Will life in the future be better, worse or the same as now? Fu-turologists(未来学家)predict that life will probably be very different in 2050.

First of all, it seems that TV channels will have disappeared by 2050. A computer will send the programme directly to the television. On the TV screen appear holograms(全息图),which are pictures with certain height, width and depth. We will be able to see, smell and touch the things that we see on televi?sion.

Water has become one of our most serious problems. Agriculture is changing and people are growing more fruit and vegetables to export. Demand for water will increase ten times in 2050. Some futurologists predict that water will be the cause of war if we don't act now.

    In transport, cars will run on new fuels and go very fast. A car will have com?puters to control its speed and there won't be any accidents. On the other hand, space planes will take people around the earth in about three hours. People will fly from Los Angeles to Tokyo by space plane in just half an hour.

In the field of technology, robots will have replaced people in factories. By 2050 , we will see robots everywhere. They do not ask for pay rises or go on strike, and they work 24 hours a day.

Medicine technology will have conquered many diseases by 2050 ; we will be able to help blind and deaf people see again and hear again. Scientists have discov?ered how to control genes. They have already produced clones of animals and will be able to produce clones of people and decide how they look, how they behave and how much intelligence they have. If you want all this to come true, you should study science and technology hard.

5.  What is the main difference between today's and 2050's TV?

  A.  We can use a computer to turn off the TV set.

B.  We can talk with the characters appearing on TV.

C.  We can choose whatever we like to see on TV.

D.  We can touch the things we see on TV.

6.  What isn't mentioned about the future in 2050 in the passage?

A. Technology.                   B. Medicine.

C. Movies.                       D. Agriculture.

7.  What will be more likely to cause the war in the future?

  A.  The lack of water.

B.  The less farmland.

C.  The shortage of robots.

D.  The more space planes.

8.  From the passage we can infer that by 2050 .

  A.  people will spend less time in studying

B.  more and more people needn't go to school

C.  people will have more time to relax or rest

D.  no patients will be found in the world


A  [2015 •福建省晋江市平山中学高一下学期期中考试]

The Brothers Grimm (格林兄弟),Jacob and Wilhelm are synonymousC同义的)with fairy tales. The stories they gathered have been read by millions of children in all countries over the last two hundred years. It's difficult to think that any children could not be attrac?ted by a tale like Little Red Riding //oorf (《小红帽》),which never seems to grow old.

Dec. 20,2012 marked the 200th anniversary of publication of the tales. The (irimms collected the stories and gave them to the world because they wanted to show what German culture was about. In their time, Germany was not yet a nation; it was a collection of little states. Like many patriotic intellectuals(爱国知识分子)* they thought they could help people in German territories(领土) to under?stand their own traditions.

Quite a few adults were shocked by Brothers Grimms work. They wrote about a wolf who eats a little girl's grandmother and an awful old woman who wants to put Hansel and Gretel in a stove. In fact, the original Grimm fairy tales are often far more unpleasant, and more adult in theme (主题).There is a lot of cruelty too. In the wedding scene of Snoxv White , the stepmother dances in red-hot iron shoes that kills her.

However, other people came along and made these stories'more "suitable" for children. The modern children's writer Philip Pullman recently published a book of his versions of some Grimm tales. He points out thai the Grimms themselves changed the stories, but for the better. They knew how to hold the attention of readers. "A Grimm tale,,, he says, "moves with a dreamlike speed from event to event, pausing only to say as much as is needed and no more. ,, So, when we read a story from Grimms' collection, we're getting something from old Germany, but our enjoyment is also thanks to the brothers' great storytelling skills.

1.    According to Paragraph 1, Little Red Riding Hood________ .

  A.  is popular with children all the time

B.  is too old for children to read

C.  is a poorly organized story

D.  is too stupid to be believed

2. What is the Grimms' purpose in publishing the fairy tales?

  A.  丁o improved children's reading skills.

B.  To develop the educational system.

C.  To introduce their country's culture.

D,  To make a living by selling books.

:3. By mentioning Philip Pullman, the author intends to_____ .

A.  describe the achievement of the Brothers Grimm

B.  present a different side of Grimm fairy tales

C.  prove the excellence of the Grimm fairy tales

D.  compare the difference between the two versions

 4.    In which section of a paper is the passage taken from?

A.  Fun times.                   B. Comment.

C.   Life and style.             D, Culture.

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