
I admire my classmate Lisa very much.           her prettiness, she was smart and helpful.

   A. Except for     B. But for             C. Apart from        D. Despite


Living an Adventurous Life

Nearly ten years ago, I was told that I had a brain tumor (瘤), and this experience changed my attitude about adventure forever.I thought that I was going to die and that all my adventures were over.I did not have a brain tumor, it turned out, but rather multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症), which meant that, although they were not over, the nature of my adventures could have to change.

Each morning that I wake up is a fresh event, something that I might not have had.Each gesture that I make carries the weight of uncertainty and demands significant attention: buttoning my shirt, changing a light bulb, walking down stairs.I might not be able to do it this time.If I could not delight in them, they would likely drown me in anger and in self-pity.

I admire the grand adventures of others.I read about them with interest.With Peter Matthiessen I have hiked across the Himalayas to the Crystal Mountain.I have walked with Annie Dillard up, down, into, and across Tinker Creek in all seasons.David Bain has gone with me along 110 miles of Philippine coast, and Ed Abbey has rowed me down the Colorado River.I enjoy the adventures of these courageous figures, who can strike out on difficult trips – 2 miles, 250 miles, 3000 miles – ready to bear cold and tiredness, indeed not just to bear but to celebrate.

But as for me, I can no longer walk very far from the armchair in which I read.Some days I don’t even make it to the backyard.And yet I’m unwilling to give up the adventurous life, the difficulty of it, even the pain, the anxiety and fear, and the sudden brief lift of spirit that makes a hard journey more attractive.

I refine adventure, make it smaller and smaller.And now, whether I am moving on my hands and knees across the dining room to help my cat, lying wide-eyed in the dark battling another period of sadness, gathering flowers from the garden, meeting a friend for lunch, I am always having the adventures that are mine to have.

Which of the following is TRUE about the author’s reaction after the illness?

       A.The author is drowned in anger and self-pity.

       B.The author travels to places he/she has dreamed of.

       C.The author can’t take care of himself/herself any longer.  

       D.The author adapts to the condition successfully.

Why does the author admire the people mentioned in Paragraph 3?

       A.Because they write popular novels.                          B.Because they are great adventurers.

       C.Because they are famous geographers.               D.Because they fight with hardship in life.

Which of the following shows the author’s strong love for adventures?

       A.The author spends almost every day looking for adventures.

       B.The author works hard to make more money for adventures.

       C.The author imagines having adventures while reading.

       D.The author expects to recover only to continue adventures.

When I was fourteen I was hit by a car and I felt almost senseless from the waist down.I spent the next four years   36  a back support.I began running seven days a week to   37 my muscles (肌肉).It was exhausting but I   38  before I graduated from high school.
When I was thirty-one, I was in   39  car accident in which my legs were seriously injured.The  40  told me that their goal was to get me to walk "__41  " but that I would never run again.Stubborn and _42_ , however, I set out to rebuild my leg muscles to support my knees through my own personalized 43  program. The fact was that it took me two years to learn how to walk and nine and a half years to run again.
While on one of my runs, a   44  thought entered my mind: what   45  I could run the LA Marathon? I wanted to know what it felt like to _46  the prized finish line, even if it  47  I had to crawl(爬) across it.I had only four months to get ready.I spent almost all my time training as if my very 48  depended on it——actually, it did.I   49  that if I didn’t train to my fullest, my body would   50  and the doctors’ diagnosis (诊断) would win.I wasn’t about to let that happen.I had a dream: I would run the LA Marathon to achieve one of my life’s greatest   51  .I trained eight times a week, seven days a week —twice on Wednesdays.
Finally, my hard efforts   52  .I crossed the finish line of the LA Marathon, strong and solid.
I’m often asked why I run, to which I always   53  ,"I run because I can." I   54 myself that the aches and pains I experience while training and racing are  55  , compared to the suffering those whom I admire must bear.This is why I run.
【小题1】A, dressing           B.wearing             C.designing       D.decorating

【小题9】A.suitable       B.reasonable          C silly            D.crazy
A.meantB.proved C.agreedD.explained
A.look outB.come outC.break downD.fall down
A.worked outB.turned outC.paid backD.paid off

My topic is fashion(时装). Fashion is important to all of us. Now we are all wearing school uniforms(校服). When we go home, what do we do? We change into other clothes. If we are going out, we like to wear fashionable clothes. So my first object is this blouse. It looks beautiful, doesn’t it? It is the most expensive piece of clothing, and I love it. It cost over $600. You may say that it is too expensive, but luckily I can afford it. The more you spend, the better the quality is. So you see, fashion is quite important to me, I admire it.
However, I’m not as fond of fashion as my elder brother. Last summer, my parents took us both to London. They wanted to show us some famous sights. But my brother Gary did not appreciate the old buildings. He just wanted to spend all his time in the big shopping arcades(拱廊), searching for the coolest pair of trousers! For him, fashion was more important than culture. These are the trousers he bought. Were they worth the expensive of a trip to London to buy these? I don’t think so. I think it was a waste of time and money.
We must, however, remember that fashion is a very big business. Changes in fashion can create or lose jobs. As an example, I have bought this blonde(淡黄色的) wig(假发) to show you. Do you like it? It belongs to one of my mother’s friends. She told me that in the 1960s, it was fashionable for western women to wear wigs. But a few years later fashions changed and women wore wigs much less often. Then the wig factories closed down and hundreds of workers lost their jobs.
53. The passage may be ____.  
A. a story from a magazine        B. a piece of news from a newspaper
C. a report on the radio           D. a speech to the classmates
54. The author (作者)showed all these objects EXCEPT_____ in the passage.
A. the blonde wig                B. the expensive blouse
C. the coolest trousers             D. the school uniform
55. What does the author (作者)want to tell us in last paragraph?
A. Wigs were always popular
B. People in the east once liked wearing blonde wigs
C. Fashion is actually a business
D. Business often depends on the production of wigs.

