Since my childhood, I always dreamed of becoming a full - time writer. Two years after my graduation, I my job and made up my mind to realize my .

No one could tell me I would succeed or not. I rented a cold storage room in a building, set up a used desk and to write. I had too many things to write and I had to write because the was full of my heart.

After a year or so, however, I began to doubt myself. I found it to earn my living by selling what I wrote. I can’t remember how many times my novels were during that year. But I to put my dream to the test—even though it meant living with uncertainty and fear of . I believed anyone with a dream must learn to struggle for the .

During the most difficult period of my life, one of my classmates came to see me and tried to __ me, “Yun, come to our company, and we will you 2,000 yuan a month.” 2,000 yuan was really a big at that time. It would enable me to live . As the money were dancing in my , something cleared my senses. Hadn’t I dreamed of being a writer? A full - time writer.

“Thanks, but no,” I said , “I’m going to stick to writing.”

Again and again, I said to myself, “I will be . People will love my novels.”

Finally my first novel was in 1991. I had the kind of fame and success that few writers ever .

Twenty years have passed, but the effect it had on my life has lasted. Now I often the time working in that cold storage room. I will say, “Anyone with a dream, courage and persistence will be successful.”

1.A. Attained B. quit C. paused D. seized

2.A. Project B. glory C. dream D. liberty

3.A. Whether B. What C. that D. when

4.A. gave away B. settled down C. put down D. took over

5.A. principle B. justice C. career D. enthusiasm

6.A. difficult B. changeable C. permanent D. Skeptical

7.A. adjusted B. attacked C. registered D. rejected

8.A. pretended B. determined C. waited D. agreed

9.A. anxiety B. prejudice C. failure D. opportunity

10.A. Intelligence B. fantasy C. reputation D. goal

11.A. persuade B. donate C. inform D. require

12.A. Sponsor B. Assist C. pay D. earn

13.A. account B. money C. scale D. fortune

14.A. steadier B. handier C. better D. happier

15.A. hand B. head C. table D. wallet

16.A. doubtfully B. eagerly C. firmly D. consciously

17.A. successful B. lucky C. creative D. confident

18.A. sold B. advocated C. published D. allocated

19.A. experienced B. adopted C. associated D. deposited

20.A. understood B. recalled C. reminded D. Assumed

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