
【题目】The development of the city's industry __________ its environment pollution.

A. has added up

B. has added to

C. has added up to

D. was added to


【解析】此题考查add的相关短语。add up……加起来;add to增加;add up to总共是。根据句意这个城市工业的发展增加了环境污染。可知选B。


【题目】For the last couple of weeks, I had been stuck in front of my computer working on a project that was very important to me. My every waking hour was consumed by the project and although I imagined that I would feel happy after completing parts of the project, I was confused to find that instead, I was feeling rather depressed. I tried a range of methods to help cheer myself up. I had a relaxing bath, cooked a delicious meal to enjoy with my family and even watched a lighthearted movie, but______It was only when I turned to meditation(沉思)for a solution that the answer came to me: turn to nature!

The very next day, I grabbed my camera and a bottle of water and set off to spend a few hours walking in a nature reserve, even though it was pouring with rain. Within a couple of minutes I felt alive again. To be honest, I felt like a young school girl again and had to stop myself from hopping along the path singing, "I'm singing in the rain", a song I used to sing when I was a child. I think as adults we often try too hard to control our inner children and as a result we restrain(限制) our own spirits, which only leads to depression and stress.

Interestingly, it has been shown that people who spend 40 minutes walking in a nature reserve have a drop in their blood pressure levels, but this does not happen when they spend a similar amount of time walking in a busy city centre.

If you feel a little low in spirit and know that you have spent too much time indoors, relax completely, remove your shoes and let your inner child come out and play.

1The author walked in a nature reserve in the rain in order to__________.

A. take photos

B. cheer herself up

C. hop along the path

D. find a solution to the project

2The underlined part "to no avail" in Paragraph 1 probably means " __________".

A. uninteresting B. unrelated

C. unsuccessful D. unexpected

3In the author's opinion, __________.

A. a bath can make people relaxed

B. adults should express their inner feelings freely

C. walking in a busy city centre harms people's health

D. depression is usually caused by hard work

4The last paragraph mainly serves as a(n) __________.

A. suggestion B. explanation

C. introduction D. reminder

【题目】We are humansand we all make mistakes. The mistakes that we make are not usually on purposewhether it is breaking a vaseor not completing a task.1This article will provide you with ideas as to what to do once a mistake has been made.

Admit that you make a mistake as soon as you discover it. Delaying it longer will only make you feel worseor may drive you toward making the wrong decision to try and cover it up.

2Do not play the“blame game"Most people are smart enough to realize that this is just a poor attempt to protect yourself. Perhaps you gave a task to another person and it was never completed. But is it really the entire fault of the person you gave the task to or is it partially your fault for not following up? Keep this in mind before placing the blame on someone else.

3Maybe you broke your mother's favorite vaseor even forgot a friend's birthday. Just an apology can sometimes be viewed as a“quick fix"and apologizing and asking to be forgiven gives the person opportunity to forgive you.

Offer some compensation(补偿)for lossdamageor injury caused.4By doing thisit may soften the blow to the person we've disappointed.

Learn from your mistakes. In the case of a job or a taskwrite a“to-do" list with the deadline before leaving the meeting. As for forgetting a birthdayput the birthday on an electronic calendar for next year.

Do better next time.5We should try to understand what happened and try to make sure that it won't happen again.

ATake responsibility.

BNever repeat your mistakes.

CApologize and ask for forgiveness.

DPeople’s faith in us can reduce quickly.

E. So sometimes it is necessary to write a letter to say sorry.

F. But not everyone knows how to admit making a mistake.

G. Offer to immediately complete the late task or pay for the vase.

【题目】The government of Norway is planning to build an unusual storage center on an island in the Arctic Ocean. The place would be large enough to hold about two million seeds. The goal is to present all crops known to scientists. The British magazine New Scientist published details of the plan last month. The structure will be designed to protect the world’s food supply against nuclear war, climate change and other possible threats. It will be built in a mountain on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. The mountain is less than one thousand kilometers from the North Pole, the northernmost position on earth.

An international group called the Global Crop Diversity Trust is working on the project. The director of the group, Cary Fowler, spoke to New Scientist. He said the project would let the world rebuild agriculture if, in his word, “the worst came to the worst”. Norway is expected to start work next year. The project is expected to cost three million dollars. Workers will drill(钻孔) deep in the side of a sandstone mountain. Temperatures in the area never rise above 0C. The seeds will be protected behind walls a meter thick and high-security door.

The magazine report says the collection will represent the products of ten thousand years of farming. Most of the seeds at first will come from collections at seed banks in Africa, Asia and Latin America. To last a long time, seeds need to be kept in very low temperatures. Workers will not be present all the time. But they plan to replace the air inside the storage space each winter. Winter temperatures on the island are about eighteen degrees below 0C. The cold weather would protect the seeds even if the air could not be replaced.

Mr. Fowler says the proposed structure will be the world’s safest gene bank. He says the plant seeds would only be used when all other seeds are gone for some reason. Norway first put forward the idea in the 1980s. But safety concerns delayed the plan. At that time, the Soviet Union was meeting in Rome of the Food and Agriculture Organization.

【1】The project is meant to ______.

A.increase the world’s food output in the future

B.carry out some scientific experiments on plant genes

C.build an exhibition centre of the world’s plant seeds

D.protect crop seeds from dying out in case of possible disasters

【2】Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the above passage?

A.The government of Norway will perform the project alone.

B.Seeds to be collected there were produced ten thousand years ago.

C.Spitsbergen is chosen because it is free of the nuclear war forever.

D.Temperature is a major consideration when choosing the storage place.

【3】We can infer from the text that _______.

A.Norway had meant to build the storage centre about 20 years before.

B.The storage center will greatly promote world agriculture

C.People will get newly-developed seeds from the center every year.

D.There haven’t been any seed storage centers in the world before.

【4】What is probably the best title of the passage?

A.The Best Place to Store Seeds

B.Noah’s Ark(诺亚方舟)of Plant Seeds in Plan

C.Concerns of World Food Supply

D.A New Way to Feed the World

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