
People want to get ahead when they are working in office, but not everyone can reach the goal. Let’s read the passage and we believe you can understand something useful for your working in the office.
A is for always getting to work on time.
B is for being very busy.
C is for the conscientious (勤勤恳恳) way you do your job .
You may be all these kinds of people at the office, and even more. But when it comes to getting ahead, some experts say, the ABCs above are not enough, a P should be included, for P—politics, as in office politics.
Dale Carneigie suggested much about office politics(策略) more than 90 years ago: Hard work alone doesn’t ensure career advancement. You have to be able to sell yourself and your ideas, both publicly and behind the scenes. Yet, in spite of the obvious rewards of engaging in office politics, a better job, a raise, praise, but many people are still unable or unwilling to “play the game.”
“People think that office politics involves some manipulative (工于心计的) behavior, ” says Deborah Comer , an assistant professor of management at Hofstra University. “But politics comes from the word ‘polite’. It can also mean controlling and forming associations (交往). It can mean being kind and helpful, or even trying to please your boss, and then expecting something in return.”
In fact, today, experts explain office politics as proper behavior used to go after one’s own self-interest in the workplace. In many cases, this involves some forms of socializing within the office environment—not just in large companies, but in small workplaces as well.
“The first thing people are usually judged on is their ability to perform well on their work,” says Neil P. Lewis, a management psychologist. “But if two or three candidates (候选人) are up for a position, each of whom has reasonably similar ability, a manager is going to choose the person he or she likes best to get ahead. It’s simple human nature.
Yet, psychologists say, many employees and employers have trouble with the concept of politics in the office. Some people, they say, have an idealistic vision of work and what it takes to succeed. Still others connect office politics with flattery (奉承) , fearful that, if they speak up for themselves, they may appear to be flattering their boss for favors.
Experts suggested that office politics should be the need for some self-promotion (晋升).
72. The underlined “Office politics” in (Para 5) is used in the passage to refer to ______.
A. the habit of getting to work on time.
B. the political views and beliefs of office workers.
C. the interpersonal relationships within a company.
D. the various qualities required for a successful career.
73. Why are many people unwilling to “play the game ”(Para.6)?
A. They believe that doing so is not polite.
B. They feel that such behavior is unprincipled(不道德的.)
C. They do like the manipulating workmates.
D. They think the effort will get them nothing.
74. The author considers office politics to be _______.
unwelcome at the workplace.
bad for interpersonal relationships.
impossible to the development of company culture.
an important factor for personal advancement.
75. It is the experts’ view that _______.
A. speaking up for oneself is part of human nature.
B. office politics is necessary to self-advancement.
C. hard work is of little importance to one’s promotion.
D. all employees can recognize the need for flattery.




In many parts of the world, cars play an important role in daily life and many societies would not exist without them. So the idea that in 20 years’ time, no one will own cars may be hard to believe. But this is the prediction made by a team of transport researchers, which are taken seriously, not only by government but also by car manufacturers.

The Human Science and Advanced Technology Institute at Loughborough in the UK is part of an international research program. The team there believes that by 2030 all cars will be computerized, which will mean much saving, no accidents and better use of roads. The super-intelligent car of the 21st century will drive itself, and it will not be owned by one individual. Instead, we will have a choice of cars and change them as frequently as we change our clothing.

According to Dr. David Davis, who leads the research team, these predictions are based on the rising cost of the car culture, which had blocked up our cities, polluted our air, and caused more deaths than both world wars put together.

Davis says, cars will be fitted with some intelligent devices to regulate the distance between one car and another. The car will automatically (自动的) speed up, or slow down, to match the speed of the car in front. Computers are much safer drivers than people, so cars in a road train will be able to drive much closer together than cars driven by people.

By 2020. Dr. David Davis believes, car technology will give motorists a clear view of the road, whatever the weather conditions, by projecting an image of the road ahead on to the car’s windscreen. And by 2030, cars will travel in convoy, linked to each other electronically. Cars will be connected to the car in front, just like a train. “The front vehicle in such a train burns the normal amount of fuel.” says Davis. ‘‘But all the others in the train would burn about ten percent of the normal amount, and so produce about ten percent of the pollution.”

We know from the passage that governments and car manufacturers_______.

A. are devoted to the technological revolution in car industry

B. consider the predictions seriously

C. do not believe the prediction that no one will own cars by 2030

D. have put the super-intelligent car into mass production

Which of the following will be the characteristic of the cars of 2030?

A. The car will speed up out of control.

B. We will own as many cars as we want.

C. Cars will produce more pollution than present ones.

D. All cars will be driven by computers.

The expression closest in meaning to the phrase “in convoy” in the last paragraph is________.

A. sidelong         B. in line    

C. side by side         D. shoulder to shoulder

What will happen if cars are joined to each other electronically in 2020?

A. There will be less pollution caused by car.

B. Motorists will get a clear view of the road.

C. The weather condition will not have effect On motorists.

D. All trains will burn less fuel than present.


My sister and I grew up in a little village in England.Our father was a struggling   36   , but I always knew he was   37    . He never criticized us, but used   38    to bring out our best. He'd say,“If you pour water on flowers, they  flourish. If you don't give them water, they die.” I   39   as a child I said something   40   about somebody, and my father said, “   41   time you say something unpleasant about somebody else, it's a reflection of yourself.” He explained that if I looked for the best   42    people, I would get the best   43  . From then on I've always tried to   44  the principle in my life and later in running my company.

Dad's also always been very    45    . At 15, I started a magazine. It was   46   a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a    47   stay in school or leave to work on my magazine.

I decided to leave, and Dad tried to sway me from my decision,    48    any good father would.When he realized I had made up my mind, he said, “Richard, when I was 23, my dad   49   me to go into law. And I've   50    regretted it. I wanted to be a biologist,    51     I didn't pursue my    52   . You know what you want. Go fulfill it.”

As   53   turned out, my little publication went on to become Student, a national    54    for young people in the U.K. My wife and I have two children, and I'd like to think we are bringing them up in the same way Dad   55   me.

A.biologist     B.manager       C.lawyer       D.gardener

A.strict         B.honest         C.special       D.learned

A.praise        B.courage        C.power       D.warmth

A.think        B.imagine      C.remember    D.guess

A.unnecessary        B.unkind      C.unimportant          D.unusual

A.Another      B.Some         C.Any         D.Other

A.on          B.in            C.at           D.about

A.in case       B.by turns       C.by chance    D.in return

A.revise        B.set          C.review       D.follow

A.understanding    B.experienced      C.serious      D.demanding

A, taking up     B.making up     C.picking up           D.keeping up

A.suggestion B.decision       C.notice         D.choice

A.and              B.as                  C.even if              D.as if

A.helped            B.allowed      C.persuaded    D.suggested

A.always            B.never        C.seldom              D.almost

A.rather     B.but           C.for          D.therefore

A.promise   B.task           C.belief               D.dream

A.which B.he            C.it           D.that

A.newspaper B.magazine      C.program             D.project

A.controlled   B.comforted      C.reminded            D.raised

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