One day in l965, when I worked at View Ridge School in Seattle, a fourth-grade teacher approached me. She had a student who finished his work before all the others and needed a challenge. "Could he help in the library?" She asked. I said, "Send him along."

Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a T-shift appeared. "Do you have a job for me?" he asked.

I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books. He picked up the idea immediately. Then I showed him a stack of cards for long-overdue books that I was beginning to think had actually been returned but were miss helved with the wrong cards in them. He said, "Is it kind of a detective job?" I answered yes, and he became working.

He had found three books with wrong cards by the time his teacher opened the door and announced, "Time for break!" He argued for finishing the finding job; She made the case for fresh air. She won.

The next morning, he arrived early. "I want to finish these books," he said. At the end of the day, when he asked to be a librarian on a regular basis, it was easy to say yes. He worked untiringly.

After a few weeks I found a note on my desk, inviting me to dinner at the boy's home. At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother announced that the family would be moving to neighbouring school district. Her son's first concern, she said, was leaving the View Ridge library. "Who will find the lost books?" he asked.

When the time came, I said a reluctant good-bye. I missed him, but not for long. A few days later he came back and joyfully announced: "The librarian over there doesn't let boys work in the library. My mother got me transferred back to View Ridge. My dad will drop me off on his way to work. And if he can't, I'll walk!"

I should have had an inkling(感觉) such focused determination would take that young man wherever he wanted to go. What I could not have guessed, however, was that he would become a wizard of the Information Age: Bill Gates, tycoon of Microsoft and America's richest man.

1.What was the author when the story happened?

A. A teacher. B. A librarian. C. A detective. D. A professor.

2.What was the boy told to do on his first day in the library?

A. To rearrange the books according to the new system.

B. To put those overdue books back to the shelves.

C. To find out the books with wrong cards in them.

D. To put the cards back in the long-overdue books.

3.The boy got transferred back to View Ridge because _______.

A. he did not like his life in the new school

B. the transportation there was not convenient

C. he missed his old schoolmates and teachers

D. he was not allowed to work in the school library

4.What impressed the author most was that the boy _______.

A. had a thirst for learning

B. had a strong will

C. was extremely quick at learning

D. had a kind heart

The moral view of violence, labeling it as bad and wrong, has done little to end it. The alternative view is to release our judgments and see violence for what it is: a form of suffering. This is a difficult change for many people. Not only are they in the habit of making knee-jerk(下意识的) judgments, but violent people cause harm, and therefore their suffering seems to deserve less sympathy.

You hurt me, so why should I have sympathy for you? It should be the other way around. Does it take a saint(圣人) to make the change from strong anger to sympathy?

Turning points arrive when we can make a choice not to suffer in silence. We then strike a soul bargain that is fearful but necessary. The bargain is that redemption(解救) is possible through love. The absence of love is absolutely the problem, and love is absolutely the solution. We don’t have to reach into another area to locate the magic power of love that is available to us here and now.

The problem is that love comes through a fallible human being. The rule is constant work on the spiritual path to clear away the obstacles that prevent love from coming through us. The work is much more like working on blocked pipe system than it is like copying a saint.

Hope is the emotion that keeps this dogged work even when results seem to be slow or impossible. Can I love the terrorist who harms my country? Can I love the criminal who wants to harm me? At the level of the soul I already do, and the spiritual path is a means to arrive at that level.

No one is required to leap into sudden sympathy for terrorists, or even to announce publicly that our enemies deserve love. But in our souls each of us harbors the knowledge that only love is going to bring violence to an end. No matter how you and I live our outward lives, our spiritual lives must remain devoted to that vision.

1.Which one is NOT true for moral view of violence?

A. It thinks violence is bad and wrong.

B. It plays an important role in ending violence.

C. It is a knee-jerk judgment of people.

D. It thinks violent people deserve less sympathy.

2.Why should violent people deserve sympathy?

A. Because we should perform like a saint.

B. Because love is absolutely the solution.

C. Because our spiritual lives must remain devoted to that vision.

D. Because they are first in suffering then choose violence, so they need love.

3.What's the meaning "The problem is that love comes through a fallible human being"?

