
Visiting London can be an expensive trip, so establishing a budget and finding bargains when you arrive will help you get around London on the cheap. The following steps can help you find cheaper alternatives for transport for your London trip.
l Familiarize yourself with the city’s boroughs and specifically the area where you will be staying. You can use a street map, or an online map search engine, to establish where in the city you will be staying and the distance you are from the major tourist attractions you want to visit.
l Find a local provider of Transport for London tickets or travel cards, since your first bargain purchase will be an Oyster Card. Traveling around London with an Oyster Card will give you access to the cheapest option of transportation methods and the Oyster Card is accepted citywide on buses, boats and the London Underground, known by the locals as “the tube”.
l Seek out your nearest Tube Station. The Tube is the cheapest and most reliable form of transportation and runs from around 6 a.m. until around 1 a.m. ..., depending on the line or the station.
There are 287 tube stations in London that accept the Oyster Card, with a high concentration in central London. If you are staying anywhere in central London, there will be a tube station less than 10 minutes away.
The Transport for London website offers a tube station search facility to find the nearest subway station to any location in the city. When you find a tube station, you can easily locate the closest bus stop by using the comparison bus-tube maps at the station’s entrance.
l Follow the Transport for London Tube Guide to your destinations and always plan ahead. Making a plan for transport will save you unnecessary expenses, wasted trips on the tube and doubling back on your journey .
小题1:What’s the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
A.To introduce the public transport system in London.
B.To show readers how to use the Oyster Card.
C.To prove the subway in London is easy to use.
D.To offer tips for saving transport costs in London.
小题2:Which of the following can help a traveler spend the least money on transport?
A.Trying different transportation methods.
B.Taking buses as much as possible.
C.Traveling with an Oyster Card.
D.Making a plan before your journey.
小题3:By visiting the Transport for London website, people can ________.
A.identify their own locationB.locate the nearest bus station
C.find the nearest subway stationD.use an online map to avoid getting lost
小题4:We can conclude from the passage that ________.
A.the subway is the cheapest means of transport in London.
B.only Tube stations in Central London accept Oyster Card.
C.subway lines in London run no less than 19 hours a day.
D.the transfer from subway to bus is very convenient.


小题1:D 推理题。根据文章2,3行The following steps can help you find cheaper alternatives for transport for your London trip.说明本文的目的是给来伦敦旅游的人提供省钱的建议。故D项正确。
小题2:C 推理题。根据第二个建议部分的your first bargain purchase will be an Oyster Card 。Traveling around London with an Oyster Card will give you access to the cheapest option of transportation methods and the Oyster Card is accepted citywide on buses, boats and the London Underground, known by the locals as “the tube”.可知an Oyster Card可以让人们花最少的钱,是一种最节约的方式。故C正确。
小题3:C 细节题。根据第3个建议的第三段The Transport for London website offers a tube station search facility to find the nearest subway station to any location in the city.说明登陆London website可以让我们找到最近的路线。故C正确。
小题4:A 推断题。根据第三个建议的第一段The Tube is the cheapest and most reliable form of transportation and runs from around 6 a.m. until around 1 a.m. ..., depending on the line or the station.说明地铁是伦敦最便宜,最值得信赖的的交通工具。故A正确。
Are you tired of the same old schedule on Mother’s Day? Well, here are some new ideas to help you enjoy that special day with your mother.
While it seems almost a tradition to take your mother out for dinner on Mother’s Day, perhaps this year you could try something else. You could invite her to a restaurant before or after the actual day. This way you don’t have to fight the crowds, and the prices will be lower.
Take your mother out for a picnic lunch if the weather is nice. You and she can enjoy the cool breeze under the shade of a tree while having a nice meal that you have made for her. Be sure to pack some of her favorite foods.
Another idea would be to invite your mother to go bowling(打保龄球). Even if she has never bowled in her life, trying something new is always interesting.
You could treat her to a movie she is dying to see, and make sure you buy her all the popcorn and candies she can eat. If you are a male, the chances are you won’t like the movie she wants to see, so instead you could go to the mall and get your picture taken with your mother, which she can proudly display in her house.
Take her to a spa on Mother’s Day. She has been working so hard and needs a way to release her stress.
If she doesn’t want to go to a spa, buy her special soaps and oils so she can relax herself in her own tub. There are various types of soaps and oils with delicious flavors available. You could also buy her some scented (芬芳的) candles that she could light by her tub to make the atmosphere peaceful.
No matter what you choose, make sure you do something special for the woman who took care of you for so long.
Title: Special ideas for Mother’s Day
Be tired of the same old schedule on Mother’s Day.
