
After serving as a ski guide in Utah’s back country for more than two decades, a Park City woman is being recognized by Outside Magazine as 2015’s Best Ski Guide.

Deb Lovci grew up in Colorado and began skiing when she was five years old. Later she moved to Utah and fell in love with the back country of Wasatch Mountains. Lovci has now served as a Ski Utah Interconnect guide for 27 years. “Anything that you slide on snow, I’m in love with, ” she said.

Lovci leads ski tours through the back country of six different resorts located in the Wasatch Mountains. Lovci typically takes a group of eight to ten people on a ski tour each day, and on average, she takes 300 customers on tours through the back country each season. She loves showing off Utah’s wilderness. “I love the back country,” she said. “I love the snow science behind it. I love the safety … I just love it.”

Along with leading ski tours, Lovci is passionate about anything related to activities. She also runs a bed-and-breakfast in Park City, the Old Town Guest House. As “a jack-of- all-trades”, she also runs Alpine skis, Nordic skis competitively, and snowboards, and leads mountain bike tours during the summer.

Outside Magazine selected five travel guides in various outdoor fields to name as the best in their Best of Travel April issue. Lovci said she was unexpectedly cheerful when she was selected as 2015’s Best Ski Guide by Outside Magazine. “We all work really hard in what we do and we love it and it’s really nice to get acknowledged,” she said. “I work with a lot of excellent guides and the award could have gone to anybody — any one of us. I often recall my ski experiences which were fearful at the beginning, but they helped me achieve a success.”

In a news release, Ski Utah director of communications, Paul Marshall said, “Deb Lovci is one of the most enthusiastic, focused, knowledgeable guides in the industry. Without her as the forefront of our Interconnect Tour, we would not have the success we have. She has been an enthusiastic part of the Interconnect Tour for 27 years and is thought highly of by our customers.”

1. What helped Deb Lovci to be selected as 2015’s Best Ski Guide?

A. Her being ready for any ski risks.

B. Her love for Utah’s wilderness and her ski experiences.

C. Her dreaming of the best ski job on the planet.

D. Her gender and age.

2.The underlined words “a jack-of- all-trades” in Para. 4 probably mean “someone ______”.

A. who is very skilled at communicating

B. who can be recognized as a workaholic

C. who is enthusiastic about doing business

D. who can do many different types of work

3. From Paul Marshall’s words, we can infer that _______.

A. Lovci should have helped them in the tour

B. everyone should think highly of Lovci

C. Lovci deserved the award.

D. Lovci achieved her success with Interconnect Tour’s help.

4. What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Deb Lovci —2015’s Best Ski Guide

B. Deb Lovci and Outside Magazine

C. The Ski Utah Interconnect Tour

D. Deb Lovci — a ski guide for 27 years


Professional courses, such as Masters in International Business or MIB, have been taken by many students in the last two decades. They are choosing new-age non-conventional courses that guarantee a better future. MIB is a specialized course that teaches the international business. There are valid reasons for so much popularity of MIB course.

The course content and teaching methods of MIB are quite different from a normal MBA or Master of Business Administration. It has been designed with the sole objective of developing professionals with an in-depth understanding and knowledge of the international trade. The course offers various advantages over the conventional MBA degree course.

The massive increase in the international business and foreign trade gives excellent job prospects(前景) to the new generation. Acquiring a degree of MIB offers outstanding growth of job opportunities. Those who want to pursue in the field of marketing also have a good future after completing the degree from a reputed MIB college. Big multinational organizations look for talented people who can handle the job profile of International Marketing Manage, and people with MIB degrees are preferred. The profile needs an in-depth understanding of the overseas markets, because it is the strategic post from the perspective of company’s international business growth.

Since business finance and economics are covered at length in the curriculum of MIB, students have great job offers in the field of finance as well. Typically, organizations offer the profile of international finance controllers to those who complete MIB with the specialization of finance. The specialization covers aspects of international taxes, accounts, budgeting and so on. People in this field are well-paid, and growth prospects are unlimited. After completing degree course from a reputed MIB college, there is a good scope in the banking and finance sector as well. International banks appoint people who have an excellent grasp over the international banking policies, currency exchange, and international policies. Thus, MIB is the golden key to success with brilliant job opportunities in national and multinational sectors.

1.The second paragraph is mainly developed by _______.

A. analyzing causes B. listing figures

C. making comparisons D. proving definition

2.More and more people intend to acquire a degree of MIB because _______.

A. it is a compulsory course in the colleges

B. it offers them conventional economic knowledge

C. it offers them opportunities to do small businesses

D. it helps them get good jobs in some organizations

3.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The international finance controller is a high-quality job.

B. People get higher salary in business field than in finance field.

C. MIB holders are more promising in all careers than others.

D. International banks only accept employees from MIB colleges.

4.What’s the writer’s purpose of writing this article?

A. To make an advertisement for the MIB course.

B. To analyze the disadvantages of the MIB course.

C. To explain why the MIB course is getting popular.

D. To predict the development trend of the MIB course.


You can help your firm innovate(创新) by creating a culture in which all employees are actively encouraged to put forward ideas. But how do you get the best from people and encourage them to be at their most creative.

