If a sitcom(情景喜剧)that lasts for l0 years is considered popular,then surely one that still arouses emotions after 20 must be considered a classic.Friends first aired in the US in 1994,featuring a cast of six young men and women in New York.In the time since,it’s become one of the most famous titles in the sitcom style,aired in over 100 countries and regions in the world.

The show is typical among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores basic yet important themes like friendship,struggling to survive in a big city,and finding independence and identity,all of which are still relevant to young audiences today.

Against the background of the Internet age,IT staff who were once marginalized(排斥)and laughed at have experienced a revival due to the popularity of hit show The Big Bang Theory,in which four talents lacking normal social skills make an attempt at living on a college campus.

At the same time,Gossip Girl,describing a young cast of New Yorkers born with silver spoons in their mouths,demonstrates the difficulties upper-class adolescents experience.The show’s fashion and mature subject matter allowed it to capture the interest of both teenagers and adults.

Although these typical TV shows span a wide timeline and feature a variety of themes,they all have a universal topic.Love,money,friendship,career aspirations and identity are things all young people struggle to understand.Why are they still fascinating? It remains to be found out.

1.Why is the sitcom Friends typical among young people in the 1990s?

A.Because it is a breakthrough in the producing style.

B.Because it is the most influential sitcom of all time.

C.Because it addresses the subjects faced by the youth.

D.Because it predicts the future of the young at that time.

2.What can we learn about The Big Bang Theory?

A.It arouses people’s enthusiasm for computers.

B.There are four talents who are good at everything.

C.It is set in the time before the Internet came into being.

D.It improves the conditions of the people in technological industry.

3.According to the passage,Gossip Girl

A.attracts people of all ages

B.shows eye-catching style and adult subject

C.describes the life of ordinary girl

D.describes the hardships of upper-class people

4.What will the author most probably talk about next?

A.The introduction to other hit sitcoms.

B.The further information about the plot.

C.The emotional response among audience.

D.The analysis of the reasons for the appeal.

My son Tom taught me a beautiful lesson today. He is three years old and it is amazing watching him grow up.

He called out to me today saying“Papa, sit.” That usually means everything and going next to him and sitting down to play with him. I did that, as he can be stubborn and will not stop calling out until I . He was playing with beads (珠子) , pushing a string through them. Then after he finished playing with the beads, it was time to put back in the box that they are stored in. I saw him pick up each bead, look at it as if it were made of chocolate and then placed it into its box.

With over a hundred beads to go, I was getting . “ What a long time it will take ! Why cannot he grab ten beads in one go and drop them in?” said my anxious mind. I noticed that he did this with as much as he had while we were playing. I didn’t see any difference between his play and his the toy. Obviously he enjoyed both.

Then it suddenly me that this boy was enjoying the whole .The journey was his goal. For him the was in the game and after the game, not just in the fun part. What a great perspective to live each moment as it is the moment; to do each task as it is the most awesome task. Nothing else matters.

Looking at how my son was putting beads into the box me that the process was the goal.


2.A.fell downB.turned roundC.burst outD.gave in




6.A.putting asideB.giving awayC.putting awayD.setting aside








Last year, A Bite of China, made by CCTVs Documentary Channel, sparked discussion not only on Chinese food, but also on locally made documentary programs.

With fascinating footage(影片片段) and stories, documentaries encourage us to think about interesting issues we wouldn’t necessarily know about.

So, what makes a good documentary, and what should we pay attention to when we watch one? Here, we offer a few easy strategies to help you get the most out of watching documentaries.

Pay attention to the themes

While watching a documentary, keep your eyes and ears peeled for the themes people talk about and what ideas they focus on. Is it meant to be informative or raise a certain emotional response?

Think critically

Listen to what the people in the documentary are saying and ask yourself the following questions If you were debating with someone or introducing a new concept, would you say the things the people in the documentary are saying? Do the arguments make sense?

Check the sources

If you’re sitting at the computer and can’t think of anything to do, why not look up the points the documentary made and see if they are accurate? You could even read more about what is presented in the documentary.

Who are the creators?

The creators or financial backers of a film will usually be involved with how the subject matter is presented. For instance, as the documentary 2016 Obama’s America was directed in large part by a conservative writer, it’s not surprising that it’s critical of President Obama from the beginning.

1.Which of the following is the most proper to describe documentaries?

A. non-fictional B. controversial

C. subjective D. thoughtful

2.The passage is mainly written to ______.

A. inform us of factors of good documentaries.

B. help us enjoy documentaries better.

C. introduce ways of making documentaries.

D. help us figure out themes of documentaries.

3.Why is 2016 Obama’s America mentioned in the article?

A. Because the author dislikes Obama.

B. Because it is directed by a writer.

C. Because it is quite popular in China.

D. Because it is a persuasive example.

4.According to the passage, ______.

A. it is always difficult to get the themes of documentaries.

B. financial backers often appear in documentaries.

C. it’s better to think twice about what is in documentaries.

D. many points of documentaries are not accurate.

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