Be a leader in environmental science and engineering

through the NEMS programme

NEWRI Environmental Master of Science(NEMS) is a primary graduate education and research programme conducted by Nanyang Technological University’s (NTU’s) NEWRI, with summer attachment at Stanford University. It aims to train engineers and scientists to meet the increasing environmental challenges for Asia and the wider region.

NEWRI-Nanyang Environment &

Water Research Institute

NEWRI is enabling Singapore to be a global center of environmental science and technology in providing technological solutions to the world. It is committed to environmental and water technologies through its ecosystem of education, research and developmental activities.

NEWRI is trying its best to pull together NTU’s water and environment-related centres and institutes, gathering one another’s strengths for the benefit of industry and society.

Master of Science Applications

● Applications open now and close on 30 May 2012 for Singapore applicants.

● Graduates having relevant engineering or science background, including final-year students, are invited to apply.

● Applicants are required to have a certificate of GRE.

Further information and application materials are available at the Website:

http:// www.

Highlights of Programme:

★ Students spend a full summer term at Stanford taking regular courses and continue with the rest of their academic programme at NTU.

★ It is a 12-month full-time course in environmental science & engineering.

★Students under NEMS will have opportunities to do research projects under NEWRI as well as to continue for the Doctor’s degree.

★ Graduating students receive the NTU degree and a certificate from Stanford for their summer attachment.

Scholarship for tuition grants and living expenses at both Stanford and NTU are available

Enquiry contact: Ms Christian Soh

Tel:(65) 6861 0507 Fax:(65) 68614606


Information on other graduate programmes available at:

1.If one wants to apply for the NEMS programme, it is essential for him to __________.

A. have passed the GRE test

B. make contact with Ms Soh

C. possess a university diploma

D. major in engineering or science

2. Students admitted to the NEMS Programme __________.

A. will first have regular courses at Stanford

B. needn’t be released from their regular jobs

C. are required to obtain a Doctor’s degree

D. can receive degrees of both NTU and Stanford

3.What’s the main purpose of the NEMS programme?

A. To offer scholarship for tuition grants and living expenses.

B. To strengthen the cooperation between NTU and Stanford.

C. To cultivate experts on environmental science and engineering.

D. To introduce Nanyang Environment & Water Research Institute.

A good modern newspaper is an extraordinary piece of reading. It is remarkable first for what it contains: the range of news from local crime to international politics, from sports to business to fashion to science, and the range of comment and special features as well, from editorial page to feature articles and interviews to criticism of books, art, theatre, and music. A newspaper is even more remarkable for the way one reads it: never completely, never straight through, but always by jumping from here to there, in and out, glancing at one piece, reading another article all the way through, reading just a few paragraphs of the next. A good modern newspaper offers a variety to attract many different readers, but far more than any one reader is interested in. What brings this variety together in one place is its topicality(时事性) , its immediate relation to what is happening in your world and your locality now. But immediacy and the speed of production that goes with it mean also that much of what appears in a newspaper has no more than transient value. For all these reasons, no two people really read the same paper: what each person does is to put together, out of the pages of that day’s paper, his own selection and sequence, his own newspaper. For all these reasons, reading newspapers efficiently, which means getting what you want from them without missing things you need but without wasting time, demands skill and self-awareness as you modify and apply the techniques of reading.

1. A modern newspaper is remarkable for all the following except its ________.

A. popularity B. uniform style

C. wide coverage D.speed in reporting news

2.According to the passage, the reason why no two people really read the “same” newspaper is that __________.

A. people have different views about what a good newspaper is

B. people are rarely interested in the same kind of news

C.people scan for the news they are interested in

D. different people prefer different newspapers

3. It can be concluded from the passage that newspaper readers _________.

A. apply reading techniques skillfully

B. jump from one newspaper to another

C. appreciate the variety of a newspaper

D. read a newspaper selectively usually

4. A good newspaper offers “a variety” to readers because __________.

A. it has to cover things that happen in a certain locality

B. readers like to read different newspapers tries to serve different readers

D. readers are difficult to please

5. The best title for this passage would be “__________”.

A. The Characteristics of a Good Newspaper

B. The Variety of a Good Newspaper

C. The Importance of Newspaper Topicality

D. Some Suggestions on How to Read a Newspaper

After 20 years as a full-time wife and mother, I decided to be a school bus driver for I loved kids. After hard practice, by the time school started that year I’d gotten the hang of it. I was happy in my new work. I became a combination of chauffeur, nurse and friend. And if the kids needed it, I’d put on my “Tough Big Sister” act. It was a lot like my previous job---being a mom.

When I think about my years of bus driving, many things crowded in, but mostly, I remember Charlie.

Charlie, eight years old, with blond hair and crystalline gray eyes, began riding my bus in September of my fourth year driving. They all had stories to tell me about their summers. Charlie, though, ignored me. He didn’t even answer when I asked his name.

