In the fall of 1992,when Vickie was ten,she and her father,Jim Just happened to notice an advertisement for a new flight school. Her father suggested to her that since she wanted to be an astronaut,she might want to take a flying lesson Just see if she liked it. She was excited.

Vickie continued with her flying lessons. She was so brave that she impressed her teacher and soon passed ground school with straight As. She would also have passed her pilots exam if she had been old enough. Instead,she’ll have to wait until she is 16 to get her pilot's license.

Vickie made her first record-breaking flight in September 1993,at the age of 11. She flew a small plane across the United States,from Maine to California. Although by law she had to have a licensed pilot at her side,he never touched the controls or helped her in any way. She was the youngest woman pilot to fly across the US and the youngest pilot ever to fly across the US from East to West. That direction is considered the most difficult flight because it means flying against the wind. And in fact she had to fly her way through strong headwinds.

Because she was flying a small plane and FAA (联邦航空局) rules limited her to flying no more than eight hours each day,the trip took several days with eight stops. Her parents followed along on commercial flights,meeting her at each stop.

1. After ckie and her father read the advertisement, .

   A. Jim advised his daughter to take a flying lesson

   B. Vickie asked her father to send her to the flight school

   C. she told her father she wanted to be an astronaut

   D. Jim knew that his daughter was eager to attend the flight school

2. The underlined word “it” in the first paragraph refers


   A. the flying lesson   B. the flight school

   C. the small plane   D. being an astronaut

3. In the flight school .

   A. Vickie admired her teacher very much

   B. Vickie failed in the pilot's exam

   C. Vickie got her pilot's license

   D. Vickie did well in her flying lessons

4. What made Vickie^ first record-breaking flight difficult?

   A. The strong winds. B. Her age.

   C. Her plane. D. Her experience.

5. Vickie was the youngest pilot .

   A. in history in America

   B. to fly across the US without any help

   C. to fly across the US from East to West

   D. to break the first flight record in the world

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