1) _______
Go out for dinner before or after Mother’s Day
Avoid the (2) ______
Have lower prices
Go out for a (3) ______ lunch
Enjoy the cool breeze under the shade of a tree
Enjoy a nice meal that you have made for her
Invite her to go bowling
Something new is always (4) ________
See a (5) ______ or take a photo with her
She can proudly display the (6) ______ in her house.
Take her to a (7) _____
She needs a way to release her stress.
Buy her special (8) _____ and oils and scented candles
She can relax in her tub and enjoy the (9) ______ atmosphere.
Make sure you do something (10) ____ for your mother.
Lakes, ponds, and beaches mean summer fun and cool relaxation from hot weather. But water also can be dangerous for kids if you don't take great care. Nearly 1,000 kids die each year by drowning.
Here are some tips to keep your kids safe in the water:
At the Lake or Pond
·Don't let little kids swim alone without adult supervision— lakes or ponds may be shallow near the bank and are suddenly deep sharply further out from shore.
·Ponds and lakes may hide jagged rocks, broken glass, or rubbish.
·Make sure kids wear foot protection; even in the water, they should wear socks or water shoes.
·Watch out for weeds and grass in the water that could trap a leg or arm.
·Most boating accidents, particularly among teenagers, are related to alcohol(饮酒). Be sure teens know about the dangers of alcohol, on and off the water.
At the Beach
·Teach kids to always swim when and where a lifeguard is on duty. Unlike the calm waters of a swimming pool, the beach has special dangers like currents and tides(暗流). Check with the lifeguard when you arrive to find out about the water conditions.
·Tell kids never to stand with their back to the water because a sudden wave can easily knock a child over.
·Teach kids that if they're caught in a dangerous wave, they should swim parallel(顺行地) to the shore or should tread (踩)water and call for a lifeguard's help.
Whether at the lake or at the beach, teach your child to get out of the water during bad weather, especially lightning.
小题1:Which is the right behavior when swimming at the beach?
A.Go off the water without a lifeguard on duty
B.Go on swimming in a heavy rain
C.Go off the water before checking the water conditions
D.Call for help if caught in a dangerous wave
小题2:A child should_________ at a lake.
A.swim on his/her own
B.be careful about weeds and grass
C.swim without shoes on
D.drink only a little wine
小题3:Swimming at a beach is more dangerous than in a pool because          .
A.there are no lifeguards at a beach
B.there are currents and tides at a beach
C.the waters of a beach are more calm.
D.the waters of a pool are warmer
小题4:The passage is probably written for          .
A.students at schoolB.kids who want to learn swimming
C.parents with little childrenD.coaches who teach kids to swim
小题5:In which column(栏目) of a magazine can you find this passage?
Mrs. Amatuli was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time,I was getting ready to eat my same old tuna fish(金枪鱼)sandwich and suddenly Mrs. Amatuli asked me if she could buy my sandwich from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot lunch from the cafeteria.
I was thrilled. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my family,and I always carried my lunch and brought the bag back home to use again the next day. My sandwiches were either bologna(大香肠)or tuna fish. It rarely varied beyond that.
You can understand my delight when I had the opportunity to buy a hot lunch.
When we finished lunch that day. Mrs. Amatuli took me aside and said she wanted to explain why she had bought my sandwich. I really didn’t care why, but it gave me a few minutes of her precious attention so I was very quiet as she explained. You see,she was Catholic and she told me that Catholics didn’t eat red meat on Fridays—they ate fish on Fridays.
Oh,I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my mama that from now on 1 wanted tuna fish on Fridays. After my mama understood why,she gladly fixed tuna fish for me on Fridays. She even fixed it on brown bread because she knew Mrs. Amatuli liked brown bread. From then on. every Friday I could get in line with the rest of the kids for a hot lunch. I didn’t care how many of the kids complained about cafeteria food—it tasted divine to me!
I realize now that Mrs. Amatuli could have fixed herself a tuna sandwich of Friday. But she bought my sandwich because she saw a 1ittle girl who was thrilled over the simple act of having a hot lunch.
I will never forget her for her compassion and generosity and what I should do is to follow her example.
小题1:Mrs.Arnatuli bought the writer’s sand wish because_____________.
A.she was tired of cafeteria food
B.she hated getting in line with kids
C.she didn’t eat red meat on Friday
D.she wanted to show care to the writer
小题2:What can we learn about the cafeteria food?
A.It was terrific.B.It was terrible.
C.The writer enjoyed it.D.Most kids were fond of it.
小题3:The underlined word "divine" in Paragraph 5 means___________.
小题4:Which of the following can best show the theme of this text?