From that day on, Charlie was a trial. If a fight broke out I didn’t have to turn my head to know who had started it. If someone was throwing spitballs I could guess the culprit’s name. If a girl was crying, chances were Charlie had pulled her hair. No matter how I spoke to him, gently or firmly, he wouldn’t say a word. He’d just stare at me with those big gray eyes of his.

I asked around some, and found out Charlie’s father was dead and he didn’t live with his mother. He deserves my patience, I thought. So I practiced every bit of patience I could muster. To my cheery “Good Morning”, he was silent. When I wished him a happy Halloween, he sneered. Many, many times I asked God how I could reach Charlie. “I’m at my wit’s end.” I’d say. Still I was sure that this child needed to feel some warmth from me. So, when he’d pass by, I’d ruffle his hair or pat him on the arm.

Toward the end of that year, the kids on my bus gave me a small trophy inscribed “To the Best Bus Driver Ever”. I propped it up on the dashboard. On top I hung a small tin heart that a little girl had given me. In red paint she had written, “I love Polly and Polly loves me.”

On the next-to-last day of school I was delayed a few minutes talking to the principal. When I got on the bus I realized that the tin heart was gone. “Does anyone know what happened to the little heart that was up here?” I asked. For once with 39 children, there was silence.

One boy piped up, “Charlie was the first one on the bus. I bet(打赌) he took it.” Other children joined the chorus, “Yeah! Charlie did it! Search him!” I asked Charlie, “Have you seen the heart?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he protested(抗议). Standing up, he took a few pennies and a small ball out of his pockets. “See, I don’t have it.”

“I bet he does!” insisted the girl who had given me the heart. “Check his pockets.”

Charlie glowered when I asked him to come forward. His gaze burned into mine. I stuck my hand into one pocket. Nothing. I reached into the other pocket. Then I felt it ---the familiar outline of the small tin heart. Charlie stared at me for a long time. There were no tears in those big gray eyes, no plea(乞求) for mercy. He seemed to be waiting for what he’d come to expect from the world. I was about to pull the tin heart out of Charlie’s pocket when I stopped myself. Let him keep it, a voice seemed to whisper.

“It must have fallen off before I got here,” I said to the kids. “I’ll probably find it back at the depot.” Without a word, Charlie returned to his seat. When he got off at his stop, he didn’t so much as glance at me.

That summer Charlie moved away.

Eventually I retired. And there my story as a school bus driver ends, except for one more incident. A dozen years after retirement I was in a department store in Kansas City, when someone said tentatively, “Polly?”

I turned to see a balding(在脱发的) man who was approaching middle age. “Yes?”

His face didn’t look familiar until I noticed his big gray eyes. There was no doubt. It was Charlie.

He told me he was living in Montana and doing well. Then, to my surprise, he hugged me. After he let go, he pulled something from his pocket and held it up for me to see. An old key chain….bent out of shape, the lettering faded. You can probably guess what it was---the little tin heart that said, “I love Polly and Polly loves me.”

“You were the only one who kept trying,” he explained. We hugged again, and went our separate ways. That night I thought over his words. You were the only one who kept trying. Before I fell asleep I thanked the Lord for the reassurance that I’d done a good job and for all the qualifications he’d given me to do it with.

1.From whose point of view is the story told?

A. a mother’s B. Polly’s

C. Charlie’s D. Tough Big Sister’s

2.From the passage, we learn that Charlie was _______ .

A. gentle and smart B.cold and firm

C.naughty and lazy D. tough and lonely

3.The sentence “He seemed to be waiting for what he’d come to expect from the world.”

suggests that Charlie __________.

A. felt ashamed of what he had done

B. felt Polly had done wrong to him

C. expected to get away with what he had done

D. expected to get punished for what he had done

4. Charlie kept the tin heart all the time because it reminded him __________.

A. it was a Christmas gift from Polly

B. it once gave him warmth

C. someone there cared him

D. it was once a shame to him

5.What do you think is the best reward to Polly’s love for Charlie?

A. His doing well in his life.

B. People’s appreciation for her kindness.

C. His thanks to her love.

D. Charlie’s recognition of Polly after many years.

6.Which detail from the story best shows Polly’s love for Charlie?

A. She wished him a happy Halloween.

B. She ruffled his hair when he passed her.

C. She greeted him with cheery “Good Morning”.

D. She lied to the other kids about what happened to the tin heart.

Write ONE WORD for each blank on the Answer Sheet.

Science and engineering have varied meanings and different ways in which they can be understood, though the differences are not easy to tell.

First is science. This is nothing but the use of reasoning to know how things work and what causes the happenings.