Living an Adventurous Life

Nearly ten years ago, I was told that I had a brain tumor (瘤), and this experience changed my attitude about adventure forever.I thought that I was going to die and that all my adventures were over.I did not have a brain tumor, it turned out, but rather multiple sclerosis (多发性硬化症), which meant that, although they were not over, the nature of my adventures could have to change.

Each morning that I wake up is a fresh event, something that I might not have had.Each gesture that I make carries the weight of uncertainty and demands significant attention: buttoning my shirt, changing a light bulb, walking down stairs.I might not be able to do it this time.If I could not delight in them, they would likely drown me in anger and in self-pity.

I admire the grand adventures of others.I read about them with interest.With Peter Matthiessen I have hiked across the Himalayas to the Crystal Mountain.I have walked with Annie Dillard up, down, into, and across Tinker Creek in all seasons.David Bain has gone with me along 110 miles of Philippine coast, and Ed Abbey has rowed me down the Colorado River.I enjoy the adventures of these courageous figures, who can strike out on difficult trips – 2 miles, 250 miles, 3000 miles – ready to bear cold and tiredness, indeed not just to bear but to celebrate.

But as for me, I can no longer walk very far from the armchair in which I read.Some days I don’t even make it to the backyard.And yet I’m unwilling to give up the adventurous life, the difficulty of it, even the pain, the anxiety and fear, and the sudden brief lift of spirit that makes a hard journey more attractive.

I refine adventure, make it smaller and smaller.And now, whether I am moving on my hands and knees across the dining room to help my cat, lying wide-eyed in the dark battling another period of sadness, gathering flowers from the garden, meeting a friend for lunch, I am always having the adventures that are mine to have.

1.Which of the following is TRUE about the author’s reaction after the illness?

         A.The author is drowned in anger and self-pity.

         B.The author travels to places he/she has dreamed of.

         C.The author can’t take care of himself/herself any longer.        

         D.The author adapts to the condition successfully.

2.Why does the author admire the people mentioned in Paragraph 3?

         A.Because they write popular novels.                                                                                           B.Because they are great adventurers.

         C.Because they are famous geographers.                                                                                   D.Because they fight with hardship in life.

3.Which of the following shows the author’s strong love for adventures?

         A.The author spends almost every day looking for adventures.

         B.The author works hard to make more money for adventures.

         C.The author imagines having adventures while reading.

         D.The author expects to recover only to continue adventures.


When I was fourteen I was hit by a car and I felt almost senseless from the waist down.I spent the next four years   36   a back support.I began running seven days a week to   37  my muscles (肌肉).It was exhausting but I   38   before I graduated from high school.

    When I was thirty-one, I was in   39   car accident in which my legs were seriously injured.The   40   told me that their goal was to get me to walk "__41   " but that I would never run again.Stubborn and _42_ , however, I set out to rebuild my leg muscles to support my knees through my own personalized  43   program. The fact was that it took me two years to learn how to walk and nine and a half years to run again.

    While on one of my runs, a   44   thought entered my mind: what   45   I could run the LA Marathon? I wanted to know what it felt like to _46   the prized finish line, even if it  47   I had to crawl(爬) across it.I had only four months to get ready.I spent almost all my time training as if my very  48   depended on it——actually, it did.I   49   that if I didn't train to my fullest, my body would   50   and the doctors' diagnosis (诊断) would win.I wasn't about to let that happen.I had a dream: I would run the LA Marathon to achieve one of my life's greatest   51   .I trained eight times a week, seven days a week —twice on Wednesdays.

    Finally, my hard efforts   52   .I crossed the finish line of the LA Marathon, strong and solid.

    I'm often asked why I run, to which I always   53   ,"I run because I can." I   54  myself that the aches and pains I experience while training and racing are  55   , compared to the suffering those whom I admire must bear.This is why I run.

1.A, dressing          B.wearing                              C.designing       D.decorating

2.A.relax              B.comfort                              C.protect         D.strengthen

3.A.recovered          B.cured                                C.quitted         D.shook

4.A.other              B.one             C.another          D.some

5.A.doctors            B.patients                             C.coaches         D.pioneers

6.A.frequently         B.normally         C.attractively                   D.carefully

7.A.determined         B.excited          C.unsatisfied                    D.disappointed

8.A.working            B.sharing                              C.training        D.walking

9.A.suitable           B.reasonable                           C silly            D.crazy

10.A.if               B.whether                              C.unless           D.once

11.A.skip              B.slip             C.complete         D.cross

12.A.meant             B.proved           C.agreed           D.explained

13.A.patience          B.existence        C.appearance       D.absence

14.A.suggested         B.knew             C.noticed          D.declared

15.A.look out          B.come out         C.break down       D.fall down

16.A.promises          B.reputations      C.goals            D.levels

17.A.worked out        B.turned out       C.paid back        D.paid off

18.A.react             B.reply            C.relate           D.refer

19.A.show              B.ask              C.remind           D.teach

20.A.something B.anything C.everything   D.nothing


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