
You had better learn to be grateful. If you are grateful, you naturally . yourself up to receive all kinds of blessings and good things in life. You can receive almost everything you want .If you want recovery soon, start by feeling grateful that you are still .If it is more money that you want,start being grateful for whatever of money you already have.

You see,showing gratitude(感恩) is the key to every thing in life.It is the key to successful relationships,it is the key to successful futures and it is the key to healthier and happier lives.And this is where the importance of being grateful lies. ,it makes life better.

One of my favorite is “If you learn to appreciate more of what you already have,you will find yourself having more to appreciate.” Think about that!

Something as as a “Thank you for being in my life” or “I having you here with me”,can go a long way. It will make the other person feel good, and it also will make you feel better!

So maybe your wife is not very around the house, but she’s great at cooking your favorite .Or, maybe your child milk all over your new shirt right before you walked out the door for work, but usually he makes you laugh so much and makes you the luckiest parent in the world.

I strongly you to make a promise to yourself for the next week. Decide to .every morning and think of at least 5 things that you are .for. Then say them out loud. You will notice a smile on your face without even . .In 30 days you will feel completely renewed. This is the .of being grateful!

1.A. open B. make C. stand D. take

2.A. easily B. correctly C. truly D. clearly

3.A. lovely B. alive C. lively D. living

4.A. amount B. number C. kind D. plenty

5.A. terrible B. negative C. positive D. confusing

6.A. leading B. taking C. enjoying D. looking

7.A. Therefore B. Besides C. Anyway D. In a word

8.A. mottos B. rules C. habits D. word

9.A. pleasant B. wonderful C. short D. moving

10.A. want B. look forward to C. appreciate D. would like

11.A. for sure B. in general C. instead of D. in addition

12.A. lazy B. beautiful C. careless D. organized

13.A. vegetables B. dishes C. beef D. drinks

14.A. painted B. stopped C. spilled D. threw

15.A. become of B. feel like C. act as D. look like

16.A. persuade B. advise C. demand D. suggest

17.A. dress up B. make up C. get up D. wake up

18.A. grateful B. concerned C. anxious D. upset

19.A. pretending B. looking C. trying D. smiling

20.A. disadvantage B. power C. award D. consequences


17.Maybe you don’t think animals have certain mental powers which human beings do not have.But the truth is that some of them have instincts,and besides this,I am sure they can feel certain things we humans cannot.A personal experience showed me this.

Some years ago,I had a dog named Howard. From the time when he was a puppy,he was timid,so we named him Howard,sounding like “coward”!He was especially afraid of thunderstorms.At the first flash of lightning or crash of thunder,he would run whining into his house and hide under a table.

I often went for a walk with Howard. Once,as we were walking along a road,it began to rain.I quickly ran to a bus stop for shelter.The bus stop had a roof supported by metal poles.Soon after I had got there,Howard caught my trousers in his teeth and tried to pull me away.At first I was puzzled and a little angry at his behavior.But I decided to humor him and walked away from the shelter into the rain and started to go home.

When I was about two hundred metres from the shelter,there came a flash of lightning and soon after,there was thunder which nearly deafened me.Howard stopped walking and began whining.Thinking he was afraid,I bent to pick him up.As I straightened up,I glanced at the bus shelter we had just left.I was shocked to see that two of the poles were bent and the roof was lying on the ground,broken.The shelter had been struck by the bolt of lightning!

1.The author named his dog Howard mainly because of_______.

A. his timid characteristic

B. one of the author’s friends Howard

C. his loud sound

D. his strange behaviors

2.The reason why the author was puzzled and angry with the dog was that_______.

A. Howard had a strange behavior

B. Howard should be afraid of the metal poles

C. Howard should know the approaching of the terrible lightning

D. Howard bit his trousers in his teeth

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Dogs are cleverer and better than men.

B. Dogs are usually afraid of thunderstorms.

C. Some animals can feel certain things humans cannot.

D. Dogs are naturally born heroes.

4.What can be inferred about the bus shelter from the passage?

A. It was about 200 meters from the author’s home.

B. It was destroyed in a rainy day.

C. Its roof was supported by wood poles.

D. It could produce blinding flash of lightning.

As we know,many teen celebrities(名人) feel and think that having a slimmer figure can do great good to them.But,does size really matter?Are teenage fans trying hard to become like their celebrity idols(偶像)?Do celebrities really have the power to influence people,especially teenagers?

For the longest time,many parents blame teen idols for influencing the way their kids act.Have you noticed how teens idolize the celebrities these days?Even,their personal affairs are being followed by kids these days.Take for example the case of Lindsay Lohan of Mary Kate Ashley.They are definitely famous teen stars.But,since they are trying to project an image to satisfy a lot of people in show business,their health and body suffer.Many kids are aware of this problem.But they are easily influenced by these celebrities to exercise and eat less.

It is a fact that the media,and especially famous teen celebrities,can influence people powerfully.But teenagers are easily influenced because teenage years are the period when our personality and identity developments take place.Teens watching TV shows and reading magazines are easily pulled into the dieting and harmful eating habits because the media have some ways to pull these acts.They use thin models and celebrities to endorse(做广告宣传) products or to star in an up-and –coming shows or movies.With fierce competition,celebrities are forced to eat less and do extreme exercise routines to get the roles or offers that come their way.

Living in today’s time and generation is a bit disturbing to a lot of parents.Media,especially as well as the celebrities,have a very powerful influence to drive teenagers to good or bad. It’s good that we can control ourselves to avoid bad things from happening.If not,parents should really be aware and guide their teens to determine what’s in ad what’s out.

1.From the passage we can find Lindsay Lohan_________.

A. lives an unhealthy lifestyle

B. lives a rich and happy life

C. doesn’t get any exercise

D. sets a good example for teenagers

2.According to the writer,why are teenagers easily influenced by some TV shows?

A. They are tired of school.

B. Their celebrity idols appear in many TV shows.

C. They’re in their development period.

D. They have nothing to do in their spare time

3.Many celebrities have to be on diet__________.

A. to keep healthy to face competition

B. to survive under pressure

C. to keep a slim size

D. to satisfy their teenage fans

4.What’s the title of the passage?

A. Parents’ responsibilities

B. Advice on self-control

C. Bad influences of celebrities

D. Media’s bad influences

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