Engineering is about the way some tools, machines, systems etc are made with the help of human resources, raw materials and some scientific techniques. Science is important for engineering. Engineering can’t be done without knowing the basic principles of the working of the device that one wants to make. For example, if one wants to make a fan and they do not know how a fan works, then it is practically impossible for them to do so. Thus knowing how the fan works is science and making a fan is engineering.

Then comes the most important factor, the technology. Technology is always evolving with the help of the existing science and engineering techniques. It has to satisfy the usage of it by the consumers and safety of the people. For example, science will tell people the rules or the working of the equipment, engineering techniques will tell them how the equipment is made and the technology will consider both the above factors to create the same equipment but in a different way or using a different technique with some alterations(改变) giving birth to newfound technology. Thus again, science and engineering are important for technology to take place and the people who undertake the activities of science and technology are considered technologists.

All these three above discussed factors are important when one undertakes some kind of research work.

Some people think that technology is nothing but the way science is applied. If they make good investment in the field of science, then they would gain a lot from new technology. Thus, people start investing in many new ventures(项目)。

So we can see clear differences between science, technology and engineering. New technology is the best way to take a country to a higher economic position and to the path of fast growth. Technology requires the use of science and engineering as this is the best way to start and put the use of them into practice.

Title: Clear the doubts about technology


People often have 1._____ telling the differences

between science, technology and engineering.


● Science is the use of reasoning to know

how things work and what 2. _____ in the happenings.

● Engineering tells about the way some thing are made

with outside 3.______.

● Technology is the mixture of science and engineering and can satisfy people’s needs in 4.______ ways.

People’s views

●Technology is just the 5.______ of science.

●New technology caused by good investment in science will 6.______ people a lot


● Readers won’t be 7._______ about the concepts if they understand the differences.

● New technology is the best way to 8._______a country’s economic position

● New technology will make a country9._______ quickly.

●Technology requires the use of science and engineering

and thus has 10._____ uses.

Why are so many people afraid to fail? Quite simply because we forget that failure is part of the human life and that every person has the right to fail. Every person is able to fight failure and finally succeed.

Most parents work hard at preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards(标准). When a child finishes making a table, the mother describes it as “perfect” even though it doesn’t stand still. Another way is to blame others. If John fails in science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.

There’s a problem with the two ways. It makes a child unprepared for life in the real world. Young children need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time, and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child often feels terrible, of course, when he is not invited to a birthday party, or is not chosen into a football team. But parents should not say “It doesn’t matter.” quickly. The young should be allowed to experience failure and be helped to come out of it.

Failure never gives people pleasure. It hurts both adults and children. But it can be really good to your life when you learn to use it. You must learn to ask “Why did I fail?” Don’t blame anyone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong and how you can improve. If someone else can help, don’t be shy about asking them. Success just repeats what has been done. It is not as good a teacher as failure. You can learn how to give a good party from an unsuccessful one.

1. How do most parents prevent their children from failure?

A. They give them some presents.

B. They don’t tell them that they have failed.

C. They don’t blame others.

D. They help them to come out of failure.

2. Which of the following does a person need to learn when he fails?

A. It’s impossible to enjoy a game if he misses it.

B. He is the worst of all.

C. It’s natural not to win a game and no one can win all the time.

D. His teammates are not good enough.

3.Which would be the best title for the passage?[来.Com]

A. Learning from Failure

B. Ways of Preventing Failure

C. Reasons of Failure

D. Getting Pleasure from Failure

Many gardeners believe that “talking” to their plants helps them grow---it turns out that they may not be crazy after all. According to the scientists from the University of Exeter, plants may keep communicating with each other through a secret “unseen” language.

For their experiment, the scientists picked a cabbage plant that is known to send out a gas when its surface is cut. In order to get video evidence of the communication, they changed the cabbage gene by adding the protein---luciderase(虫荧光素酶), which is what makes fireflies(萤火虫) glow in the dark.

When the changed cabbage plant was in full bloom, they cut a leaf off with a pair of scissors, and almost immediately, thanks to the luciderase, they could see the plant sending out “methyl jasmonate(茉莉酸甲酯)”.

While this was a known fact, what was surprising was the fact that the minute this gas began to give out, the nearby cabbage plants seemed to sense some kind of danger and started to send out a gas that they normally have to keep predators(捕食者) like caterpillars(毛虫) away.

What the scientists are not sure is whether the plants are trying to warn the other leaves or the near plants about the danger---something that will require further research However, the team, which is led by Professor Nick Smirnoff, is quite excited about the findings because this is the first time it has been proved that plants do not live a passive life, but actually move, sense and even communicate with each other.

However, before you get all concerned, they are quite sure that plants do not feel the pain when they are cut, since they do not have nerves---so go ahead and bite into that juicy carrot!

1.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Plants Can Send Some Gas

B. Plants Can Communicate with Each Other

C. The “Unseen” Language of Plants

D. Plants Can’t Feel Pain

2. What does the underlined word “they” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Gardeners B. Plants

C. Scientists D. Fireflies

3.When the plant sent out methyl jasmonate, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A. The nearby cabbage plants seemed to sense some kind of danger.

