pay in damages to the boy — named “G.M.M.” in court documents — after an investigation showed he had been living in an apartment illegally coated with lead paint.

Attorneys(律师) representing G.M.M. said $3.4 million was the right number, arguing that the boy would have had a bright career ahead of him; both of his parents had graduated from college and his mother received a master’s degree. But the landlord’s defense put the figure at less than half that — $1.5 million. Attorney Roger Archibald noted that because the boy was Hispanic, G.M.M. was unlikely to attain the advanced education that would provide to such a large income.

The 4-year-old’s case is a rare public look at one corner of the American legal system that explicitly uses race and gender to determine how much victims or their families should receive in compensation(赔偿) when they are seriously injured or killed.

As a result, white and male victims often receive larger awards than people of color and women in similar cases. These differences largely derive from projections of how much more money individuals would have earned over their lifetimes had they not been injured — projections that take into account average earnings and employment levels by race and gender.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Description of the boy’s damage.

B. Situation of the boy’s family.

C. Compensation for the boy’s damage.

D. Advantages of American legal system.

2.What can we conclude from the passage?

A. The boy’s illness resulted from the lead paint of the apartment.

B. The compensation mainly depends on the costs for treatment.

C. The boy would earn a lot of money without the injury.

D. The jury is in favor of the G.M.M attorneys in the boy’s case.

3.What factors seem to affect the jury’s decision?

A. Gender and education.

B. Race and gender.

C. Race and education.

D. Social status and education.

4.What does the author feel about the boy’s case?

A. Angry.B. Satisfied.C. Unjust.D. Optimistic.

YOUR KIDS ARE AMAZING —especially compared with everybody else’s (who seem to cry all the time). How do you show your love for your kids this holiday season? With toys that are smooth and colorful, interactive and exciting. And with ones that have educational value — because you are the boss.


Here is a toy that doesn’t need power, and the kids have to put it together themselves. This 50-piece-puzzle set is made of soft-edged hardwood and makes a complete hospital, with an X-ray room. It also includes eight patients, a car and a driver. $135.


Sure, it’s cool, but this colorful baby toy also develops problem solving and motor skills. It has a head and legs, a magnetic(磁铁) hand and a tail. Suitable for little ones from 6-36 months. $19.95; tiny-love.com.


This small, remote-control robot is really powerful. It performs 67 preprogrammed functions, including throwing, kicking, picking up and dancing. You can even program your own function — which, sadly, does not include doing windows. $99 robosapienonline.com.


Want a mini Cooper but can’t fit the family inside? Get one for the kids. They can jump into this mini car, which comes in hot orange with a single adjustable seat, and ride away. But it could spoil them for that used car they’ll be driving when they turn 16. For ages 3 to 5. $189; minicar.com (click on “gear up” then “mini motoring gear”)

1.What website can you visit if you want a baby toy for your kid?

A. flaxart.com

B. tiny-love.com

C. robosapienonline.com

D. minicar.com

2.What do the four toys have in common?

A. None of them needs batteries.

B. They are all intended for kids under 3.

C. All of them cost less than $100.

D. They all have educational value.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. FLAX ART HOSPITAL PUZZLE AND PLAY SET has a special design for safety.

B. TINY LOVE ACTIVITY BALL needs power to order to play.

C. ROBOSAPIEN can be programmed to do the windows.

D. MINI PEDAL CAR develops problem-solving skills.

“We leave at dawn and head out overland by jeep towards Base One. We will get as far as we can before proceeding on foot,” Mark explained. The others sat and listened. Sarah, particularly, as a “casualty of events”, wouldn't have known what to say or suggest even if she’d been asked. But Harry had a lot to say.

“We'll never make it,” he protested(抗议). “We'll still be crossing the desert when they catch up with us. They’ll know where we’re heading for and they seem to know every move we make or are going to make.”

Mark said nothing, but spread his hands out as if to say “Well, what do we do then?” “We wouldn’t be in this mess now,” Harry went on, almost ignoring Mark’s gesture, “if we hadn't stopped to rescue Sarah.”( He glanced at her briefly.) “But since we did, we must get on—but not across the desert. There is the sand, and deep ravines (沟壑) which are almost invisible until you’re right on them and then the heat. You have to be used to going out there, and none of us is. This is no ‘morning at leisure’ on some pleasant holiday, you know! If we went north instead and made for the river,…"

He broke off and looked around at the others, feeling somehow that his argument was pointless. No one said anything.

“Good,” said Mark, look around with authority, and returned to checking their stores.

A beautiful sunrise was about to burst over the horizon as the jeep headed out towards Base One.

1.What can we know about the group of people?

A. They were being trained.

B. They were doing research.

C. They were on holiday.

D. They were being hunted.

2.What’s Mark’s plan?

A. To drive across the desert.

B. To make for the river on foot.

C. To drive as far as possible and then walk.

D. To leave before dawn and leave Sarah behind.

3.Why did Harry think that they should make for the river?

A. The journey would be more pleasant.

B. A river trip would be much safer.

C. The desert heat would kill them.

D. He knew the road leading north.

4.What can be inferred from the passage?

A. The group accepted Harry’s plan.

B. Mark was the leaders in the action.

C. They wanted to see the sunrise.

D. They had no other choice but to wait.

In the frozen continent of Antarctica scientists fear an alien invasion — not from outer space, but carried in people’s pockets and bags.

Seeds and plants accidentally brought to Antarctica by tourists and scientists may introduce alien plant species which could threaten the survival of native plants in the finely balanced ecosystem.

“The people that were carrying the most had lots and lots of seeds. They really were real threats,” said Dana Bergstrom, from the Australian Antarctic Division.