A.It is hard to please all.
B.Better to give than to receive.
C.Love makes the world go around.
D.The more you offer,the more you are rewarded.
"Everybody loves a bargain." One person’s useless, ugly, or broken object can be another person's bargain.That is why so many Americans do not throw things away.They put them outside their houses.They put on a "For Sale" sign.And, as simple as that, they have a yard sale.
The sellers put a paid announcement in a local newspaper.It tells, when and where the yard sale will take place.These sales are very popular during weekends in spring, summer, and autumn.Early in the morning, all the things to be sold are carried out of the house.Then they sit all day in the sunlight—like tired guests at a party—waiting for someone to take them home.
Just about anything can be sold at a yard sale.Sometimes, there are more clothes than anything else.Cooking equipment is also popular.So are old toys, tools, books, tables and chairs.
Then there are objects called "white elephants".A white elephant is something you think is extremely ugly or useless.It may be an electric light shaped like a fish.You feel a sharp pain whenever you look at it.To someone else, however, it might be a thing of beauty and joy.
Some people go to yard sales to find a special thing that they collect.It may be old toy trains, for example, or paintings of dogs.Experts say more Americans are collecting old things now than ever before.Most people who go to yard sales, however, are not looking for anything special.They might buy an object simply because it costs so little. They enjoy negotiating(谈判)over prices, even if they really do not need the object.Later, they may hold their own yard to sell all the things they have bought.
小题1:What kind of things will go to a yard sale?
A.Things people no longer use.B.Things of great, value.
C.Things out of season.D.Things of beauty and joy.
小题2:A white elephant refers to something _____.
A.that can cause a feeling of pain
B.disliked by the owners while appreciated by others
C.that looks like a golden fish
D.sold at the lowest prices in the old newspaper
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true about a yard sale?
A.It is held outdoors.B.It may not be held on a cold day.
C.It can last for a whole day.D.It is usually held with a party.
Kids Fishing Photo Contest
It certainly isn’t hard to “ picture it”, that is – smiles, laughs, looks of anticipation (期望) and excitement. So, join in the fun, catch the excitement of your child on film while fishing and enter his or her picture in the yearly Kids Fishing Photo Contest! The contest is sponsored by Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries (VDGIF) in celebration of National Fishing Week!
The winning pictures are those that best catch the theme “kids enjoying fishing”. Children in the first through third place photographs of each category will receive different fishing-related prizes. Winning pictures will also be posted on the VDGIF website and may be used in all kinds of VDGIF publications. There is no need to be a professional photographer. Any photo will do.
Contest Rules
·Children in the photographs must fall into one of the following age groups when the picture is taken: 1—4, 6—10.
·Photos must not be more than 1 year old.
·Photos must be taken in Virginia.
·Children in a boat must be wearing a life jacket.
·Only one photo submission (提交) per child.
·Submit the photo on photograph quality paper, no CD’s accepted.
·Photos must not be bigger than “4×6” size.
·Please stick a piece of paper to the back of the photo including: name, age, address, phone number and location where the photograph was taken.
·A Photo Contest Release Form (PDF) must be submitted along with the photograph.
·Photos must be postmarked on or before April 19, 2013.
·Judging will take place in May and winners will be posted on the VDGIF website.
·Prizes will be sent directly to the winning children.
·This contest isn’t open to immediate family of VDGIF employees and sponsors. Immediate family members refer to children, siblings (同胞) or others living in the same household with a VDGIF or sponsor employee.
To Enter:
Send your photo, with the child’s name, age, phone number and address, along with the Photo Contest Release Form (PDF), to:
Kids Fishing Photo Contest
Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries
P.O. Box 11104
Richmond, VA 23230–1104
小题1:The advertisement is intended for ________.
A.children who are below 11 years old
B.people whose children like fishing
C.those who are good at photos
D.those whose parents like fishing
小题2: The purpose of the contest is to ________.
A.encourage people to take more pictures
B.help people realize the importance of fishing
C.celebrate a national fishing-related activity
D.encourage people to go fishing with kids
小题3: Which of the following photos can enter the contest?
A. A photo which is in a CD.
B. A photo in which there is a 12-year-old girl.
C. A big photo which is “8×10” size.
D. A photo which was taken in Virginia on July 23, 2012.
小题4: What should be sent with the photo together?
A. A life jacket.
B. A quality CD.
C. A stamped addressed envelope.
D. A Photo Contest Release Form.
“How was school, Ben?” I asked my grandson after he began kindergarten(幼儿园) this year. “The work is too long… and there’s not enough time to play,” he replied.
