
What happened to that brilliant idea that you once had? Did you it because you thought that it was just a little thought? Have you ever what that little thought would have become if you had acted on your instincts (直觉) if you had paid more attention to it?

Imagine a , where you are sitting at home watching television or reading a book, suddenly a light is on in the dark tunnel of your mind as a thought or an idea crosses your mind. The thought your attention but seems so meaningless and you are tempted to it, but wait a minute! That thought could be the potential beginning of the you have so much wished for.

As the thought crosses your mind, your senses become alert and you suddenly see a possibility, a solution, or find the answer to a problem whose solution has escaped you. It is almost as if a wise man has the perfect solution into your ear or awakened your senses to a reality, thereby bringing light to your life. It is like finding the piece of jigsaw puzzle (拼图游戏). This becomes an amazing moment and everything freezes around you as you excitedly try to grasp the practicality of that but powerful thought.

Your self-confidence and enthusiasm increase as you become of the great possibilities that can if that little thought is acted upon. This becomes the moment to build upon that thought and to put any ideas that are streaming from that little thought for later review. meaningless little thought or ideas when acted have a potential to explode into great projects. Many successful projects have been fromthe little positive thoughts that were carefully protected and recognized as bricks to great things.

Don't waste a(n) to act on a potentially brilliant idea. You don't have to wait for a major idea, or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought.

That little thought or idea is the 55 of great things if you decide to follow it through.

1.A. hate B. like C. ignore D. value

2.A. considered B. remembered C. complained D. discovered

3.A. but B. or C. and D. nor

4.A. condition B. sight C. scene D. view

5.A. turned B. worked C. taken D. moved

6.A. puts B. catches C. causes D. pulls

7.A. adore B. abandon C. account D. adopt

8.A. wealth B. success C. dream D. reality

9.A. highly B. fast C. hardly D. long

10.A. whispered B. shouted C. talked D. laughed

11.A. best B. first C. last   D. exact

12.A. little B. good C. strong D. weak

13.A. capable B. conscious C. proud D. typical

14.A. arise B. cause C. attain D. prove

15.A. off B. out C. up D. down

16.A. Fortunately B. Seemingly C. Obviously D. Deliberately

17.A. by B. in C. upon D. to

18.A. grown B. done C. born D. torn

19.A. opportunity B. possibility C. minute D. moment

20.A. center B. beginning C. result D. sign



Metrorall (地铁)

Each passenger needs a farecard to enter and go out. Up to two children under age five may travel Free with a paying customer.

Farecard machines are in every station. Bring small bills because there are no change machines in the stations and farecard machines only provide up to $5 in change.

Get one ticket of unlimited Metrorall rides with a One Day Pass .Buy it from a farecard machine in Metro stations .Use it after 9:30 a,m. until closing on weekdays, and all day on weekends and holidays .

Hours of service

Open: 5am Mon-Fri 7 a.m Sat-Sun

Close: midnight Sun-Thur. 3 a.m Fri-Sat. nights

Last train times vary. To avoid missing the last train, please check the last train times posted in stations.


When paying with exact charge, the fare is $1.35. When paying with a SmarTrip?card, the fare is 1.25.

Fares for senior/disabled customers

Senior citizens 65 and older and disabled customers may ride for half the regular fare. On Metrorail and Metrobus, use a senior/disabled farecard or Smar/Trip?card. For more information about buying senior/disabled farecard, SmarTrip?cards and passes, please visit MetroOpensDoors .com or call 202-637-7000 and 202-637-8000.

Senior citizens and disabled customers can get free guide on how to use proper Metrobus and Metrorall services by calling 202-962-1100.

Travel tips (提示)

Avoid riding during weekday rush periods –before 9:30 a.m. and between 4and 6p.m.

If you lose something on a bus or train or in a station, please call Lost &Found at 202-962-1195.

1.At what time does Metroarll stop service on Saturday ?

A. At midnight. B. At 3 a.m.

C. At 5 a.m. D. At 7a.m.

2.What is good about a SmarTrip?card ?

A. It is convenient for old people.

B. It saves money for its users

C It can be bought at any train

D. It is sold on the Internet

3.Which number should you call if you lose something on the Metro?

A.202-962-1195 B.202-962-1100

C.202-637-7000 D.202-637-8000

4. What should you know about farecard machines?

A. They start selling tickets at 9:30 a.m.

B. They are connected(连接) to change machines.

C. They offer(提供) special service to the elderly(老人).

D. They make change for no more than(仅仅) $5.



Previously, I heard a story about a mother who had two daughters. She loved them very much, but two girls would fight with each other from their earliest years. As they grew older, they became total strangers. They had no contact with each other when they were adults.

This caused the mother great pain. Then, later, she had an idea. She decided to write a letter to them. In this letter, she told them how much she loved them, and how she wanted them to love each other in this way. She also gave them news of herself, and some guidance on how they might live happier lives.

When the letter was ready, she wrote out one copy for each daughter, but these copies were special. Each copy contained only every second sentence of the original letter. The copy for one daughter had only the even(偶数的) sentences, and the other daughter’s copy contained only the odd sentences. Neither copy made sense on its own. Neither contained the fullness of the mother’s message.

When the two daughters received their letters, they were puzzled. If they really wanted to know what the letters said, they would have to put the two letters together, and read them as one. That meant they must approach one another again in mutual(彼此的) love and respect.

For a long time, the mother waited in vain. Both daughters tried to understand the half-letter, but they each blamed the other for not helping them. Each daughter thought she knew her mother better.

Then one day, when the mother had almost given up hope, there was a knock at the door. There they stood, together. “We’ve come home,” they said at the same time. “We’ve finally put our letters together, and we’ve come to say how much we love you, Mum.” Then she hugged them both, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks, and welcomed them back home.

1. Why did the mother give her daughters incomplete letters?

A. She wanted to tell them her good news and bad news.

B. She hoped they would ask her for more information.

C. She hoped they would approach each other and make up.

D. She thought she could change their attitude towards her.

2. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. love can neither be bought nor sold

B. faults are thick when love is thin

C. without respect, love can’t go far

D. love can help enemies become friends

3.What is the best title for this passage?

A. An Unusual Letter

B. A Mother’s Endless Love

C. Special Daughters

D. Deep Love from Daughters


Right after the Second World War, Germany was in ruins. Almost all the houses, factories and schools were destroyed. Plenty of people were homeless as well as jobless. Worse still, the supply of water and electricity was often cut off in the city. Two American journalists interviewed a German family living in the basement. The husband was disabled from the war and the wife was just dismissed from a clothing company. Worse still, there were bills for them to pay—four children to care for and food to buy. Life was hard for them at that time.

After the interview, the journalists chatted with each other on the way back to the company.

“Do you think the Germans could rebuild their homeland?”


“But I can’t see any hope for the country at all. How can you be so certain about that?”

“Have you noticed what they put on the table in the basement? There was a vase of flowers. A nation, suffering at such moment, hasn’t forgotten about flowers. It shows that hopes are not lost. They are still able to dream. A nation with hope can create miracles. They are sure to be able to rebuild their homeland.”


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容;

2. 以约120个词就梦想改变命运的话题谈谈你的想法,内容包括:

(1) 你赞同文中的观点吗?

(2) 举例证明你赞同或不赞同的原因;

(3) 谈谈你对梦想的看法以及你如何为实现梦想而努力。


1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。







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