“When we take things in through hitchhiking(搭车旅行) then we get species which are competitive. The plants and animals there are not necessarily competitive, so we’d start losing various precious biodiversity(生物多样性) on the (Antarctic) continent”, Bergstrom told Reuters.

Amongst the alien species discovered were the Iceland Poppy, and Annual Winter Grass — all from cold climates and capable of growing in Antarctica.

The Antarctic Peninsula, where most tourists travel, is now considered a “hot spot” on the frozen continent and the warmer the climate, the easier for seeds to grow. “The peninsula(半岛) is warming at some of the greatest rates on the planet,” said Bergstrom.

The study, the first continent-wide assessment of invasive species in Antarctica, surveyed about 1,000 passengers during 2007-2008, the first year of the International Polar Year, an international effort to research the polar areas.

Bergstrom said the one alien seed that had gained a foothold is Annual Winter Grass. It is a strong weed in the sub-Antarctic and is on the Antarctic island of King George. It has also made its way to the tail part of the Antarctic continent.

1.What does the passage focus on?

A. The human influence on the native plants.

B. The development of native plants.

C. The discovery of new plants.

D. The promising future of tourism.

2.What is the effect of alien plant seeds to Antarctica?

A. They contribute to the biodiversity.

B. They lead to the warming up of Antarctica.

C. They make the native plants more competitive.

D. They break the balance of the natural environment of plants.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A. The International Polar Year started in 2007.

B. Visitors to Antarctica are mainly scientists.

C. Visitors to Antarctica bring seeds on purpose.

D. Tall Fescue Velvet grass grows well in warm places.

4.What is the purpose of writing the passage?

A. To introduce the native environment of Antarctica.

B. To warn people of the danger of alien plant seeds to Antarctica.

C. To explain the relationship between plants and climate.

D. To give visitors some tips on how to explore Antarctica.


Lots of people stress out about talking in front of the class or getting laughed at if they make a mistake in front of an audience. 1. The “stress hormones" that your body produces at times like these can actually help you focus.

But when worry and stress about performing get to be too much, these hormones give people that “red alert(紧急状态)” feeling—the one that causes you to feel cold or sweaty, or get butterflies in your stomach. 2.

Be prepared. 3. Rehearse(排练) as much as you can and practice in front of others at every opportunity. Most of all, think positively. Tell yourself “I'll be OK" or “I can do this" even if you are not 100% sure of it

Look after yourself. Before big performances it's easy to let taking care of yourself slip as you spend too much time on rehearsals and practice. 4. Exercise can also help you feel good, and along with sleep and nutrition, is an excellent way of keeping those stress hormones from getting out of control.

Find out what the experts do. You can find books, DVDs, and online information about how to give your best when you perform, depending on what type of performance you're preparing for. 5. Or ask the cast of your school play or your drama or music teacher how they beat stage fright. And if your parents or grandparents ever performed, they may have their own secrets to share.

A. Confidence helps beat stress hormones.

B. The following tips can help you avoid that feeling.

C. You're less likely to freeze up if you're well prepared.

D. You can do this whether you're performing alone or as part of a group.

E. Check out stories about Olympic gymnasts or your favorite star to get their tips.

F. Feeling nervous before a performance is part of your body's way of helping you do your best.

G. You'll look and feel your best if you get enough sleep and eat healthy meals before your performance.


Compassion(同情心) is a desire within us to help others. With effort, we can translate compassion into ________. An experience last weekend showed me this is ________. I work part-time in a supermarket across from a building ________ the elderly. These old people are our main ________, and it’s not hard to lose ________ over their slowness. But last Sunday, one ________ gentleman appeared to teach me a ________ lesson. The man walked up to my register with a box of biscuits. He said he was ________, had just moved into his room, and had ________ in his cupboards. He asked if we could let him have the food on trust. He promised to ________ me the next day.

I couldn’t help staring at him. I ________ what kind of person he had been years before, and ________ he would be like if luck had gong his way. I had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul. I told him that was ________, but store rules didn’t allow me to do so. I felt ________ and unkind saying this, but I ________ my job.

Just then, another man, standing behind the first, spoke up. “If anything”, he looked more pitiable. “________ it to me.” was all he said.

What I had been feeling was pity. Pity is soft and easy. Compassion, ________, is caring in action. I ________ the second man but told him that was not ________ either. Then I reached into my pocket and paid for the biscuits myself. I reached into my pocket ________ these two men had reached into my heart and taught me compassion.

1.A. desireB. helpC. actionsD. experience

2.A. difficultB. dangerousC. trueD. interesting

3.A. withB. byC. toD. for

4.A. customersB. neighborsC. friendsD. helpers

5.A. heartB. patienceC. controlD. face

6.A. angryB. rudeC. niceD. aged

7.A. valuableB. interestingC. smallD. silly

8.A. in troubleB. out of cash

C. in poor healthD. out of work

9.A. nothingB. somethingC. everythingD. anything

10.A. helpB. repayC. thankD. give

11.A. knewB. thoughtC. wonderedD. asked

12.A. howB. whyC. whatD. who

13.A. sorryB. possibleC. easyD. good

14.A. worriedB. stupidC. unwiseD. helpless

15.A. knewB. dislikedC. enjoyedD. valued

16.A. OfferB. GiveC. PassD. Charge

17.A. at the same timeB. on the other hand

C. as a matter of factD. above all

18.A. refusedB. acceptedC. thankedD. respected

19.A. allowedB. paidC. welcomeD. pity

20.A. whetherB. becauseC. even ifD. as if

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