A. Human being is full of love.

B. It is difficult and long way.

C. Human being is easy to make friends.

D. It's a problem to get love from an imperfect huan being.

4.Which would be the best title for the passage?

A. Violence Is Harmful to Us

B. Love Can End Violence

C. Change Our View of Violence

D. Our Soul Needs Purifying


I had arrived at the airport about 30 minutes before the check in.It had been a very busy three days for me with lots of meetings.So I was glad to have the time to make my notes on what I needed to do the following day,but suddenly the announcement came that my flight had to be delayed.

As I sat waiting for my to be called,I reflected on my last meeting of the day.It was not a business meeting but rather a very enjoyable with an old business friend I had not seen for over 12 years.Our lunch was spent recalling times gone by filling each other in what had happened in our lives over the last 12 years.We both laughed and smiled as we the good times and the great experiences we had shared together.

It was great to have this additional time to replay in my mind what we had talked about.I realized just how important it was to have regular of the good times in our life.I was enough to have had the chance to take a short break and look back on the good things that had happened in my life. It was somewhat like looking at an old photo album in a cupboard in your house.There before your eyes are lots of wonderful memories that take you back to times and places,and most importantly to those people who are in the

My flight home was finally called three hours later.I smiled as I the plane and realized that I was not at all about the delay in the flight,as I had been able to spend the time reflecting on the good times from days gone by. B.extra C.break D.alone

2.A.flight B.number C.turn B.negotiation C.lunch D.gathering well as far as soon as long as

5.A.reviewed B.reflected C.recalled D.restored

6.A.memories B.rehearsals C.performances D.reminders

7.A.depressed B.embarrassed C.Lucky D.proud

8.A.left out B.stored away C.put out D.set away B.cupboard C.present D.past

10.A.took B.boarded C.reached D.1anded

11.A.disturbed B.puzzled C.afraid D.upset


Dear David,

I’m glad you would like to share your feelings with me.It’s hardly surprising that your feelings of not being “grown up” have come on strongly at this point in your life,just before you’re about to become a father.You are asking:will I make a good father?How will I cope?

Should I have brought another little person into the world? Can l provide for it? Help! I think nearly every sensitive about-to-be-parent must have these occasional feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy(不适)before the birth and it would be most unusual if you didn't share them. It's difficult,honestly,to feel grown-up unless you have something less grown-up to relate to.

The boss with a hen-pecking wife may feel like a seven-year-old when he’s at home.But as he walks through the office door,and knows he’s going to be surrounded by staff looking to him for Advice,he grows into a fully mature man.And I think it’s a mistake to imagine that we all feel,as we age,a kind of progression of states,from the baby to the adult.Most people feel,on Tuesday, about three years old,and on a Wednesday,around 80.

There's a common remark that “all men are little boys”,but it's not true.It's more true that men often behave like little boys.But nearly all people,at some moments in their lives,are capable of groat maturity.

Once your baby arrives,you’ll soon feel less childlike,or rather,less often.When your child tries to put its fingers into the electric plug,the adult in you will rise up to prevent it.You’ll see

you have very little in common with a needy child,particularly if it's looking to you for comfort and support.

Comfort yourself,David,with two truths.One is that your friends laugh when they talk about this subject because they,like you,feel frightened.And remember that people who haven't grown

up don’t go around talking about the fact that they don’t feel grown-up.

Hope my advice will be helpful and good luck to you and your little one.

Yours sincerely,

Miss Advice

1.According to the passage,Miss Advice thinks David's self-doubt is

A.valuable B.natural

C.unusual D.bearable

2.From Paragraph 2,we can learn that people's sense of maturity

A.will increase with age obviously seen at home

C.changes with different situations

D.becomes stronger with familiar people

3.Miss Advice holds that

A.all men behave like little boys

B.people tend to laugh at the subject with a baby feel more grown-up

D.people enjoy talking about their immaturity

4.Miss Advice wrote the letter to -

A.offer suggestions to a future father

B.teach people how to grow up

C.encourage people to be responsible

D.solve problems of the less grown-up

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