I couldn’t help but remember Ben’s own mother, my daughter, Jane, and her reaction(反应) to the first day of school. Julie was also disappointed with the first day of school and so was her little sister. My three-year-old daughter announced angrily after her big sister got on the big yellow school bus, “I want to go ‘sool’ and you not let me!”
When Julie returned home that afternoon, I asked her the same question that I asked Ben, “How was school, Julie?” Julie replied, “I didn’t learn to read today.”
This year as the school bus passed my house, my mind went back to those school days again. I could almost smell the chalk dust in the air. I also wonder what the children these days manage to get chosen to do in order to get out of school for a few moments since there are no erasers to clean. It was fun to be “chosen” for eraser cleaning duty. This was a task finished by going outside and beating erasers together while sneezing and coughing. No wonder so many babies now have allergies(过敏症), and it’s simply because we all have chalk dust in our lungs!
On the first day of school, the expectation was so great that I would be ready long before it was time to leave for school. We didn’t have backpacks because we had cigar boxes. We carried our small supplies inside a cigar box from one of the local stores. We saved the cigar boxes and used them from year to year until they fell apart.
The first day of school was exciting. It was a new beginning. The doors of knowledge had been opened. The first day of school is an event in our lives that most of us remember. It’s a big step for a small child toward leaving babyhood and so “there isn’t enough time to play”.
小题1:Why did Jane become angry according to the passage?
A.Because she didn’t learn to read on the first day of school.
B.Because there was too much work for her to do at school.
C.Because she had no time to play at school.
D.Because she was not allowed to go to school.
小题2:The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 suggests that       .
A.the author was thinking of her school days jokingly
B.the author warned students against the harm of chalk dust
C.the author suffered from an allergy because of chalk dust
D.the author doubted whether her lungs had chalk dust
小题3:In the opinion of the author, the first day of school is        .
A.a day when a child is the happiest
B.a day when a child does much work
C.the beginning of great learning
D.the end of childhood full of toys
Mobile phones are everywhere in big cities. It seems that   36  can survive without one. Mobile phones are a great   37  to stay connected with friends and family.   38  , it is important to remember that there are certain times   39  you should not be using your phone, especially as a student, during school.
__40  you are in class, you should not be sending your friends text messages   41 taking phone calls. Your classmates and teacher should not have to deal with this rude   42  . Aren’t you at school to learn?
In the United States, students would never be allowed to   43  their mobile phones during class. If you were to send or   44  a text message you would probably be kicked   45_ class. It is very disturbing to hear a lot of tones and ringing during   46 . There are many more rules for mobile phone use in America and it is to   47  respect for those around you.
As a teacher in China, I have to   48  students using mobile phones every day. I have told my class to   49  their phones, but many students do not listen. The   50  to be connected all the time seems to be more   51  than the desire to learn.
It’s easy to understand   52  it is so tempting(诱惑人的) to have your phone on during class. It seems so easy just to send a short text message; it’s not hurting anyone, is it? But you may actually be hurting   53  when you do this. Your teacher knows when you use your phone and may give you a   54  grade. Sending a text message also takes your attention away from what’s going on in class, you may   55  something important.
A.oneB.somebodyC.someoneD.no one
A.orB.andC.as well asD.instead of
A.ofB.offC.outD.out of
A.doB.dealC.do withD.deal with
A.turn onB.turn downC.turn offD.turn in

It was a Friday afternoon. An elderly lady was doing the   21  in a supermarket. When she returned to her 22 , she found four men in the act of   23  her car. So she  24  her shopping bags and took out her   25 , screaming at the top of her voice, “I have a gun, and I know how to use it!   26  the car!”
The four men didn’t   27  for a second threat. They all got out immediately and   28  like mad.
After she got into the   29   seat and prepared to drive away, she was   30  that she could not get her key into the ignition (点火开关). She   31  over and over again, and then she suddenly realized why,   32  she found that there was a football, a jacket and two packs of cigarettes in the front seat.
A few minutes later, she saw her own car   33  four or five spaces farther down. She put her bags into the car and drove to the police station to report her  34 .
The police officer to whom she told the story couldn’t stop  35 . He pointed to the other end of the corner, where four   36  men were reporting that their car was   37  by a mad, elderly woman   38  as white, less than five feet tall, glasses, curly white hair, and   39  a large handgun. Not surprisingly, the elderly lady felt very sorry for what she had done, and   40  to the four men.
A.running afterB.leaving withC.looking atD.taking apart
A.Get out ofB.Go away withC.Take awayD.Watch out
A.driver’s B.passenger’sC.backD.middle
A.guiltyB.embarrassed C.surprisedD.disappointed

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