A month after Hurricane Katrina,I returned home in New Orleans.There lay my house,reduced to waist-high rains,smelly and dirty. Before the trip,I’d had my car fixed.When the office employee of the garage was writing up the bill.she noticed my Louisiana license plate.“You from New Orleans? ”she asked.I said l was,

“No charge.”She said,and firmly shook her head when I reached for my wallet.The next day I went for a haircut,and the same thing happened.

As my wife was studying in Florid,we decided to move there and tried to find a rental house that we could afford while also paying off a mortgage(抵押贷款)on our ruined house.We looked at many places,but none was satisfactory.We’d begun to accept that we’d have to live in extremely reduced circumstances for a while,when I got a very curious e-mail from a James Kennedy in California.He’d read some pieces I’d written about our sufferings for State,an online

magazine and wanted to give us (“no conditions attached”)a new house across the lake from New Orleans.It sounded too good to be true,but I replied,thanking him for his exceptional generosity,that we had no plans to go back.Then a poet of the University of Florida offered to let his house to me while he went to England on his one-year-paid leave.The rent was rather reasonable.Imentioned the poet’s offer to James Kennedy,and the next day he sent a check covering our entire rent for eight months.

Throughout this painful experience,the kindness of strangers backs my faith in humanity.It’s almost worth losing you worldly possessions to be reminded that people really want to be kind when given a channel.

1.Which one shows the right time order?

①James Kennedy sent us a check.

②A poet offered his house to us.

③Our home was reduced to ruins.

④The garage employee charged us nothing.

⑤We came back to New Orleans.

A.④③⑤①② B.③④⑤②①

C.④③⑤②① D.③④⑤①②

2.What do you know about James Kennedy?

A.He was a friend of the writer.

B.He offered the writer a house in California.

C.He worked for an online magazine.

D.He was concerned about the writer’s sufferings.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that

A.The mortgage on the ruined house didn’t need to be paid off

B.The house rents in New Orleans were reasonable after the hurricane

C.The writer rebuilt his faith in humanity by losing his worldly possessions

D.The writer made it through the painful period with people's kindness

4.How is the passage developed?

A.By showing contrasting facts.

B.By making classification

C.By giving examples.

D.By analyzing causes and effects.


Owning a smartphone may not be as smart as you think.They may let you surf the Internet,listen to music and snap photos wherever you are...but they also turn you into a workaholic,it seems.A study suggests that,by giving you access to emails at all times.the all-singing.all-dancing mobile phone adds as much as two hours to your working day.

Researchers found that Britons work an additional 460 hours a year on average as they are able to respond to emails on their mobiles.The study by technology retailer Pixmania,reveals the average UK working day is between nine and ten hours,but a further two hours is spent responding to or sending work emails,or making work calls.Almost one in ten admits spending up to three hours outside their normal working day checking work emails.Some workers confess they are on call almost 24 hours a day,with nine out

of ten saying they take work emails and calls outside their normal working hours.Nearly two-thirds say they often check work emails just before they go to bed and as soon as they wake up,while over a third have replied to one in the middle of the night.

Ghadi Hobeika,marketing director of Pixmania,said:“The ability to access literally millions of apps,keep in contact via social networks and take photos and video as well as text and call has

made smartphones valuable for many people.However,there are drawbacks.Many companies expect their employees to be on call 24 hours a day,seven days a week,and smartphones mean that people literally cannot get away from work.The more constantly in contact we become。The more is expected of us in a work capacity.”

1.The text is probably taken from

A.a scientific report

B.a financial report

C.a newspaper

D.a literary journal

2.The underlined word “drawbacks” in the last paragraph probably means

A.advantages B.faults

C.mistakes D.features

3.Ghadi may agree that

A.employees are supposed to be on call 24 hours a day

B.the ability to access many apps made smartphones worthless

C.smartphones might turn a person into a workaholic

D.people literally cannot get away from work without smartphones

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Smartphones are lengthening working hours.

B.Smartphones are becoming valuable for many people.

C.Britons work art additional 460 hours a year on average.

D.Smartphones are more beneficial to our life than we think.

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