
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

During my second year of college, I was a part-time waitress in Chicago. I ______ most of my time on work and as little as possible on conversation. I wasn’t used to______to unknown people except when taking orders.

One night, a little old man came in and seated himself in my section. I took his ______ and went on my way. But later I noticed that he ______week after week and always sat at one of my tables. Slowly, I began having short conversations ______ him. His name was Mr. Rodgers, but he insisted that I ______him Don. I ______ that he and his wife had gone to dinner and a movie every Saturday. Since she had died, he carried on the tradition ______.

______the weeks went on, I began to sit and actually talk with Don. We talked about his wife, his days flying in the war, his son who had______and also served as a pilot in the army.Eventually, we began to talk about my ambition — going to school, my new boyfriend and the ______ of my future.

About four months after meeting him, I ______a call from a nurse telling me that Don was ______. He was experiencing complications (并发症) from a heart operation. I immediately drove to the hospital to see him. The first thing he did was to ______ me for urging him to visit the doctor. At first I didn’t know ______ he was referring to. Then I ______that about three weeks earlier,Don was complaining (抱怨) about______ pains and I gave him the number of a doctor I know.

A nurse asked, “Are you his daughter?” and I ______ , “No, I’m his waitress.”

Strangers can become good ______ . I recently found it enjoyable to talk to 55 at the restaurant and I have had a lot more fun.

1.A. spent B. took C. cost D. wasted

2.A. looking B. pointing C. coming D. talking

3.A. place B. order C. worry D. ticket

4.A. came back B. came out C. came away D. came in

5.A. at B. with C. on D. into

6.A. argue B. demand C. expect D. call

7.A. admitted B. determined C. learned D. said

8.A. alone B. only C. nearly D. closely

9.A. As B. Because C. After D. Before

10.A. brought up B. grown up C. built up D. went up

11.A. expectation B. civilization C. combination D. destination

12.A. deserved B. received C. reserved D. hoped

13.A. at home B. in the factory C. at the market D. in hospital

14.A. send B. resist C. thank D. notice

15.A. what B. that C. which D. when

16.A. showed B. remembered C. believed D. decided

17.A. chest B. leg C. head D. arm

18.A. reported B. included C. agreed D. replied

19.A. citizens B. guests C. classmates D. friends

20.A. colleagues B. family C. customers D. patients

A trip to London

My family had dreamed of a trip to London for a long time. Luckily it was possible for us to realize our dream because all of us were free on the weekend.

We planned to drive into Cambridge and caught the 7: 34 train to Liverpool Street Station.Then my wife and I would separate from Joan, my wife’s sister, to do different things and finally meet again for lunch. And after lunch, we would go to the concert.

But we were late because of a thick London fog. The train had to move along so slowly that it was not until 10:30 that it got there. In spite of our late arrival, Joan decided that she would go to see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London while we went shopping. It was only after her sister had disappeared into the fog that my wife realized that we hadn’t decided where we should meet for lunch. Since I had our three tickets for the concert in my pocket, this was indeed a problem. We didn’t have any mobile phones at that time. There seemed to be nothing we could do except taking a taxi to the Tower of London, and try to find her there. Needless to say, we didn’t find her.

It was now one o’clock, and the concert began at 2: 30. “Perhaps she will think of waiting outside the concert hall,” said my wife hopefully. By this time the fog was so thick that road traffic had to stop, and the only way to get there was by subway. Hand in hand we felt our way along the road to where we thought the nearest station should be. An hour later we were still trying to find it.Just when I was about to become angry, we met a blind man tapping his way confidently through the fog. With his help we found the subway station which was just fifty meters down the road.

By now it was far too late to get to the concert hall before the performance began at 2: 30, so we decided to return to Cambridge. It took seven hours instead of the usual two to make that journey. Nor were we able to get any food and drink on the train. We were tired and hungry.

We finally reached home at ten. Opening the door we were amazed to find Joan at home; she had seen the Crown Jewels, had managed to get another ticket for concert, and had had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant. Of course, she managed to get home, too. Oh my god!

1.What did the writer plan to do after lunch that day?

A. Go to the concert. B. Return to Cambridge.

C. Go shopping. D. See the Crown Jewels.

2.The writer and his wife separated from Joan because _______.

A. they were late for the concert

B. Joan didn’t want to go to the concert

C. there was a thick fog

D. they planned to do different things until lunch time

3.Who helped the writer find the subway station?

A. A taxi driver. B. A blind man.

C. His wife. D. Joan.

4.The writer and his wife felt _______ on the train back home.

A. quite interested B. rather disappointed

C. tired and hungry D. very enjoyable

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