C  易读度★★☆

    Last December my mother and I flew to London. The first thing we did was go on a bus tour (观光) .This is the best way to tour London and leam all about the history of this city. By the time the tour was over,it was dark^and we experienced London by night. The Christmas lights were just fantastic. And I was very surprised to find that so many people made their way home through the heavy traffic(交通) on bicycles!I was looking forward to spending the next day on Oxford Street with all its wonderfill shops. And what a fantastic experience that was!We bought a London subway ticket and could go everywhere very quickly.

    We spent all fpoming shopping and enjoying the Christmas activities inside the shops and out on the street. Then it was back to the hotel with all our shopping bags and out again to visit the city. First we went to a wax(蜡像) museum called Madame Tussauds,which was full of wax figures of famous people. My mother and I took a lot of photos there. Then we took the subway to Buckingham Palace to watch the Changing of the Guard (卫兵交接) . Unluckily,we could not see well because there were so many visitors waiting to take photos.


56. What did the writer and her mother do first after they arrived in London?

57. How did the writer and her mother go to Oxford Street?

58. Did the writer and her mother shop a lot on Oxford Street?

59. Where did the writer and her ^mother take a lot of photos?

60. Why couldn’t the writer and her mother see the Changing of the Guard very well?

             B  易读度★★★

    I work at a university in the USA where my team and I are trying to learn more about the American black duck,a kind of water bird. And now we are using an exciting piece of equipment(设备) called a “night vision scope”. By using it,we can see the ducks in the dark.

    We’re worried about black ducks mainly because their numbers are falling hugely. And we don’t know whether there's enough food on the east coast(海岸) for these birds. There's lots of information about their daytime activities,but nothing about what they dò at night,because we simply don’t have the equipment. But this new “scope” will make really clear pictures,even on moonless nights,so we will be able to find out more about the ducks.

    It is very hard work. There are four of US,and we each work six hours every day. We study ducks in different places,and I sometimes have to take a boat to where I need to work. The weather is not helpful because most of the time it's wet. Oh,and it's so quiet that sometimes I need coffee to stop me from falling asleep.

    But I like this job. Over the summer,we will spend hours in a laboratory(实验室),where we will look at our results together. It will be hard to stay there every day because of the hot weather — but It is very important to do this!


() 51. What does the underlined word “hugely” mean?

   A. Cheaply.  B. Loudly  C. Greatly. D. Carefully.

() 52. What does the writer's team hope to find out about American black ducks? .

   A. What they do at night.

   B. What food they live on.

   C. What animals like to stay with them.

   D. What makes the east coast a good place for them.

() 53. When the writer spends a long time watching ducks,he .

   A. often finds it is boring t

   B. is glad to be in a quiet place

    C. dislikes the high temperatures

   D. sometimes finds it hard to stay awake

() 54. What does the writer say about working in a : laboratory over the summer?

   A. He enjoys the working place.

   B. It's an important part of his job.

   C. He will study the results by himself.

   D. It's a good way to work with other people.

() 55. The writer writes the passage mainly to.

   A. show us new equipment

   B. tell us what kind of work he does

   C. give us advice on how to work in the dark

   D. describe how he became an expert on water birds


                  A  易读度★★☆

    Every year,a lot of young people in Britain finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people 一 for example,they work in schools of hospitals,or they help with environmenta protection (保护) .

     Pauline Jones,18, lives in Cardiff,Wales. Next year she wants to go to a university to study Spanish,but now she is living in Belize,a small country in Central America. Pauline says, ‘I'm working with other people here to protect the coral reefs (珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful,but if the sea water is polluted,the coral dies. I'm helping to study the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world,coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before it's too late.

    I'm staying with a family here. They are very friendly and I help with the cooking and the cleaning. I don’t get any money,but that's OK. I love my work here,and I have learned a lot about the people of Belize — and myself. When I finish my work,I want to stay here for another three months. I plan to visit other countries in Central America too."


() 46. From the passage,we can know that Pauline.

A. comes from Belize   B. is good at Spanish

C. makes a lot of money   D. is away from her family

() 47. Which of the following volunteer work does Pauline do?

① helping in a hospital ②helping to study fish ③protecting coral reefs ④teaching in a school 

A. ①②  B. ③④  C.①④  D.②③

() 48. What does Pauline probably think of her volunteer work?

   A. Useful. B. Relaxing  C. Difficult. D. Boring.

() 49. What is Pauline going to do after she finishes her volunteer work?

   A. Start work. B. Go traveling  C. Study English. D. Learn to cook.

() 50. The passage is probably from a.

   A. diary   B. guidebook   C. magazine   D. dictionary

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