Stress the importance of creativity. 1. If they don’t understand innovation can keep your firm competitive, your efforts at encouraging creative thinking risk falling flat.

Make time for brainstorming. Find some time for new ideas to come out. For example, set aside time for brainstorming, hold regular group works hops(研讨会) and arrange team days out. A team involved in a brainstorming session is likely to be more effective. 2.You should also give individuals the space to reflect privately on their work if you think they need it.

Challenge the way staff work. 3. Ask people whether they have considered alternative ways of working and what might be achieved by doing things differently.

4.Motivate individuals or teams who come up with winning ideas by actively recognizing creativity, for example through an award scheme. You can reward those who just have a rich flow of suggestions, regardless of whether they are put into action at work.

Act on ideas. Creative thinking is only worthwhile if it results in action. Provide the time and resources to develop and carry out those ideas worth acting on. 5.In addition, the flow of ideas may well dry up if staff feel the process is pointless.

A. Reward creativity.

B. The problem is that our minds are lazy.

C. Be willing to make mistakes.

D. Make sure all your employees know that you want to hear their ideas.

E. Individuals within the team can test and improve the ideas together.

F. Encourage employees to keep looking at the way they approach their work.

G. Failure to do so means that your firm may fail to benefit from innovation.


When I was walking through the forest, I heard someone weeping. I _____ the sound of the soft cry until I saw a woman sitting on the snow. Her eyes were filled with tears for her heavy _____ from life. I sat on the cold snow with her and _____ her my shoulder and my ears.

“What is your name?”, she asked. I smiled at her. _____, my name is Jane, but to comfort her, I said, “My first name is _____, my middle name is Hope and my last name is Compassion(同情) .” I saw a _____smile come upon her face as I asked her “what is your name?” “My name is Ann _____I had given up hope.” I read her a poem through which I _____the

message of self-worth to her. Others will _____us when we love ourselves. _____, it was important for one to have self- worth. After I shared the poem, we talked a while and then I picked a wild rose that was in the snow. It was_____that there was a wild rose in such weather. I placed the rose in her hand and a big_____appeared on her face. Then I felt kind of _____at her change and handed her a piece of paper with my_____on it. I walked away. She called me cheerfully the next day and expressed her _____to me. She told me I truly _____ my name. Obviously, she had found her faith, her hope and her compassion.

We all need someone in life to say I believe in you. _____is as rare as a rose in the snow. When you _____ it, don’t let it ever die. Life is too _____to thank all the people who have encouraged us. We should receive and give encouragement rather than let unimportant things stand_____ our way.

1.A. heard B. followed C. waited D. enjoyed

2.A. heart B. head C. body D. waist

3.A. shared B. brought C. fetched D. offered

4.A. Eventually B. Deliberately C. Actually D. Specially

5.A. Career B. Inspiration C. Motivation D. Faith

6.A. puzzled B. forced C. tired D. worried

7.A. but B. so C. because D. or

8.A. transformed B. left C. conveyed D. took

9.A. tolerate B. serve C. hate D. treasure

10.A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Moreover

11.A. usual B. rare C. dreadful D. admirable

12.A. worry B. satisfaction C. smile D. shock

13. A. interest B. security C. disappointment D. relief

14.A. name B. number C. address D. photo

15.A. regret B. apology C. gratitude D. concern

16.A. lived up to B. looked up to C. came up to D. made up for

17.A. Pleasure B. Friendship C. Passion D. Encouragement

18.A. pass B. receive C. choose D. create

19.A. good B. slow C. short D. happy

20.A. in B. on C. by D. under


Hold Everything You Own!

An old farmer had lived on the same farm all his life. It was really a good farm with fertile soil, but with the passing of the years, the farmer began to think that maybe there was something _________ for him. Every day he found a new _________ for criticizing some feature of his old farm. Finally, he decided to _________ it. He listed the farm with a broker (经纪人) who quickly _________an advertisement emphasizing all the _________ of the farm.

When the broker read the ad to the farmer for his _________ of placing it in the local paper, the farmer listened _________ . When the broker had finished, the farmer cried out, “Hold everything. I’ve changed my _________. I’ve been looking for such a place all my life!”

I think you’ll _________ that each of us, from time to time, _________about things such as our home, our car, or our job. As human beings, it is _________ to want the best things in life.

The next time you find yourself _________ the relationship you have with your family, a neighbor or a friend, don’t worry. Human relationships have their ups and downs, so it is natural to _________ at times if you might be better off with someone else. If you ever find yourself in this mood, sit down in a _________ place and write an “obituary (讣告)” for that _________. Experience the powerful emotions that will surely overcome you when you_________ having to sum up a loved one’s life in a few paragraphs that could _________a newspaper obituary. Notice how easy it is to come up with nice things to say about the person. Notice how much _________there “was” in this person. Some day you may actually have to _________ this exercise “for real”, wipe the tears and then go and spend quality time with that person. _________ the moment and realize how lucky you are to have such a person.