B. The nearby cabbage plants started to send out a gas.

C. The nearby cabbage plants tried to warn the near plants.

D. The nearby cabbage plants communicated through a secret language.

4.According to the experiment, plants ________________.

A. don’t live a passive life

B. can feel pain when they are cut

C. can warn the other leaves about danger

D. can talk with each other

A strange thing happened to me last Sunday. It was such a beautiful day ________ I drove to go for a look in the country.

On the way back home, my ________ stopped. It was out of gas on a ________ road far from a town! I decided to walk until I found someone ________ could sell some gas. I had walked almost a mile ________ I finally found a house near the ________. I was glad to see it because it was getting dark.

I knocked at the door and a little old lady with long white hair ________. She said, “I’ve been ________ for you here for a long time. Come in. ________ is almost ready.”

“But I only came for some gas,” I answered. I couldn’t ________ what she was talking about.

“Oh, Alfred! Gas? You ________ tea,” said she.

I quickly ________ that my car was out of ________ , but she didn’t seem to listen to me. She just kept ________ me Alfred and talking about how long it had been ________ she had seen me. She was acting very strangely and I was anxious to leave. As soon as she went to get tea, I went out of the house as fast as I ________ .

_________, there was another house down the road and I was able to buy the gas I needed. When I told the man about my ________ , he said, “Oh, that’s Miss Emily. She lives by herself in that big house. She’s strange, but she wouldn’t ________ anybody. She is still waiting for the man she was going to marry thirty years ago. The day before their wedding he left home and ________ came back because of the war.”

1.A. and B. so C. but D. that

2.A. car B. bus C. bike D. truck

3.A. narrow B. lonely C. crowded D. busy

4.A. what B. whom C. who D. how

5.A. before B. after C. while D. as

6.A. street B. path C. way D. road

7.A. came B. answered C. opened D. appeared

8.A. asking B. looking C. calling D. waiting

9.A. Gas B. Coffee C. Tea D. Lunch

10.A. consider B. understand C. accept D. think

11.A. like B. love C. used to like D. enjoy

12.A. answered B. explained C. refused D. promised

13.A. gas B. tea C. strength D. energy

14.A. calling B. call C. to call D. called

15.A. until B. before C. since D. when

16.A. could B. can C. would D. should

17.A. Unfortunately B. Absolutely C. Fortunately D. Seriously

18.A. accident B. event C. experience D. surprise

19.A. hit B. injure C. hurt D.frighten

20.A. never B. ever C. yet D. still


On a cold November afternoon, my mother and I were walking home from a pizza store. We were dressed warmly and ________ with the rented video , I was feeling a little ________ , as I was carrying our shopping bags of snacks and the ________ .They were so heavy that I decided to ________ some things. So I started to walk towards the garbage can(垃圾筒) ________ I noticed a poor man walking his bike out of the restaurant in front of us. He _________ a paper bag with his dirty hand. He headed over to another nearby garbage can and started ________ it.

I suddenly felt very ________ because I was about to do away with a new drink just ________ it was heavy. I knew this man would take all he could ________ , so I walked up to him and ________ the drink and some snacks to him. The man looked up ________ and took what I gave him. A huge smile spread ________ his face and this caused me to feel indescribable ________ . I felt like I ________ be happier with myself, but then he said, “This is my son’s lucky day!”

With that, he ________ me happily and started off on his bike. I even heard him ________ a song as he rode away. I got a warm feeling inside and I knew I had done something good, for the man and his family. I now understand what is ________ by the saying “Giving is getting”.

Since then, every time I have the ________ to do something nice, the image of the man’s happiness caused by my small gift appears in my mind. This is the ________ of charity.

1.A. equipped B. covered C. done D. offered

2.A. upset B. happy C. tired D. excited

3.A. video B. books C. pizza D. clothes

4.A. send off B. throw away C. put away D. send out

5.A. after B. when C. before D. while

6.A. owned B. presented C. held D. sought

7.A. going into B. finding out C. looking through D. working out

8.A. stupid B. guilty C. disappointed D. happy

9.A. since B. until C. because D. when

10.A. get B. search C. hear D. see

11.A. dropped B. kept C. turned D. handed

12.A. sadly B. coldly C. thankfully D. patiently

13.A. in B. across C. by D. through

14.A. regret B. satisfaction C. failure D. curiosity

15.A. couldn’t B. shouldn’t C. needn’t D. mustn’t

16.A. smiled B. told C. saw D. thanked

17.A. singing B. whispering C. listening D. making

18.A. referred B. said C. meant D. spoken

19.A. time B. chance C. idea D. effort

20.A. power B. effect C. result D. mystery

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