1.A. cheaper B. briefer C. better D. easier

2.A. example B. method C. place D. reason

3.A. sell B. give C. move D. admit

4.A. found B. prepared C. answered D. placed

5.A. history B. sides C. edges D. information

6.A. interest B. sense C. approval D. coincidence

7.A. happily B. carefully C. proudly D. nervously

8.A. mind B. style C. question D. suggestion

9.A. prove B. state C. agree D. predict

10.A. worries B. thinks C. complains D. talks

11.A. popular B. difficult C. important D. natural

12.A. analyzing B. forgetting C. exploiting D. questioning

13.A. forgive B. wonder C. apologize D. learn

14.A. quiet B. safe C. familiar D. convenient

15.A. scientist B. person C. farm D. broker

16.A. imagine B. adopt C. avoid D. discuss

17.A. bring in B. hand out C. fit in with D. put up with

18.A. energy B. power C. expense D. goodness

19.A. begin with B. decide on C. belong to D. go through

20.A. Enjoy B. Save C. Review D. Expect

In May, 2014, some Chinese tourists found a Chinese-character message “Ding Jinhao once visited here” on a statue of god in a 3500-year-old Egyptian temple. An angry tourist took the photograph of the scrawl and posted it on social media Sina Weibo. It was quickly spread and there were more than 100,000 comments during two weeks. Later, a 15-year-old Chinese boy was searched out as the person who caved this message. Many netizens expressed their anger and disappointment for the uncivilized behavior. They searched and identified the boy and then posted his personal information including the address and pictures online.

Over the weekend, his school’s website was hacked, and reporters flooded into his home in the city of Nanjing. Besieged by reporters, the child’s mother offered a formal apology for her son’s behavior. “We want to apologize to the Egyptian people and to people who have paid attention to this case across China.” the boy’s mother told the local newspaper.

With China’s economy booming over the past decades, a growing number of the country’s residents have become global tourists. Earlier this month, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang addressed: “Uncivilized behavior of some of tourists is giving this country a bad reputation abroad.” The discussion about Chinese quality was carried out on many media.

On the bright side, Egypt government described the damage to the temple as superficial(表面的)and could be restored and they would forgive the boy. While the act of Ding Jinhao symbolizes a national shame, meanwhile, many people concern about the child’s development and wish he could return to anonymity once more. “The boy has known his mistake and cried all night. He has to be moved around because reporters rushes to his house for interviews.” said a reporter who talked with the parents.

1.The passage is mainly about ________.

A. Chinese tour in Egypt

B. the wave caused by Chinese uncivilized behavior

C. the discussion on Chinese education

D. the importance of Weibo

2.What is the netizens’ attitude towards Ding’s behavior?

A. Critical. B. Doubtful.

C. Tolerant. D. Supportive.

3.The writer uses the quotation by Vice Premier Wang Yang to show ________.

A. Chinese people are influential

B. China is a civilized country

C. People shouldn’t go abroad

D. Some misconducts are bad for our image

4.From the last paragraph, we know ________.

A. the boy wasn’t hurt

B. the boy has caused irreparable(不可挽回的)damage to the statue

C. the boy has escaped from the public attention

D. many people hope the boy can live back a normal life

India now leads the world in smartphone growth. It saw a 55% increase in the number of smartphones in 2014. The number of Web users increased by 37 %. Smartphones were the source of 65 % of its Internet traffic and 41 % of its e-commerce, according to a report by the analyst Mary Meeker, titled “Internet Trends 2015”.

India’s Internet boom has started. Within three or four years, almost every adult in India will own a smartphone. They will be used to order goods, read news, monitor crop growth and so on.

Indian adults will be very interested in these devices just as young Americans are. 87 % of Americans between the ages of 18 and 34 who own smartphones say they never separate from these: “My smartphone never leaves my side.” Four out of five say that the first thing they do on waking is to reach for their smartphones. And three fifths believe that in the next five years everything will be done on mobile devices.

In the business world, the rise of mobile platforms is dramatically transforming many industries all over the world. What Indian software developers have to do is to start thinking about solutions to old problems by using all the features of these new devices. They need to take advantage of the unique properties of smartphones and tablets. As Indian software developers and enterprises master the smartphone, they will be able to export their solutions to the rest of the world.

This will make possible a new tech revolution that is greater than what created India’s IT industry in the 1980s and 1990s. We can expect the rapid transformation of India when a billion people become connected and have equal access to information and services.

1.Loads of numbers are used in Paragraph 1 to show _____________.

A. India’s smartphones increase most rapidly in the world

B. India has the most advanced IT industry in the world

C. India will be a superpower pretty soon

D. India will export new smartphones to the rest of the world

2.What will most young Americans do first the moment they wake up?

A. Read news. B. Shop online.

C. Get their smartphones. D. Check e-mails.

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. India is the largest mobile maker in the world.

B. Indian farmers use smartphones to monitor crop growth..

C. Indian software developers have made great profits by selling their products abroad.

D. India saw a great boom in IT industry some 30 years ago.

4.Which can be the best title of the text?

A. More people, more smartphones

B. No dream, every Indian owns a smartphone

C. At hand, India’s next tech revolution

D.A small smartphone, a big use

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